HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/19/1964 ,.... 210 Proceeuings of t~e Ci~ Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Washington l1arch 19 19~ L6HPRIHTIHOCO. I'.~.uu ~ I The Ci~y Council met in regular session at 7:30 p,m, Officers present were Mayor Maxfield, Counci~- ,men Smlth, Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson and Wolfe, acting City Manager John Warder, Attorne~'1 Moffett and Clerk McNeece. I I A motion by Councilman Willson that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on file!1 I,' was seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. I, A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried, that the bids 1 for a 1250 GPM pumper and equipment be referred to the City Manager and the Fire Chief for study art~ recommendation. II A motion was made by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, that permission :'1' be granted to call for bids for a pickup truck, 5000 T of 211 pipe, 3000 T of 6 IT pipe and 2000!, of 8 II I pipe for the Water Department. i A meeting with the electrical IVorkers to discuss salary increases was set up for Thursday evening, I' March 26th. The following is the City Attorney's opinion on subjects as requested by the Council at the pre- vious meeting: Relative to the Industrial Water line revenue, the chief examiner at the State Auditor's office in a letter in February had stated that this money could be budgeted for transfer to the Current Expense Fund. Later by telephone had retracted this statement. A written I opinion from the auditor's office requested by March 19th, had not arrived. The City Attorney's opinion was still the same as stated at the previous meeting - the money should I go into the Water Dept. and if at the end of the year a surplus was left in the Water Dept., it could be transferred to the Current Expense fund. . \ Relative to giving lower water rates to people with done as it violates Article 1, Sec. 12 of the State against giving of special privileges to one class. basis of pure charity for the absolute destitute" to see whether it would prohibit this. low fixed incomes - this cannot be Constitution IVhich is a prohibition Legally it could be allowed on a The bonding ordinance should be checked Relative to setting of grave stones for veterans - this could legally be done for less than the $25.00 set up in the Ordinance - to veterans - but not to the American Leglon. A motlon was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councllman Wolfe and carried, that the claims I i,n amounts of: General Funds - $40,305,47, Water Fund - $6,1l7.13 - warrants No. 12330 - 12350, and Light Fund _ $33,808.68 - warrants No. 12511 - 12532, a total of $80,231.28, be approved for payment. A motion by Councilman Thorne that the Park Board minutes of March 10, 1964, be accepted and place on file, was seconded by Councilman Willson and carried. ~ IA motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, that the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and the request of the County Health Dept. for a variance from the zoning ordinance to allow a fifteen feet holdback from Caroline Street instead of the required twenty-five feet, be approved. A motion by Councilman Cornell that the Planning Commission minutes of l1arch 17, 1964 be approved and placed on file was seconded by Councilman Willson and carried. I A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Willson and carried that the Civil Service Commission minutes of March 6, 1964 bc accepted and placed on file. The following resolution setting expiration date of March 1 for all city commissions and boards. was introduced and read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 5-64 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, setting the terms of I office for members of city commissions and boards. Planning Commission Library Board John Reiners, March 1, 1965 Herbert I1cGee, March 1, 1966 Fred Strange, March 1, 1967 Rennie Anderson, March I, 1968 I-larry Hunt, l1arch I, 1969 I-lugh l-lank1ns, l1arch 1, 1970 John Driscoll, l1arch 1, 1970 Helen Tradewcll, l1arch 1, 1964 Claude Johnson, March I, 1955 R. E. Timm, l1arch 1, 1955 Frank B, Platt, March I, 1967 Dorothy Wagner, March 1, 1968 Park Board Civil Service Commission Ai I-laley, March I, 1965 Conrad Dyar, March 1, 1966 Harold Widsteen, March 1, 1957 George Wood, March 1, 1966 Don Judd, l1arch 1, 1958 Rev. Robert Lieby, March 1, 1970 A motion by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read, was seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. I I I I I ~-' I I I Proceeuings of t~e City Commission of t~e Ci~ of Port Angeles, Was~ington MARCH 19 _ I 9...2..L _L6H....IHTINIlIc:o.--r.2.211.