HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/19/1941 r- 260 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~arch 19, 1941 19_ .... Th. Corrllt,ission rIet in r..;ulA~ session at 10 .'. .;,,, and WaS called to order by Mayor Be~tle. Roll call shQwed the follcr.l'ing officers present, !!.eyor Beetle, Corrunissioners Beam and Lind, Acting ...ttorney Taylor ~ an::! Clerk_ H'31Ikins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building termits the following were granted: Smith 10e Company, Addition to Cold Storaee, Lot 11, 31cck :WD, Townsite Paul Vfoite, Remodel :louse, Lot 7, Block 151, Townsite 500.00 300 .00 W. F. Philli;Js, Police Judge, r.~orted 37 cases t~ied ai." $468.50 colleot.d in fines for t.he month of. F.!:>ru.ry, 1941. Report ordered filed. I Under the h.ed of IntrodClction of OrdinaYlces the follewing ordinaYlce "as introduced, read in 1'111 and placed on its first 8nd se:cnd r~adings: I I All ORDINANCE pro'/idine for the establi,.h.'Oent of a "SCHOOL PAT!10L"; providing for school cressines, and I. reJulating said oross~ll6s; makin2 it unlawful for the operatcr of any vehicle being operated within the city limits of the oitj of Port lngeles to disregard any rea.sonable directions of any mem!:>er of said 1 scr.ool pptrol 2cting in thr- perforrJIBr.ce of his duties as. such ~nd wher. YleRriI15 or displ,~yi:1g appropriate insigniaj providing penalti~s for ~h~ vio18tion thereof; and declaring an ~.ereency. 1 onder the head of Introduction of Rescluticns the fol~Jwin6 r,solution "as introduced: I RESOLUTIJN TO CPR"Y FORWARJ Btr.JJET ITEE I ~~EREAS, On acco~~t of changes in certain street improvements provided for in the 1940 budget makin& the . said improv~ments p!rmanent, it vms necessary, before the said improv~ents could be made, to rerr.ove certain pipe lines of the Port Angeles Water System in the district to be improved and replace them with new ;1ipe lines. It ~1~C' l:,~came neces58r-J to constru~t q building .:or th~ ~'lousir..b of Light C!nd Water Departrr:er.tc' i'!!quipment p.nd a store roo;n for supplies, 2nd I ViEC:tE\S, prcvisior.. for the pbcve expenditures was made by Emergency Ordinar~ce ~:o. 1071, which proviJ~d ~o7,750.00 for the Water Depart~ent. $2,750.00 of this a~ount togethe, with a like amount of $2,750.00 for the Light Department, making a total of $5,500.00, was provided for the construction of the !:>uildin~ for the housin~ of Light and Water Departments' equipment and a store room for supplies, and WHERE!.S, during the year 1940 very little work could be done tCJWards the construction of the aoove referred to building. However, the ground Was graded and prepared for construction and orders placed for mete rial. I NOW, THERE;'ORE, BE IT RES0LVED, by the Cit;r Cor.unission that the City Clerk b, and he is hereby instructed I to transf,r f,om th, 1940 bud~et to the 1941 budzet the ite~ cf $2,75~.00 L~ th~ Weter Depert.~ent b~j&et and the ite~ of $2,750.00 in the Light n,portment budcet, provided by ~ercency Ordinance No. 1071, for the constructio," of a building fo, the heusin/:: of Light and Weter Depertm"nts I equipment and :l store room for supplies, all i:1 accordpnc~ with the provisions of th~ last paragraph of Section 9000-6 cf ?~r;lingtonls Revised 8tatutes; BE I~ f~RTHEF. RESO:~~D) that the light and W8t~r Departme~ts proceed with the construction of the buildilli r~ferred ~o, ~nd that all costs of construc~icn b~ charged against th~ s~id it~ms tran~f~rr~d from the 1940 bud~et to the 1941 budget. It ViaS j..oved by Com~nissioner tind thRt th~ for~goi~ r esoluticn be approved and C'l:1opted. Seconj~d b~{ COITJrissioner 3em;.. C:r.. rcll c;J.ll all J':1~:'Ttber~ '..ot~d ~ye. The }..a~Tor declar~d the ::... ti8n carri~d. Under th~ head 0: ~n:inished Eusi","" : (',\l.1.. ,,'on nlu~ f:enlpd hirlf: 'will h~ t't'ef'i\'f'd In- th\' t'il\- Cll-l'], of tlHl Clt~. or .I'(!1"t ~\n~('le~, \\.ll."l1jl\~jflll, llll to <lnd n(l~ liHt..!' tllfln 10 lUll.. March l~I, 1~41, :fflT' \11<' 11ll1'cluuw flf 011\' trlll'\{ fOl" lUte Light Ut'partmcnt, . Sll1'cifil'n.tl"l1:< m:ly l:,~ OhU\ined. \from t1w orriN' (If till' CIty Clpl.k . ~ TIlt' ('it~. C(.ml11is'3ill1l rt'sl>r:vl':~ t.he ,I,jgill to )'PjP('t UI1\., all,l ,Ill lno::;. x. ;\1, 11.