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Port Angeles, Washington
March 19, 1996
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Ostrowski called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
SPECIAL MEETING: order at 6:35 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Ostrowski, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell,
Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, and Wiggins.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk
Hagar, B. Becker, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S.
Ilk, J. Pittis, B. Titus, D. Dickson, B. Coons, T.
McCabe, B. Knight, D. McKeen, and B. Jones.
Public Present: Several present; however, none signed the roster.
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 6:35 p.m. to discuss a claim pending
EXECUTIVE SESSION: against the City for approximately 20 minutes.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 7:03 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Ostrowski called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
REGULAR MEETING: order at 7:15 p.m.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Ostrowski.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Braun moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of
MINUTES: February 27, 1996. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried
Councilman Hulett moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
March 5, 1996. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Mayor Ostrowski
requested a correction to Page 8 of the minutes, "Mayor Ostrowski announced that
he, Councilman Doyle, and the City Manager will be welcoming new industries
when they arrive in Port Angeles." The Mayor felt this to be somewhat misleading,
in that Councilman Doyle just happened to be present at the last welcoming. Mayor
Ostrowski indicated that any of the Council members may wish to participate in this
endeavor. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
CEREMONIAL 1. Employee Suggestion Program
PROCLAMATIONS: City Manager Pomeranz presented Tom McCabe and Bruce Knight an Employee
Suggestion Program Award of $500.00 each.
Employee Suggestion
FINANCE: 1. Request Call for Bids for Ambulance
Bids for Ambulance Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Public Works
Councilman Hulett moved to authorize a call for bids for the purchase of a new
medium duty ambulance. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion. Councilman
Doyle stated that, as a member of the New Vehicle Committee, he had spoken to the
Equipment Services Manager, Pete Burrett, regarding the bid proposal and was
satisfied with the call for bids. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
- 1 -
March 19, 1996
FINANCE: 2. Information on Police Station Remodel Change Order
Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Public Works
Police Station Remodel Department and asked Director Pittis if he wished to make any further explanation
Change Order for the change order. Director Pittis stated that additional storage space has long
been a goal, and this change order will finally achieve that goal. Finance Director
Godbey explained the current record storage problems and affirmed that this change
order was in the best interest of the City. After brief discussion, Councilman
Campbell moved to authorize the issuance of Change Order g7 in the amount
of $31,422.73 which will increase the Alternate #2 amount to $54,447.73.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Doyle moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) Payroll -
March 10, 1996 '- $343,460.58; 2) Voucher list - March 15, 1996 - $407,091.63.
Councilman Braun seconded the motion. After a brief discussion, a vote was
taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
ITEMS FROM THE Mayor Ostrowski requested that Item D. 8., Community Memorial, be added to the
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ agenda. Manager Pomeranz asked to add Item D.9., Amendment to BPA Power
STAFF TO BE Sales Contract.' Councilman Doyle asked to give a report on his trip to Washington,
CONSIDERED OR D.C., which was added as Item D. 10.
PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Port Angeles Municipal Code Amendments for ESHB 1724 Compliance
Municipal Code ' Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and
Amendment- asked Planning Director Collins to give a brief presentation. Director Collins
Ordinance No. 2911 explained the process used to achieve the necessary amendments and pointed out an
error on Page 68, Subsection B, 'The 15-day appeal period..." should be changed
to 'The 14-day appeal period...".
Mayor Ostrowski read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles Washington,
implementing the requirements of the Washington State
Regulatory Reform Act, Chapter 347, Laws of 1995,
establishing a consolidated development permit process,
amending Ordinances 1709, 2312, 2103, 2471, and 2483,
as amended, and amending Chapters 15.04, 17.17, 17.18,
17.19, 17.26, and 17.96 of, and adding a new Chapter 18.02
to, the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
The Mayor opened the public hearing at 7:37 p.m. There was no testimony, and the
public hearing was closed at 7:37 p.m.
Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Wiggins seconded the motion. At Councilman Wiggins request, Director Collins
explained the reasons for changing the way this had been done in the past,
particularly as regards the public hearings. Councilman Braun amended the
motion in include citing Findings 1 - 8 and Conclusions A - C, as set forth in
Exhibit "A", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes.
Councilman Wiggins agreed as seconder. After further brief discussion, a vote
was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Mayor Ostrowski explained that he had discussed the needs and values of the
COMMITTEE Committee Reports with Manager Pomeranz, and Council members had been polled
REPORTS: to determine how much value the Committee Reports contained. Eventually, many
of the reports become agenda items; therefore, it was the general consensus of the
Council that the reports would no longer be necessary. However, as needs arise,
Council members can place a report on the agenda. Mayor Ostrowski explained that
a resolution would be necessary to change the Council Agenda, and he requested that
the City Attorney draft such a resolution for consideration at the next meeting.
