HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/20/1950 ,. 638 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ March 20, The Commission met in regular session at 10:0Ci'A.W.:', and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present 'were: Mayor Feeley, Commiseioners Robinson and Taylor, Attornay Trum1:ull' and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits, the C. 75'-00 <:" M. Ferguson' M. C. Adolphson DelGuzzi Bros. DelGuzzi Bros. Mrs. James O. Mulline I. O. Anderson DelGuzzi Bros. Dave Moffat Marvin Thoen I. N. Ditlefsen Olympic :&Iilders John Smith Sig' Lar sen DelGuzzi Bros. Norman Pollock following were granted: 2,000.00 1,000.00" 6,000.00' 7,000.00' 800.00 Townsite ~.OO 6,000.00' 6,000.00~ 5,000.00" 200.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 400.00 22,000.00 500.00 :&IUd 2 Mill-type Buildings; ,Lot D lOA of :Oampson Land Claim Repair Foundation; Lot n, Blk. 250, Townsite Build s-Room House; Lots B-12, Inc., Blk. 4, Doyle's Subd. fuild 5-Room House; Lots 15-14, Elk. 4, Doyles' Subd. Reroof; Repair Foundations; Paint Home; Lot 10, Blk. 354, TO\'msite Repeir ,'oundation & Enlarge Front Room & 1 Bedroom; Lot 5, Blk'. 195, Build 5-Room House; Lots 1-2-3-4, Blk. 2, Cains Subd., Sub. Lot 21 Construct 6-Room nwelling, Garage; (Duplex); Lot 15, Blk. 58, N~R.Smith Build 5-Room House & Adjoining Garage; Lot 8, Blk. 559, Townsite Construct Arbor and car Port. Lot 15, Blk. 285, Townsite Construct 4-Room Dwelling; S~ Lots 17-18; Elk. 57, C.C. Leighton Add. Construct Add. to Existing Dwelling & Remodel; Lot 4, Blk. 228, Townsite Addition to Existing Balco~; Lot 9, Blk. 16, N.R. ::>mith Add. Construct Store Building; E Lot 9, Blk. 15, Townsite ' Remodel Garage into 5 Rooms; Lot 18, Blk. C, Glovers Subd. Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish pipa and material for the water department 1'lllre eubmi tted as follows I Pacific States Cast Iron I'ipe Co. Item 2: BOO,I 12" Class 150 Cast Iron Pipe @ 5.60 ez,880.00 Item 5: 2000' 2" Class 150 Cast Iron Pipe @ .60 lll,2oo.oo Item 4: 12" Hub End Valves @ 141.50 6" llu.b End Valves @ 45.00 6" Flanged Valves @ 46.95 Item 51 ~ 12xl2x8 Tee @ 45.10 1'12xl2x2 Tee @ 27.15 ,12x12x6 Tee @ 44.92 ,8x8x6 Tee... No Bid !6x6x6 Toe...No Bid '6x6x2x2 Croes @ 17.72 2"_900 Bend @ 2.55 Item 6: 5-4" Fire Hydrants @ 100.00 Hugh G. Purcell Co. Item 21 1:8001 12" Class 150 C.I. Pipe @ 5.76 $5,008.00 "Item 51 1:12xl2x8 Tee ~ 40 .50 '12xl2x2 Tee @ 36.05 12xl2x6 Tee @ 57.10 8x8x6 Tee @ 28.25 6x6x6 Tee @ 25.10 6x6x2x2 Cross @ 18.00 2._900 asnd @ 4.20 !'[estern Utilities SuPPly Co. Item 1: 12. clsss 150 Universal C .I. @ 4.51 1-22io and l-llio Band, both 77 .98 1-12" Universal 22jO Bend. ..40.86 Item 2: 800' 12. Class 150 C.I. Pipe @ 4.51 ,Item 5: '2000'-2. Claes 150 C.I. Pipe @ .576 Item 4: 12" "Hub End Gate Vs1ves@157.66 6. Hub End Gate Valves @ 47.92 ,6. Flange En:! Gate Valves @ 52.27 'Item 5: 12xl2x8 Tee @ 44.55 12xl2x2 Tee @ 55.05 12xl2x6 Tee @ 40.80 8x8x6 Tee @ 51.05 '6x6x6 Tee @ 27.60 6x6x2x2 Cross @ 19.30 2.-900 Bend @ 4.62 Item 6: 5-4!" Columbia Improved Fire Hyd. @ 121.50 Alternate-- 5-4t" Mueller Columbie StalXlard Type fire f\ydrants @ 109.00 l'Industria1 Iron Works I Item 5: 12xl2x8 Tee ~ 42.75 12xl2x2 Tee @ 58.00 12xl2x6 Tee @ 59.50 8x8x6 Tee @ 50.50 6x6x6 Tee @ 26.75 6x6x2x2 Cross @ 19.00 1_2"_900 Band @ 4.10 ~ H. D. 