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,. 434
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
~h ~ 55
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iThe City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of
.,officere showed the following present: Mayol;' Smitl1, Counc!iJlnen Brown, Neer, San<tison, ,Powell, .aM Wolfe,
,Manager Vergeer, Attorney Sever,yns aM Clerk Law.
l ... . ,
iIt was moved by C~uncilman Brown that minutes' of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded by
'jCounCilman Sandison~ All. voted Aye. Motion carried. .
'Uooer the h~ad of unfi;-Ushed business,' one offer to furnish capacitors for the Mght Dept. was received the
same being submitted by Samuel M. Davis in amount of $500.00 per 180 KVA Bank. ..It was moved by Counci~n
IBrown that the, offer be accepte<i and e~pment purchased. Seconded by .Councilman N.eew and carried.
I' . . ."
IPursuant to petition filed and notices posted, concerning the annexation to the City of Port Angeles, twenty':'
,fOur lots in Bellevue Hills, being a portion of,Gov't Lot Two, the public hearing.was oPllned.. Fred Strange
Planning Commission Chainnan, informed that the Collllllission..has no objections. to annexation and plat has bee~
',,"PP70ved and signed.. No objections having b:en mad, e .or filed, the hearing was closed and the following )
Ordinance providing for said, annexation was l.ntroduced and read in full: .,.,
AN ORDINANCE providing fo r the annexation of. Lpts One (1) to Seventeen (17) in Block One (1) and Lots 1
One (1) to .Seven. (7) in Block Two (2) of Bellevue !!ills. to the City of Port Angeles.. . - - .
lIt was moved by Cound.lman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance b~approved ,ani adopted. Secomed by Council-
man Sandison. . All' voted Aye. Moticm carried. . ..' .
~The public hearing as schectuled' for L.I.D. No. 168, curbs .and sidewalks on Georgiana Street was opened. Don'
.'Juddto~ the Co~il he installed his. OI(I'n curbs and intends. to put in sidewalk8. He.is not opposed to the
"L.I.D. althougl1 he prefers to do the work..at less cost. Mr. Peannan also .exp~ssed.desire to install his own
limprovements and questioned regarding surface water disposal.. Mr. Vel'geer.expla1ned that Resolution No. 168,i
:provides for curbs aDd walks only, another'petition.being requim for storm. sewers before action can be I
jtaken. Mrs. Peters of l227 Georgiana admitted she helped instigate .the project for benefit of small school I
,children. as it is necessar,y for them to walk in'the street at risk of injur,y by traffic. The Engineer re-
.ported that $1,321.05 protest has been filed, this bei,ng a bout {if, of the iIIlprovement. It being insufficient.
protest, the, following Ordinance was introduced and read in full:
AN ORD!NANCE of the City of Port Angeles'providingfol;' t he improvement of Georgiana Street from Race
Street to Ennis Street by.the COll!ltruct.ion of curbs, gutters.and.sidewa1kson bothsides.Q.t' said Georgiana
~treet and.by tho! construction of corner curbs at the intersections of streets, ani to do all other work .
Il).ecessary in connection. therewith, all in accordance with. Improvement Resolution.N, o. 168; creating a Local I
'Improvement District for such improvement aId providing that Pa;?lll8nt for such improvement be made b;y special
lassessment on the property in said. District especi~ benefited, pa,yableby warrants against said,Local
,Improvement District, all in accordahce with maps, plans am specifications prepared- by the City Engineer
laoo approved. by the 6ity Council. '. .
It ~ IIlOlld by Miss Powell that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Secoooed b;y Councilman
Wolf e and carrilld. .
. '
Captain Olsborg, also Captains Lovejoy and Smith, all .of Pilots Ass I n,. and Pilots Attorney Charles B. Howardj
'appeared.beforethe Council requesting that the notice previously, served, demapding,removal of the Pilot '
:station be extended.ninety (90) dayS. Captain.Olsborg cited. cost of moving the station, also of ngtification
.fran the Coast Guard to postpone furthel;' action. until location of the Air Base is. decided. It was the opin-I
[ion of Councilman Neer that the CitY' has no reatlon to change position taken. .There has been. no att1ll!Pt> to
,eliminate. hazard which still eocists arrl the Association has done a perfect job, of stalling. Councilman !
Brgwtl rOOrrled that the Coast Guard Board hB<l never. changed position that the Pilot Barge is a hazard to I
iaviation. Attorney Howard infoxmed that request for ~val was withdrawn by ~e Coast Guard December 14
and there are no removal requirements at present.. 'Also that the Pilots had. been working for the removal
:and received bids fot' same. The Attorney considere4 the request for extension. reasonable and when the
Govermnent says to move the Pilot.Station it will'bemoved. Manager Vergeer'1fIPbasized that safety of Pilots
~and fliers alike is still thllproblem. Rescinding of. notice wuld serve..no purpose. After the Board meets I'
:the City can take. definite action which will be within reasonanl. nothing could, be gainflCi in changing policy.
,Councilman Neer also emphasized that the, City is not going on. assumption .th. at the Coast G,Uard is moving and I
.has no reason to back down. Mayor Smith cited ~pense to Salmon Club and othere in moving buildings to
~eliminate flight hazard. Alas> use Q.t' the ruII\'tay for emergency landings if the Coast Guard is moved.
iThe Mayor was also desirous of a favorable report to present at hearing. It was moved by Councilman Sandisoi,l
ithat. the Counell not change policy established and stand on previous decision. Motion seconded by Council- .
man Brown and unanimously carried.
