HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/17/1952 ,.. 240 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington '"", . """". ,,,n" ""'_". '"'",'"'' ..... ..... March 17 19~ The Commission Jl!et in regular session 'at 10:00 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Fesley. Officers present were: ~or Fesley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull an:! Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. BUILDING .PERMITS .t.s, 77$.' . V. M. Phillips Under the head of applications for building permits and license., t he following were granted: Charles H. Guest J.D. McDaniel Nora Jordan Don Smith lliel Guzzi Bros. Port Angeles Upholstery l4rs. Ray .Parr LICE11SFB: / $.-- Club Billiards car e Beauty Kit Duck Inn. Finish 2 upstairs rooms .in existing dwelling, Lot 14, Blk. 271, Townsi te Build garage an rear of Lot 18, Blk. 4, Chambers Addition Build 4-foot extension on existing garage, Lots 4 & 3, Blk. 384. Townsite Addition to house. Lot 13, Blk. 307, Towniste Build a six room house, Lot 5, Blk. 113, Townsite Residence and garage attached, Lot 5, Blk. 287, Townsite Remodel existing building, new front and store space, Lot 7 and N 35' of 8, Blk. 266, Townsite Garage, Lot 18, Blk. 12, Cook Addition Restaurant Beauty Parlor Soft Drink $ 700.00 300.00 75.00 500.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 200.00 12.00 1.00 5.00 Under the head of unfinished business, Commissioner Taylor ir~ormed that after consulting Park Supt. Adams regarding sod removal at Civic Field, he has told Mr. Adams to go ahead and use his own judgment. Neil Pendley appeared with working agreement for employees in the Teamsters Union. The agreement was not. signed due to unfinished negotiations. The Port ~ngeles Fire Fighters Union No. 656, represented qy Louis Howser and Walt Madsen, filed a letter of reques-t for $20.00 per month wage adjustment. The Firemen cited need of proper classification, pro- fessiona~ duties, and differential in existing wage scales. It was moved b,y Mayor Fesley that the letter be filed .for further study and consideration. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Met, ion carr ied. . Commissioner Robinson suggested that due to salary demands and other important business of interest to all concerne~, the recently elected Councilmen be invited to meet with the Commission and consider the same together. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Council members be invited to meet with the Commission Monday at 8:00 P.M., March 24. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Io/e. Motion carried) Under the' head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was placed on first and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINA'NCE fixing the monthly salaries, compensation and wages of certain officers and employees of the Deoart.ment of Parks and Plavft' elds and. theovlater Departmeotlof the Ci' ty. of Port Angeles, providing for tre :Issuance. ore!1l.ergencyuwarran 5, amending rdlnance No. 1'2.7 am nee a't~ng an emergency. . It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading, Seconded -by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: CU~1ENT EXPENSE FUND: 8.:<. 'II,?5' The Todd .Company Port Angeles Motors Carlin t s Union Service United Janitor Supply Middleton Motor Parts Polic e and Sheriff I s As sn. Fitchard's Associated Service Dirunond Store City Treasurer Harris and Schuller ~. A. Wolverton . City Treasurer Gladys Rudolph Gladys Rudolph I Wilda MacDonald l'lilda MacDonald Ruth A. Hooker Ruth A. f100ker Chinook Motel Chinook Motel Louisa H. Rains Louisa H. Rains Josephine L. Sobeick Josephine L. Sobeick Marian Fryar Marian Fryar Robert Nulligan Robert Mulligan Eunice A. Fountain Eunice A. Fountain Ros e Hurley Rose Hurley Ruffles Bourt Ruffles Court Elizabeth E. Jensen Elizabeth E. Jensen Gertrude If,addux Gertrude Maddux Haxine Gilliland Matine Gilliland ~~ Service and rigbon-protectograph Pontiac repair-Police Tire repair-Police Vel sehhen dust mop refill-Police rearview mirror-Police directory Car repair and service-Police 8 Alum cups-police lite, water garbage-police 30.82; fire 29.55 drip pans, etc.