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Port Angeles, Washington
March 21, 2000
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett,
McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S.
Brodhun, B. Collins, G. Cutler, S. Ilk, D. McKeen, Y.
Ziomkowski, R. Johnson, L. Haehnlen, S. McLain, D.
Madison, and B. Coons.
Public Present: P. Lamoureux, C. Cartwright, K. Pedrey, L. Lee, A.
Rosecrants, and M. Baker.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilman Williams.
CEREMONIAL International Building Safety Week
PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Doyle read a proclamation declaring the week of April 2 - 8, 2000, as
International Building Safety Week and presented it to Lou Haehnlen, Building Official.
International Building
Safety Week
WORK SESSION: Director Cutler reviewed the backgrotmd of the Carnegie Library issue. Stuart Bonney
of Olympic Design Works was hired to compare the renovation to restoration of the
Carnegie Library Report Carnegie Library, and Mr. Bonney would be giving a presentation this evening. Director
and Presentation Cutler introduced Ron Johnson, Engineering Specialist, who is the City's project
Ron Johnson, Engineering Specialist, explained that a requirement of the Library Bond
Issue was that $400,000 would be dedicated to the Carnegie project. Using the
overhead projector, Mr. Johnson displayed charts which demonstrated how that money
has been utilized to date. He introduced Mr. Smart Bonney to present the results of the
study performed by Olympic Design Works.
Smart Bonney, principal architect for Olympic Design Works, gave a h/story' of the
Carnegie Library beginning with its construction in 1917 to the current time, showing
various pictures of the Library through the years and describing the various changes
made to the structure.
Mr. Bonney stated that some of the project uncertainties were unknown structural
condition of the building, budget concerns, availability of funding, and the City's intent
for the building.
Mr. Bonney stated the question remained whether the City should renovate or restore.
A decision must be made, as regulations and codes would vary between the two choices.
Mr. Bonney described the differences between the project paths by defining certain
terms and citing examples. Mr. Bonney explained that renovation would be governed
by the Uniform Building Code, and restoration would be governed by the Historic
Building Code. He explained the basic requirements of the codes and how they
Mr. Bonney then outlined the various grant opportunities which included general grant
requirements, National Trust Preservation Services Fund Grants, A & E Services
March 21, 2000
WORK SESSION: Grants, grants for construction funds, and other possible funding sources.
Mr. Bonney stated that the approach of Olympic Design Works to the project was to
Camegie Library Report design assumptions, develop "value based" structural solutions, develop "base costs"
and Presentation (Cont'd) from the question of renovation vs. restoration, and base costs plus upgrade costs. Mr.
Bonney went into detail regarding cost analysis, renovation costs, restoration costs,
displayed a comparative cost analysis, reviewed the potential adaptive re-uses and time
frame issues. Mr. Bonney provided a cost comparison for renovation vs. restoration and
explained What the price difference would purchase. He concluded by listing the 7-step
recommendation of Olympic Design Works which included applying for grants,
proceeding with structural retrofit and restoration construction efforts. Discussion
ensued, and Mr. Bonney responded to questions directed by the Council and provided
additional information and clarification.
Councilman Wiggins moved to direct staff to apply for a Washington Historical
Restoration Grant. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. In the
ensuing discussion, Manager Quinn suggested it would be helpful for staffto be able
to work with the consultant in preparing the grant request, perhaps to a maximum
expenditure of $10,000. Therefore, Councilman Wiggins amended his motion to
direct staff to apply for a Washington Historical Restoration Grant, and to
allocate $10,000 to help write the grant for the restoration of the Carnegie
Library. Councilmember McKeown, as seconder of the motion, agreed to the
amendment. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilman I-Iulett moved to refer the Carnegie Project back to the Real Estate
Committee to review the options. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion.
Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Rezone Request - REZ 00-02 - Baker - 830 Georgiana: Rezone of Property from RS-7,
QUASI-JUDICIAL: Residential Single Family, to CO, Commercial Office
Rezone Request - Baker Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department, and
Ordinance No. 3047 Director Collins supplied additional information regarding the Findings and
Conclusions. Following brief discussion and clarification, Mayor Doyle opened the
public hearing at 7:35 p.m. There was no public testimony; therefore, Mayor Doyle
closed the public hearing at 7:35 p.m. and read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, rezo. ning
property located in Block 38 of Norman R. Smith Subdivision,
Townsite of Port Angeles, and amending the Official Zoning Map,
Ordinance 2801, as amended.
CoUncilman Hulett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings
1 - 14 and ConclusionsA - F as set forth in Exhibit "A', which is attached to and
becomes a part of these minutes. Counciimember Erickson seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, noted that his waterbreak claim from August was settled
PLACED ON THIS OR in February. He asked that Council look into speeding up the claims settlement process.
Referring to the convention center proposal, Mr. Lamoureux reminded the Council that
location and marketing were two important issues to make this a viable project. He did
not feel the residents would benefit from a convention center, but the business
community would. He felt a formula should be devised to allocate projects costs to
those who would benefit from the convention center.
Mayor Doyle asked staff to look into purchasing a lapel microphone.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Hulett moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1) Council
minutes of March 1, 2000, special meeting and March 7, 2000, regular meeting; 2)
March 21, 2000
CONSENT AGENDA: Check List - March 15, 2000 - $814,522.0 I; and 3) Out-of-State Travel - Public Works:
(Cont'd) McCabe to Pacific Northwest Solid Waste Region Symposium; Harper & Drake to
Northwest Public Power Association; Planning - Collins to New York for American
Planning Association National Conference; and Fire - Darling and Reid to Northwest
Fire 7 Arson Investigation Seminar. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Wiggins attended a Marine Resources Committee meeting and will be
COMMITTEE attending a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meeting on Friday, March 24, 2000, at
REPORTS: 2:00 p.m., to which he invited the Council members. He also attended the National
League of Cities, which he found to be very interesting.
Councilman Campbell also attended the National League of Cities which renewed his
commitment to obtaining a broadband communications network for the Clallam County
area. Councilman Campbell also attended a Solid Waste Advisory Committee meeting.
Councilmember McKeown noted that a Downtown Forward meeting will be held on
Monday, March 27, 2000, at 7:00 a.m. in the Public Works conference room. At that
time, the Port of Port Angeles will give a presentation on the Oak Street property.
Council is welcome to attend.
Councilman Hulett announced that Wendt Advertising, who was working on the
marketing campaign with the Chamber of Commerce and VCB, has moved out of the
area. A committee has been formed to send out an RFP for a new advertising agency.
Mayor Doyle attended the National League of Cities Conference.
Management and Non- Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Represented Employees
Ordinance No. 3048 Cost of Living Increase for Management and Non-Represented Employees for 2000
Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by Human Resources and asked
Manager Quinn for further information, which he provided. Manager Quinn felt that
these changes will allow the City to move toward a more progressive, performance-
oriented program for personnel management. Discussion followed and Manager Quinn
responded to questions and provided clarification. Mayor Doyle read the Ordinance by
title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing
salary and fringe benefit plans for Management, Administrative,
Technical, and Confidential Clerical Personnel (Schedules A and
C) and establishing a pay plan for part-time employees working in
the Parks & Recreation Department (Schedule B) for the period
January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2000 and providing for the payment
Councilmember MeKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings None.
Western Public Agencies Other Considerations
Group Contracts
1. Western Public Agencies Group Contracts
Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Public Works and Utilities
Department. Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the pUblic Works Director
to sign the agreement with Marsh Mundorf Pratt and Sullivan, and EES
Consulting for WPAG services during the year 2000. Councilmember Erickson
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Break Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 8:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
8:20 p.m.
