HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/17/1943 March 17th 1943 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ""'Ill 499 19_ T"'C< 4 IIU....., .<<Tn.. ""HI"~~': ~R'''''.._ ."HI" I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A. M. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call showed the following officers present. Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Be..... and Masters, Attorney Johnston and Clerk Hewkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits, the following was' ilranted: F. J. Hart, 227 West 14th St. build garage, Lot 13 Block 388 Townsite The C~..ission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn forrsame: CITY STREET FUND Peyro 11 C. LeRoy Sarff Middleton Motor Parts Co Middle ton Motor Parts Co Union Oil Co Frank Macdonal d &; Sons Frank Macdonald &; Sons D &: B Battery &: Electric Station tsaacson Iron Works Isaacson Iron ~;ork8 Isaacson Iron Works Western Tractor &; Equipment Co Washington Asphalt Co Washington Asphalt Co Washington Asphalt Co No. 3246 to 3256 FH ioe; Sews Parts Parts Kerosene &: Lub Oil Shop Work Shop nork Repairs Repairs Parts Control Valve Assembly Bush ing &: Plug Mix '" truck rental Mix &: truck rental Mix CURIiE1l'L E::r:I'8_~SE ];'lam Union Bond & Uortgage Richfield ViI Cor~, Larrick r s Cafe 4 Port Angeles Motors George I s Service Statim.... Union Oil Co. Art Burnside & Co. Ee st::;a" Kodak Stores, Inc. James Hardware Co. Frank Macdonald & Sons Frank Macdonald & ~ons Middleton Motor Parts D & B Battery & Electric Station Port Angeles Evening News illympic Stationers Eureka Fire Hose m vision Eureka Fire Hose Division N. If:, Hawkins United Janitor Supply Co. Premo on City Attorney bond uasoline ~eals for Prinsoners Adjust 3rakes Repairs, etc. Anti Freeze Ua 5 Guns rilm Ha rdwa re Shop "'ark Shop Work Parts Sho!" Work Letterheads, etc. Supplies 1 Cap Gold. Strap Sala ry Hi Gloss Wax !!A5ER D::PftJlTI~i\'I' Clallam Adjust:::ent Corp. Port ~n~eles ~uto Supply Co. JaIl'.es Hardware Co. Elk Dng Co, Middleton Motor Parts Coe. Ccll, Deliq. Accounts Supplies Tools Band A:..d Tools L1 GH. 'I'.J2~PAJl'IJ!.E:N.1: Ci ty Treas~rer 51allam Adjustment ~orp. Shell Oil Co., Inc. ~iddleton Motor Pa~ts Westbghouse ille ctr;,c Supply Cash Payments Com. on CoIl. Delinqaent Accts. Oil Solder y,eters Jete. ):AIlIU''UND - PLAYFIELD l'hermador Ele ctri eal l'fg. Co. 3wi tches L. L D. _9W.RANTY FUND City Treasurer City Treasurer City Treasurer Assessment s Assessments Assessr.lents hI~_Jl~'JOLmJQ ]UND City Treasurer Ci ty Treasurer City Trea surer City Treasurer Assessments I~ 1~jJ /' ~) iY'1 '" "'.--- ,'" 15- c\'\S RESOLUTION Under the head of IntrodLi.ction of Resolu.tions the followif1.g resolutio:::s were introduced: 1150.00 '1l7.5O 2.58 25.55 1.62 46.72 89.79 26.73 2.06 35.80 393 .28 85.80 1.89 1757 .39 2476.39 1442 .00 5.00 74.18 53.30 8.06 40.91 2.88 36.11 4.83 7.21 3.64 9.28 7.97 1.29 63.96 24.15 3.56 .77 108.17 12.62 4.30 3.47 2.27 1.03 1.13 (J- 'l~' 70.21 5.77 32.63 6.08 225.84 .83 ~ t1 ",-1 93.13 81.90 249.85 81. 27 138.39 43.31 152.82 Wl'ERE~S, The "ity of Port Angeles, is the owner of the following des:Crcbed real property, having acquired the same by Treasurer's Deed dated March 12, 1943, under and ~y virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Re~infton's hevised Statutes, Chapter 143, of the Laws of 1929, Page 365, to-wit: Lots Th,elvc (12) and Thirteen (13), Dlock Two Hundred Seven (207) of tLe Tovmsite of Port angeles, :::lallam Count5'rJ Wasrlington, and ~ ..- 500 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Maroh 17, 1943 , 19_ 't"IC" .. "'""I.'t. .""T'I\.K. nUIOMtIls, ~~I"'~"" "".00 I ~rtJEREAS, Francis lIathaniel.,Brough,ton has offered to pure~ase from ,the City of Port Angeles the above des- I cnbed real property for the sum of $331.75, ;Jayable as foliows: $31.75 d~wn,P"J'1Il"nt' and $10.00 on or bef re I the 25th day of April, 1943, and $10.00 on or before the 25th day of each and eVeri m~nth- thereafter until~ I pa~d 10 full, together with the interest on monthly balances at the rate of 7 per cent (%) per ann~T., and I WHEREAS) The City Commission has viewed the SAid property and i's .10'[ ufe '~pi~i~~,rt';{~'t'\.ti'"8' offer is feir value and is in excess of the ~J1;!ount paid by the Ciy