HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/18/1954 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 381" }lareh III 19_54 ,.." . ",.n. ."".. .n""". .....".. ..... .... 'I Tne City CouncillD!lt in regular session at 7:30 p. M., and was called to order by Me,yor Smith. Roll call . of Officers snwed ~ne following present: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell rod ' Wolfe, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. ~ It was moved by Councilman Powell that iainutes of th~ previous meeting be aplI' oved as received. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted ~e. Motion carried. . r Ullier tne head .of unfidBhed business, and in compliance with Statutes governing, the Council canvassed results of tne General City Election of March 9 as follows: Absentee ballots cast, 13 Total number of ballots cast, 3,137 Final results: Joseph ,~. 1folfe, 2,486; Dr. Janes L. McFadden, 2,276; Margaret E. Powell, 2,201; Harold S. Buck, 1,351; Charles J. McGuire, 7')1. It was moved by Councilman Brown that results of canvass be made of record and accepted as final. Seconded by Councilman Neer. All voted ~e. MOtion carried. Under the head of new business, one claim in amount of $59.16, "1953 Street Improvsnent Comtruction Funi", to C. none Genis, was considered. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the claim be approved and J>'liYlIlent authorized. Secollied by Councilman POIfell and unanimously carried. The City Treasurer filed designation of depositories for the year 1954 as follows: March 13, 1954 To the Honorable Ma;yor and CityCouncil, Port ~eles, Washington Gentlemen: I As required by statutes governing, I hereby designate the First National Bank ani the Ol;ympic State : Bank, both of this city, as depositories for all city monies for the year 1954, subject to your approval. I i Res pect1'ull,y , Elsie M. Stahl City Treasurer It was moved by Councilman Brown that depositories as designated be approved. Secollied by Councilman Sandison. All wted ~e. Motion carried. Request for transfer of beverage license was requested as follows: Rose's Place from Charles Binkley to Clarence A. and Charles Binkley. ~ objections having been filed by the Police Department, it was moved ~ Councilman Brown that tne transfer be approved. Seconded by Councilman Powell and carried. Monthly budget reports of City Departments for Februar,r were filed for approval. It was moved by Councilman Neer the reports be approved and filed. Seconied by Counci1man Wolfe. All voted~. Motion carried. I . I Claims paid March 10 ani li, in total amount of &48,954.43 were filed for approval. It was moved by I Councilman BrC7dn, seconded by Councilman Sandison, that the claiJDs be approved as paid. ~!otion carried. I It was also moved by Counci1man Brow that the City Treasurer's repcrt for the month of FebxuaI'Y be 1lPproved and fUed. Seconded by Couroi1man Neer. All voted lI:fe. Motion carried. . I Don Sleeper, chd.nnan of the Industrial DevelopDllnt Committee, Community Action Assemb13, read a letter Ilefpre ' I.the Council recOlllllending that the City .req~st from the Washington Survey ani Rating Bureau, a survey to 1 detennine the City's eligibility for fire insurance re-classification, survey to be completed in time to I benefit in 1955 from alij' adjustments made. Mqor Smith advised that request for classification has been I contemplated. It was moved by Couroi1man Neer that the City file application for survey at appropriate time. Seconded by Councilman .Powell. AlJ. voted ~e. Motion carried. Revision of the building code was discussed by the Council. Manager Vergeer inibrmed that the present building code is outdated and recommended that the Standard Pacific Coast Building Code be adopted. It was !.moved by Councilman Neer that the matter be referred to the Planning COIIIIllission, Manager V~geer to meet ~wij;h them regarding the same. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I A representative of Shell Oil Co. at 1st and Albert Ste., requested that the Council approve 35' drivewq 'I opening in front of the Coca-Cola warehouse just East of the service station. Manager Vergeer .advised that he has investigated the requested driveway as has the building inspector and jiengineer. That the . opening is not recommended. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the matter be referred to the Planning I Commission for their recommendations. Secollied by Councilman Sandison. All voted~. 11otion carried. i Manager Vergeer explained tems of an agreement between the City and Claliam County Fire District No.2, I whereby the City and Distriot joint13 purcnase a fire truck and pumper, the Federal. Govel'llltlent paying about one third of cost SJr Civil Defense measure. It was moved by Counci1man Jmm that the publication 'of call for bids be approved and the City enter into agreSlD!lnt with the Fire District if the same meets I approval of the Division of Municipal Corporations. Motion seconded by Couroilman \1olfe and unanimous13 carried. . !Manager Vergeer infonned of rep13 from the Y.M.C.A. regarding delinquency fro utility services and that 22% of the account has been paid. Mr. Vergeer al.so read a letter from the School District regarding the ; East 12th Street improvement and cited problems encountered concerning acquisition.of right of wa,y for I contemplated 1954 street improvements. No objections to rigb.t of wa,y have appeared but funds for purchase I are not available. Attorney Severyns admitted that L.I.D. Funds cannot be used for purchase of the right : of way and no solution has as ye,t been worked out. , j , IManager Vergeer read excerpts from the Planning Commission meeting of February 25, regarding amendment to I Zoning Ordinance and application by Paul Loyle. Also FrBJlk Christman property. Request of School I District No. 17 for vacation of certain streets and alleys in West Lincoln Heights, and cutting througn : Laurel Street Bluff from 1st Street South. It was moved by Couzx:ilman Near that the matter be tabled until . the next meeting. Seconied by Counci1man Brown and carried. 1 Counci1man Near inquired regarding progress of water main on Minnie Avenue. Manager Vergeer replied that the I project has not been abandoned but as per Council instructions, projects within the City are receiving ~ priority. Mr. Vergeer then informed that Marine Drive has been entire13 cleared of debris and is nOlf bcing I ....lIIl ,.. 382 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 18 continued 19~ "",...""....'M......,""'....".... ..... .... filled. Also' that petitions are being ~irculeted for improVSID!lnt of streets on Cherry Hill by construction of pennanent blacktop sufacing which may include East to Peabod;y Street, Soutn of Eightn. ". There being no flrther busil'l!lss, the meeting "as declared adjourned. a. 8. (j z~ City Clerk NOTICE TO BIDDEKS '"Birlx will bl'! receive{! b~' the CH)' C'terk of the Cit~. BUlld1ng, 140 'Wc~t l~,.ont Street, Port Angeles, \Vash- J.glan, tll) 10 5.:00 o'clock P. M.,' tfi~l'llc~~n~~6~ F{~no~n w~~ lJf:3orPeg;~1o~~ ~,:;~s ~~; /h~mrol~~\~ri.I1:0~~~~~~:~~. Z-One Naw Mot<lr PlolI:up Btnet .t Sweeper ('h~1~~~t dr~~eJ,~.:c:)iref;~~~~~Cttl.e~a:~~~.l I.:fnc for slH1rter lUl"Tllllf; radius. Power amI rll'l\'es shaH be of appro'V~ d. typf' .wlth posltlV() two wheel lrJw' f,:~[Jl1~~~rre~otu~c~~~~ to be avaihible GUtlCl' )Jrl)cm ~h(\1l be right hand taunted adju,stable for wear am'! ptteJ' angle. ~Pickup broom sh~1l he appro:.::l. lt~~~er t~~{p' nJj\~sl~~f~') fO:.n~::r. In Brooms shall haye two 01' more forward SPQIHIs and Shall operRtc IndcPcndellLly of the motloll of th(l In\'e~per. Dirt HC'!II]H>r, of not less thalli three (3, CUbIc yards. 