HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/21/1963 I I I I "ll Procee~ings of t~e City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Was~ington 161 MARCH 21 19~L ;:'""'""'OOO"'''''','~ The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were Mayor Maxfield, counCl1- men Smith, Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson and Wolfe; Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeece, It was moved by Councilman Willson that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. The bids received for pipe and fittings for the Water Department as tabulated by the Englneerlng Department were: JOHN DAVIDSON CO., 6,000 L.F. 8" C.I. Pipe $15,600.00; 3,000 L.F 6" C.I. Pipe, 5',400.00 H.D. FOWLER CO., 6,000 L.F. 8" A.C. Pipe $10,740.00; 3,000 L.F. 6" A.C. Pipe 4,140.00; 5,000 L.F. 3/4" Copper tubing, 2,100.00; IS, 4" Fire Hydrants 1,852.50; IS, 4" Gate Valves 627.75 PACIFIC WATER WORKS SUPPLY, 8" A.C. Pipe $11,280.00; 6" A.C. Pipe 4,140.00; Copper tubing 2,100.00; Fire Hydrants 1,976.70; Gate Valves 576.45 PACIFIC STATES CAST IRON PIPE CO., 8" C.I.pipe 16,848.00; 6" C.I. pipe 5,895.00; 20,000 L.F. 2" C.I. pipe 14,280.00; Fire Hydrants 1,725.75; Gate Valves 515.25 JOHNS - MANVILLE CORP., 8" A.C. pipe 11,280.00; 6" A.C. pipe 4,191.00 UNIVERSAL SUPPLY CO., Copper tubing 2,052.00; Gate Valves 718.90 PALMER SUPPLY CO., Copper tubing 2,052.00; Gate Valves 629.40 WESTERN UTILITIES CO., Copper tubing, 2,064.00; Fire Hydrants 1,752.00; Gate Valves 653.25 U. S. PIPE & FOUNDRY, 8" C.I. Pipe 17,760.00; 6" C.I. Pipe 6,240.00; 2" C.I. Pipe 15,720.00 RATIlKE & COMPANY, 6" & 8" A.C. Pipe 13,439.00; 2" A. C. Pipe 6,060.00 The Director of Public Works recommended that cast iron pipe be used due to its serviceability, I durability and installation costs. After considerable discussion in which it was pointed out that the bid on asbestos cement pipe is considerably lower, and this pipe seems to be giving satisfactory service, it was moved by Council- man Haguewood that the low bids of H. D. Fowler Co. on 8" A.C. pipe, $10,740.00 and 6" A. C. Pipe $4,140.00; Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co., 2" C.I. $14,280.00, Fire hydrants, $1,725.75, Gate Valves $515.25; and Universal Supply Co., 3/4" copper tubing $2,052.00 be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. Councilman Thorne, Chairman for the committee appointed to view the teenage dance at Funmore Rol- lerland, and make recommendation regarding the revision of the public dance ordinance pertaining to age and closing time, reported that the committee had attended and observed the dance and the buildina in which it was held.on the 9th of March. It is the committee's recommendation that the ordinan~e be revised; a special section be included covering teenage dances to include a 12:00 I' I o'clock midnight closing time, admit ages 15 through 20 years, no pass out checks or stamps, an , adult woman hall attendant hired by the operator, subject to the approval of the Chief of Police I and a police officer present at all times. The premises must be kept clean and in sanitary condi- I I tion; panic bars must be installed on all exit doors; 'no dances of gross immoral mode or manner i' 'I shall be permitted. Age restrictions shall not apply to Christian Youth organizations and school' I ~ sponsored dances held on their premises. In the proposed new ordinance, no time is set for the I beginning of a dance. Also, some special public dances such as civic celebrations may be granted longer hours of operation, subject to the approval of the City Manager. IIA communication was read from the District Sanitarian setting forth the corrections which need to be made at the Funmore Rollerland to make it cleaner and more sanitary. Also, a petition contain- , ing a number of signatures of teenagers requesting that a 1:00 a.m. deadline be permitted for the teenage dances and that the ages be from 15 to 18 years. The Mayor commended the committee on their thoroughness of the investigation and report. After I discussion, it was moved by Councilman Willson that the City Attorney draw up the amendments to th~ Dance Ordinance incorporating the changes recommended by the committee. Seconded by Councilman l i Haguewood and unanimously carried. j The Police Chief's report and recommendation regarding the loading zones in front of Habit Cleaners, 121 East Front Street and Anderson Ford Co., 1st ~ Lincoln, was read and discussed. The Chief feels !that there is sufficient loading zones, and