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Port Angeles, Washington
March 17, 1998
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:30
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Hulett, McKeown,
Wiggins, and Williams
Members Absent: CounCilman Doyle.
Staff Present: Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Hagar, S. Brodhun, B.
Collins, S. Ilk, K. Ridout, L. Haehnlen, T. Smith, and N. Wu.
Public Present: L. Lee and J. Jones, Jr.
Interviews for Vacancies The following were interviewed to fill vacancies on various Boards and Commissions:
on Boards & Commissions Patsy Feeley, Penny Beane, Johnie Key, Mack Campbell, and Paul Ziakin.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Parks & Recreation Director Brodhun.
APPROVAL OF Councilmember McKeown moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
MINUTES: March 3, 1998. Councilmember McKeown pointed out an error on Page 24 of the
packet regarding the mural project. She felt the request for funding for the mural project
should be part of the regular budgeting process, not part of the hotel/motel tax allocation, ·
Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
FINANCE: Suspended.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Wiggins moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) Payroll -
March 8, 1998 - $385,279.76; 3) Check list - March 13, 1998 - $722,953.27.
Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
COMMI'VrEE Councilmember McKeown received a copy of a letter from Charles Smith regarding art
REPORTS: work downtown. Thc Downtown Association has a design committee which will be
approaching the Downtown Forward Committee regarding artwork donated by an artist for
presentation downtown. Councilmember McKeown will bring further information to future
Councilmember McKeown stated she was not prepared to discuss the budget or provide
further information regarding the Boys and Girls Club. Pam Tietz has received a $10,000
two-year grant and the Regional Boys and Girls Club has committed $10,000 to the project.
Councilman Campbell, along with Manager Pomeranz and Councilman Doyle, attended
the National League of Cities Conference in Washington D.C. Councilman Campbell
summarized the issues covered at the Conference, including the Tax Freedom Act, takings
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March 17, 1998
COMMITTEE legislation, and transportation legislation. Councilman Campbell stated that the Majority
REPORTS: (Cont'd) Leader indicated there would be no bill on restructuring of the electrical industry this
session, and he explained the driving force behind this restructure. Also discussed was
balancing of the federal budget and how to best utilize any budget surplus, unfunded federal
mandates, and building stronger communities.
Councilman Campbell stated a visit was made to the Coast Guard Headquarters for a
meeting with Rem' Admiral Thad Allen, Coast Guard Resource Manager. Rear Admiral
Allen said the Cotcst Guard has no plans for expansion in Port Angeles, as funding is tight.
Councilman Campbell l~lt the Conference was an awakening experience. It put in
p~nsl~ctive, on a federal level, the things that are happening in Port Angeles. Councilman
Campbell hoped the Cotmcil would continue to budget for representation at this conference
in future years, l-te also suggested the City consider becoming a member of this
organization, as it has many benefits.
As the time was approaching 7:00 p.m., Mayor Braun suggested the representatives form
the Washington State Department of Transportation be moved up on the agenda as a
4. Other Considerations
SR16 Bridge Presentation A. Presentation b), WSDOT on SR16 Bridge
Mayor Braun introduced Ms. Gerry Ellis of the Washington State Department of
Transix)rtation (WSDOT) and, Mr. Tom Horkan of United Infrastructure, project manager
for the SR t 6 Tacoma Narrows Project, who gave a power point presentation.
Ms. Ellis stated this project is being developed as part of the (WSDOT) public/private
partnership program. It was created by the legislature to encourage private investment in
the transpo~lation infrastructures, as there is greater need than there is money to fund these
projects. Msl Ellis then reviewed the other advantages of the public-private pmmership.
Ivlr Horkan ~e. ported that the entire corridor extending from the Pierce/Kitsap County line
to I-5 is being studied. Mr. Horkan then provided the history of this corridor and stated the
bridge usage was less than 10,000 vehicles per day in 1964, and is expected to be almost
100,000 vehicles per day by the year 2000. Mr. Horkan went on to describe the problems
with the current bridge and what will happen without capacity improvements. He
described the existing bridge and the proposed bridge.
