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Port Angeles, washington
March 20, 1979
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck,
Duncan, Hordyk, wray.
Members Absent: Nane.
Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Caso.
P. Carr, D. Flodstrom, P. McDowell, M. Cleland, D.
Frizzell, A. Rose, R. Orton, J. Honnold, K. Rodocker,
S. Pazan.
Guests Present: L. Sunny, C. Lawrence, R. Ekman, K. Harpole, L. Norton,
K. Norton, D. Brewer, P. Brewer, B. Toth, D. Ferrie,
K. Sweeney, D. Ferrie, L. Chittum, G. Powell, H. Chittum,
B. & J. Galogan, C. & V. Frederick, K. Williams, D.
Stephens, P. Brady, T. Newcomb, S. Newcomb, Mr. & Mrs.
D. Britton, J. Kleinman, H. Carey, T. Weed, J. Antlock,
Mrs. J. Osborn, Mr. & Mrs. C. Hopkins, S. Fahnestock,
R. Philpott, E. & W. Rausal, A. Vande lac , S. Taylor, M.
ReynOlds, L. Lundstrom, P. Dennis, W. McReynolds, G.
Carlson, G. Meiner.
Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on
the minutes of the March 1, 2, and 6, 1979 meetings.
seconded by Councilman wray and carried.
file as received
The motion was
A. Preliminary plat: Galaxy Estates: Rausal
ltio. the Port Angeles City
Council will hold 0 public
hearing on Morch 20.1979, at
7:30 p.m. in the Council
Ctlombers. 134 West l=ront
Street, 10 consider appro\lo~
of the ~liminorY olaf of
Gola):, Estates. 16 single.
family als on 4.17 acres. I
lO(Qtion; SOl,lth sideoH
At1lvers Road, 700 feet west
of Old Mill Rood, legal
IDI8'SUiPtion: The East 289 feet
of the NW'1. a. the NW I/~ o.
the SW ~~ of Section 15.
Township 30 Nor1h. Range 6
West, W.M. Applicant: Clark
.& Associates. Property
owner: Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
~ All interested parties. may
'oppear ot the hearing and ex.
'press 1heir opinion on 1his
i proposal.
'Dote: March 14, 1979.
Mario,n C. Parrish
, City Cle,k
Publish: March 14, 1979
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Planning Director Carr
advising the Council of the Planning Commission's recommendation
on this proposed preliminary plat, and a letter from Mr. Tyler
Moffett, expressing his concern on the drainage and depth of
sanitary sewer in the proposed plat. Mayor Haguewood then
opened the public hearing and requested comments or questions
from the audience or staff. Mr. Ken SweeneYr of Clark and
Associates, then spoke to the Council on behalf of Mr. Rausal,
noting that there is a solution to the concerns raised by Mr.
MOffett and the staff at Clark and Associates and the City
engineers are working on that solution. There were no further
comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman wray
then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the
Planning Commission and approve the preliminary plat of Galaxy I
Estates, consisting of 16 single family lots on 4.17 acres,
located on the south side of Ahlvers Road, 700 feet west of
Old Mill Road, subject to all improvements complying with
Ordinance No. 1631 as amended, and the storm water drainage
concerns expressed in Mr. Moffett's letter being addressed by
the Public Works Department. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Anderson and carried.
March 20, 1979
Before proceeding with the next order of business, the Council was
addressed by Miss Annette Rush, who was speaking on behalf of several
young people in the audience in regard to use of the Clay Wolverton
Playfield located on llth Street between "A" and "B" Streets. Recently
the City traded four lots adjacent to the playfield for property near
the Lauridsen Boulevard bridge. These lots are now being developed,
and the Park Department has requested that users of the playfield go
elsewhere to play baseball. Miss Rush requested the Council reconsider
this decision and perhaps have a backstop put up so that baseball can
be played. Mayor Haguewood questioned Manager Whorton briefly in re-
gard to the lots in questions, and then referred the matter to Mr.
Whorton for further investigation.
Rezone Request: The Uplands
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department
advising the Council of the Planning Commission's recommendation
on rezoning the area known as The Uplands from residential multi-
family to residential single-family, and outlining the Planning
commission's findings of facts to support this decision. Mayor
Haguewood then opened the public hearing and requested comments
or questions from the audience.