I .
'The City Engineer filed the following estimates for work done aM matertalfurnished for L.I.D. No. 167:
.SecoD:! Estimate (February) Osberg Construction Co..,.'XumJ;-ater.Acc.ess.
Pieler Construction Co. _ !;load . . $5,950.00'
~rine Prive, Lagoon.Bridge, $33,609.68 Plus Portion of fixed est. .1.000.00
Plus Portion Of fixed..est. ,.1..000.00 ~otal Due &6,950.00
. Total Due $37,609.68
First Estimate (Februar,y)
F. H. <!arnigin Construction Co., Front 8t. and Alley $28,322.00
nus Portion Fixed Estimated. . 2.000.00
1 Total Due $30,322.00
j It was moved by COWlCilman B~, se~Ided by Councilman Wolfe that the following Engineer's pa;y estimates
be approved and warrants drawn on L.I.D. No. 167 Construction Fum in payment of same: - 'I
Pieler Construction lb. . . . . $:37,609.68
\; Osberg Constructionlb. . , 6,950.00 I
F. H. Jannigin lbnstruction Co. 30,322.00
It was further moved t hat the City Cbrk be authorized to draw wall1'8J\ts numbered ten to sixteen for $10,000
: each aId warrant number seventeen in.the amount of $4,88l.68,the aggregate amount of &74,881.68 on L.I.D. I
No. '167 Fund to supply the necessary fums to be deposited .in. the Constr.uction F1m1 and bearillg interest at
the rate'of 3 3/4%. - ' .
It was further moVed that the following vouchers be approved covering fixed estimate expense on L.I.D. No.
167 and .warrants issued D payment of eameagainst L.I.D. No. 167 Construction Fund: . . .
L.t.D. No. 167 Construction Fund, Fixed Estimate Eltpense:
P~roll Period - Feb. 1 - 15-
Feb. 16- 28
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
March 17
"'" . """"". ""'". ..",,",. "",.""..... 41!0>
auto for March 1 - 15
F.'L. Sullivan, use.of/crew .car, FebruaI7
Robert,Clawson, use of auto for crew car, February
l'ieler.Construction Co., test pile sxpense.
L.I.D. General Fund, . reimbursement advance axpenditures
L.I.D; General Fund, reimbursement advance pa.;yroll
Motion unanimous4' carried.
Under the head of new business, cla1Im paid March 3d 'and 9th were approved in total amount of $32,404.07.
.It was moved by Councilman Powell that claims .tle approved as paid. Seconded by .Councilman Sandison. All
i~ted ~e. ~tion carried... '
. 'Council received requests for transfer of beverage licenses as follows: Palace Tavern from 'Kiles C. Gilberts
'Ito Edwin B. Decker. It was moved by Councilman Neer. t hat the request. be. approved. Secome9. by Miss, Powell:
All.voted k;{e. Motion. carried. .
1- Babel~ Tavern, f"rom Harry F. Gunsal~ and Robert F. Reimer to Gordon W. Burt. It was moved by Council-
man Sandison. that request. f"1IfI .transfer be approved. Seconded by Counci1man Brown and carried.
I." .. '
The Council considered proposed lease by U. s. Arrq, with option to purchase, a twenty-five (25) acre
'tract in the Morse Creek watershed, the same having been previous4' Used for artillery range aDd.still con-
'sidered contaminated. The instrument of PNposal was referroo to the City Attorney for clarification.
i .
Financial report for the month of February was filed by the City Treasurer for Council approval. It was
moved by COuncilman Brown that report be accepted and approved. Secomed by Councilman Sari:lison. All
toted ~e. ~otion carried. , ,
I. A. Strang, rppresenting Walter AkelEV Post 29, American Legion, appeared before the O'ounc11 requesting
pel"l!lission for that organiz.ation tQ sponspr a Carnival in April or Hay, lCicated on East,First Street,llOO
Block. Having contacted residentv in that ar~, no objections were. voiced as the Carnival is 'genefit to
help finance the Junior Salmon Derby. The Council decided to take no action witho~t epportunity for
Property awnere. to protest if they desire. , .
Ira Bourm appeared for the GroUlXi Observere Corps and informed of G.O.C. week to be held Aprllll - 17.
Also. inl'ormed of guided missile exhibition and requested escort .for ~r. Force Bahdand permission to ppint
~.O.C. on sidewalkS,f1 Suggested that the Mayor act as Chairinanof COl!linittee,' appoint assistants and extend
sp!,>c:j.al invitation t'? l;ne Governor to attend as special. guest., The Mayor assured all . possible cooperation
for a successful week of observance.
I .
Council appr9ved re-appointment of i1endellMcCain to serve as member of the Library Board, 1955 through
1960. It was IllOved by Councilman vlQlfe tha:t the appointment be confirmed. Second!'>'i by Councilman
Brown am unanimouslJ carried.
No further business appea;-ing the meeting was declared adjourned.
. 0 .. .City.Clerk..
71: LL.'iI
Ma,yor. . ~