HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/19/1953 ,. 314 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 19 lifiL ~'" _OM". ,,,,,,. """""'. '"'""" ,.... .... , ".,'\ I ,The City Council of the City of Port Angeles met in regular session at 7:30 P.~., and was called to order ,by Ml%r Smith. Roll call of officers revealed the following present: V.aoror Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, ,Sandison, Powell, and vlolfe, Iclanager VergeeJ:, Attorney Severyns and q.erk Law. , 1 :It was moved by Councilman Neer that minutes of the preVious seesion be approved as received. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted kye. Motion carried. J , Under the head ot: unfinished business, and pursuant to calls for bids published, the following were receivedi l For Surveyor's Transit: .. I American Ranken Copy Co., 1 Berger Surveyor's Transit No. 6! R. Buzka, with tripod, $700~OO less ' I 1150.00 trade-in. .' I . Lowman and Hanford Co., l-K. and E Paragon 1IP5085C with tripod $.700.63. Alternate bid, l-K and E #P5130 with tripod, $570.50. . Trade-in, $150,09. "_. '" '_ -_ Kuker-Ranken, Inc., ' 1 Gurley #132RF-20 Transit with tripod; $577.00. l-Gurley #13$-20 Transit with tripod, $595.00. Trade-in allowance, $100.00. i Charles Bruning Comparv, Inc., I-Bruning #4885 Brunson Model 50 with extension leg tripod, $585.00 I .less trade-in, $150.00 I ;It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that bids be referred to the Engineering Department for stud;y ot: equiplllent tffered and report findings .at the next meeting. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. ,Bid on Lots 17 and IB, Block 417, Albin Sund, $130.00. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the bid be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. 11otion carded. I ' ,Bids on Lots 1 to 4, inclusive, Block q!)4: llObert Cahill, $300.00. Owens Bros. Engineering and Constructiod ,Co., $20.00 per lot. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the bid by Robert Cahill of $300.00 be.accepted. ,secorded by Councilman.Wolfe. All. voted llye. Motion carried. . I Bids, ledger sheets and"postcards: The Olympic Printery, Ledger.sheets, $95.15. P~stcards Evening News Press, Ledger sheets, 120.00 postcards Remington Rand, Inc. Ledger sheets, 162.00 Postcards Quick Print, Ledger sheets, llO.q!) Postcards Lowman and Hanford, Ledger sheets, IB7.65 Postcards Businesa Service Co., Ledger sheets o~, $lll.24 Moore Business Forms, Inc. Ledger sheets. M.OS per M., postcards, $3.06 per M I Pioneer, Inc., Ledger sheets, lq!).oo Postcards 325.00 It was moved by Councilman Brown that the bid by the Evening News Press be accepted. Seconded by Council- I inan lioUe and Carried. I Eids- Car for Hater Department: Samuelson IclotorCo., Ford mainline 6-cylinder Fordor, $1.694.35, Trade-in, 19q!) Plymouth, $50.00. I Net, $1,644.35 ., . .' Port Angeles Motors: 1-1953 Pontiac 6 cylinder Chieftain sedan, $2,374.80, lass Trade-in, 1940 Plymouth $300.00. Net, $2,07L..-84. ' . . Schreiner Chevrolet po.: , 1-1953 Model 111503 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan, $1,973.07, less trade-in I 1940 Pl,ymouth, $255.00. Net, $1,718.07. I . Manager Vergeer recommended the bid by Samuelson 11otor Co. for 6-cylinder Ford Hainline at $1,644.35 net i<s the best offer. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the recommendation be accepted and Ford car purchased. Seconded. by Councilman Brown and Ilill\IlimoUSly carried. I Ci ty Engineer Alihrers filed notice in writing that the thirty day period has elapsed since completion and acceptance of the .rork done and material furnished by Burrows, Hilone and Tucci on LID No 161. Also recommended that the 15% retained, or $6,051.32 be paid the comractor, as, no incomplete or defective work has been discovered for which the City, makes claim. It was moved by Councilman J'eer that the Council ~pprove recommendation by the Engineer and a warrant be issued in payment of t he amount retinaed. Motion seconded by Councilman ilolfe. On roll call, all voted Aye. The ~or declared the motion carried. I [ - . The Council reconsidered request previously filed for removal of board fence at Civic Field, the same to . pe replaced by wire or shrubbery. l-lanager Vergeer informed that he has investigated and finds no exceptional' hazard or excuse for accidents except at Fourth and Hashington Streetll where vision might be considered Slightly obstructed. Mr. Vergeer's o~ recommendation was that a caution sign be installed at this corner. The Council instructed Mr. Vergeer to order sign installed on the East side of IVashington, South of 4th, fenCing to remn intact. Amended April 2 to read North West corne.r of 4th and lI'ashington. I /lequest by Frank Hambley that the City sell timber on property in the Morse Creek Watershed was reconsidered. The area having been inspected and timber in question being below the dam site, it was moved by Councilman Folfe that the Council approve sale of the same. