HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/19/1959 ,.. 624 Proceedings of the City Comm~ssion of the City of Port Angeles, Washington M~..r..h lQ 19_5'L .... . ","., '''>n', m",.,", ......,..on .... 'The City Council met in regular sessionat 7:30 P. M. and was Ql1Ied to order by Mayor Richardson. Other officers present were; Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Maxfield. Thorne. Randall and Caldwell. Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law" It was moved by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. that minutes of the previous meeting be corrected to include the following motion and approved as corrected: (It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the policy offered for the City's comprehensive liability insurance by Syd Tozier Insurance Agency, representing Clallam County Insurance Agencies and Ibyd's of London, be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried.) Under the head of unfinished business, report on location of sidewalk at 15th and Cherry streets shows the sidewalk in proper location and the fence in question is not obstruction causing hazard. The attorney advised that the property owner has the right to use the street to center line until the street is used. As the street is dead end and not being used, there is no reason to pursue, no traffic hazard ~ existing. I . Counc11man Randall as chairman of council committee informed that committee has twice met concerning I request by certain Light Department employees for salary increase, nothing definite having been decided. Mr. Randall also read report on meetings. It was the opinbn of the Mayor that all the council should meet with Light Department re,presentatives, results to be submitted at next Council meeting. Attorney Moffett reported on extensive research concerning the City's pOOl er and duty to control and reg- ulate the operation of gravel pits within the corporate limits. He also read from the Attorney-General's I opinion which cites practice of other cities, counties and states showing some control under certain 'regulations. It was the opinion of Mr. Moffett that if an ordinance is adopted there would no doubt be !" court case to test legality of the city dictating the use of private property. I<rs. Feltz stated that I her reply from the Attorney-General confirms her contention that the City can control and regulate 'Igravel pit operation by enforcing Ordinance No. 1167 and properly policing. She then exhibited a copy . of said ordinance, the attorney and mayor not agreeing with her interpretation. After further discussion, ! it was moved by Councilman Maxfield to t able any further action on gravel pit. Seconded by Councilman :Caldwell and carried. I ITI1e The for the contemplated water improvement project. council considered retaining consulting engineers fOllo"ing offers were read by the manager: JOHN W. CUNNINGHAM, Reservoir design and eng;,neering, "and, piPe line CAREY AND KRAMER, Reservoir/design arid engineering, 5 7%. Pipe line design and engineeringt 5~%. 3/4%. HAMMOND, COLLIER AND ISSAC, Reservoir design, 3t%; pipe line design, 3%; pressure relief structures, 5%; Head works and dam design, 5%. GRAY AND OSBORNE, Reservoir design, 4~%; Pipe line and engineering, 5%; Pressure relief, 5%; For resident Or field engineer, 2.2%. R. Ii. BECK AND ASSOCIATES, Preliminary stUdy, design and all engineering work, 3!'70; For resident Or field engineering, 3/4%. HILL AND INGMAN, PceHminary studies and report, !%; Design and engineering, 211,; field or t resident engineer, l~%. Due to former experience and offer submitted, the manager recommended that IBeck and Associates be retained. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that and R W. Beck and Associates be retained as consultants and engineers for Councilman Caldwell and carried. the consulting firm of R. W. recommendation be approved the City project. Seconded I IbY lunder the head of new business, Clwrk Matthieu for the Lion's Club, Bob Thomsen for American Legion, and Jim Robinson for ChaMber of Commerce, appeared before the council requesting that serious consider- ation be given to construction of rest room facilities on Ediz Hook for benefit of tourists and fishermen. Joe Niemeyer also spoke, favoring the project. John Trumbull cited offer by Hector MacDonald to William Gwynn agreeing to furnish care and maintenance. Councilman Caldwell considered this a very worthwhile rprcject and recommended that the r.l.anager check into all necessary phases and report at next meeting. 'Councilman Thorne cited IIl'vious estimate of $15,000.00 for building and equipment which could not be 'considered. The manager read estimate he had prepared, amount being $3,197.00 plus 10% for incidentals Iwhich could be transferred from the Current Expense Fund. Councilman Randall was opposed to a large, 'elaborate structure and considered the proposal as submitted adequate. It was moved by Councilman ,Randall that the manager be authorized to proceed with project based on this estimate. Seconded by ll.,,;.ounCilman Sandison and carried. A committee from the Chamber of commerce appeared regarding an advertising fund and promotion of same. IJim Robinson cited need for the fund which he said would be spent to advantage of the City. He said the :State is spending a considerable amount tc att tact tourists and it is up to the City to entice them ;to this area and also induce industry to consider this location. He req1eSted that the council give due consideration to establishing this fund. The matter to be given consideration when the 1960 budget 'lis prepared. I Claims payable were approved in amounts as follows: General funds, $7,626.54; Water fund, $1,815.32; 'Light fund, $48,602.42. It was moved by Councilman Smith that claims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. I ,The council authorized that a Resolution be prepared, permitting the City Treasurer to transfer various construction fund monies to special accounts.. I ,It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that various departmental reports be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. I Walter Mason of Lincoln School Di.strict, asked council to consider acquiring and improving land for 'playground facilities in this area.. The manager will meet with interested group and report at a future imeet ing" I Under the I primary and secondary State Highways, which streets are under the direction and control for purpMes 'of maintenance and traffic guidance of the Director of Highways of the state of Washington; and head of intcoduction of resolutions the following was introduced and read: RESOLUTION 3-59 WIIF~EAS, there are in the City of Pott Angeles, certain streets which have been designated as ~ I 1 I I I 1 I 1 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington M~1",..h 1 Q 195_9_ "...."......",."''''..,...."'."....... ~ It was moved by Counc ilman Caldwell that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of ordinances, the following were introduced and read in full: ' ORDINANCE NO. 1432 AN ORDINANCE authorizing the issuance and sale of local improvement bonds for Local Improvement District No. 178 of the City of P~t Angeles to pay the cost and expense of the improvements cf said District as ordered and provided for in Ordinance No. 1418 of the City of Port Angeles, providing for t he term of such bonds and fixing the interest rate thereon. It was moved by Councilman Smith tha,t the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1433 AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. J328 of the City of Port Angeles which ordinance deals with the water system of the City of Port Angeles and sets rates fer services, providing for increased rates and charges.; setting up an additiona-l charge for a construction funo, and creating a cumulative reserve fund for improvement and repla:ement of water lines of the City of Port Angeles, and for providing adequate storage facilities. . It was moved by Councilman Thorne tthat the foregoing Ordinance be approved anda:lopted. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unanimously carried. NO further busine~s appearing, the meeting was declared adjourned. g, C. ~aur () City Cl",rk ~~F4 625 ., - -olIlIIIll