Mr. Horkan stated tolls will o~fly be collected eastbound, and commuters can purchase
trmxsponders. Transponders are attached to the windshield with velcro straps and have the
technolol~' to be read at 99 per hour. Occasional users can pay manually with an adequate
number of booths on the exterior of the freeway.
This project will have a true fmancial pmmership. The bridge and toll facilities will be
privately fixmnccd for approximately $302 million, and the debt will be paid off with tolls.
The State has a proposed transportation package on the November ballot which would
allocate $334 million of State funds. There are efforts being made by WSDOT, the
Legislature, the IJ.S, Senate, and the U.S. House to help lower the tolls in various ways,
mcluding approval of a bill that would lower the cost of borrowing to finance the project.
Ms. Ellis explained that only those areas directly impacted by the bridge will be allowed
to vote in the November 3, 1998, advisory election. All of Clallmn County is eligible to
vote on this issue. Ms. Ellis reviewed the schedule for the bridge construction which, if
approved, is expected to be open to traffic in late 2003 or early 2004. Ms. Ellis explained
that if the new bridge is not approved, there is no Plan "B'. The State currently has an
tuffunded tran~ortation need exceeding $30 billion, and this bridge would be a decade or
March 17, 1998
SR16 Bridge Presentation two into the future.
Ms. Ellis and Mr. Horkan then responded to questions directed by the Council and offered
further clarifi~l~{~l~ :,un thanked Ms. Ellis and Mr. Horkan for taking the time
to give tonight~ p~ ' 'r0,JLqit~itibhF7~
ITEMS FROM THE Attorney Knutson stated there was a need for an Executive Session for approximately one-
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ half hour at the end of the meeting.
CONSIDERED OR Councilman Williams stated he had attended the Clallam Transit Authority meeting and
PLACED ON THIS OR noted that there had been 1800 riders during the two days that the trolley ran the circuit for
A FUTURE AGENDA: the KONP Home Show. Also during that meeting, discussion was held regarding
upgrading the lighting at the Oak Street transfer station. Councilman Williams suggested
this lighting upgrade could be done in partnership with lighting of the mural near that
Councilman Williams also attended the Utility Advisory Committee, where the marine bluff
stability was discussed. He suggested the City contact FEMA to see about getting a grant
for this project.
LEGISLATION: 1. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Solid Waste Rate for 1. Revisions to Solid Waste Rate Ordinance for Non-Profit Agencies
Non-Profit Agencies
Ordinance No. 2985 Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's office and asked
Deputy Public Works Director Ridout if he had any further comment. Mr. Ridout
explained that the self-haul from the Housing Authority would be checked at the landfill to
ensure it was detritus from move outs and not garbage being dumped. Mayor Braun then
read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, extending
the special land fill rate for charitable organizations to include the
Clallam County Housing Authority and amending Ordinance 2317
as amended and Chapter 13:56 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Hulett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilmember
MeKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Activities Within City 2. Revision to Regulations for Activities Within City Parks and Trails
Parks and Trails
Ordinance No. 2986 Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's office and asked
Attomey Knutson if he had any further input. Attorney Knutson noted that the Police can
still arrest and cite people for possession and consumption, but not just for being under the
influence. Discussion followed, and Police Chief Ilk stated this Court decision probably
dated back to the 1970's when the Legislature decriminalized "dnmk in public".
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising
regulations of activities within City parks and trails, amending
Ordinance 2987 as amended and Chapters 12.04 and 12.12 of the
Port Angeles Mumcipal Code.
March 17, 1998
LEGISLATION: Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
(Cont'd) Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Councilmember
McKeown was concerned that money is being spent to revitalize the downtown, and
Activities Within City someone can just get drunk and lay there. Chief Ilk explained that there are some options.
Parks and Trails If someone is so drunk they are incapacitated or a physical danger to themselves, they can
Ordinance No. 2986 be brought to a treatment facility by the police. Also, if someone is drunk and being loud
(Cont'd) and obnoxious, they can be arrested for disorderly conduct. Following further brief
discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carded unanimously.
2. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: None.
3. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items: None.
4. Other Considerations
Mural Project B. Nor'Wester Rotary Mural Project Funding Request
Councilmember McKeown reviewed her memo provided in the packet and urged the
Council to support the Rotary by funding $1,500 for the protection sealer and $4,000 for
"seed" funding for the next project. She suggested the lighting, etc., should go through the
normal budget process. Councilmember McKeown felt the best vehicle to bring these
projects forward would be via the Downtown Forward Executive Committee.
Councilman Wiggins asked if the $5,500 should come from the 1998 budget, and
Councilmember McKeown answered affn-matively.
Jim Hess, 606 S. Alder Street, Rotary Club representative, presented the Council with two
videos, one on the Kalakala and one on the Sluicing of the Hogback. Mr. Hess again
expressed the hope that the lighting of the mural would be handled by the City.
Councilmember McKeown stated she supported this project wholeheartedly; however, the
Council felt everyone must follow the same procedures, which means going through the
regular budgeting process.
Mr. Hess said the Club would be happy to get the money for the sealant and seed money
and offered to answer any questions the Council might have. Councilman Wiggins asked
Mr. Hess to prioritize the needs for the mural project, and Mr. Hess deferred the question
to Fire ChiefBecker. Chief Becker felt the seed money to be the most important in order
to keep the momentum going. The fourth mural will not be painted until the summer of
1999; this is the time when the artist and rendering must be secured and the print made.
Councilmember McKeown felt a proposal could be drafted for the fall budget process,
which would cover all the future mural needs. Further discussion ensued regarding the
lighting of the murals and the worthiness of this cause.
Councilman Wiggins moved to donate $$,500 from the 1998 budget to the
Nor'Wester Rotary Mural project. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion.
Councilman Campbell reminded the Council that part of the request was to have the
Downtown Forward Executive Committee' be the vehicle for the smaller projects.
Therefore, Councilman Wiggins agreed to amend his motion to have the other
fnnding come through the Downtown Forward Executive Committee.
Couneiimember McKeown agreed as seconder. A vote was taken on the motion,
which carded unanimously.
Boys and Girl Club C. Funding Request for Boys and Girls Club at Housing Authority
Funding Request
Deferred to meeting of April 7, 1998, at Councilmember McKeown's request.
March 17, 1998
LEGISLATION: D. Appointments to Planning Commission and Building Code Board of Appeals
Deferred to meeting of April 7, 1998.
Appointments to Board .
and Commissions
Draft Letter to E. Draft Letter to Clallam County Re: Additional 2% Room Tax
Clallam County
Mayor Braun reviewed the history of this item. Councilman Wiggins asked that the last
sentence of the letter be changed from "....as everyone...." to "....since tourism on the North
Olympic Peninsula could reap benefits". Councilmember McKeown stated that, while she
thinks the letter is well written, she will be voting against this issue, as she believes the City
should not be in this arena with the Clallam County Commissioners.
Discussion ensued regarding the pros and cons of sending this letter, and Mayor Braun
asked Tim Smith, Contracts and Projects Administrator, for his comments on this issue.
Mr. Smith said he had received a call from Jim Rumpeltes, County Administrator, this
afternoon. Mr. Rumpeltes was interested in the City's Resolution creating the Lodging Tax
Advisory. Committee and RFP for Tourism Marketing. Mr. Smith felt the County is
heading in this direction. Mr: Smith stated that Sequim and Forks have already submitted
similar letters to the County.
Following further limited discussion, Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the
Mayor to sign the letter to the County Commissioners. Councilman Hulett seconded
the motion, which carried by a majority vote, with Councilmember McKeown voting
in opposition.
Site Lease Agreement with F. Site Lease Agreement with Western Telepage, Inc.
Western Telepage
Removed from the agenda.
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 8:07 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
8:15 p.m.
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:15 p.m. to discuss an item of real estate
EXECUTIVE SESSION: and potential litigation for approximately one-half hour.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 8:43 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m.
Becl~y]. optq~it~lerk ...... Gary E~raun, lVl~ayor- 1