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown and unanimously carried. I The Planning Commission filed report of finding as foll""s: I CHERRY STRI!:ET OPENING: ~ter considerable discussion, it was pointed out that, Cherry Street, in this area, is in a first class residential district; the type of paveme~ on the street does not lend itself to heavy traffic; that the roadwayis not an arterial, having a width of only thirty feet; and, in the opinion of your Planning Commission, if this l1equest were pursued, it would ,only have a tendency to invite traffice wjlich would be a )mistake; furthennore, the proposed entrance on Highwa,y 101 would be a hazard. It was therefore the bpinion of the Planning Commission tI1at we recommerrl the request be denied. I On the whole, the Planning Commission was not opposed.to this exchange.. Certain things were pointed out, however, which we feel should be examined further before a decision is reached. They are as follows: (A) Consider relative costs of propesed improvement of Oak, Railroad ani Laurel .>treets. It was felt assessments on Lot 6 would be greater than Lot 4. (B) The value of the location from a business standpoint that is to say, the distance of these respective lots frQm Front & Laurel Streets which, in this case, should be considered developed. (C) Drainage. It was pointed out. Lot 4 is drained while Lot 6 is not. (D) It was pointed out, the lfueeler people now use Lot 6 as a parking lot whieh is 150 feet removed. If they were to acquire Lot 4, their parking lot would be adjacent to the present building, thus adding additional value to them. (E) Value of the presnnt building would be enhanced with ownership of .adjacent iot. It was felt, by the members of the Planning Commission, that the above and other matters should be studied further before a decision is reached. I $312.45. ,270.00 431. q!) 295.80 318.25 IVIIEELER flAIlDWARE REQUEST FOR LOT TRIIDE: .... I I I o! I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 19 19~_ - ", 315 I .1 I 'I continued ""' . '0"". am". ""_'''. ,.,."........ ..... lIt was moved by Couhcilman Neer that the Council concur with recommendation of the Planning Collllllission. ,Motion secohded by Councilman Sandison ani unanimously carried. I I 11'ork having been completed and contract accepted for construction and installation of sanitary lateral lsewers in LID No. 161, it >las moved by Councilman Brown that a resolution be adopted setting the date of hearing'. on Assessment Roll for said district as~ April 16, 195.3. I.lotion seconded by Councilman 'Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 1 ' , Resolution Setting Date For Final Hearing On Assessment Roll fjf Local Improvement District No. 161 I Of The City Of Port Angele s And The Defining Notice Thereof. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PCRT ANGELES ae follows: , I I I. That a final hearing be held upon the Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 161 of the City of Port Angeles at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. on Thursday, . April 16, 19,.3 at the Council Room 10f the :ort Angeles Police Station at . Front and Oak Streets, Port Angeles, lrashington. I . i That the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles is hereby directed to give notice of such hearing lnotifying all persons who may desire to object to said ,\ssessment Roll. I. (1) To make their objections in writing and to file them with the City Clerk at or 'prior to the date fixed for the hearing;' , '. 1 (2) That a:. the time and place fixed and at times to >1hich the hearing may be adjourned, ,the Council will siLas. a board of equalization for the purpose of considering the roll; and . (3) That at the hearing the Council ,<ill consider the objecti.ons made and will correct, 'revise, raise, lower, change or mbdify the roll or any part thereof or set aside the roll and order the 'assessment to be mr.d.e de ncvo, and at the conclusicn thereof confirm the roll by ordinance. , Statement of City's conclusion on recent litigation with the Clallam County Public Utiility District No.1 'was read by the City l1anager as follows: . I . CITY'S CONCLUSIONS mr P.U.D. CASE , The Superior Court ruling by Judt:;e Stlton is to the effect that payment of the bills rendered bo' the :P.U.D. to the City since January, 1950, constzued the contract between the two parties and therefore Ithe city cannot legally reCOVer any part of it I s claims. : This means that the charges made by the P.U.D.,even though not in compliance Nith the >lording of the contract between the City and .the P.li.D. as..originally intended, is nmT adjudged legal. : The City Goverrunent' s position is no different nON than it was at the time of filing our counter . suit. The city feels that the rates charged the city, even though adjudged legally collectable, are ~orbitant. A brokerage fee of $165,000 a year is hardly a reasonable payment by one public agency to another in vi e>l of the negligible s ervic e rendered. i A dispute o"er $21,000 paomtent was pending when this government took office and the City could ill afford payment of this disputed amount without challenge. Neither would it have been to 'the Public's advantage not to be fully infonned as to what the P.U.D is costing the city in addition to the taxes they levy. " I Fortunately the p. U.D. depends on the city for other services arld when the time arrives for renewal of contracts other .than .for power, the city expects to collect all costs and unfair charges' exacted from the city. ; l'Thile our present power contract was entered into in good faith inl944, failure to voluntarily reduce ~ates to the citor to fair and equitl!