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MARCH 19, 1974
The Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were
Mayor Basom, Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk, Lukey, Olson, Ross and Wray,
Manager Puddy, Attorney Moffett and Deputy Clerk Parrish.
A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Wray and
unanimously carried to accept and place on file, .as received, the Minutes
of the March 5, 1974 meeting.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and
unanimously carried to authorize call for bids for the following vehicle$:
1 .1974 Dump Truck for the Water Department
1 1974 Van with windows full length, right side and rear for
the Light Department
1 1974 - ~ ton pickup for the Light Department
1 1974'- ~ ton pickup for the Street Department
1 1974 - 2-door sedan or coupe for the Finance Department
3 1974 - 4-door sedans equipped for heavy duty pOlice service
for the Police Department
1 New current model tilt cab garbage truck and one new 16
cubic yard Heil Packer or equal
1 4-door sedan for the Engineering Department
A memorandum from the Director of Public Works, John B. Warder, regarding
the bids submitted for fencing materials at the New City Garage site was
read with the following results: Allied Industries, Inc. - $4,606.35,
Tornado Fence Company - $4,075.20. The apparent low bidder bid was for
supplying 752 l.f. of fencing whereas the specifications called for 800 l.f.
of fencing. .Mr..Warder recommended the Council reject the named bids and,
with City Attorney approval, authorize Mr. Warder to negotiate prices on the
fencing materials. The City Attorney requested the Council's decision on
this matter be postponed to later on in the meeting.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Lukey and
unanimously carried to accept the bid of Pacific Pumping Company, in the I
amound of $5,709.90, for a pair of Smith and Loveless Pumps. The pumps
meet City specifications and the Director of Public Works recommended this
bid be accepted. Pacific Pumping Company's bid-was the only bid received.
A motion was made by Counci~an Wray, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and
unanimously carried to approve payment to J. D. Shotwell Co. for the retained
percent, "in the amount of $9,015.33, of the cost of the work for the 1973
Street Improvements. Clearance has been received from the Dept. of Revenue
and the Dept. of Labor and Industries and no liens have been filed.
A motion was made, by Councilman Haguewood, seconded by Councilman Wray and
unanimously carried to approve payment No.6 on Phase I, in the amount of
$9,114.87, and on Phase II, in the amount of $2,909.29, of West End (Shane)
Park to Sprague's, Inc., for work completed from December 10, 1973 to
February 12, 1974. Payment Certification received March 1, 1974 from Lee
Johnson & Associates.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and
unanimously carried to approve payment of Payroll transfers in the amount
of $81,688.95.
A Service Certificate Award was presented to Rennie :,Anderson -by Mayor Basom.
The City's appreciation and gratitude was conveyed to Mr. Anderson for his
fifteen years of service on the Planning Commission and for serving as
Chairman of the Board of Adjustment for the past year.
The hearing was opened on the Application of Peninsula Protein, Inc. for
a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit to allow them, as
lessee, to construct a fish processing and cold storage plant on property
owned by the Port of Port Angeles. Attorney Moffett briefed the Council
on the legal aspects of the Shoreline Management Act and the State
Environmental Protection Act. Mayor Basom called for audience response.
Harvey Kailin of the Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society objected to approval
of Peninsula Protein, Inc.'s permit application and expressed disapproval
of use of this public property for a plant site and advocated the City
consider the site as part of a beautification program. Objections were
also expressed by Polly Ball and members of the Park and Beautification
Board. Paul Martin, General Manager of Peninsula Protein,., Inc. ,
Paving and Drainage-
Peabody Heights
LID No. 198
GIVEN that the City of Port
Ang el es, Wash i n gton, proposes
to order the improvement of the
area generally known as
Peabody Heights by the ~n..
stallation of necessary storm
dra ins, by grad ing and paving
c;:erta ins t reefs and a Ileys, by
. constructing curbs and gutters
where necessary and by doing
a II work required in connection
with sa id improvements; a II as
more particularly described in
~ mprovement Resolution No.
198 a pproved a nd passed by th e
City Council of the City of Port
Angeles on February 18, 1975..
A public hearing on the
proposed improvements will be
held before the City Council in
th e Port Ange I es Sen ior High
School Aud itor ium, Park and
Ch ase Streets, Par t Angeles,
washington at 7:30 P..M. on
March 21, 1975.