Mr. Ken Norton, Chairman of the Uplands Rezoning Committee, was
the first speaker to address the Council in favor of the proposed
rezone. Several other property owners spoke favorably toward the
single-family rezone, noting that several changes have occured in
the area since the time of the original zoning, and possible loss
of views, increased traffic congestion on Golf Course Road and
lessened property values may result if the area remains zoned
mUlti-family. Other concerns raised by property owners included
inadequate police and fire protection, the effect of more families
on the already low water pressure in the area, loss of privacy,
and who would pay for construction of a much needed Lauridsen
Boulevard link. A few property owners also stated that they were
not informed that they were buying into a multi-family zone.
Opposing the proposed rezone and giving brief presentation were Mr.
John Z. Miller, developed of The uplands, Mr. Henry carey and Mr.
Jeff Kleinman, attorneys representing Mr. Miller, architects Charles
Lawrence and Tom Ekman, and a few members of the audience. Mr.
Miller and the architects reviewed the plans for future development
of The Uplands and the justification for being allowed to retain
the multi-family zone; Mr. Kleinman and Mr. Carey addressed the
legal aspects of the proposed rezone, citing the recent similar
case of Parkridge vs. the City of Seattle.
Following these presentations and after several questions and
comments from members of the audience, Mayor Haguewood closed
the public hearing. Councilman Buck then stated that although
there is evidence to suport the rezone, after review of the
evidence he felt that the Planning Commission recommendation
was a mistake and'moved the Council deny the rezone request.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion
on the motion, each Councilmember stated their reasons for opposing
or supporting the rezone, and Attorney Miller requested findings
of fact be included in the motion. Mayor Haguewood then called
a five minute recess.
Following the recess, Mayor Haguewood reconvened the meeting,
and Attorney Miller suggested the following findings of fact
be incorporated into the motion:
March 20, 1979
1. Cont.
(1) there has not been a substantial change in conditions in
the area since the time of the original zoning of the property
to justify an exercise of the police power to rezone the prop-
erty; (2) the traffic condition and increase in traffic upon
Golf Course Road were reasonably within the expectations of
increases to incur upon that road at the time of the original I
zoning; (3) development of the area as single-family was allowed
under the original zoning and was therefore anticipated and does
not constitute a change of conditions; (4) development of the
area as multi-family is consistent with the terms of the 1976
Comprehensive Plan; (5) there is not substantial evidence in
the record to indicate any other possible change in conditions;
and (6) there was not a mistake in the original zoning.
On call for the question, the motion, including the above-
mentioned findings of fact, was passed by the Council with
Councilmen Boardman and Duncan voting "NO."
C. Annexation petition: DelHur, Inc.
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on DelHur, lnc.'s
request to circulate an annexation petition for approximately
39.5 acres immediately east of Peninsula Golf Course, and
requested comments or questions from the audience.or staff.
Mr. Ken Sweeney, of Clark & Associates, was present on behalf
of DelHur, Inc. and briefly described the area DelHur is pro-
posing to annex. Mayor Haguewood also read from the Planning
Commission minutes of March 14, 1979 in which the Planning
Commission recommends allowing DelHur, Inc. to circulate an
annexation petition subject to certain conditions. There were
no further comments and the public hearing was closed.
Councilman Wray then moved the Council concur with recommendation
of the Planning Commission and allow DelHur, Inc. to circulate an
annexation petition for approximately 39.5 acres immediately east
of Peninsula Golf Course, subject to the following conditions:
(1) that the area assume the bonded indebtness of the City ; (2)
that the zoning be as described in the Periphery Zoning Resolution
in ~he app~i9able areas and ,RS-9 in the remaining areas; and (3)
the petitioners agree to abide by the March 7, 1972 annexation
resolution which classified the proposed annexation as promotional.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried with
Councilman Duncan abstaining.