LEGISLATION: A. Ordinances not Requiring Public Hearings
March 19, 1996
LEGISLATION: B. Resolutions not Requiring Public Hearings
C. Planning Cotnmission Minutes/Action Items
Update of Community D. Other Considerations
Garden Project
I. Update of Community Garden Project
Scott Brodhun, Director of Parks & Recreation, introduced Genelle Doyle, a member
of the Community Garden Committee, who has been instrumental in completing the
preliminary steps for this project. Mr. Brodhun gave a brief update of the
Committee's accomplishments to date, and using the overhead projector, reviewed
the project elements developed by the Community Garden Committee. Mr. Brodhun
then displayed Lindberg Architects' rendition of the proposed garden. He invited
Ms. Doyle to make few comments.
Ms. Doyle stated that the Committee was very excited about the sketch and felt the
garden was going to be a positive contribution to the City. She thanked the various
groups for aiding in the park design and felt the old Senior Center would be a real
asset to the park project if it were renovated. Ms. Doyle expressed hope that the
Carnegie Library would be restored as well, adding further to the park's value. She
thanked City staff for all its help and cooperation.
Tourist Promotion Service 2. Approval of Contracts for Tourist Promotion Services.
Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk and listed the
contracts under consideration. Councilman Wiggins moved to approve and
authorize the Mayor to sign the 1996 tourist promotion contracts with the North
Olympic Peninsula Visitor & Convention Bureau, Port Angeles Chamber of
Commerce, Peninsula College Marine Lab, Clallam County Historical Society
Museum, and the Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts. Councilman Campbell
seconded the motion. After brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Manager Pomeranz reminded the Council that h~ ams the Mayo
officials of other agencies to discuss hotel/motel tax revenues. He was pleased to
take the Council's support for the various programs to that meeting, as it shows the
City's true commitment to enhancing this revenue source. The meeting will be held
Thursday, March 21, 1996, at 7:30 p.m.; a subsequent report will be made to the
Fine Arts Center Request 3. Friends of Fine Arts Center Request for Partial Funding - Portal Project
for Partial Funding of
Portal Project Mayor Ostrowski asked Jim Butler, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Fine
Arts Center, to make a presentation to the Council on this request. Mr. Butler
deferred comment to Jake Seniuk and Dee Christensen. Mr. Butler advised the
Council that the Fine Arts Center Board is 100% behind the implementation of this
Dee Christensen, 656 Sutter Road, a Board Member of the Fine Arts Center,
explained that the mission statement of the Center is to continue the legacy of the
founder in providing the public and artists the opportunity to encounter or show
works of art in the community. The Webster legacy provided a home and five-acre
estate to be used as the Arts Center. Unfortunately, the building is located behind
a stand of trees,and many people have commented on how difficult it is to find the
Arts Center. Ms. Christensen then passed the Center's guest book around to the
Council members so they could read the various comments. She explained that the
Center is basically requesting beautiful and artistic signage to aid people in locating
the Fine Arts Center. Additionally, Ms. Christensen explained how they had chosen
the artist to create the sign, and she responded to questions posed by the Council.
Jake Seniuk, 33 Salt Creek Road, Director of the Arts Center, echoed many of Ms.
Christensen's statements. He listed the people who had been involved in choosing
the artist and described how they had already raised $12,500 for the portal project.
Mr. Seniuk stated the Center is seeking a $12,500 matching contribution from the
City. Lengthy discussion followed, and Mr. Seniuk responded to questions from the
Council. Councilman Doyle asked if an admission fee was charged at the Center,
March 19, 1996
LEGISLATION: and if this could help pay for the sign. Mr. Seniuk responded in the negative and
(Cont'd) stated a donation box was located in the building, but this accounted for a very small
portion of the budget. Councilman Hulett asked if the trees around the estate could
Fine Arts Center Request be trimmed and/or pruned in order to make the building itself more visible to the
for Partial Funding of parking lot. Mr. Seniuk did not feel this was feasible, as it was Mrs. Webster's
Portal Project (Cont'd) intent that the grounds be left as natural as possible. Mayor Ostrowski declared the
City was proud of its Fine Arts Center, and he believed that it plays an important
role in the cultural life of Port Angeles. He felt it was important that visitors be able
to find this facility, and he liked the idea of a new piece of public art benefitting the
entire community. While he believed the Council should support this project, it
should also be realized that the last budget process was a difficult one, and numerous
cutbacks had been required. Mayor Ostrowski proposed support of the project with
a $5,000 contribution. Discussion followed as to how the Fine Arts Center could
possibly raise funds for this project, and concem was expressed that the funds not
come out of hotel/motel tax revenue. After Council members stated their feelings
regarding the issue, Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the City to
contribute $5,000 to the Fine Arts Center Portal project. Councilmember
McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Break Mayor Ostrowski recessed the meeting for a break at 8:30 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 8:48 p.m.
3-H Cable 4. 1995 Annual Report and 1996 Consultant Services Agreement - 3H Cable
Communications Communications Consultants
Consultants Annual Report
and Agreement Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk. Attorney
Knutson explained that this item had been reviewed by the Utility Advisory
Committee who voted unanimously to recommend Council approval of the contract.
He stated this agreement is similar to that of previous years, and he explained the
franchise fee.