fbr said_lpt., pll,l,S al,l L,). /!.. ,as,,-essrrcents, incluc- ing interest and otLer charges against the sa;ne.' Ul___ -' ....UO.....,..:,; '-'. NOW, THER3FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said offer 'oe accepted and that H:e City of 'Port Angeles sell .the said I property at pn vate sale to the said Fy-ancis Nathaniel Broughton for the sum here ic.above set forth sub 'ect to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit olaim deed conv~yi~g said property tothe pruchaser and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles ,be and Le is, , herec;r ~nstr:;cted to execute Send q'!.ut clm..IT deed, and that the r~yor of the City of Port Jlngeles be and he is hereby instructed to cO\.L"ltersigr~ said qiJ:it claim deed, when the purc~se price and all Accrued int- I erest t "lereon has been paid in full. ' ) I It was moved by Cc::"missioner Bea", that the foy-egoing resolution be epproved and adopted. Seconded by Comllissior;er Masters, On roll cell all ",embers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motton carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the foll~wine descrioed i'ea1~pro\),;i€y; havirlg !l~quired tho same by Treasurer's deed, dated Nlueh 4, 1943, under and by virtue cf the authcrity,d'f Section 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143, of the Laws cf 1929, page 365, to-wit: "::".0, "", lots Nine (8) and Twelve (12), 310ck u~~enty~two (72), of the Townsite o~ Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washir,gton, and I , WHEREAS, Guy Bellinger, Sr. and Ilarry E. Bellinger, husband a'1d wife, have offer'd to purchase the above I described real property from tt:e City of Port Angeles for thE sum of $234.91, and I WHEREAS, The City Cc::"mission has viewed the said property and is of tl1e opinion that the offer is fair ,I value and is in excess of the amount raid by the City for said property, plus all L. I. D. assessments, includi:lg 'interest ar.d other charges against tte sa:ne. . I NryN,'THEREFORE, 3E IT RESOlVED tr~t the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said propert~r at privAte sale to the said GLcY 'Jellillger, Sr. and l~ary E. 3ellir.ger, husband and wife, for the sum hereina:,ove set fort_Oj, su~ject to any other valid liens against t~e same; that. t.te City ~ttorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that t~e City Clerk of the City of Port AnGeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit clair' deed, and that the Mayor 01 the city 04 Port ~ngeles be and he is herebw lnstr"cted to countersign said quit claim deed. It was moved by Commissioner Beam thAt tne foregoing resolut~on be approved and adopted. Seconded by ucmmissioner !.'e,sters. On roll call all ",embers voted aye, Tele Ilayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acquired 'he same by Treasurer's Deeds, dated l'arch 12, 1943, and t'arch 16, 1043, under am by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Re~ington's Revised Statutes, chapter 143, of the laws of 1929, page 365, to-Wit: ! La ts One Fourteen Ninet9sn Tcwnsi te (1), 1~0 (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Eight (B), Thirtee~ (13), (10), Fifteen (15), Sixtee~ (16), Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), (19), and TWenty (20), Slack Three Hundred Fifty-o,ne (351), of tte of Port Angeles, Washington, and WHEHIDS, t. t. Tobias has offered to purchase tee aoove described real property from the City of Port ~ngeles for H.e sum of $354.75, and WHEREAS" The City Corrur.ission has viewed the SAid property and is of Lhe Opln1.0n t:~at tne offer is fair value and that at this time it is to the best interest of tr,e City that it stould be accepted and the sale made. I NOW, BEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, t;-,at the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port ,~ng8' es sell the said propertj-' Pot private sale to the said L, A. Tobias; ~or the S.!l,11 hereinabove set forth, subject to any other -,alid liens against the same; that Lhe City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the Furchaser, and that t"e City Clerk of t~le City of Port ~ngeles be and he is hereby ins-:.