Mayor Haguewood read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting
of March 14, 1979 with the following action taken by the Council:
1. Conditional Use Permit:, Stephens
Mayor Hageuwood opened the public hearing on Mrs. Stephen's re-
quest for a change in location for a previously approved home
occupation located at 805 East Second Street, and requested
comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were I
no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman
Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recommendation '
of the Planning Commission and approve a new 12 month con-
ditional use permit to Mrs. Stephens to operate a floral decor-
ation shop as a home occupation at a new location, 804 East Second
Street, subject to the same conditions as attached to the existing
permit; i.e. hours of operation limited to 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
March 20, 1979
2. Cont.
)1879 ~
Ihol the PorI Angeles Cily,
-'Jl".ncil and Board 01 Clallam i
County Commissioners will
J!old 0 public heor;ng on May~
:lll';'l979, 015:00 p.m" io the'
Council Chambers, 134 wesl:
Fro,", Street, to consider an'
application for Oce" S~Qc:e'
Tt:lx Classification of a ..45
cere porcel. j
location: 4124 Old Mill
legal De'Scrip1ion: Thel
Sou.h 200 fee' of the
Southwest Quorter ot tho
Southwest Quarter of Section
15, Township 30 North. Range
6 West" W.M., EXCEPT any
portion thereof Iyirlg 8os-ter-ly
of County Rood. 1
Applicant: Bruce B, Moorhead
Property Owner: Bruce B. and
Rosemary G. Moorhead j
All interested parties may
appear at the heoring and j
express their opinion on thi!>>
Dote May 18, 1979_
~' n C. Parrish
City Clerk
~,Y18. 79.
Conditional Use Permit: Grall
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Grall's request
for a conditional use permit to operate a television repair
service as a home occupation at 1305 West Tenth Street, and
requested comments or questions from the audience and staff.
There were no comments and the public hearing was closed.
Councilman Anderson then moved the Council concur with the
recommendation of the Planning commission and approve Mr.
Grall's request for a conditional use permit, subject to the
stipulation that the home occupation guidelines be followed, and
the hours of operation be limited to 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
Open Space Classification: Wallace
Mayor Haguewood read that portion of the planning Commission
minutes which dealt with consideration of an open space clas-
sification for Keith and Donna Wallace, and a memorandum from
the Planning Department explaining the procedure for the final
decision on open space tax classifications which should be made
by a determining authority composed of three members of the
County legislative body and three members of the City legis-
lative body. Mayor Haguewood then opened the public hearing and
requested comments or questions from the audience or staff.
During the discussion which followed, Assistant Planner Pat
McDowell answered questions from Councilmen Buck and Hordyk in
regard to the purpose of an open space classification, the tax
rate loss and actual tax losses to the City, and the open space
land use definitions. There were no further comments and the
public hearing was closed.
councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recom-
mendation of the Planning Commission and approve Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace's request for an open space tax classification for a
5.56 acre parcel of land located on the southeast corner of Old
Mill Road and Rhodes Road, with the stipulation that one acre on
which the house is located be excluded from such classification.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried.
Open Space Classification: Moorhead
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Bruce and Rosemary
Moorhead's request for an open space classification of a 6.45
acre parcel of land located at 4124 Old Mill Road, and requested
comments or questions from the audience or staff. During the
discussion which followed, Mr. Don Frizzell questioned Planner
Carr in regard to public access to the waterfall on this property.
There were no further comments and the public hearing was
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recom-
mendation of the Planning Commission and approve Mr. and Mrs.
Moorhead's request for an open space classificationr with the
stipulation that the easement for pedestrian access to be used
inconjunction with other easements, and excluding the one acre
occupied by the house. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Boardman and carried.
Mayor Haguewood then appointed Councilmen Anderson, Boardman and
Hordyk to serve on the committee with the three County members
to make the final determination on these applications.
March 20, 1979
2. Cont.
E. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file
the Planning Commission minutes of March 14, 1979. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
Councilman Buck moved the Council table this agenda item. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried.
A. Construction of Pier
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. ll-
79 entitled,
Resolution No. 11-79
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles authorizing and
directing the City Manager to sign all
necessary documents to enable General
Construction Company to proceed with
construction of the Municipal Pier.
Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution
as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Anderson and passed unanimously.
B. Pier Design: Priorities
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 12-
79 entitled,
Resolution No. 12-79
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles establishing prior-
ities on restoring elements to the Muni-
cipal Public Pier as funds become available
to replace those elements deleted from the
original pier design.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution
as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Buck and carried unanimously.