-ble rates has resulted in it becoming an unfair burden on the city and the city will nilt consider renewal or extension of it's pO>ler contract. I Accordingly the city abides by the legal determination..of the Superitlr Court Justice and ,rill not appeal the decision. _" ., ' , An appeal would be of little use where no regulatory authority exists having jurisdiction ove!' r~tes charged by public utility district. I .The Council approved the foregoing sta~ement as read. II. , Hearing date for Improvement Resolution No. 164 having been previously fixed as April 2, it was' moved i' by Councilman Wolfe that the date of hearing be postponed to Ma;y 7, thereby permittine time required . for preliminary survey and mailing notices. Motion seconded py Councilman Powell and unanimously carried. ~. City }~ger Vergeer reported on findings regarding opening of Laurel Street, South from 1st Street. ~lr. Vergeer.presented sketch showing cut to .3d Steeet ,lith 2d Street overpass, .estimated cost approximately $366,.360.00. This would provide a beautiful and useful structure ,;.ith .30 foot roadwa;y and sidewalk of 9.5% ,grade. . It \'/as the opinion of VU'. Vergeer that paying cost of improvement on assessment basis is doubtful at this time and the project should be decided by vote of the people. Also, .some opposition might be expressed by abutting property wners effected. An offer by the Olympic State Bank was explained wherein the Bank suggested a Laurel Street turn-around at the foot of the bluff with steps up said bluff. Also retaining wall the lUight of bank building with turn-around affording drive-in facilities for "bank patrons. This would surround island which would be landscaped with flowers and shrubbery. If the bank were permittted to make improvements, only cost to the City would be landscaping upper part of bluff. Councilman Sandison suggested tunnel instead of cut on Laurel Street. It was decided that cost of tunnel project would exceed proposed cut. Councilman Wolfe questioned' possibility of Im,ering 2d Street <to reduce grade. Mr. Vergeer advised that the City would be responsibe for damage to abutting property. Lary Hinters appeared for the Chamber of Commerce tourist committee and exhibited model o~ sign proposed"for the Laurel Bluff 'area, the same to be installed by the Chamber of Commerce. The question of opening Laurel Street at a future time was discussed. Attorell1' Severyns advised that the street would remain a public easement which the City could not tie up for definite time. It was the opinion of Councilman Neer that if the Street was ever opened, the bank would not object. After further discussion, it was moved by Councilman Neer that the Ci'o/ Manager be authorized to obtain definite proposal and report later. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted kye. Motion carried. Under the head of new business, the Council considered appointment of member to the Park replaci ng Arnold Carlson, resigned. Councilman Sandison suggested lrilliam S. Johnson and Councilman Bro\1Il proposed Mrs. Hugh Hankins. It was decided to postpone definite appointment until the next meeting. filed Public hearing on petition/by property owners living south of Minnie Avenue was opened. Petition requested that the City consider serving \<ater above Minnie Avenue. Manager Vergeer's recommendation : was only a repeat of former decision on request to Jfinnie Avenue. The City can install booster pump, \....... ..... ,.. 316 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 19 continued 19~ '""....""......"....."","..,....... ..... .... and a.s the Council set boundary at Minnie Avenue, the City has no further responsibility. It was therefore moved by Councilman Brown. that the ,application .be denied. Seconded by Councilman, Neer. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Co~ncil considered for approval, claims paid as of March 9, ll, 12, in amount of $50,072.48. It was moved by CounCilman l'lolfe that the cla;Lms be .approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman ~o>lell.. All voted !We. Motion carried. Request was. received from the U.S. CoastGuard that the City enter into agreement: for installation of fire alarm at the gate entrance of the Coast Guard Base on Ediz Hook, at approonmate cost of $.395.00. Manager Vergeer advised that the cost is in excess of budget appropriation. That the City can donate services but no cash outlay is available. The only alternative would be an emergency ordinance in the Fire Dept. It was Jl1(Ned by Councilman Neer. that the matter be tabled until the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion <carried. The Chamber of Compterce filed request for .closure of Front Street from J.oaurel to Qak Streets April ll, from 12:00 noon to 6:00 P. M. The matter of precedent pej.ng established; and similar requests .for closing, were questi9tl!'d. Also using Laurel Street which hasbeen closed on previous occasions. No apparent objections appearing, it was moved by Councilman Brcwn that closure be allowed as requested. Se~onded by Councilman Powell and carried. Also requested was permiSSion by the ~erican Legion to stage carnival on East First Street, from Washingion :')tt'eet East to the Hurd Transfer building. It.was moved by Councilman l'lolfe that l:equest be approved. Seconded by Councilman Neer. All voted /we.. l.lotion carried. The sale of Lot 6, Block 50, Townsite, was condidered, minimun price having been requested. Manager Vergeer explained that the Lot had been pruchased by the City with intention of constructing storage facilities, but sees no objections to disposal. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the Manager be authorized to start negotiations for sale of the Lot and bids published, the "same to be opl'ned April 2. Motion seconded bY Councilman Wolfe and carried. . MinimUm price was also requested /let for Lots 1.3 ~ 14, Block 248, Townsite, being east of L Street on 8th. The request was tabled until the. property haK been checked according to location and valuation. Lee Hodson, City Librarian, requested information .rega~ng employment of architect and payment for same concerning contemplated addition to the Library building. The question was whether or not such cost can, be paid out of the Library Cumulative Reserve Fund, the money to be spent for preliminary plans o~. It was moved by Oouncilman Brown that the matter be referred to ,the Manager authorizing him to meet with the Library Boar4 and report later. Motion seconded by Counci1J(laIJ, I:owell. All voted A,te. Motion carried. ~ Miss Hodson also filed request that the Council consider extended employJDIIt of Anna J. Hansen, janitress at the Library, for an additional two years, Mrs. Hansen ljaving reached retirement age of 65 years. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the two year extension be granted. Seconded by Councilman POlrell and unanimously carried. Clarence Flatau appeared before the Council regarding 'street improvement on Cherry Hill North of 8th Street and establishing a LID for the.sarne. The Council agreed to take action when ,a .pe.tition in proper form is submitted. : A claim for damages Waif filed by Eugene Curren in amount of $.300.00, this being the amount of damage ; suffered when his car was demolished on East Front Street where water main is being replaced. Manager Vergeer informed that he has reports from both Polic;e and Water Depts. and the area was properJ,y lighted withfiares and all precautlollS taken. It "as !!loved by Co.~ncilman Brovm that the claim be referred to the Attorney and Insurance Company. Seconded by Counci1l)lan IV' olfe. All lOted Aye. ~Ciion. carried. Capt;Un O. J. Williams, Manager, Canadian Pacific 'Railway Company, Brltish, Coiwnbia Coast Steamship IService, filed .fonnal application for lease of area at the,foot of Lincoln Street North of .Railroad jAve~ue. The area would be used for erection of a neon ~ype sign for their new tenoinal and objects of junS1.ghtl,v. appearance removed. The matter was referred to Manager Vergeer to irwestigate and report to l the Cilluncil. ,Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the followi~ was read in full for consideration Iby the Council: ORDINANCE NO. 1298 AN ORDINAl'iCE of the Oity of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 1296 [being.an Ordinance entitled; An Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, l'/'ashington, pt'Oviding for the :issuance and sale of general obligation bonds of the dty in tl)e princip~ sum o~ $4oo,00Q to provide funds to pay part of the cost of capital improvements to certain of the main traveled arterial streets in the city as more specificalJ,y provided in Ordinance No. 1275, of the city, passed and approved Feb. 11 .,1952, and as authorized by the qualified electors of the city at a special election ~ld therein on March' ;ll, 1952, providing the date, form, terms and maturities of said bonds, tbr lU!l1ual tax levies to be :,made without limitation as to rate or amount to pay the princ,ipal ani interest thereof, and creating a fund for their payment. I It was moved by Councilman Neer that the foregoing Ordinance be Bt>proved and adGpted. Seconded, by Councilman Sandison. On roll call all members voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion aarried j . . !'! .. There being no further business, the meeting was decl~ed adjou'rned. ~ e, 'L~. , City Clerk ,71' iL...- K/;:~ Mayor l I I I I I I