that these two spaces should be used for parking. It J was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the Chief's recommendation be followed and Anderson Ford Co. and Habit Cleaners request for loading zones be denied. Seconded by Councilman Willson. Afte further discussion, on called vote Councilmen Haguewood and Willson voted "Aye" and Councilmen II Smith, Thorne, Wolfe and Cornell voted "Opposed". ~Iotion failed. Councilman Cornell expressed I the feeling that the Habit Cleaners and Anderson Ford Co. representatives should be present at , the discussion. It was then moved by Councilman Cornell to table any further action until the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Smith. On called vote, Councilmen Cornell, Smith, Thorne and Wolfe voted "Aye". Councilman vlillson voted "No". Councilman Haguewood did not vote. Motion passed. The following bids were received for the Water Dept. "Krane Kar": Mr. O. Foss, Cutrite Cedar Pro~ ducts, $250.00 and Melvin J. Baker, $156.00. The Water Dept. having set a net worth of $2,100.00 on the "Krane Kar", it was moved by Councilman Smith that the bids be rejected as being too low. I Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. It was then moved by Councilman Wlllson that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate a sale of the "Krane Kar", subject to Council approval. Seconded I, by Councilman Smith and carried. ,[ ! A petition for annexatlon from School District No. 21 was received and discussed. It was moved by, I I, 11 I II ....oil I l.... 162 Procee~ings of t~e City Commission of the Ci~ of Port Angeles, Was~ington MARCH 21 19~ I. 1lJ.l PRINTING CO. P.UU.i_-~ Councilman Willson that the petition of School District N9. 21 for annexation to the City of Port , Angeles, be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. The next step will I be to set up a "Board of Review". A communication from Conrad E. Dyar, Park Board Secretary, stating that Harry Lydiard, representin~ the Olympic Conservation Council, requested that the City consider setting aside for future park j, IPurposes about 80 acres on the lower Elwha which belongs to the City. The Park Board recommends against this area being developed or used for park purposes at present or in the near future, as they feel that the money now available for park purposes is barely adequate to take care of the presen~ parks and playfields, but they feel that the area could be set aside for future park pur- I poses. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the Park Board's recommendation be accepted. Second d by Councilman Cornell. The City's liability, the cost of developing this area into a park and who, owns and maintains the road going into this property were discussed. Mr. Lydiard was present and I cited the need for more area for recreational purposes for the future. Also presented a petition , bearing 121 signatures asking that the City owned property on the Elwha River be set aside for a public park. After further discussion, on called vote, all voted "Aye" Motion passed. It was moved by Councilman Cornell that the first and final estimate of work done and material I furnished by Morris Construction, Inc. on construction of sanitary sewers in L.I.D. NO. 185, in I total amount of $12,000.00, be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Willson ,and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the first and final fixed estimate of work'done and material furnished by the City of Port Angeles in the construction of sanitary sewers in L.I.D. No. 185, il in total amount of $1,688.01, be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. II A recommendation that L.r.D. No. 185, 12th and I Street vicinity, be accepted : Morris Construction, Inc., was received from the City Engineer. It was moved that the project be accepted as completed. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and as completed by by Councilman Wolfe _""W",, '""<0'"1 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles fixing the time and I place for hearing upon the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 185. II 1\ It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the foregoing Resolution be passed, setting May 2, 1963, ,I at 7:30 p. m. for the hearing on the assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 185. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried. I A memo setting forth the recommendation for the improvement of the Boulevard from Lincoln Street to the west bank of Peabody Gulch, and outlining the proposed financing plan was discussed. The recommendation calls for an amendment to the six year arterial improvement plan by deducting the Fifth and Eighth Street fill, curb and gutter projects and the alley fill east of Lincoln Street, I between Seventh and Eighth Streets. The West Eighth and "I" Street improvements would be post- I poned for one year. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Councilman Haguewood that action on this item be postponed until next meeting to give time for further study. Seconded by 1"1 Councilman Smith. On called vote, Councilmen Haguewood, Smith, Cornell and Wolfe voted "Aye". I Councilmen Willson and Thorne voted "No". ~Iotion carried. I A communication was read from Chas. G. Beutler, Shop Steward for the Light Dept. requesting a ' raise of 14 cents per hour for linemen and use the same percentages as have already been establlsh~d I for the other outdoor crew. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the Light I Dept. pay rate be adjusted to $3.78 per hour for lineman, an increase of .129 per hour, other wag4 adjustments to be the percentages of former years. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously!' carried. The following Resolution was then introduced and read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 10-63 The following Ordinance was then introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1509 II I,! Seconded by Councilman il'l Minutes of the Planning Commission, March 19, 1963, were read. The Commission recommended to the Council that Mr. Edward L. Galerneau, 817 W 13th Street, be issued a revocable permit which would I allow him to operate a small radio repair shop in his home. It was moved by Councilman Willson Ii that the revocable permit be issued to Mr. Galerneau, as recommended by the Planning Commission. I Seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried. I I The Commission also recommended that tentative approval be given the application of Fred P. John- I son and Car2 Konopaski for permission to sub-divide suburban Lot 1, Government Townsite after they delete two < so called "private roads" and the so called "hog back". The sanitarian gave tentative I" approval for septic tank disposal of sewage. I After discussion on the accessibility to portions of the plat and the availability of utllities i for the area, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the Clty Counc~l concur with the Planning I Commission in so far as they have proceeded with this platting. Seconded by Councilman Willson 'I and carried. I: AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles providing for an adjustment in the wages of employees in the electrical distribution system for the year 1963. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted. Willson and unanimously carried. The Commission recommended that the Council tentatively accept the proposed re-plat of suburban Lots 30 and 33 by Mr. Douglas Baker, and also the application to vacate certain portions of "N" and 4th Streets as shown on the plat. It was moved by Councilman Willson to concur with the Plan- ning Commission's recommendation. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried. I I I I I I I I I Procee~ings of t~e City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington """11III 163 MARCH 21 19~ " Lit ti PRINTING co. F':2~2U ~ I The following reports were presented for approval: Treasurer's Financial Report for February, BudJ get Report of Receipts and Expenditures, Light Dept. Work and Billing and Water Dept. Work and Bil~ ling. It was moved by Councilman Cornell that the reports be accepted and placed on file. Second~d by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried. II Claims, including payroll for March 1 through 15, were presented for payment in amounts of: GenerJl Funds, $32,838.96; Water Fund, $7,630.02 - warrants No. 11918 - 11944; Pipeline Fund, $2,003.60 - I Warrants No. 365 and 366; Light Fund, $54,712.45 - Warrants No. 11736 - 11760. It was moved by Councilman Cornell that the claims and payroll in total amount of $97,185.04 be approved. Seconde by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the minutes of the Planning Commission be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. I I It was noted that the Annual Report for 1962 will be ready for the Council and public at the next ! meeting of the Council. In accordance with the request of the State Auditor that permission be granted by the Council for I City Employees to make trips to conventions, workshops, etc. before the trip is made, the followin~ were granted: It was moved by Councilman Smith that Bruce Thompson be granted permission to attend Police School at Fort Lewis - March 17 -' 19, 1953. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Smith that Marguerite Miller be granted permission to attend I: Fingerprint School in Seattle - March 24 - 29, 1963. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Smith that permission be granted Harry Kochanek to attend Gradu- ation Exercises and return Bruce Thompson to Port Angeles on March 29, 1963. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. It was moved by Councilman Cornell that permission be granted Harry Kochanek and Marguerite Miller to attend a meeting of the Washington State Identification Officers at Monroe, on April 2, 1963. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Smith that Kenneth Cameron be granted permission to attend the Washington Annual Command School in Yakima - April 1-4, 1963. Seconded by Councilman Will- son and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that, as requested by the Light Superintendent, Charles Beutler be granted permission to attend the 13th Annual Operations Workshop in Tacoma - March 27 - 29, 1963. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Cornell that Paul Reed and Robert Bamford be granted approval to attend the Northwest Section of the American Water Works Assn. in Eugene, Oregon - April 17-19, 1963. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Smith that John B. Warder be granted approval to attend the Spring meeting of the Washington Chapter of the American Public Works Assn. in Yakima- April lQ-12, 1963. Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried. j' I:, ;1 Councilman Wolfe asked when the Pine Hill blacktopping will be started. The City Engineer informe~ that the grading contractor plans to move back on Monday, March 25th, and the paving contractor !I hopes to begin paving by the middle of April. II' To Councilman Wolfe's inquiry as to the status of the Harbert Construction Company's overpayment I by the Water Dept., the City Attorney noted that the City Manager had received a communication from Mr. Harbert saying he will be in this area in a couple of months and will see him at that time. II It was moved by Councilman Smith that permission be granted to call for bids for redecking the Tumwater Hill Bridge. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. Councilman Thorne complimented the Library and whoever arranged the display windows on the attrac~1 tiveness of the windovls. " Mr. Milton Yates, representing the Bankers Life and Casualty Co., asked the Council to consider a I i payroll deductible plan of medical and disability insurance for the City Employees. The Mayor and , Councilman Wolfe assured that this company's plan would be considered along with other company's , ;, plans "hen the Employee,Relations Committee considers the 1964 program. I I' There II I: ,I being no further business, the meeting was adjourned t lfO'1':lCD TO COR!l'BAo!tOIlS ~ CALL P'OR BJDS -. , N'Q'l'lCEISHEHEBYGIVEN that! ~ ~aled bIds will be receivcd at the1 C) MAYOR :~t~~~e l~~ {~:st C~onrS'~~~r: ~~~~ 'Angeles., ....ashlngtOll. until 5:00' lo'c1/)ck P.M.. ThUl"r;{lay, April 18, I 1106::1. All blels shall be submitted !prior to the time noted above. 1l.11~ (f~!; ~}~~c~r ~t~:tGc;~~~~t~:{l~'l~~~j noted abo'\'c. 1 \Vork Involved wll1 bl:' for the :rc- decking an existing roadway trc~tl(':.: conslsting of approximately 6S MBM Lumber and Timber, Plana !U1d speci- fication:;; ma~" be ohtained from the I office 0{ the Clty Engineer upon l1.1 depoalt of fifteen dollars ($H.OO). Said deposit will be ,'dunded to all !lrospecUvc bl(ldcrs upon the rcturn of ])1ans and specifications. nCmOycCl1 materlaJs shall be dIsposed of b[" thn ~~~~~l~ct~~inf,aK;'o~n~o~;l~tl~~ o~r n~i work and clean-up In aocordance wlth the Pla.ns and Sper.lflcatlonEl, I Each bid flhall be aecomp:lnled by a. 6% bld bond or n ('~rtlfi(ld checl~ in an cClml nmount. Each bid' Sllll.lI submit the qun.lI!lcatlonr; of bld~er to do this type work. The CIty Council of the City of Port Angeles remll'ver; the r1j:l'llt to' accept or reject nny 01' all bids, whleh-9v()r In tho fjl1(l~mellt of thl? City l.'Ouncil is best suited for tile Clt". M. \V, SLANKARD, , Clt~' Manager PUilllF;hed: 1I.1arcll 2S and April 4, 11lr.3 =---- - ffrfm '7J-"JA""~ CITY CLERK 2, ~('''-P \~r--l .....