C. Letter to DNR
Manager Whorton briefly explained the content of this letter,
which reassures the DNR that the City will be restoring the
deleted items from the Municipal Pier project as soon as funds
are available.
A. Resolution: Interfund Loan
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read in full Resolution No.
13-79 entitled,
Resolution No. 13-79
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing an Interfund loan of $65,000
from the Current Expense Fund to the Water
March 20, 1979
5. Cont.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution
as read in full by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Wray and carried unanimously.
Report of Water Rates
The Council scheduled a special meeting on wednesday, April II,
1979 for discussion and review of the water meter rates.
During the March 6, 1979 regular Council meeting, the Council approved
the language of a draft contract between the County, the City, and
the legal firm of Logerwell, Cohen and Andrews, which was selected
to jointly represent the City and County at the EFSEC contested case
hearings. This draft contract was submitted to the County commissioners
for their consideration and approval. However, the contract approved
and signed by the Commissioners deleted paragraphs 8 and 9 of the
original draft contract which were directed toward participation by
the County prosecuting Attorney and City Attorney in preparation and
trial of the EFSEC hearings and the method of payment therefor. The
removal of those two paragraphs means there is nothing in the agree-
ment' which addresses that subject, and it is therefore totally up to
each governmental entity to determine how much it wishes its own
attorney to participate in the hearings, and to bear the cost for
that participation.
At this meeting, Attorney Miller submitted a memorandum to the
Council stating that in his opinion the City will be best repre-
sented in the contested case hearings if the City Attorney takes an
active role in preparation and trial of those hearings, subordinate
to the role of the retained attorney. Mr. Miller also recommended
further negotiations with the County on the inclusion of language
specifying the method by which the City Attorney and prosecuting
Attorney shall participate in the hearings, and suggested the fol-
lowing alternatives: (1) request Logerwell, et aI, to keep three
accounts, one exclusively County, one exclusively City, and one
joint. The joint account would be paid on a 50/50 basis, and the
City and County would bear the cost for fees exclusively devoted to
representing each; (2) have the City Attorney and Prosecuting Attorney
submit their time to Logerwell, et aI, who would determine the
extent to which efforts by the City and County had supplanted their
efforts. Compensation would then accrue to the City or County as a
result of diminishing the fee of the retained attorney; (3) include
a clause defining the maximum amount of time which could be accrued
by either the City Attorney or the Prosecuting Attorney in the EFSEC
hearings; and (4) adjust the rate to be charged for city and pros-
ecuting attorney time.
During discussion on this matter, Councilman Buck expressed his con-
cern over the county's deletion of paragraphs 8 and 9 in the original
draft contract, and moved the Council resubmit the original draft
contract to the County for their prompt consideration and suggest to
them that an explanation for paragraphs 8 and 9 can be found in
Attorney Miller's proposed first alternative. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, the Council
discussed the extent of Attorney Miller's role in the contested case
hearings and the advantages of his participation, and County Com-
missioner Harry Lydiard explained why the Commissioners felt these
changes in the proposed contract were necessary. Councilman Hordyk
then moved the Council table this agenda item until an agenda is
received from EFSEC. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. On
called vote, Councilmen Hordyk and Wray voted "AYE" with Councilmen
Anderson, Boardman, Buck and Duncan voting "NO." The motion was' denied.
March 20, 1979
6. Cont.
During further discussion on the original motion, Councilman Duncan
pointed out that this contract may be terminated by any party with
five days notice given to the other parties. On call for the
question, the motion was passed by the Council. A special joint
meeting between the City and County was then tentatively scheduled
for Tuesday, March 27, 1979
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the closure of Laurel
Street between Front and First Streets, except the alley, for the
13th annual Arts in Action show scheduled for July 21-22, 1979. The
motion was seconded by Councilman wray and carried.
A. Park Board
No nominations were made at this time.
B. Senior Center Advisory Board
No names have been submitted for approval by the Senior Center.
2217'1A l B.
Notice is hereby given thot,
sealed bids will be received1'
by the City Monoger at the Ci-
ty of PorI Angele, ol140West
Front s,treet of said City until
"2:00 P.M, Monday, March 5,
1979 forfurnishing the follow-
ing equipment cmd-or
Three (3) new ond lolest
model lour door post type
sedans, for heavy duty police
One (1 ) Late Model Derrick C.