'Fowler Co.. Inc. Item 4: 12" Hub EIXI Valves @ 161.05 6" Hub En::I Valves @ 41.85 6~ Flanged Valves @ 44.00 Item 5: 12xl2x8 Tee @ 45.05 12xl2x2 Tee @ 58.40 12xl2x6 Tee @ 59.70 8x8x6 Tee @ 29;65 6x6x6 Tee ,@ 26.00 6x6x2x2 Cross @ 18.95 1_2"_900 Bend @ 4.40 Item 61 5-4" Fire Hydrants @ 113.55 Pacific Water Works Supply Co. Item 2: 12" Class 150 C.I. Pipe @ 5.54 'Federal Specifications-Type 1 ,@ 3.84 Item 4: 12. Hub End Valves @ 124.60 6" ,lIu.b End Valves @ 59.10 6~ flanged Valve @ 40.00 Item 5: 12xl2x8 Tee @ 41. 95 12xl2x2 Tee @ 57.50 12xl2x6 Tee @ 58.70 8x8x6 Tee @ 28.85 6x6x6 Tee @ 25.30 6x6x2x2 Cross @ 18.65 1_2"_900 Bend @ 4.35 Item 6: 5-4" Fire Hydrants @ 104.00 Grinnell Comoanr of the Pacific .Ltem 2--i\lterna e: l~;;;Cf:ss 250 B & S C.I. Pipe @ 5.95 12" Hub End Valvee @ 152.59 6. Hub End Val. ves @ 47.03 6" Flanged Valves @ 55.90 ltem 5: 12xl2x8 Tee I!!J 58.77....... ..12xl2x2 Tee @ 49.56 12xl2x6 Tee @ 50.61.. ...;. ..8x8x6 Tee @ 57.77 6x6x6 Tee @ 31.66...........6x6x2x2 Cross @ 26.29 1-2"-900 Bend @ 6.85 Item 6: 5-4" Fire Ilydrants @ 115.66 E. N. Hallgren Co. Item 1: 12" Clase 150 C.I. Pipa @ 5.82 12"-22l0 Bend @ 55.16 12._11:00 Bend @ 52.49 Item 2: BOO' 12. Class 150 C.I. Pipe @ 5.54 Item 5: 2000' 2" Class 150 C .I. Pipe @ .525 Item. 4: 12" Hub End Gate Velves @ 150.00 6" ,Hub End Gate Valves @ 45.00 6. Flanged Valves @ ,50.00 Item 5: 12xl2x8 Tees @ 4O.00..........12xl2x2 Tees @ 56.00 12xl2x6 Tees @ 57.00..........8x8x6 Tees @ 28.00 6x6 Flanged Tee @ 25.00..... ..6x6x2x2 Cross III 18.00 1_2"_900 Bend @ 4.00 Item 6: 5-4" Corey TIre Hydrants @ 10B.00 I I I I I ~ 639 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 20th. continued, 19~ TIlIQ.."~......,,IIIIltn.a."'.__."""7'.~ I I I Il I I :, It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that all bids be referred to the Water Supt. for checking and report rat the next session. Motion seconded by Commiesioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IThe bids submitted for purchase of Lots 7 and 8 in Block 425, Townsite were opened as follows: Michael J. I' IFey i205.oo; L. S. Johannes $505.00; Bruno DelGuzzi 1I220.00; Charles Nyhus $555.00. It was moved by I Commissioner Robinson that the bid submitted by ~harles Nyhus for %1355.00 be accepted. Secondsd by 'IMayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IThe Commission discussed a contract between the City and Meter Advertieing Corporation for rentsl of parking meter staooards for advertising signa. It was moved by Commiseioner Ro!:ll.nson that the City enter in the I I agreement and the Mayor sign the Contract . Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. On roll call Mayor Feeley 'I ,and Commissioner Robinson voted Aye. Commissioner Taylor v oted Nay. The Mayor declared the motion carried. IIDr. Rieser appeared regarding survey of sewage disposal as discussed at the previous session. He advised ,that sewage treatment would be required in the near future, that a survey is extremely impol1tant to 1 ,determi~ proper facilities to accommodate development in the next lien years. Alao suggested that the City, I set up il'inking furd to be available when expenditures are required. Commissioner Taylor informed that due 'I' 'Ita cost of employing outside Engineers, the City Enginsering Department should first make survey of local : situation, as the Commission is aware of the financial condition of the City. 'Under the head of new business, a contract to furnish electrical energy by the City to Clallam County I Housing Autbority was presented. After due consideration, it was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Icontract be approved and signed. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission discussed introduction of a resolution for drafting and adopting a building code for I construe tion aoo inspection. Commissioner Taylor informed that an inspection department could be established I and a capable inspector employed to work with the Engineering and Health Departments. The Commission will I' lmeet witb contractors aoo othars concerned ,regarding drafting of the said building code. )' , , I Commissioner Taylor reported on Ediz Hook road aoo repair, informing that he had contacted lease holders ,and they all acknowledge responsibility for the same. Eetimatedcoat of piling and fill would he $15,000.00, !the City furnishing $5,000.00 and leasees $10,000.00. Estimate for rock rip-rap is from $44,000.00 to I 1'$60,000.00, which it is hoped the Federal Government will contribute. Correspondence will be sent to , I Commander stevens and others requesting assistance. ' II 'I The Commission approved development of a parking lot near front and Lincoln Streets for use by personnel I of the Coast Guard Cutter Winona. ,Mr. Alderdice and others appeared regarding water mains and services near Third and Alder Streets. /Mr. Dodge infonned that his department expects to install mains for adequate service in the near future. [Commissioner Taylor requested that calls for bids be published to furnish for the Water Department, one traveling water screen, and one centrifugal pump complete with motor, coupling, bedplate and magnetic I starter. Bids to be opened April 10, 1950. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the said bids be jPUblishad. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. , I The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: I CURRENT EXPENSE WND: :<:{.<. 27 !Weatinghouse Electric Supply Co. Stewart Filion 'Aiken Motore I Howard-Cooper Corp. I Homal1te Corp. Warren Eacret t : Fitchard's Ass. Service 'CITY STREET ~ND: :(J'f!5 ,Automotive Parts Service ,Aiken Mot ors 'Truck & Equipment Co. ~WATERFUNDI (; 7/ ~ s I'western Utilities Supply Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. G. W. JeffrlfY ,Rensselaer Valve Co. :Daily Journal of Commerce ;H. E. Dodge ,Hersey Manufacturing Co. iJ .C. Penney Co. 'IHooker Electrochemical Co. LIGHT FOIlD: 53 'l-J'S [5 'Clallam Co. P.U:D. No.1 'iFitchar'd ASS. Service IOeneral ,Electric Supply Corp. (Westinghouse Electric Supply CO. ,ISANITATION FUIlDI 7,7f ('Automotive Parts service ,PARK FUNDI ",03 01;ympic Trioone 'Automotive Parts Service " lPARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: Automotive Parts Service I ,There being no further business, tha session lIRS declared adjourned. (l., II 8. ? .; Parts Brooms and Frt. Cbgs. lIlhatge Batteq 2 Sburedry Salvage Covers 1Floodlight 6 Telephones Car Repair \ Kotj('(' ~ol~~~~Clr,~.o l-i~~.~~~rr~lll ~Nlh,i ,~II:I,~j{ '\~~l t:;~ l:~r;i;.')ylpl~,~t t.~~c:~~~x.l \\"asllill/.;ton, 11Ot. later I h:lll 10:0(' f;~lr'~~:~]f;i:~ 6:~:~j~\~~: D:l:t~::~~';~I:E :~:~~ ~:~:~ ~l,I~~\~,,],~I~t~:;;::~~\II~~~'1 ~~~~~llll (;~~1 01f:~t]~~~'~I~I~~-;: ~~,a~!~~~~~1~Y:~~~l ;~{;~ o J"I:'Jcrt UIl:'" n.l; an hl,lll!, ',,", ,,', J IDJJ~I~t~1:J~J/iK~ 75.85 146.81 16.51 17.77 5.95 .52 79.95, 34.15 I 62.75 ' 21.74 Parts Parts Parts Fittings, Repair Clamp Pipe Expense Hydrant Adv. Expense Mater Parts Boo ts Chlorine 252.17 101. 82 18.01 155.57 19.25 8.58 50.66 75.25 55.99 January aoo Fe bruary Power Bills Gssoline Pot. Transformers Screw Knobs 55,285.12 , 2.85 146.22 51.76 Parts 7.79 Publication, Vacation Ord. Parts 5.97 5.06 3 ~7 Pump, Wrench 5.67 X4JJj City Clerk ~A~~ r or