-fi~e ~arts and equip. frt. chgs. Nater-Hisc. Election services Polling Place " Election services FoIling Place " Election services, polling place " E1e ction se rvices 20.60. 23.02- 1.44- 6.18' I 1.61- 3.00 - ~ 9.53' 1. 57- 60.37- 35.18 - 23.02- 208.33- .16.00- -16.00' -14.00- .l4. 00- .14.00- .J.4.00' .10.00 .10.00' .28.00- -28.00- -16.00' .16.00' 16.00' '16.00, -18.00- .18.00' .16;00- .16.00 -16.00- '16.w' -lO.IiO .10.lO 27.50, -27.00- -15.00' '15.50- ,15.50- I ~15 .00' I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~241 " CURRENT EXPENSE FUND CONTINUED Jea:nette Gellor Polling place &.rid services Jeanette Gellor II Olga Hubbard Olga Hubbard Ruth Davis Ruth Davis Cecelia R. Cosser Cecelia R. Cosser 8~~:l(:;ga Florence \,oe 'Florence Hoe Geneva Rodgers 'Ida,M, ~lorehead IIda. H. ~lorehead ,Mary H. Bradshaw .:Mary H. Bradshaw jEttA M. Russell IGrace F. Harrison IGrace F. Harrison Anna M. Rigss Anna H. Riggs lRhe<l. I. Harris Rhea I.. narr~s Carpenter T s all Jt:i.i th Grant ,Edith Grant 'Ada ,F. Loomis 'Ada 'F. Loomis ~Auc:::o;, :.. Chapl)lSn Audrey A. Chapman ,itose' Audett [Rose' Audett Ruby- DeV:;ne Th.1by DeVine [Helen H. Tradewell IHelen H. Tradewell Eyrnedine Fowler :Byrnedine F~"ler ICharles H. ounger l;harles H. Younger George W. J efi'rey George \'1. Jeffrey ~raternal Order of Eagles f1tagles Club rc. E. Shields re. E; Shields !lush L QlIeener ~usl~e-L. ~ueener ElU th F. Bay ton Edt th F. Bay ton Baptist Church Polling Place !~~ ~~~~ Electmon Services ieon~ B. ~Leike Q ...,. t:.o.~ B. Steike_ '._ .'~../ t.A.-a-.- ~__..... I M~"; llabelle E. Goodwin . II Mabeile E. Gooctvdn ~:w....4...l1..~ ,; !3ertha M. Church - -.. if Polling place and election ilertha M. Church "II Sadie Brownrigg Election services S~Elie ,Brownrigg II Rhea Shelle berger Rhea:Shelleberger Cary~ H. McGee Caryl, H. t1cGee (1lma .E. Haglund Alma. E. Haglund "v-rtle M. Elterich ~~rt~e M! Elterich Cher~ ~ght Grocery Cher~ ~ight Grocery Stell,a B. MacMillan Stella B, MacMillan Ada Armst ro ng Ada Armst"ong Hannah E. Tyrrell Hannah E. Tyrrell i1rs. 'H. H. Butler Mrs. .l::. ~:. Ju.:.l:::r Hilda Randall fl,ilda .Randsll Evelyn Bauman Evelyn Bauman Irma E. Horstman Irrna E. Horstman El Vi'\ O. \'lilliams Elva O. \'lilliams Irene Fleener Irel).e Fleener Margaret 0 I Day Margaret O'Day :tU.ice Arrlerson I Ali~e Anderson Cecelia vlise Cecelia \vise '""'."""..'..m.,.,."..".."'."....."'~ I~rch 17 ( continued) 1923- $ Election services and polli~g place Election services II Polling Place H and Ektion s ervi ces 11 services Polling Place II Ele ction services services 2 Polling Place " Election services Polling Place " Election 5e~vices :?olling place and election services " J.l.lection services I.! and polling place "'lection Services " Election services 26.5ol 26.501 14.50"1' -14.5Oj 14.5O'j 14.50\ 17.00'- 17. ooj - -~~:~l _15.00{ 15.00: 17.00r 18.50-; 15.00j 16.501 ~15.00i 16.50-, 17.001 16.00~ 14.00'. 15.00. 14.001 15.001 10.001 27.00,,; 17.00'1 15.001 15.00'i . 15.0~ _ 15.0':1 16, oocl 16.00" 14.00" 14.0~ 14.0Lrj 14.0lT"'l 16.001. 16.00, 14.001 it:~ii 11+. co- 10.00- 10.00-' , 17-00) '16.5D-', lH~ 15.001 14. 50'1 10.00, H:8S:l 15.00-'1 15.00- 15.00-, )(j," =l~.OO-;':"'_ /0,0-4' --2 .00-1 27,COl 15.00::1 ~r~~ 16.00:- 15.00: 16.0 . 10.0~ 10.0U:1 16'5D"1~" 17,00:, 15.00. 