Councilman Braun moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the
contract with 3-H Cable Communications Consultants for 1996. Councilman
Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Interlocal Joint Purchasing 5. lnterlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement with the Grant County Multi-Agency
Agreement Communications Center
Attorney Knutson stated that the Council had recently approved a similar contract.
He explained that, at this time, staff is not sure if the name of the agency is correct;
therefore, staff is verifying the agency name and a change might be necessary to the
Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the Interlocal
Joint Purchasing Agreement. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
AWC Nomination and 6. AWC Nomination arm Resolution Nominations
Resolution Committee
Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Association of
Washington Cities and called for volunteers for candidacy on the 1996 AWC
Nomination and Resolutions Committee. Councilman Doyle expressed interest in the
Resolutions Committee, and his name will be submitted as a candidate for that
Committee. The City will not have a candidate for the Nomination Committee.
senior Center Board of 7. Confirmation of Appointments to Senior Center Board of Advisors
Mayor Ostrowski reviewed the information provided by the Senior Center Manager.
Brief discussion ensued, and Director Brodhun responded to questions regarding the
process used to choose the candidates. Councilman Wiggins moved to appoint Bob
Fangen, Kingsley Morrison, Simon Otto and Eleanor Tschimperle to three-year
terms on the Senior Center Board of Advisors. Councilman Braun seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
Community Memorial 8. Community Memorial
parks & Recreation Director Brodhun reminded the Council that he had distributed
a memo to them in this regard at the beginning of tonight's meeting. He reviewed
the birth of the Community Memorial and the procedure for adding names. The
March 19, 1996
LEGISLATION: name of Len Beil was submitted by.the Rotary Club, and if the Council approves this
(Cont'd) nomination, they will be making a presentation to Mr. Beil at their 75th Anniversary
Celebration on March 30. He asked the Council to approve Len Beil's nomination
Community Memorial to the Community Memorial.
Councilman Hulett moved to approve the nomination of Len Beil to the
Community Memorial. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Amendment to BPA 9. Amendment to BPA Power Sales Contract
Power Sales Contract
Light Director Titus had distributed a memo to the Council at the beginning of the
meeting regarding this issue. He explained that staffhas been meeting regularly with
the Bonneville Power Administration, and this amendment is the latest attempt to
· solicit load commitments. Director Titus stated that staff recommends this
amendment not be accepted, as it would require the City to purchase all of its power
from the BPA for the next five years without the opportunity to purchase power
elsewhere, possibly at a lesser rate. He went on to further explain the drawbacks to
this amendment.
Councilman Campbell stated he felt that entering into this agreement would not be
in the City's best interest, and therefore, Councilman Campbell moved to reject
the BPA Amendatory Agreement No. 6. Councilman Wiggins seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Report from Councilman 10. Report from Councilman Doyle on his Washington', D.C. Trip
Doyle on D.C. Trip
Councilman Doyle reminded the Council that he attended the National League of
Cities Annual Congressional Conference. The AWC had issued invitations to people
to sign up for policy committees, and Councilman Doyle signed up for the Energy,
Environment, and Natural Resources Committee. A vacancy occurred, and
Councilman Doyle was appointed to fill the vacancy.
Councilman Doyle stated there were six policy committees and explained the duties
of these committees. He reviewed the Conference agenda and felt he made some
valuable contacts during the Conference. He stated there was a workshop on
electrical deregulation, which was a concern to people from all across the United
States. Councilman Doyle described several other workshops he had attended and
stated he felt this Conference to be of great value to the City.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
(~ty ClerkS
Exhibit "A"
Findings & Conclusions for Amendment to Comply with Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1724
1. The Washington State Legislature passed Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1724 during the
1995 legislative session.
2. ESHB 1724 requires cities and counties to change local permit review processes in accordance
with this statute by March 31, 1996, and to process development permits in compliance with
these state mandated requirements starting on April 1, 1996.
.... 3. Washington Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development conducted ESHB
1724 seminars and funded model implementation projects, which it distributed to Washington
cities and counties for assistance in complying with this statute.
4. The Port Angeles Planning Director and City Attorney have attended the CTED seminar and
reviewed the 1724 model implementation projects.
5. The Planning Director met with representatives of the Port Angeles development community
to explore ways in which the local permit review could be changed and to help educate future
permit applicants about the requirements of ESHB 1724.
6. The Planning Commission conducted a work session on February 28, 1996, to learn about
ESHB 1724 and to understand proposed amendments to the City's Ordinances.
7. The proposal or adoption of legislation, rules, regulations, resolutions or ordinances, or of any
plan or program relating solely to governmental procedures, and containing no substantive
standards respecting use or modification of the environment shall be exempt from the State
Environemental Policy Act under WAC 197-11-800 (20).
8. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on Port Angeles Municipal Code amendments
proposed for compliance with ESHB 1724.
A. The public and development community have been invited to participate in changing City
ordinances governing local permit review procedures.
B. The proposed and recommended PAMC Amendments will meet the requirements of the State
statute ESHB 1724.
C. These PAMC Amendments are in the public interest and can be implemented within the
resources allocated for permit review and action by City officials.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of March 19, 1996.
P~ps6'r Ostr'ows~-'
Carol A. Hagar, Deputy City_.L~tk