HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/21/1957
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
March 21
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Port Angeles City'Council met in regular session at 7:30.P,M. and was called to order by Mayor Neer. Roll
~all of offieers revealed the ,following ,present: Councilmen Sandison, 'Matthieu, WOlfe, ~~Fadden and
Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. , ,
H was moved by Councilman ,Matthieu that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Council-
~an Sandison md carried.
Under 'the 'heal! of unfinished business, the fo11ol1ing bids to furnish the Street Department One dump truck
were opened add read:
JANISH MoroR CO., 1957 'Dodge V-8 with truckweld body and 770 Gallion Hoist, $4,927.20, Tax 164.24. Trade-
in allowance, 1947 Dodge, $600.00. Net Price, ,$4,491.44.
S!IMUELSElN Mm:GR CO., 1957 F600 Ford Chassis
$2,623.52. Truckweld body instnlled F.a.B.
Hoist, $1,447.00. :
and cab, $3,023.52 incl. tax., less trade-in, $400.00, Net
Seattle, $1,559.00. Alternate: With Gallion Model 740
OLDSMOBILE €ADILLAC, INC., 1957 I.H. S.-162 with truckweld body and Galli<m 770 Hoist, $4,871.90, Tax,
$162.40. Less Trade-in 1947 Dodge, $27'.30. Net, ,$4,160.00. ,
SCHREINER CHEVROLET CO., 1957 Chevrolet cab and chassis, $3,177.14. Less ttade-in 19~ Dodge, $1,000.00.
Net including tax, $2,177.14. Alternate: 1957 Chevrolet .H.D. 2-Ton chassis md cab, 8 cyl., $3,267.45.
Less trade-in, $1,000.00. Net, $2,267.45. Truc~1eld body, with 770 Hoist, $1,533.47 incl. tax.
Alternate: Truc~1eld body, Marion Hoist MOdel.726A2, $1,368.86, incl. tax.
'.'1 It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the oifer: by Schreiner Chevrolet :Co. at $2,177.14 for t ruck and
i $1,533.47 for body \'I ith 770 Hoist be accepted.. SeQJnded by COWlcilmanW,1fe and carri ed.
~ . t -" ~ -'
jReqUests for variance from Zoning Grdieance having been previously filed, the Planning Commission.submitted
recommendations as follm,s: Mrs. Ruth HusWlg, Lot 14, Blk. 31, N. R. Smith's Subdivision, garage with
overhead apartment. Recommended approval. It was moved by COWlcilmm McFadden that request be approved
as recommended. -Seconded by Councilma:: Sandison and carried. ,
Leo Raymond request to -build garage wi thin three feet of East property line, North half of double lot
at 12th and Laurel Streets. Approval recommended. It was moved by Councilm", Matt1ti.eu that recommendation
be accepted and va~iance app~oved. - Seconded-by Coum:ilmanl'olfe and carried. ,
ClallamC ounty having requested vacation of the alley running through Block 455, Townsite-and being sole
owner of entire block, the Planning Commission recommended that request be approved with reservations
for public utilities rights-of-ways... The I following Resolution fixing .date .of hearing t for vacation
was then introduced and read in full, ,
A RESOLUTION fixing date for hearing On petition for vacation.
It was moved by COWlcilman Wolfe that the foregoing Resolution be approved md adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Matthieu al d carried.
Planning Commission proceedings. show that this body discussed proposed sanitary sewer interceptor system
and offer to meet with the Council and City Manager, and if possible, render-assistance to"ard solving
problems pertinent to said project. March 28, at 7:30 P.M. \'Jas therefore fixed for meeting and discussion.
Agreement between the City end Peninsula Plywood Corporation was read for Council approval. This would
permit the installation of short wave radio pole at 11th and E Streets. It was moved by Councilman
Wol(e 1;hat ,the proper officials be authorized to execute agreement. Seconded by Councilmm Matthieu and
Property O\1ners from 12th and B Streets inquired as to progress of requested Sewer district. They were
infomeq. that Engineers are now wltirking on .Prleliminary surveys.
Mr. Vergeer read proposed agreement between the City a1 d Clallam County Sewer District lIo. 1 regarding J.
connection to, and use of sanitary sewer interceptor system. This Will be further discussed at March
28 meeting. Mr. Vergeer also read communication fromIbberts an d Robinson advising of delay in ground
water survey due to 'Los Ang~les trip. How~ver, they assured that the City would be .kept informed as to
results of tests vnth electronic machine. ~t was the opinion of Mr. Vergeer that survey~indicates
I prospects {br., ":11 water supply in this area are not too good and tests by drilling will not be made.
Under the bead of new business, claims paid March 8 and 11 were approved in total anount of $66,521.98.
It was moved by Councilman McFadden that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and
.. George Wells, cab operator, asked Council to approve installation of meters in his cabs. Mayor Neer cited
deplorable condition of cabs operating, 'and in his opinion the paying public is entitled to'decent, safee:
transpoitatio"n, otherwilse any rate increase due to meters is not justified. Council agreed that meters
are in order and should be installed, also strict equipment inspection required. It was moved by Council-
man McFadden that the matter be tabled for further study. Seconded by Councilman Sli.dison and carried.
The following reports were submitted for Council
Treasurer's financial report, and monthly budget
Councilman McFadden that a 1 reports be cp proved
and carried. 1
"Pproval: Water D.ept., Light Dept., Street Dept.,
reports of receipt s a1 d eXl'enditures. It was moved by
at a placed on tile. Seconded by Councilman Sandison .
Port of Port Angeles C9mr~ssioners requestedin wiiting that the City_ consider vacation of certain streets
and alleys in mocks 12 and 13, T ovmsite. The follo.ling Resolution was introduced and read in full, fixing
date of heari!1g S'n r1equested vacation:; ~
A- I\ESOLUTION- fiXLng flate for hearing on petition for vacation.
It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Resoll'tilon be approved '"' d adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Wolfe and carried. - i
Mayor Neer read invitation from Wo~ents Literary Club informing of their sixtieth ~iversary celebration
(March 29 and inviting Council to participat~.
No further business app,aring, the meeting was declared adjourned.
! Q., C. ~aur
Ci tftf Clerk
- Mayor