HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/16/2007
Report and Review on
Capital Facilities Project
and Financing
Recommendation to
Clallam Transit
Regarding Bid for
Construction of Gateway
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Port Angeles, Washington
March 16, 2007
Mayor Rogers called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
2:09 p.m.
Members Present:
Mayor Rogers, Deputy Mayor Williams, Councilmembers
Braun, Headrick, Munro, Petersen, and Wharton
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Manager Madsen, Attorney Bloor, Deputy Clerk Hagar, G.
Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Agesson,
G. Kenworthy, M. Puntenney, N. West, B. Sterling, T. Pierce
and J. Harper.
Public Present:
G. Bawden, C. Kidd, S. Ruddell, S. Barnhart, and P.
Lamoureux. All others present in the audience failed to sign
the roster.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Headrick.
Report and Review on Capital Facilities Project and Financing.
Consider Recommendation to Clallam Transit Regarding Bidfor Construction
of Gateway Project.
Using PowerPoint slides, Finance Director Ziomkowski reviewed the status of Capital
Projects Funding. She noted that Council has the flexibility to either proceed with these
projects or defer them to the future.
Manager Madsen then used PowerPoint slides to review the Gateway Project.
Director Ziomkowski then described funding sources for the Gateway project. She
explained the cost of the project amounts to $14.6 million, $11.4 million are available,
leaving a funding shortfall of$3.1 million.
Manager Madsen explained that action is not required on the funding source this evening,
as these projects take more than a year to complete and within that time frame, staffwill
be working on grant requests as well as other possible funding sources. A final funding
outline and recommendation will be presented to the Council in the future.
Councilmember Williams moved to recommend to Clallam Transit System that it
. '.a\.yard a contract for the Gateway project with the base bid and the two additives:
, "the pavilion and parking garage. Councilmember Petersen seconded the motion.
Lengthy discussion followed with each Council member speaking to the motion. Staff
responded to questions providing additional information. Of particular concern was the
number of parking spaces and whether the City should start with only the lower level
parking now, adding the lid in the future. Also of concern was the need for preserving
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March 16,2007
Report and Review on
Capital Facilities Project
and Financing (Cont'd)
Recommendation to
Clallam Transit
Regarding Bid for
Construction of Gateway
Project (Cont'd)
Sale of Light Operations
the City's reserve funds for future emergencies as they have decreased significantly over
the past several years.
After further discussion and clarification of funding sources, a vote was taken on the
motion, which carried six to one, with Councilmember Headrick voting in
CouncilmemberWilliams moved to halt all projects that are not now in process and
move forward with those that are. Councilmember Braun seconded the motion.
Councilmember Munro expressed concern over the finance plan and freezing the projects,
feeling there should be a time limit on freezing the projects. He asked for an amendment
to the motion making the freeze effective for a certain period of time. This would allow
time for discussion by appropriate committees regarding the various projects so that
recommendations can be made at a future meeting.
Councilmember Williams amended the motion to halt the projects for a period of
eight weeks to allow staff to review the budget and advise if any projects from the
list can move forward. Councilmember Braun agreed as seconder of the motion.
A vote was made on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mayor Rogers asked if discussion could be held on the sale of the downtown Light
Operations property. Manager Madsen responded affirmatively, as it has been discussed
as part of the status of capital projects under consideration. Councilmember Wharton
disclosed a conflict of interest, as her spouse is one of the partners in Family Medicine,
which is interested in purchasing this property. Councilmember Wharton left the Council
Chambers at 3:47 p.m.
The Council discussed several options.
Councilmember Williams moved to ratify the Council action taken by the City
Council in 1986, declaring the City Light Operations Building and its property
surplus, to direct staffto obtain interim space and shop facilities to house the Light
Operations Division, and to authorize the City Manager to arrange for the sale of
the Light Operations property, with revenue from such sale to be held for future
development of a new Light Operations facility. Councilmember Braun seconded
the motion. Following further discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Based on input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Rogers announced the need for an Executive
Session under the authority of RCW 42.30.11 0(1 )(i), to discuss potential litigation and
RCW 42.30.11 0(1 )(g) review performance of public employee with possible action to
follow. The Executive Session convened at 4:00 p.m. and, at 5:00 p.m., the Executive
Session was extended to 5:45 p.m. by announcement of the Mayor.
The Executive Session concluded at 5 :45 p.m., and the Council convened in regular open
session. No action was taken.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
Ka en A. Rogers, Mayor Becky J. Upt Ci lerk
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