14.50' 15.0 14.50: 10.0~ 10.00< 17.00;- 17.0 15.00-- 15.00- 25.00< 25.00' l? .00' 17.00' 15 .OO~ 15.00+ 25.0CY-- i; ::100; 1~.5C?' 13. 'I -.i 13.50 , I ,/ ...,j ,... 242 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington '"", . _"'" ...,u ""'~'"' '...,,"' ..... .... CURRENT EXPENSE FUND (CONTINUED) Gladys F. Wheele r GJ..;idys F. Wheeler Le,tha Ellis Le;tha Ellis Alice Apps Alice Apps \vepdla Lindberg ~Iendla Lind berg Helen M. Madsen I Helen M. Madsen r Lizzie Van Scoyoc I LiZ, zie Van Scoyoc ltlnetta Schlager Minetta Shclager Gladys M. Taylor Gladys l'i. Taylor John Brooks , John Brocks Ca~oline Gormley Caroline Gormley I1r~. John jolf Hr~. John Solf M~~ion Hood !''Brion Hood ~m:s~~gij~g 11;[attie Roddy AHa Schmaing Inta Schmaing Lila C. Lawrenc e ;I..ila C. Lawrence 'Blanche Ditlefsen .'Blanche Di tlefsen iHelen Tavlor :Helen Tay.lor Commllluty Inssion Church fCornmunity Mission Church Charlone E. Blore Charlene E. Blore IElmer Rappe 'hnr~~ ~~Prutler ,lAlice F. Butler Claudene I. Stading ,Claudene I. Stading Ruby 0.\'.1'/Udron :1Nr~.1 r~l~t;ITingworth }tildred L. Hollingworth 8arlson Dorian Motel arlson Do:' lan 1.1otel Olympic Stationers ~ITY STREST FUND: dJ.//-Sf" PUD'g 1 Hidctleton's Ci t:i Treasurer How~rd Cooper ~ar~is and Schuller ror~ Angeles J1otors I , WATJj:R FUND: 13,619, Y6~ Cla~lam County Pun No, 1 D and B Battery and Elec. ],jiddleton l'<otor farts Co.C City Street Dept. 'Thc Texas Co. Hooker ~lectrochemical Port. Tie and Lbr. Co. Taylor Htg. and ?lbg. Co. :State Treas"r"r ,JohnsJolanville Corp. ~eqlJim Lbr, and Supply Co. ~ch~eiRg~gChevrolet ,Un. 'So Stationery Co. I LIGHT FUND: 7' '1 t, .1).. 'Uni~ed Junitors Supply Co. ~ddresGograph-Multigraph Corp. Westinghouse Elec. Supply Co. 'Line Material Co. ',Remington Hand, Inc. U, E. Supply Corp. G. E. Co. 1 SAHITATION FU~lJ: Middletone j CIT't PARK FUND: Ci ty Street I PARKING r~TER AND TRAFFIC M. H. Rhodes, Inc. Westinghouse ':-'1.ec. SUPl'ly Co. I .... J-larch 17 (continued) 19 52_ Polling place and election services " Election services " Polling place and election services " Election services Election services and polling place Election services " Polling pla ce " Election services " Polling place II Election services Polling Platle " Polling ple.ce and services " Election sernces n ;r " Polling pla~e II Typewri ter rental Crush er power Axle, tank rental, etc. Wator Coupling, shaft, bushing Radiator repair hachine f~ wheel elec. servic e Repairs Parts Gasoline Oil Chlorine lumber Faucet t:..v,",s pipe lumber 8ft~v :-i~~a~~ and T/W desk title Jan. supplies Plates Flood light parts Tools Legger safe Clip insulators Cur. transf. V joint, fuse holder, etc. Gas and oil CONTROL FUND: / D 'I. .l:r Movements J handles Signal 23.J 23.50?i 16.50"'1 17.0Q<." 24.50-; 25.0a", 14.50<0: 15.001 17.00"1 27.00-; 15.00', 15.001 15.00'1 1~;0()",,;,~ 16.00' 16.50- : 14.5lYl 14.0~cf~ '14.00~ 14.5 10. 00""l~ ',10.00' ' '16.00<. 16. Q()'- 'll.SS; fbo.-! 14.00-1 ],0.00>-', ],0.00-1 16.0CYi 16.0<T' 14.00= 14.00'"' 14.00.0- 14.00'- -10 OO~ .-:lO:OOC: , 26;00- 26.50< 14.50'" 14.00'- 14.~ 14.00- . 16,00" 16.uO ~ 14.00- 14. 00-, 14,00"- 14;00:- . '10.00' /l1,(J() .12.0D- 32.44 '31.24 80.19 34.94 28.33 7.42 26.50 1.55 15.73 ,6/,.00 '16.22 53.33 72.19 11.19 1;161.71 9,904.48 218.03 1;9d:l9 29.95 27.76 ,8,71 41.56 51.09 298.44 7.61 61, 75 ,14.97 22.25 17.69 86.56 I I I I 243 -, Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 17 (continued) 19~ ..<. . ""u, ,,"n. .,,"""~. ,,"n', "''' ..... ICEMETERY FUND: . City Street .Dept. gas and oil 7.00 I L. I. D. REveL VING FUND: City Treasurer 13.49 There being no further business, the meeting then adjourned. 0 t. Xaw-, -;1:#/11.1 8. ~/7 (J City qle rk ~ Mayor, I I ! I , I I ! I ! I I ~ I . .....t