HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/18/1942 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ..... 389 I.~~rch 18, 1942 19_ I I I I I The Commission net in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Boetle. Roll call showed the fall~iing cfficers present: 1~yor Jeetle, Commissione~s Beam and L~~d, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The ~inutes of thc previous session were read ar.d ~pproved. Under the head o~ Applicetions for BuildL~e Permits the follcwing We~e gra~ted: Eli Olson, Build House, Lot 16, Block 274, Townsite ~ick Amundson, Constr~ct Dwelling, Lot 10, Block 331, Townsite Glen D. King, R~!l'.odel Building, Lot 5, Block 74, Townsite Edwin Reata, Builc House, Lot 3, Dlock IS, ~:. R. "mith Subd. Cliff Engle, Repair lJ\'lelling, Lot 4, Block 150, Townsite 800.00 5000 . 00 125.00 ?SOO .00 150 .00 Under t~e heed of Un:inished Busiaess: The matter of the bids to furnish larr.ps for the various City departll'ents, opened December 3, 1941, and recorded i~ Vol. 20 O~ page 359 of Cb~issioners' Proceedings, ca~e up for further ccnsider~tion ~nd it was moved ~. Commissioner Be~m that the bid of the Willson Hardware Gompany be accepted and a con+ract entered intc VIith s"id conpany beginning March 1, 1942, and endi;;g March 1, 1943. Seconded by commiSSiO:lerl Lind. On roll call all members "Joted ~ye. J.he l:aro~ decl:':lre~ the ;Lotion. '::::8rriei. The Com.nssion exarrJ.IJed and allowed the following claim.s and ordered WRrrants drawn for same: I CURRENT EXPENSE Fu~m Herman ,~Phl vcrs Street Depa rt.'T'p:J.-: E. F. 'Heiser FrarJ. MndsAY D & B BAttery ~ Electric Station Pacific Tel & T~l CD. Sala,.." Pay "oIl Lallor Salary Battery Recharges & Fan Uelt cer.,rice -"'(,7 J :,j J 97.50 1.55.00 5.50 6E.66 11.09 4C.?? CITY STR::ET FU:m Street Depar~ent Puget Sc~~d Na,igation Ce. Pe:T Roll Freight I "j I g e 1031. 25 .55 WP. TR.( FUND Water I:~partment City Light Dept. Fisher Phannacy C1911arr. Adjustment Ccrp. General Electric SuppJy Ce. PA" Roll r.;.'bor On 1'ovrer Tape Colle cticr. ::;~~.. Heater 3 13~" 208.42 98.55 1.?9 1.25 2 .45 IIGHT F"uND City TrE'P-surer Oscer Winters CI.?l~::{~ Ad-ius~,:M:!~1t Corp. U. s. Pencil Co. C~~h .:~or postage File: SAWS Collection Com. Pencils 70.71 2.2S ~.OO '" 6.St. -, /~ 0 Pl,--~K YL1;-r]J O. K. JAuH Labor 50.00 GUAF.J.NTY FU!ID Cit,J Tr~a:::Lt~r 1\ 11 Assessnents " 88.88 87.3? REliQLn;;C FeND I. ~i) /1 \ Si t:~ Treas'Jrcr P"y:nent 62.45 U:l:l3r the hOAd of Introductior: 0: r.~colu"C.:o;l~ the folJ.vwing resolution WAS intrcduced: RESQT UTIO:, W~-i.EP.EAS, T~~ Cit:; '-If Po::-t An&eles i.s tte 07mer of the follcwing d~~c~ibed real property, having acqJ.ired the same ty TreAsurer's de~d) ~~t~d f.ebrua~r 19, 194~) uDdc~ ~nd by virtue 0: the authority of Section 939~ o~ Remington1s Revised St1~~~rc) Chapter 143 of the Laws of l829J page 565, tO~7it: lets ene (1) and '1'110 (2)) Block Fou HU:ldred T!1irt.j'-one (431), TOY.'f",site Of ?v:'~~ -~..':.;'2]ssJ W:;:!shi."1.;tcr..l WHEREAS, Ps"C.,r L:cC.off nes o:fered to purchase from the City of Port Angeles the above described real prop- erty :or the S\.Lll of p32.B8, payable as follows: $10.00 as a doym payTI'.3:lt end ;;5.00 on or oefore tr:e 20th day of April, 1942, end $5.00 on or before the 20tt dAY of sach and everJ month thereafter until paid ie. f~l:, togethor v~th int8~cst on monthly balances at the rate of 7% per annum, and WHEREft.S, The Cit~' Cor..rr.issioners h:ve "iewed the said property and are of the op~nioll that the offer is fair value ~4d is ic excess of the amount paid by tr& City for said prcperty, plus all 1.I.[. Assessments, including interest And other charges 8b'PinS: t.he S8!1iC. r;Q1,'[, THEREiCRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that ~aid of:'er be Accepted E3nd that. t.he Cit:f of Port Ang~les sell the said property at priva~e sale to the said Peter McGoff for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to Any other valid liens ?bainst th~ saree; that ths City Attorney be instructed to Frepare a quit claim dsed cor~v0ying s!:lid propertr tc the purchaser, and thAt ~..h.. City Clerk of' :he City of Port Angsles be I'u~d h~ i~ hcr_:'j' il.st:,uct~d to execute 5~iG quit claim deed, and tl-:;!.t the :.~ayor of th~ Cit,y of Port Anceles b0 en": he i~ hereby instructed to countersign said quit c18i~ deed when the purchase ~rice ~~G ~l ae~ru3d interest thereon has been paid in full. It was rrLav~c Ly Corru:.issioner Beam that the foregoing resolu~ion ~f! approyed and Flc1opted. Seconded by CC:imiso::ior.er Lind. On roll call all r.:embers voted Cl.:"'c. The Mayor declared the m -tieD carried. ....III ".. 390 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 18, 1942 19_ I i I .... There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ?71ndL:,~ 1<f1~ City Clerk Mayor I I I I I