HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/18/1952 I I I I ", Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 18, 195L ,,". , ",om. ,,,,... no,,",," """., ..... ..... General City Election of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, conducted March 11, 1952, as shown by the canvass of Poll Books a!l:i Absentee Ballots: J'J- Absentees \ COUNen.. c ANllTDATF.S ~To~~~: I) I I I ---1-'- j! ! i ! II I II I ! ! ! f ~ !!'! i ! fl ~ ~ ~ ~f.'.~I. ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ D ~ ~ ~ ~ I ,. ~ 5 ~ ~ e r-i !!l' ~ ~ y. ..; c ~ ~ ~ ~ C'l p.,>~~ ';<I:E...:Itl~Ir:J8:r:~~~z ; 1 I 1~71 11!21 1071 831 811 :G4] 631 601 531 431 391 841 4:ii"54f:l1 1121 u24~ 2 I 2421 2031 1591 1481 1271 1461 1001 '1071 961 1001 781 .%1 831i1i817TiI-iR6T~ , 3 I 1691 1441 108! 94f- 961 1001 521 791 911 581 511 801461--1f0!461T21 --461. ~~] 1061 991 681 791 801 501 631 591 371' 461 G91 451'-GTI~85!416' 5 I 1241 1071 871 851 591 82! 311 621 541 601 381 431 48 63"1"261781 4;' 6 1 2151 1881 1661 1371 99! 1411 931 821 861 88 951 68! 771 981 571-iA7"-(i"O 7 I 2001 1701 1521 1361 1041 1001 801 641 681 881 671 7li 8l[ 88' 4711561-;13 8 : 1291 1181 1041 831 '191 711 631 621 431 40[ ~31 3:): ~71 461 :,:31 991 28 !) 1 1551 1541 1241 1081 1191 921 G3! 53! 601 551 541 44,4!l1701-{8il~81 10 I l~OI J081 !lOl 871 661 911 501 491 541 501 52! 441 44;~i-!~jr-:f6r 11 I;JI' Mr-';s~_~!I~87,"3l91'- 261 321 l~F,.'Wq]-SI~ 201 IllF.'l;f]~ .12 I 1491 1211 1041 941'771971 671 521 791 481 471 581 461 501 281 1(1), 40j .13 I 16311:,21 1171 1061 951 961 73! 681-671 691 541 57L49'-,"!J!_:13t 11~1":'''~'TIJJ :14"1 861 641 491 551 391 501 341 341 391 351 28! :J91 26! 37 241 67' HI >~118711491 1421 1181 1101 1021 841 751 531 671~r;-621'88i-:{5f126i-5;,1 . 16 I 178 1511 1371 1211 951 1011 1731 641 631 721 6B 771 5(;i'BOI-461~I:j81 :I~ L17 1101i 921 751 691 471 621 3.g! 471 551 351 271 2;)1 281 391 2IL7ril._2:l' ~!_1511 119! 1131, 951 751 761 541 501 481 '14: 7-41 61LJ:i.~ll-,33UI4 _']6 19 I' 741 641 47[ 531 ;HI 441 3~! 321 31' 341 25 241 21. :;8' 221 44' ::0 20 1 161: 1411 1131 11~1 811 431 511 . 621-fo5 -i)~ 58H--61I-'::-S8,_ MI-) 17' 42 21. I 140, 1001 ;)61 771 63! 731 461 56! 451 931 40' 481 8f' 701 :\71 78 _60 2Tj1221-f.l4- 911 791 551 70] 381 541 57! 711 '14i~501- 45-ijl '-:-:'-11- 79 .12 23 I 661 561 38[ 361 351 301 181 181 251 521 171 25: 191-2()~ !lI'-':18!-- 27 ~4 1199 871 711 621 471 591.361341 22i 751 291 3ir-:321-45C2~)C.'):;1-4(; 25 I 84 691 531 471 421 541 41t 501 301 38] 32 251 21' :1!JI :W 44. :;9 26 I 98: 821 711 551 421 411 291 46, 481 :161 441 441 25"41,441-70' ~2g :J5::,:;o:'25;;'22;~ 18:~ 20:~I:J~:14~1J4:1J5~U~G-I:J~'] 17~15~~' !~4'24~~'l(~1 I 3604 30612Sll$2279:1887 2C1/013B9 l4651426 156212561356 11761593 916 2516 1035 From the above results ..f said election, it appears that W. Ivor Smith, W. Edson Brown, Paul M. Neer, James Lewis McFadden, A. T. Sandison, Joseph If. Wolfe, and Margaret E. Powell, are elected as Gtficials to serve as CGuncilmen for the Ci~ ot Port Angeles, Washington. Witness II\Y hand this 31st day ot March, 1952. O.c.L~. Ciif Clerk .....IlIIl ,..- _ u- Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ no. . "''"'". ..m.. nn,_..,. ,"'""., ,.... .... I I . I I .1 .....