HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/19/2002 4632 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 19, 2002 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at REGULAR MEETING: 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Pennino, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, T. McCabe, K. Asquith, T. O'Neill, and L. Kheriaty. Public Present: T. Price, L. Lee, and L. Rasmussen. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Deputy Mayor Orville Campbell. ALLEGIANCE: LATE ITEMS TO BE Manager Quinn requested that discussion and authorization of the Mayor's signature PLACED ON THIS OR on a real estate contract listing be added to the agenda. Mayor Wiggins indicated this FUTURE AGENDA: item would be placed under Other Considerations following the Planning Commission item. WORK SESSION: None. FINANCE: 1. CH2M Hill Agreement Amendment CH2M Hill Agreement Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler began by reviewing the contract and Amendment background regarding the selection of CH2M Hill, Inc., to provide engineering services for projects involving the City's water system. He also pointed out the various projects in line for their services. Councilmember Rogers complimented Mr. Cutler on including budget information regarding the monies involved to amend the contract. Following a brief question and answer session regarding unfunded mandates, Councilmember Rogers moved to authorize the Mayor to sign an Amendment to the Agreement for Professional Services with CH2M Hill, Inc. Councilman Braun · seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. PUBLIC CEREMONIES, Presentation /Report from Rick Heft re: Movie Filmed on Olympic Peninsula PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: Rick Heft, 3909 Nygren Place, began by describing his involvement in the filming of the Paramount Picture "The Hunted", mentioning the economical impact on the City Report from Rick Hert re: and the County. Local innkeepers, Park employees, medical, fire, and off-duty police Movie Filmed on Olympic personnel were solicited to assist those involved in the production, and all left-over Peninsula construction materials and other items have been cleared and donated to local organizations. Following his report, Mr. Hert presented Mayor Wiggins with a "much coveted" baseball-style cap displaying the title of the movie. A brief and -1- 4633 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 19, 2002 Report from Rick Hert re: complimentary discussion followed regarding the local press coverage of the Movie Filmed on Olympic production. Peninsula (Cont'd) FINANCE: (Cont'd) 2. Authorize Contract with HTE Inc. for the New Financial System Authorize Contract with Finance Director Ziomkowski introduced Dan Conway, Director of Sales, Western HTE Inc. for New Region, from HTE, Inc., and City staff members Linda Kheriaty, Karen Asquith, and Financial System Tanya O'Neill, all of whom have been involved in the RFP and selection process for this contract. Director Ziomkowski briefly summarized the process for the selection and the reasons behind the necessity of a new integrated finance system for the City. Councilmembers Erickson and Campbell expressed compliments to the Finance staff for the preparation and thoroughness of the materials Linda Kheriaty reported on conversations with other companies/entities who have worked with HTE, Inc., stating that none of those questioned had anything untoward to say regarding HTE; all were extremely complimentary and highly endorsed working with the company. Dan Conway, HTE Director of Sales for HTE, addressed the Council, providing a thumbnail sketch of the company and then expressed his satisfaction with the contract and that the company is looking forward to working with the City. Information Technology Manager Tanya O'Neill spoke to the Council on the minimum requirements for the hardware for the City and on future linking possibilities, via the hardware, with other state and city agencies. Following a brief discussion regarding Homeland Securities appropriations, system benefits for customers, voice-activated availability, Conncilmember Erickson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with ItTE for the total financial system, including financial software, hardware, and operating software. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Following brief comments and clarifications regarding the Water Quality Report, the Interlocal Agreement with the Department of Fish and Wildlife for the Valley Creek Restoration, and the City Authorized Retailer Agreement, Councilman Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda to include: 1) Benefit Dump Day; 2) Water Quality Report;. 3) City Authorized Retailer Agreement; 4) Interlocal Agreement with Department ofFish and Wildlife for Valley Creek Restoration; 5) Termination of Light Utility Access Easement; 6) City Council Minutes - March 5, 2002 special meeting / regular meeting; 7) Check Register- March 12, 2002 - $568,720.26; 8) Electronic Payments - March 8, 2002 - $1,836,997.52; 9) Payroll Information - March 3, 2002 - $447,010.17; and 10) Water Utility Materials' Bid. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Councilman Williams asked that his vote be abstained from the acceptance of the City Council Minutes because he was absent from that meeting. Following brief questions and answers, the motion carried 6 - 0. ORDINANCES NOT 1. Minimum Landfill Fee REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Director Cutler summarized the major issues involved in increasing the Landfill fee and stressed the overall benefits from the increase. Following Director Cutler's summary Minimum Landfill Fee and a brief question and answer session, Mayor Wiggins read the Ordinance by title, Ordinance No. 3112 entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3112 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, increasing the - 2- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 4634 March 19, 2002 Minimum Landfill Fee minimum charge 'for dumping refuse at the City's sanitary landfill and Ordinance No. 3112 amending Ordinance 2317 as amended and Chapter 13.56 of the Port (Cont'd) Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Williams moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. RESOLUTIONS: None. OTHER 1. ~4ppointment to Planning Commission CONSIDERATIONS: Mayor Wiggins reviewed the events of the previous Council meeting with regard to the Appointment to Planning tie vote for the appointee to the Planning Commission and the decision to allow Commission Councilman Williams to review the taped interviews and break the tie. Councilman Williams reported that he had listened to the interviews, but, because the tape did not record sufficiently Mr. Bolster's responses, he would not be able to make an informed decision and asked that the appointment be delayed. Following the direction of the Council, Councilman Williams will personally interview both candidates and make a final decision. Real Estate Contract 2. Real Estate Contract Manager Quinn briefly explained the need for a one-time listing agreement with Carroll Realty for the City-owned property along the Morse Creek area. Because the City needs to know more information about the interested buyers, and because the realtor will not divulge information unless a contract is in place, a contract is necessary in this instance to protect the realtor in disclosing information about the client. Manager Quinn then requested that the Council authorize the Mayor to sign a listing agreement with Carroll Realty. Councilman Williams asked to abstain from the vote because of his employment with Carroll Realty. Councilmember Erickson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a one-time real estate listing agreement with Carroll Realty, Inc. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried 6-0, with Councilman Williams abstaining;- PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. OTHER: INFORMATION: Mayor Wiggins thanked those who attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting. Councilman Headrick inquired about the Law Enforcement Committee meeting; Councilman Braun answered that a confirmed date is still forthcoming and that he would pass the date and time along to those concerned. Mayor Wiggins then informed Council that the April meeting of the Gateway Committee had been cancelled. The next scheduled meeting is in May, 2002. Manager Quinn reported that the City is in the process of obtaining its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES), which is the permit to operate the wastewater system. He further mentioned that the City is awaiting a report on the Fire Hall roof repairs, which should be in by the end of March, 2002, and the 2002 Paving Program. Director Cutler added a brief summary of the program and answered questions from the Council. -3- 4635 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 19, 2002 INFORMATION: Manager Quinn informed the Council of the 6-3 ruling of the State Supreme Court in (Cont'd) not allowing the continuation of the petition method of annexations; he discussed the alternative issues for the City to consider. Councilmember Erickson thanked Dennis Yakovich and Green Crow for the offer to form a partnership to develop a park facility in the Mount Angeles neighborhood, commenting on the generosity and the commitment of Port Angeles citizens. She requested that Parks & Recreation Director Marc Connelly draft a letter of thanks, to which Director Connelly readily agreed. CITY COUNCIL Councilman Braun welcomed more than fifty owners of Airstream trailers to the area; COMMITTEE he also attended the Transit Meeting and mentioned Leo Sunny's 92nd birthday on May REPORTS: 25, 2002 and asked the Council if they could send a letter of congratulations. Earlier this date he also attended the Contemporary Issues class at Port Angeles High School and described the various projects that had been completed by students. Councilmember Rogers attended the UAC meeting focusing on Landfill issues and expressed her appreciation of staff's patience in the examination of fee increases; she also mentioned Senator Murray's visit to Port Angeles on April 2, 2002. Mayor Wiggins mentioned his, Councilmen Campbell and Williams', and Manager Quinn' s attendance to the NLC, which gave them the opportunity to speak about LEVX. On March 27, 2002, the Mayor has also been asked to judge "healthy food" prepared ._ by City department heads. He extended the invitation to all other Councilmembers to assist him in this task. EXECUTIVE SESSION: None. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Glenn Wiggins, Mayor B-~ckY i. UpqT-'~f't~ Clerk- I-- -4-