~ucted to execute sai.d quit claim deed, and t~.at the H8Jror of the Cit;;r of Port Angeles be I and he is hereby instructed to couctersign sa;.d quit claim deed. It was moved by Cor.:missioner Beam that the foregoi~g resolution ~e approved ar.d adopted. Seco~ded by Cormnissioner tastfiI'S, on roll call all rr:embers voted aye. The Mayor declared the rr.otion carried. RESClUT'lON WHEREP.S, T!1e City of Port Angeles; is the Dl'l,lner of the following described real propert~T, having acquired the SRme by Treasurer's deed Dated June 1, 1958, under anc by virtde of the auttority of Sestion 9595 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143, of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: East half (~) of East half (~) of Id Thirteen (13), and West r~lf 0) of Lot Fourteen (14), Block "ourteen (14), Puget Sound Co-'lperative Colony's Subdivision of the Townsite of Port Angeles, W. T" and WHEREAS, M. F. Savage has offered to purcl.ase the a bove described real property from the City of Port Angles for the s"m of $100.00, payable as follows: $10.00 as a down pay~ent and $5.00 on or before tee 22nd day of April, 1943, and$.OO on or before tbe 22nd day of each and every Eonth thereafter until paid in full, together with the interest at the rate of 7% per annum on mD~~hly balances and pAid with the monthly installment, am l WHEREAS, The Cit:t Cormnission has viewed tts said propert~... and is 0: the opinion that the offer is fair va14e p,nd thElt at this tirr.e it is to t,he best interest of the City that it should be accepted and the sale rr.ade. I I NCW, ~HEHEFORE, 3E IT RESOI7F.D, that said offer be accepted and t.hat the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to t[,e SAid l!.. 1'. Savage for the sum hey-einabove set-forth, subject to 'any other I I ,I' I I, I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 501.~ h!arch 17, 1943 19_ I I. I I I valid liens against the samej that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed con- veying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the CHy of Port AngEles be and he is hereby instructed to e.~ecute said quit clain: deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Pert Angeles be erd he is hereby icstructed to countersign said quit claim deed Vlr]en the purchase price and all accrued inlerest thereon has been paid in full. It was moved 8Y Co~~issioner 3earr. that the foregoing resolution ~e approved and apopted. Seconded by Commissior,er Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The ~'ayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION VlHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of Port Angeles considers it equitable, fair, and proper that a uniform policy be established pertaining to the hours of employement, leaves of absence ~~th pay, sick leave with pay, annue.l leave, military leave. and other matters of that nature pertaining to the employees of the City, and WHEREAS, no definite, fixed or uniform policy has heretofore been established, and VlHEREAS, thers have been compiled at the request of the City Commission certain rules governing personnel practices, which rules are attached t.o t.his Resolution and made a part hereof and are numbered Sections 1 to 11, inclusive, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and the City COl1llllission of the City of Port Angeles that here- after the attached rules Nos, 1 to 11 shall apply 1~ all departn~nt heads and to all employees of the City' of Port Angeles to the and that all persons employed by the City shall receive equal and equitable con- sideration pertaining to their hours of workl annual leave, and matters of that nature, to-~1t: TO: ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS FROM. CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES SUBJECT: RULES GDVERNING CERTAIN PERSONNEL PRACTICES. It is the purpose of these rules to establish, or provide for the establishing of, certain uniform and equiteble policies, standards, and procedures to govern matters of emplo~~ent in the service of the City of PortAngeles. The following provisions of thesc rules, nurr~ered 1 to 11, are hereby declared to be general rules for all departments other than those governed by Civil Service. I I I administrati vel Section 1. Hours of Duty: Minimum requirements as to hours of duty shall be spe!,ified. They may vary fer different classes of positions