Digger complete with service
One {I) Truck Cob and
(' Chassis {for Derrick Digger)
30000 GVW
One (1) Turf-Type Tractor
J Bid sheets, specifications
1 cnd ~nstrl)ctions- ore ovoilable
. from Morian Parrish, Pers-on-
nel Director, P.O. Box 711,
Pori Angeles. Washington
'18362 (206)457,0411 Exl. 117. D.
Sealed bids should be moil.
ed 10 Kenneth Whorton, CIty
Man(lger, P.O. Box 711. 140
.West Ffont Street, Port
Angoles, WA 98362, '
All bids sholl be opened
cnd tobulole-d tor Ihe City
Council wilh a recommenda-
tion ouoched for considero-
A. Police Vehicles
Councilman Anderson moved the Council award the bid for purchase
of three Dodge police vehicles to the sole bidderr Olympic Auto
Center, with a total bid of $19,539.38. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Buck and carried.
Derrick Digger
Councilman Anderson moved the Council reject the bid of the low
bidder, McCabe-Powers, for non-compliance with bid specifications,
and award the bid for purchase of a derrick digger for the Light
Department to the second lowest bidder, Truckweld Industries,
with a bid of $63,722.74. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Hordyk and carried. Other bidders included Coast Crane -
$68,154.80; Elder Eguipment- $67,158.45; Highway Equipment -
$64,021. 01.
Cab and Chassis
Councilman Buck moved the Council reject the sole bid of Cascade
Tractor due to non-compliance with bid specifications, and call
for new bids for purchase of a cab and chassis for the derrick
digger. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and I.
Turf Tractor
Councilman Anderson moved the Council award the bid for purchase
of a turf tractor for the Park Department to the low bidder,
payline NorthWest, with a total bid of $ll,079.64. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Other bidder was
Cascade Tractor with a bid of $11,204.l6.
March 20, 1979
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the
Consent Agenda including vouchers payable of $437,699.73 and payroll of
$128,928.20. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
Items approved under the Consent Agenda are as follows:
I. Authorize the Light Department to call for bids for the sale of 196
surplus distribution transformers.
2. Authorize payment of $66.00 to Western Testing Laboratories for a
compaction test at Civic Field.
3. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor
Control Board of a class E, F license renewal for James Hansen,
Hansen's westside Grocery, 1434 West Fifth Street, and Glenn A.
Hurlong, Handi-Spot Grocery, 529 East First Street.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Planning Director Carr in re-
gard to the "Weenie Wagon", a free-standing pedestrian oriented
retail food outlet located in the northwest corner of Albertson's
parking lot. Mr. Carr pointed out that the "Weenie Wagon" and the
Whipple Key Shop, which is in the same location, are in violation of
both State and City Ordinances and are not in keeping with the
purpose and intent and designated character of the CSD-C2 commercial
zone. Mr. Carr also recommended legal action against all apparent
violators of City and State Ordinances on this property.
After a brief discussion by the Council on this matter, Mayor Haguewood
suggested contacting the property owners and the management at
Albertsons Store once more before resorting to legal action; Councilman
Anderson then moved the Council table this matter until the next
regular Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck
and carried.
Light Superintendent Honnold addressed the Coun~l to request that a
letter be drafted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission with
copies to the Congressional delegates in Washington D.C., requesting
elimination or reduction in the Public utility Regulatory policies
Act reporting requirements because the cost to maintain the pre-
scribed requirements is counter-productive to the intent of the
legislation. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council authorize the
drafting of the above-mentioned letter. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Buck and carried.
1. Councilman Wray: Questioned Manager Whorton in regard to a letter
from Bessey's Electric complaining about all-day parking on the
south side of 8th Street between Lincoln and Laurel; Chief Cleland
is looking into the matter.
2. Mayor Haguewood: Questioned Public Works Director Flodstrom about
re-striping of the parking spaces.
3. Councilman Duncan: Expressed her appreciation to the Oilport Task
Force for their testimony at the recent BLM hearing.
The meeting adjourned at 11:OS P.M.
o /'
~ (!,/~.dL
City Clerk