-~ I ii A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Smith and carried to defer for I study action on the request of the Personnel Committee for certain changes in personnel policy. A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Smith and carried, that the two amendatory agreements executed by the Uni ted States of American, Dept ..,of the Interior acting by and through the Bonneville Power Administration and the City of Port A geles, relative to rate changes, be referred to the City Attorney for review and study. r The proposed Parking Space Regulation Ordinance as prepared by the Planning Commission was read and action deferred for further study. A motion was made by Councilman Willson, seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried, that the request of Foster Campbell for water service to his property on Melody Lane and Golf Club Road be granted. I The new rates as set out for service outside of the city by Ordinance No. 1529 will apply to this I service. ' The l1ayor announced the special meeting to be held Aprilil 6, 1964 for reorganization of the Council This is the date that the newly elected councilmen take office. A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Willson and carried that the letter from the Washington State Pollution Control Commission be accepted and placed on file for future reference. A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Counci~,Thorne and carried, that within sixty days the City Manager present a preliminary report relative to the cost for a sewage treatment facility and a proposal for financing this project. , A motion was made by Councilman Smith, seconded by Councilman Willson and carried, that the Treas- I urer's Financial Report for February 1964, the monthly report of Expenditures and Receipts, the Fire, Police, Police Judge, Recreation Dept, the Light and Water Dept. work reports and Fire Dept, Inspection, Investigations and Activities of Fire Dept. Report be accepted and placed on file. A motion by Councilman Willson that the reports of Harry Kochanek, Marguerite l1iller, R. H. Bishop and Philip Miesel Jr. on out of the city trips be accepted with "Thanks" and placed on file, was seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. A motion was made by CounciDnan Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried that the Water, Department's report on proposed construction program for 1964, ata total cost of $52,842.50 be approved. A memo from the Water Superintendent to the City Manager was read, informing that adequate water service can be installed for the Adamich property as soon as the City receives right-of-ways and can install the lines. I It was noted that under the new investment program the City's interest earings for 1963 was up :1 more than $15,000.00 over the 1962 figure. The absentee ballots for the ~eneral election, lowing General election results: Position No.1 held March 10, 1964, were canvassed with the fol- Poll Books Absentee Total 1915 21 1936 1545 II 1556 971 12 983 1447 18 1465 1031 5 1036 1617 18 1635 866 4 870 James E. Maxfield Position No.2 Leonard . Schroeder Samuel J. Haguewood Position No.3 Donald G. Bettger David R. Crawford Position No.4 Dalton W. Thorne Kenneth F. Schier From the results of said election, it appears that James E. l1axfield, Leonard Schroeder, Donald G. Bettger and Dalton W. Thorne were elected to serve as Councilmen four years and until their suc- cessors are elected and qualified under the 1963 amendatory act. (Noon on the second l10nday in January, 1970) There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~ cP m.> ~A'J . CITY CLERK ~;t, '7' I ^, r'JF>L Qril " ~ i I. I II NO'rlCE OF cALL FOB lIIDS ~,N.QtjC'e is Hereby GiYen thl'lt sea~eo "ic1_' Will be received by the elt)" Manager of the City of Port Angele",. \\'3 hlngton lHltll 1;:\0 p,:\l, April H, 196(" a.t 11ls office at City Hall, ~O "T"'~t Front Street for the pur~ CbllflC of one % ton Pickup 'r.ruelt, !witnout cargo box. A Uf:i7 ]llCktlp ltrUClt will he- trmled In on thIs item STJeclrlcatlons a.nd l11d f;.heets m8Y be obtained at ell". Hnll. Otflf'e or '~he City ::'<Ia.nagcr ~bUShed.: j.I'IH!'C]I 26 8:, __~~lril 2, 2.:G4J l'rOTIC:I: 01' CALL FOB BIDS I Xotlce Is hereby given thflt se.ale(l f blcJ~ will be rc~eJYed uy HIP. City) Mannger of the City. of Purl Angeles Washington until 7:30 P:\1 April IG. 1\IG1, at his offlr.~ at City Hell 140 'Vest Front Street tDr the pur:!' ch~ of the fulluwJng Items: . 1,000 J~It.. Ft. of 8 Im:1l \Yawr Pipe 2,000 Lin. Pt. ot 6 lncl! \Yater pjp~ 5.000 Lln, Ft, of 2 incll 'Vatl'r Pipe I Sllec.ifications an,', bid sheett) may be,,' ol.Jtamed at CIty Hall, 1 Office of the City M21lJ'lgl'rl ~h~d; I1larcfl 2G & Al)r~_ ~~ 211 ~