and ,different places and conditions of work cut shall be uniform for employees of the sarr~ class employed under like conditions of work. Such minimum reouirements shall be I prescribed by the heads of the departments concerned and set forth in instructions issued by them to gover~ their respective departments. The minimum hours prescribed,. howevcr, in no case shall be less than 35 hours a week for full-time employ- I ment with due allowance made for holidays and authorized leaves of absenoe with pay. The normal or standard hours of daily attendance in all general offices and departments shall be no less than seven hours of I actual, daily attendance on duty for five days in each week a.nd four hours on a sixth day. ,'i The, head of a department may, however. adjust the hours of any individual employee, or groups of employees ,I under his supervision to provide for a different schedule of daily working hours or for 8J1:tra services out""; side of the normal or average working hours, but such adjustment shall not result in requiring an average 'of' less than 35 hours a week for full-time employment, provided that offices shall be open to the public dUl'ing hours prescribed by laTI. , Section 2. Leaves of Absence with Pay I Payments may be made to monthly employees for absence during their assigned hours of duty only for the purposes and to the extent provided in the sections that follow covering sick leave, annual leave, civil leave, and military leave. In calculating leaves, the total ~orking time normally required of each employee in a week shall be treated as the equivalent of six working days for the pprposes of leave. Section 3. Sick Leeve with Pay: Sick leave with pay shall be granted by appointing authorities at the I rate of one work day for each calendar month of service, provided that original entrance probationary work shell not be counted for sUch purpose. Sick leave shall not be cnnsidered as a privilege "hich the employee may use at his discretion,' but shall be only used in the case of necessity and actual sickness or disability. Unused sick leave shall be~accumulated at the rate of six days a year to a total of not more then 104 work i day~ In order to receive compensation while absent on such leave, the employee must see that proper ; notification is Given his immediate superior of his Hlness within four hours after the time set for beginning his daily duties, or as may be specified by the head of his department. When absence is for more than three work days, the employee shall file a personal affidavit or a physician's certificate with the head of the department stating the cause of the absence on forms prescribed by the commission. No accumulated sick leave may be used except in case of actual sickness. Sick leave with pay shall be granted for one of the following reasons, where the facts are established to the satisfaction of the head of the department: (1) Because of, and during, illness or injury incapacitating the employee to perform his duties, (2) By reason of exposure to contagious disease during such period as his attendance on duty would jeopardize the health of ~ellow 'mrkers or the public, or " " (3) Because of 'illness or death in ';he il1llllediate family requiring the attendanoe of the employee. For the purpose of su-section (3) of S~ction 3, "immediate family" shall include only persons related by blood or marriage O~ legal adoption in the degree of oonsanguinity of which includes grandparont, parent, wife, husband, brother, sister, child, or grandchild; end any relative living in the employee's household. Leave for such reason shall be limited to three (3) days in anyone instance. Sickness shall be reported, at the beginning of any period of sick leave, to the immediate supervisor by the employee or a person designated to act for him. Upon his return to work the employee shall give a written statement to the head of the department explaining the nature of his sickness. (b). ~n c&.sea pf absence arising by reaso;? of injury to an employee in -line of duty, except when covered i:. by In 1.lstrlal Insurance, or by reason of l.llness from contagious or infectious disea.ses clearly contracted ~ r- 502 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 17. 