'Yater Sy~tell1~Water under pres- ",ure to 8prllY nozzle~ along sweep..' ~s.~;~]l'll~]~dr~dea;;:V~~~y n~~~O)h~~t! Sweeper must ha'\'c t]lree (3) g,\'e_ I ePii:: ~:g8so~n~o[e]~~~seth~~...ofi:i:~~ I ~11~1~~~~teell (LIt) mlles per hour j Hydraulic: Controls. shl\lI be prov, ded to raise and _lower brooms and 00 fllwn :m(l closo hopper, 8weepel' shall have cab, wlnd- hleld, cab heater,legitJ Jlghts. one' .':;tra Gutter Broom, Scgements fm- U Rl'td one exlra Pickun Broom fJll_ d with :(jbrC'. Dctnll !Opeclfications shall Roeo_ Wn:y all bids. ~' eliycxy Ditte ~, id check of 5% of bid requlre(l. U One New Tilt Deolr: Tr&1JGr Twenty Ton Ol\.pACltg' o~l~;f :llf~:.<!~nt:l-' tnou!land (20,OOO) 'Rlg-ht tire:;;, 18,25 X l5-l{ ply 01\' platform traller tires. ;;;Ixteen (1(;) foot minimum lend- ng deCk, exclusive of ramp. ?olinl. num length of deck overall, lwent:r two ana one IHtlf (221h) feet; Vel" lclc singh: leg E;UPJ)Ol't8, Four (4) lash rIngs IIC]> Rlile. HJ-'drnuUe c)'linder for Tnt Deck ontl'ol. \YalJdng beam under con$trueUon. All' brakes; twelYo :s' six 02" x "t~~~;r Ijl:~~,8, etc Bld(ler to accept trade-Jn of the following: 1-1930 Stahlc)' troner twent}. (2()} UJ.!1 cap:olcity, sollrl rubber tires. Detailed spcelflcatlons shall ac, QCmpflny all ltlds, .oellvelj'Date_ Bid check, tOf 6% or hJd n~'1ulred. IJI-o~l~:t ~~;~::r !lype j MInimum turly (40) tJrawbar H.P, I' Sixty ((10") Inch guage and sixteen (16") inch track shoes. li):julrpell WIth Hydraulic Dozer nc1 Blade of conyontlonnl make lade lengtJl EIght '".Ft. two- inches (.~' 2")-Elgllt .n. six Inch(ls (8' ~"). Towing wll\C'h or drum, Hyster- C:lrco or e<lual Factor~' Cab mounted on hea\'y constructed running boards Electric stnl.ter~hea"y duty front It'ltcl's and track roller gU/l.rds. Hldder to Accept Tm()c-In. of Ihe F()llowln.z::-: 1~]9313 04() Intermnlonlll Tl'1l.ctor with Do;:('r, Detail ~))E'cl[lcatlon~ shall accom. pa.Jl;1.' all lllt'lfl, DeUyery Date ~ Bid checl( of &% of bill requlred: City reserves the r1ght to accept or reJect nny or nil prO]losnls t\nd 1 refervcs the right to waive any II'- . l-cqu}nritier; In bios. CITY OF PORT ANGELES Port Angeles, \Y/l.shlngLon G. S. Vergeer, Clly Manage; i i9~'i~I.IShed; Mal'ell 25 1tndAprll 1, ~ Ill.... 1fO'l"lQli TO _lJ?niiu Bids will b(! Mce.pted until ri:OO o'clock P,M~, Aprll 1, 1!!!i4, at the office of City ManaKer. 1-40 -W~Sl Front Street, Port AntJclcs, Washlng- lOll, co....erlng l'urehMe by the City of' Port Angeles. ''Va.shlnll:ton of ()nc only 7M G. P. M. Fire EnJ!"lne. Detailed s}lecirlcations avnJlable wlthout emit a.t saId City Manager'a Office City reserves the right to. accept (II' reject Ilny or all httl.R. Bidders are advised ()f slmlJa.r ea.1l for tJlda pllbllshM below covering Il. 1l6cond unit to be 'Purchnsoo jointly by C!ty,and Fire Dlstrlct, The Fire. Commlestoners of Cla.l- lam Count)' Fire Protection District Number 2. and the Clty of Port Angelos., Washington will rcoelv'l lJld-g on one (J) flew c;la.ss, "A" 750 Gp.M l'\\'O stale Dumping -enrdhe. , Seall!!d b~d~ will be acoopted until 5:00 P. M" April J, J!l5( a.t the office of City Manll.g6r G. S. Ver- geer at the City Hall nt Port An- eles, 1\'nshlngton_ I . The FIre Commisslorwrll - 01' Clal- aam COunty Fire Protecll()1l Dlst_ tct Number. 2, nnd City re9CrV6S he rJght to reject ll.ny or Il.H bide r T~~n~;c~t :~;m~~~~C~~~~i be o.r- I anged upon "ward of contra.ct. I Each bidder 6hi\.1I speclfy the mtI.X- mum oelh'ery da.te ~r the pumper. Complete :>llcclficatlona conslsUnli of FeoNal ClvJ] Dctense Admlni&- traUon Standard ltem Specifications as A.lter~o to be equal or better ma.y be obtained Ilt the 'ab.ove ar1clress of th~'I~~ty c~~:i,~~fonerll of. C)a.llam County Fire Pro-tactIOn District Nu. mbor ... By: E. Warren .Enerott, Chtl,lrman City or [\ort Anselefl, Wllflhlngton. By G. S. Vcrgeer, Clt.)'~{nnager PubllAlled :March 18 ~d 25, 1llGt-. ;fL~. l4qor I I I I