Any person who may desire
to f fie a wr itten protest with the
City Clerk should show on such
prates t . th e lot and B lock or,
other description of his
Mar ian C. Parrish,.
City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
Port Angeles, Washington
Pub.: Feb. 28, March 21 1975.
GIVEN that the assessment roU
for Local Improvement Olstrrct
No" 197; created by Ordinance
No. 1828.. as apprOVed and
confirmed by OrdInance No.
1846.. Is In my hands for
collection.. AnV assessment
thereon or any portion thereof
may be paid without penalty,
Interest .or costs at anV time
within thirty days after March
71 1975.. Any aSSessment or
portron thereof remaJn Ing
unpaId at the end of said thirty..
day period may be paid In ten
equal installments, wIth In..
terest at the rate of 81.12 per cent
per annum. The fIrst In.
stallment together with interest
shalJ be due and payable on
April 7, 1976, and each year
thereafter one of said In.
staUments wIth Interest due on
the unpaid balance of the
assessment shal' become due
and payable as prOvided by
Patricia ROdman
City Treasurer
Prepayment period -ends
April 7~ 1975
Pub.; Marc~ 1~.. 1975.
MARCH 19, 1974 (Continued)
described the intended use of this site and requested Council approval
of the application. A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by
Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried that issuance of this permit
be held in abeyance until Peninsula Protein, Inc., provides the Council
with a Environmental Impact Assessment. Contingent upon the Environmental
Impact Assessment evaluation, further action to be taken at the April 2,
1974 Council meeting.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Wray and
unanimously carried to concur with the Planning Commission1s recommendation
and approve Robert C. Mowbray1s request for a Conditional Use Permit to
allow him to construct a veterinary cljnic in the CAD(R) zone on the north-
east corner of Front and Ennis Streets.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and
unanimously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation
and approve Jack Millerts annexation request of approximately one acre of
land ,contiguous wi.th his recently annexed I1Upland" plat on the northwest
COrner of Lauridsen Boulevard and Golf Course Road. An annexation
Ordinance will be required.
A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and
unanimously carried to concur with the Planning Commi~sionts recommendation
and approve the request of Carl F. Rose,and other signatories to annex an
area of approximately 17.84 acres on the east side of "(" Street extension
between Lauridsen Boulevard and Highway 101, to be automatically classified
as RS-9. An annexation Ordinance will ~e required.
Further discussion was held regarding the Director of Public Works'
recommendation in reference to fencing materials at the new City Garage
site. Attorney Moffett quoted from the statue RCW 35.23.352 which reads
in part, "or if in its judgement the improvement or work, including the
purchase of supplies, material and equipment, can be done by the City at
less cost than the lowest bid submitted it may do so without making a
further call for bids or awarding any contract therefor etc." The erection
of the fence is to be done by force account, the bids submitted were for
materials only. A motion was made by Councilman Olson and seconded by
Councilman' Lukey to reject the bids submitted (refer to Paragraph No.4)
and authorize John Warder, Director of Public works, to negotiate for
materials. Councilman Hordyk voted "NO." All other Council members voted
"AYE." Motion carried.
The following Ordinance was read:
AN ORDINANCE providing for extension of certain loans
to the Sewer Fund.
A'motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Wray and
unanimously carried to adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read.
The following Ordinance was read:
, AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1799, which
granted to Port Angeles Telecable, Inc., a
non-exclusive franchise to operate and maintain
a community antenna television system, in the
City of Port Angeles.
A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and
unanimously carried to adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read.
A motion was made by Councilman Lukey, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and
unanimously carried to approve ITT Rayonier, Inc.ls request for exemwtion
from the Shoreline Management Act to replace rip-rap scattered by storm
action along the beach west from the base of Ediz Hook approximately two
miles to the base of the bluff at Ocean View Cemetery.
MARCH 19, 1974 (Continued)
A letter from W. C. "Babe" Adams, President, Clallam County Historical
Society expressing the desire of the members of the CLallam County
Historical Society to go on record as holding strong objection to the
~emoval,.topping or otherwise damaging in any way the trees now standing
In our Llncoln Park Area was'read and noted for the record. :
Mayor Basom read a letter from the United States Attorney, Stan Pitkin,
which was addressed to Mr. W. Adams, relating to Land granted to the City
of Port Angeles for Park purposes in 1904 (approximately one hundred and
fifty acres), a portion of which in 1952 was leased by the City of Port I
Angeles to the Port of Port Angeles for Airport purposes. Mr. W. C.