1943 19_ . Jr./ I \, h <t;(;1-\ \ l\f t; "" I .' -1 , in the line of duty where the employee t s occupation is such as to require exposure to known cases of such I contagious or infectious disease, the head of the department may extend the sick leave provided for in these rules .. section 4. Annual Leave with Pay: (a) Annual leave with pay shall be allowed to each employee who has been cnntinually in the employ of the City for one year or more at the rate of 12 working days for each 12 months of service. Such leave shall be credited to the employee at the rate of one day for each month of service, (b) The leave credited for any month of service may be taken in that month or in any subsequent month, except as provided below, but not more than twelve continuous working days of leave may be taken at any one time. No such leave shall be granted, however, except at a'time when it will not interfere with the " vrork cf the department and unless application for suoh leave has been made in advanoe and approved. i S otion~. Civil Leeve with Pay: Any neoessary leave may be allowed by the head of a department to permit an employee to serve as a member of a jury, or to exercise his other civil duties. Each employee who is 'I granted such leave, and who for the performance of the civil duties involved, receives any compensati&n shall be paid by the City for the t.ime he is absent only in the amount of the exoess of his regular selary over the compensation received. ~ I I I I I Section 7. Leave of Absence without Psy: Leave of absence without pay may be allowed for specific periods' for any of the reasons applicable for leave with pay for any periods beyond those covered by permissible '. leaves with pay; for military service; and for maternity leave. Leave of absence without pay shall not be: allowed to an extent aggregating more than twelve months in any consecutive period of five years, but this limitation shall not apply to absence on account of military service. Any employee entering the military or naval service of the United States, under the conditions prescribed in Chapter 201 of the Session Laws i of 1~41. shall be entit~ed to leave of absence without pay and restoration to his position in accordance ; with the provisions of that act. Leave of absence without pay, ,except in cases of military servioe or maternity leave, shall not be authorized in any case where such leave shall operate to the detriment of the City Ser'l'ice. Section 6. Military Leave with Pay: Leave not to exceed fifteen calendar days in anyone year over and above the annual leave may be allowed to any employee who is a member of the National Guard or Reserve Corps of the United States to the extent authorized by, and. under the provisions of Chapter 113 of the i Sessions Laws of 1939. Section 8. Absence without Duly Authorized Leave: Absence not on duly authorized leave shall be treated I as absence without pay and, in addition, may be grounds for disciplinary action. " Section 9. Cancellation of Leave Credits on Separation: When an employee's service with the City has been terminated all of his leave credits shall be cancelled, The limitation in this section shall not be , interpreted to apply to employees going on leave of absenoe without pay under the provisions of Chapter 201 , of the Session Laws of 1941 as provided in Seotion 7 of these rules. Such employees shall be all~/ed I leave with pay to the extent of their accrued and unused annual leave which shall be followed by the leave without pay pro'l'ided for in Section 7 of these rules. Section 10. Part-time Services: Yiliere less than full-time service is required, or rendered, in any position, compenaation shall be paid only on such a part-time basis, and payment shall take account of the ratio of hours actually engaged on duty to the hours required for full-time service. Section 11. Records: Each department shall keep records of attendance and absence in such a manner as to produce all information neoessary For conformity with these rules. It was moved by Commissioner Ycasters that the foregoing resolutJ on be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Bea.m. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion ~arried. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ?7 ffJ1~~ ~/~ Ci ty Clerk Mayor ..... I I I I I