March 21, 2000
Contract with Asplundh 2. Tree-Trimming Contract with Asplundh
Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Public Works and Utilities
Department. Following limited discussion, Councilmember McKeown moved to
authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Asplundh Tree Expert
Company to trim trees not to exceed $30,000. Councilman Campbell seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
VoiceStream Lease 3. VoiceStream Lease at Shane Park
Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Property Manager.
Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the lease agreement
with VoiceStream to install one 95 foot pole and the necessary communication
ground equipment at Shane Park. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion.
Councilman Hulett asked if the telecommunications ordinance which staff is working
on would address sUCh issues as co-location and cell phone towers. Attorney Knutson
told him that staff had discussed the locating of cell towers, and that the Planning
Director felt it was adequately addressed by the current zoning code. Discussion
ensued, and Don Madison, Property Manager, responded to questions and provided
Referring to Paragraph e. on Page 91 of the packet, Mayor Doyle expressed concern
regarding termination of the lease in the event the antenna facilities are damaged or
destroyed. He stated this wording had been discussed in the Real Estate Committee and
asked if it could be readdressed. If the tower is damaged through no fault of the City,
the lessee should have insurance to cover the damages, and the City should not be
penalized. Mr. Madison stated a rewording of that paragraph can be forwarded to
VoiceStream. Discussion continued, and staff offered explanations and clarification of
various sections of the agreement and the process used to reach this agreement and
allow the l~ole in this area. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Real Property Sales Agent 4. Request for Proposals for Real Property Sales Agent
Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Property Manager. Councilman
Hulett explained why the Real Estate Committee felt this was a good step to take to
market surplus property and be better stewards. Councilman Williams stated he would
abstain from voting on the issue in the appearance of fairness.
Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Real Estate Committee to request
proposals from local real estate firms to represent the City in the sale of surplus
property. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion. Brief discussion ensued, and
Councilman Wiggins amended the motion to authorize the Real Estate Committee
to request proposals from local real estate firms to represent the City in the sale
of surplus property and other real estate matters. Councilman Wiggins agreed as
seconder of the motion. All Council members voted in support of the motion, with
the exception of Councilman Williams, who abstained. Because abstentions are
counted as affirmative votes, the motion carried unanimously.
INFORMATION: City Manager's Report
Manager Quinn informed the Council that there wOUld be a special meeting on March
23, 2000, at 4:00 p.m. The Port, County, and City Council will meet in Chambers to
discuss economic development, storm water management, and landfill issues.
Referring to page 124, Manager Quinn noted a motion was needed to appoint John
Spiess to the Board of Appeals. Councilmember McKeown moved to appoint John
Spiess to the Board of Appeals for the unexpired term expiring March 1, 2002.
Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Manager Quinn pointed out the memo on Page 128 of the packet having to do with Mr.
Jeff Konopaski's inquiry regarding a sewer connection outside the City limits and UGA.
If Council wishes to pursue this issue, perhaps the Utility Advisory Committee could
explore this option and bring a recommendation to the Council. Discussion followed.
Mayor Doyle reminded the CoUncil that the City invested a lot of money in the ULID
on Golf Course Road, which can only be recouped by letting the residences not
included in the ULID connect to the sewer line.
March 21, 2000
INFORMATION: Councilman Campbell agreed the UAC revisit the issue of not providing utility services
(Cont'd) outside the City limits. Director Cutler suggested this not be explored until after the
City and County meet and come to an understanding regarding a shared revenue
Manager Quinn recognized Yvonne Ziomkowski for having achieved the status of
Certified Municipal Finance Administrator and David Sawyer for his Downtown
Partner Award and Extra Mile Award.
Manager Quinn informed the council that staff has been working on the revisions to the
City's Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). He asked for three Council volunteers to review
the CFP, formulate a priority list, and report back to the rest of Council in April. Mayor
Doyle, and Councilmembers Erickson and Campbell volunteered to assist in this review
and will meet on Thursday, March 23, 2000, at 10:00 a.m.