\\\'KI;";-~, , . ('it," ell'l'!;:, . .r~ Mnrrh 7~.::.:.J....'LLf--L:: . The City Clerk repo,ted that pursupnt to publi~hed call, the folloll'ing bids for the purchase of one 5/4 ton pick-up tmck for th, Licht Department were on file: v. A. Semu~lson & Company Schreiner-Kyle Chevrolet Company Port hngeles ~futors The !:>ids "ere oroned and referred to the SU;Jt. of the LiEht Department for oheckin.; ad report !:>aok to the Comrrissicn. CA 1,1. FOIl IUDS : S('1I1f>(1 hid!' will hrt r('cclved by the City CI("I"I, of the ctt~' of Port' AtlKele~. \Yashington. UjI to and not laU~"l' than 10 a.m.. :vJ.al'('h 1!J. 1941, for the> JlllrclHl8c of ()Ill' truck for th" \\Cntf>r D{lpal.tm~nt ~1)eCln('atl!1I1S may. he nbtllincd tram tllt' (JUIce of the City Clerk. The City COl1lmi3~loll n3crvcs the right to reject allY and aU hl,ls. x. ~1. H,\ I.\'K1XS, Clt'" Clcl"l( ! p~ b. :;Ofa-l'ch 7 -14. '.~f I.f J The City Cl.r:, reported that pursurllt t.o published call, the following bids for the purchase of one Truck Chas~is with cab for tr.e Wat~r Department were on fil~: V. A. Samuelson & Conpany Schr~iner-Ky1e Chevrolet Cor..pany Port Anceles Motors The bids wer~ opened and ref~rred to the Su~t. of the Water Department for checking and report back to the COl1'!:lission. ! The Conud.ssion then adjourned to rr..eet at 2. P.!~. The Comr.,ission met pursuant to adjournr:tent at ?, P.",. Roll oall showed tho following officers present: !.,:~ror Jeetle, COIIL'T.issioners Bea!J ~nd Lind and Ca~].'k H?wkins. The Supt. of the Li~ht D'part.me~t having checked the bids fer the purchase of a 5/4 ton piol:-~p truck which w~r~ o~e~ed at the mornin~ sessic~; ~~ported th~ bids to be a~ follows: I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington lCaroh 19, 1941 19_ 261~ TO"" " ..~""..~, ..~...~. '''T<--=.''. ."''''.''. -~940" - I I I I I BIDS OK LIGh'T DEPlJ?Tl.C!:IIT 3/4 TON PICKlJP Opened lSe.rch 19, 1941 BIDDER TRUCK MODEL AI,fOUNT Port Angeles !,~tor K 2 $657.12 International Schreiner-Kyle Chevrolet Pickup 713.92 l-- 11. .A. Samuelson Ford lID-83 756.03 After du~ consider~ticn it WBS novej by Commisf,ion~r Bean that th~ bid of Schreiner-ryl~ Ch~vrolet Company for a Chevrolet pick-up model at $713.92 !:>e accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Lind. On roll call all me"",rs voted eye. Th, Eayor declared the motion carried. The Supt. of Water D,partment having checked the bids for the purchase of one Truok chassis with cab which were open!d at the morning session] reported the bids to be as follcws: BIDS on 'i:;~TER DEPlJ?'ITENT TRUCK CHhSSIS Opened I.~rch 19, 1941 BIDDER TRUCK MODEL Al.lOUNT Schreiner-Kyle Chevrolet 1941 C.C.E. $1177.08 Port Angeles lEctors I {</' International D 300 1232.72 V. A. Samuelson Ford 19871-81 1287.24 --- After due consideration it was ~oved by Commissioner Lind that th, bid of V. P. Sa~uelDon & Company for a Ford, Ir.odel 193W-81 at .S1287.24 be accepted. Seconded \Jy C01lllr.issioner 8e,.". On roll call all membors voted aye. The Layor declared the ~otion carried. 5.71 2.85 3.01 7.46 10 10.71 0/ 81.60 \0' 12.50 7.22 7.60 117.66 59.78 t) 35.64 r"\o 9.17 4.59 7.78 ,<\. 36.16 / ../" G.le 1,.010- 81n.08 .78 11.44 20.18 The CoItIDissicn exa::d.r:ed and allowed the! following- claims and ordered warrants dravm for same: CURI,EI1T EXPENSE FU!iD Olyrr.pio StoLoners " " Sup"lies n H. E. Van Brocklin V. A. Samuelson ~ Co. Olyrr.pic Stationers Seattle Rubber Stamp Co. Olympic Stotioners H. H. ~lan erocklin Insurance Repa irs Supplies 3icycle License Plates Supplies Insurance CITLSTF\EF,:! F'U@ .:. H. Van Brocklin Insurance WA TER FUND Seattle Pluwbing ~pply Co. OlJ~pic FoundrJ LO. n 11 tf Pipe &: -Fi t ting s VAl ve Boxes II Insuranoe Batteries H. H. Van Hrocklin Monte;omery' Ward & Co. LICHT FUND Kontgomery Ward & Co. 2. ::.. V.qn Drocklin Olympic Stetioners Pu~et Sound Povyer &. lisht Co. Rope Insurance Blue Prints February poner Bill CE1!.E'!'EJY F~rn H. ~. ~an Brocklin Insurance LIBPJ.RY jo ....[:1) H. H. Van Brocklin Insuranc e PAlIK FUND ;:. B. Var. Bro cklin Insurance ....4 ,... 262 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~.,,~ . MU"".O, "ATTL~, .~UI""""" P"",".I. DDU,O I L!.D. GUARANTY FUND I City Treasurer E. H. V8n Brocklin CITfNIDE SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION FUND Ed Horton Cliff H. Johnso," l'~rch 19J 1941 . __19_ Assessm~ntG Insurance \,~ ,/ 250.96 "> 'Y .70 .i:;' 9.75 )q 9.75 I Labo, There beiYlg no further business the Commission then adjoura~d. 7r:/lM~ ~~ Ci t;i Cl OTk I.:p~'cr I I I I