~ Adams was in attendance and requested that the City of ,Port Angeles
terminate said lease as it is his contention that the lease vioLates_ the
terms of the patent granted to the City of Port Angeles by the United
States Government. After a lengthly discussion, a motion was made by
Councilwoman Ross and seconded by Councilman Hordyk to table this subject
to a work session with the Port Commissioners. Councilman Olson and
Wray voted "NO." All other Council members voted "AYE." Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Haguewood, seconded by Councilman Lukey
and unanimously carried to take from the table Agenda Items 17, 18 and 19.
A motion was made by Councilman Lukey, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and
unanimously carried to table Agenda Item 17, "Joint City-County Landfill
Site Use Agreement.
A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Olson and
unanimously carried to table indefinitely Agenda Item 18, "Appointment
to the Board of Adjustment,to replace Rennie Anderson."
A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Lukey and
unanimously carried to concur with the City Managerls recommendation
and appoint Opal McLaughlin, Virginia White, Vivian Simpson, Dewey
McDonald, Mark Cole, Vern Basom and Tom Deeney for two year terms on the
Advisory Board for the Senior Center and Carman A. Rivett for a one year I
term to replace Doris Goodman who has resigned from the Boar'9.
A motion was made by Councilman Lukey, seconded by Councilman Olson and
unanimously carried to accept and place on file' the minutes of J:he Park
and Beautification Board meeting of March 7, 1974; the ClalLam County
Humane Society February 1974 Report; the Fire Department, Municipal Judge,
Park ~ Recreation, Police Dept. and Utilities February Reports, and the
Revenue ~ Expenditure Report as of December 31, 1973.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Olson and
unanimously carried to approve the request of the Port of Port Angeles
for exemption from the washington State Shoreline Management Substantial
Development Permit for a rock groin placed along the mouth of Tumwater
Creek in Port Angeles Harbor, Port Angeles, Washington. The rock groin
consists of approximately 70 tons of class B rip rap placed on an exist-
ing sand bar; construction took place during an extreme storm and high
water period, January 15, 1974.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
:77.. -. ;C:; - #,.~ /;? .
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Deputy City Clerk Mayor
W4D --, I j.'~" ,
NOTICE is hereby given thaI I NOTICE is ~erebY giv~n thaI,
sealed bids will be received at s.eated bids WIll be receFved a]
Ihe olliee Of lhe Cily en91nee,rj', the olliee of the City Engineer
al1heCily Hall, 140W~1 Front 140 W, Fronl St" P,O, Bo. 711,
Slreet; P.O. Bo. 111, Port, PorI Angeies, Wa., 98362 until
Angeles. Wash.. 98362 until 2:00 2:00 P.M.. March la. 1974 aM
p.m-i 'March lB, 1974 and not not later, and win be o-per'ed
latei and wiil b" opened and publicly read at that t,me
pUblicly at that time for: I for: .
. ~A Packag'! Sewage Fencing Material .
. Pumping: Station. Specificatipns are availa~le:
Spe<::ificattons are 8vaHablel at .the office of -the City
at the office of the City Engineer. I
Engineer..' A f~ve per~ent of total bid
A five per eenl of lotal bidl deposll or bid bond of equal
deposit or" bid bond of equal amou~t mus.t 8ccompctny eaCh!
amount m\JS' accompany each bid.:\... .
bid. ~ Off1Ci~1 .acc~pt(lnce, rejectl?"
Official acceptance, rejection r co~fln,-!ahon by th,: City
or continlJation by the City, a.....nc!1 Will be made In th
Council will be made in the :-?_unCII Chambers at 7:30 P.M.,
Council Chambers,at 7:30 p.m.,'. 'Vlarc:h 1'9, 1974. I
March 19. '914. i The City r~serves the rl9h~ to~
The City reserves fhe rl,Qht to ccept...or relect any or an bIdS
accept or reiect any Of .;311 bids. John B: Warder
John B Warder. Director 0'1
Director of PUbl;C workSt ~ PubHc WQr](,g
.!ul:J,:J!lar~ 1.c~.:m74 I P~I:J,: Mi1!,e~15. 197', \