Manager Quinn announced that the County had issued a one-year permit to the City for
operation of the landfill. Next year they will consider a multi-year permit. Manager
Quinn encouraged the reading of the monthly reports included in the packet. Mayor
Doyle noted that the landfill revenues received from Rayonier's demolition is $583,230.
Mayor Doyle noted the passing of Bill Myers. Mr. Myers was a member of the UAC
for several years, as well as a retired City employee.
Councilman Wiggins stated he had discussed eliminating term limits with the City
Attorney and City Clerk. This would not pertain to current members. This will be a
discussion item at the next meeting.
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:05 p.m. to discuss potential litigation
EXECUTIVE SESSION: and a matter of personnel for approximately one hour.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Open Session at 10:08 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:08 p.m.
Beck~ J. UI~h'-,, (~ Cl~k ] .... Earry D~, May6r /'
L4~i~0 "A"
830 Georgiana Street:
1. The applicant, Dr. Margaret Baker, is requesting the rezone of a single Townsite
lot from Residential Single Family (RS-7) to Commercial Office (CO).
2. The purpose of the rezone is to facilitate the development of the property as a
parking lot to serve an adjacent medical office use.
3. The submitted application including a map of the area proposed is attached as
Attachment B to the February 23, 2000, Planning Department Report.
4. The property is currently vacant, except for a 9' encroachment of the medical
office building on to the subject site and the current use of 5 parking spaces off
the alley, and is 50' wide and 140' deep for a total of 7,000 square feet of property.
5. The property ad&ess is 830 Georgiana Street and the legal description is Lot 3,
Block 38, Normal R. Smith Subdivision, Townsite of Port Angeles.
6. The City's Comprehensive plan designates the property as Commercial (C). The
site is located in the northernmost portion of the City's North Central Planning
area and is two blocks southwest of Olympic Medical Center.
7. Land Use Element Policies A1 and A2 establish the need for all decisions to be
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and policies. Policy E3
requires for commercial development to buffer its impact to residential properties.
8. The properties to the north and east are zoned CO and developed primarily as
medical office uses. The property to the south is zoned Commercial Arterial (CA)
and is developed as commercial retail uses. Property to the west is zoned
Residential Single Family (RS-7) and is developed with single family residences.
9. Approximately one half of the lots in the 800 block of Georgiana Street are zoned
Commercial Office. On the north side of Georgiana Street, the CO zoning
extends an additional three lots to the west of the subject lot.
10. As a result of the CO zoning, development of the parking lot will require
buffering of the parking use from the adjacent residence. Such buffer will consist
of, at a minimum, three (3') feet of landscaping with a three to six (3' to 6') foot
high vision obscuring fence or other solid landscaping material. Additionally, all
lighting on the site must be directed away from the adjacent residence.
11. The Fire and Public Works Departments both indicated that they have no
objections to the application.
12. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Nonsignificance for the
proposal on February 17, 2000.
13. The public comment period for this application ran from January 26, 2000, to
February 10, 2000. No written comments were received during that time period.
No testimony opposing the proposed rezone was given at the public hearing
before the Planning Commission on February 23, 2000.
14. The applicant cited a critically short supply of medical office space and accessory
parking near the hospital for an increasing number of medical professionals
serving the local population and the Olympic Medical Center as the change in
circumstances since the previous zoning.
A. The Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Element Policies A 1-2 and E3 directly
relate to the proposed rezone.
B. The rezone complies with the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically Land Use
Element Policies Al, A2, and E3.
C. The proposed rezone is compatible with surrounding land uses and Zoning
Ordinance designations.
D. If developed as proposed, the rezone can reduce the impact of the adjacent
medical office on neighboring properties by providing needed off-street parking
and required landscape buffering.
E. The proposed rezone is justified by a change in circumstances since the previous
zoning of the vicinity in which the subject property is located and by the
inappropriateness of the existing use on the three lots under a single ownership.
F. The rezone is in the public interest.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of March 21, 2000.
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