HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/20/1962 I I I I "'l Proceeoings of the Ci~ Commission of the Ci~ of Port Angeles, Washington 113 MARCH 20 19~ c ." "''''"' 00, ,.",,, .... u _.. liThe City Council met in special session at 4:30 p.m~ The Mayor not being present, it was moved by I Councilman Smith that Councilman Richardson act as Chairman. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and I Icarried. Officers present were Councilmen Richards6n, Smith, Thorne, Randall and Haguewood, Manager IS lankaI'd and Clerk McNeece. I ~e resume of locker bids, prepared by the City Manager, was studied and discussed. The bids being' American Locker Co. - Model LCS all stainless steel in stack of 6, 72" high $40.84 per unit. Alternate #1, carbon steel $26.38. Alternate #2, part stainless $29.38. Delivery in 14 to 45 days. Model LCS all stainless steel in stack of 2, 72" high $66.53 per unit, Alter nate #1, carbon steel, $35.45. Alternate #2, part stainless $40.71. Delivery in 30 to 45 days. "Sentinal" Fageol Motors, Inc. - Model AT:V 1276 18 all stainless steel in stack of 6, 72" high $41.88 per unit. Alternate #1, carbon steel $33,00. Alternate #2, part stainless $30.80. , Model AT:V 1272-18 all stainless steel in stack of 2, 72" high $76.00 per unit. Alternate 'I #1, carbon steel, $53.60. Alternate #2, part stainless $46.00. Councilman Haguewood pointed out the improvements to doors cited in the Fageol Motors bid, also the fact that coin slot can be changed locally if so desired at a later date. ~fter further discussion in which it was pointed out by the City Manager that $4,800 is in the bud-I Iget for lockers, and the stainless steel lockers will cost approximately $8,000, it was moved by !Councilman Haguewood to buy 150 of the small model At:V 1276-18 all stainless steel lockers from Fageol Motors, Inc. at $41.88 per unit, and 30 of the large model LCS all stainless steel from . lAmerican Locker Co. at $66.53 per unit. Seconded by Councilman Randall and unanimously caI'ried. ~e Front StI'eet culvert and fill WeI'e discussed. FI'ont Street needing apPI'oximately 12,000 cubic ,yards of fill to bring it up to grade, plus the I'ock base. The needed fill can be secuI'ed fI'om . ~.I.D. No. 183 and L.I.D. No. 180 alley excavation at an estimated cost of $4,200 to $5,400 foI' the ~auling, the money to come from the Street fund. Fifth Street is up to grade except some leveling I 'and base rock. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the filling of Front Street be finished as was 'authoI'ized in the council meeting of August 18, 1961. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously ICarI'ied. jThe City Manager I'eminded the Council that ceI'tain City employees in fue Light Department have re- quested salary incI'eases to go into effect ApI'il 1, 1962 and that the Council should decide as soon Ifls possible what they wished to do so an OI'dinance could be pI'epared. The matteI' was tabled to be fI'ought up in regulaI' session. There being no other business, the meeting was adjouI'ned. ( <4 rff ~./ ~P.u.P) ~ "^^-~I CITY CLERJ< ~~ NOTICE or CALL rOB BIDS \ XQTICE IS HEBEDY GIVEN that I:'!ealed bias will be received by Ole Clb- of Port Angeles, Wa."lhingllJll, utllil ~:Ol) o'clock P. M_ AprJl 5, 1962, till" the ('onstl'uctlon of all addition to the Pon Angeles Public Llbrar~'. Bids fllmll be submlttM the City J\lanagcl' ]40 'Vest }'ronl Street. 04.11 bidl'l will be opened publicly at tlle above stated time and place. I award or l-ejection will be made ill regular Cou'lcil meeting to be held Ilt 7;30 o'clock P. M. In the Counetl Ctwmbers ot the P(}\ice BuiHling. Bids receiVed after time of bid ollening wIU nOl be considered, SpecIfications, includln" bid and contract documents, and clrawlng::;, may be viewed at the office of ttlc City Ma.a.ger, 140 West Front Street, Port AlIgelos, "\Vashlnl;ton, Architect, .i\icGulrc & Muri, 2U Broadway, 'l'l'l.- coma, 'Vaslllngton and the Associat- ed GenOl'a). Contractors, Seattle flnd 'J'acoma., .\Yashlngton. Deposit for each !let of contract documents and $R~~iJ~ca~~~~s ~~~u:~e ~jan~ldsh~~c~:' meots In good .shaue the oeposit will' ] ~~f;;J~dnt',~:it~thde:a~.;R~~/ill r;o:;!ll t~: I i ~:;~~L:f:f\:~~~!~~~:?~:11 ~~d~~eh~~~~~ I :l.ccOmpunicd bY a certified check, a bank ca~h1er's check, or a bid hond Issued by n bonding company liccns~ ed to do business in the general, locality of tht': project, on form fur~ nlshed by the architect, in an a.-I' mount not le8~ thah ilve peTcent ,of the Da::;e Bld, plus additive alter- nates. Ko bid may be withdrawn R.ftcr ~~~e~~n~n~etll~~fl ~~~aO~el~fg c~~~~~ij 18 delayed for a period excee61ng thirty dny.!!. The City Council of the City of Port Angeles, \Vashington, reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or portion thorcof and to walvc informalitIes. BY ORDER OF the City C<lundl of the City of Port Angeles, Wash- ,Ington. M. W. SLANKARD, City Manager Published: March 22 and 29, 1962. ~