HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/22/1939 ,.. '36 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington M~T'~h ~2:) 1 q~Q 19_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 ~.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were reed and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following were granted: Theo A. Jensen, move house to lot and remodel, Lot 17~ Block 41, N. R. Smith Subd. C. F. Cayanus, Alteraticn of home, Lct 1, Block 258, lownsite 2400.00 400 .00 I Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the fcllcwing resolutions were introduced. RESOlUTION WHEREAS, The (;ity of Port Angeles, is the owner cf the following described real property, having acquired the same by Treasurer's deed, dated March 21, 1939, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 145 of the Laws of 1929, page 565, to-wit: Lots One (1) and '''hree (5), Block Tvro Hundred Eighty-three (283), of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington, and WHEREAS, Charles A. Andrus, has offered to purchase from the loity of Port Angeles the above described real properly for the sum of $280.00, payable as follows; $55.00 down payment and $15.00 on or before the 10th day of April, 1939, and ~15.00 on or before the 10th day of each and every month thereafter until paid in full, together with interest on monthly balances at the rate of 7% per annum, and WHEREAS, the City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value and is in excess of the amount paid by the City for said lots, plus all L.I.D. Assessments, includ- ing interewt and other charges against the same, I NOW, TH~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that saiel offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said Charles A. Andrus, for the cum hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and .he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor. of the City of Port "ngeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed, when the purchase price and all accrued interest thereon has been paid in full. It was moved by Commissioner Henson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION FOR NORTH EAST END DISTRICT PROJECT PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF ALBERT STltEET FROM GEORGIANA 1'0 4TE STREET, EUNICE STREET FROl!. CAROLINE TO 4TH STREET, CHAMBERS STREET FROM COLUMBIA TO 4TH STREET, ENNIS STREET FROM 1ST TO 4TH STREET, SECOND STREET FROM CHAMBERS TO ENNIS STREET, THIRD STREET FROM CHAMBERS STREET TO THE EAST CITY LIMITS AND 4TH STREET FROM ALBERT 1'0 ENNIS S'PllEET; I RESOLVED, That the City of Port Angeles pave JI.lbert Street from Georgiana to Fourth Street, Eunice Street from Caroline to Fourth Street, Ghambers Street from Columbia to f'ourth Street, Ennis Street from First Street -to fourth Street, Second Street from Chambers to Ennis Street, lhird Street from Chambers Street to the East City Limits and Fourth Street from Albert to ~nnis Street, with a Light Bituminous surface treatment, according to the Standard Specifications of the State of Washington, Department of Highways, for Secondary Highways, adopted by the State of Washington, and approved by lhe United States Bureau of Publi c 'Ra ads. AND BE IT FURTHER RESGLVED, The cost of said paving be paid out of the City Street Fund as provided for in Chapter 187 of the Laws of 19B7 and out of any other fund or funds that may be availa.ble fer that purpose. RESOLUTION FOR SOUTH EAST END DISTRICT PROJECT PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEJfJ:NT OF BOULE,'lARD F;jOM LINCOLN STREET TO PEABODY STREET, PEABODY STREET FROM EIGHTH STREET TO THE BOULEVARD, ALBERT STREET FKOM EIGHTH STREET TO-THE BOULEVARD, CHAMBERS STREET FROM FOURTH STREET TO EIGHTH STREET, FIFTH STREET FROM EUNICE STREET TO JONES. STREET, SIXTH STREET F;WM EUNICE STREET TO CHMffiERS STREET AND SEVENTH STREET FROM FhANCIS STREET TO CHAMBERS STREET, RESOLVED, 1hat the City of Port Angeles pave the Boulevard from Lincoln Street to Peabody Street, Peabody Street 'from Eighth Street to the Boulevard, Albert Street frcm Eighth Street to the Boulevard, Chambers Street from Fourth Street to ~ighth Street, Fifth Street from Eunice Street to Jones Street, Sixth Street fro:n Eunice Street to Chambers Street and Seventh Street from Francis Street to Chambers Street, with a Light Bituminous surface treatrrrent, according to the Standard Specifications of the State of Washington, Department of Highways, adopted by the State of Washington, and approved by the United States Bureau of Public 'Roads, I AIm BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, "he cost of said paving be paid out of the City Street fund as provided for in Chapter 187 of the Laws of 1937 and out of any otber fund or fUnds that may be available for that purpose. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded h'J Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I RESOlJJTION FOR NORTH CHERRY HILL DISTRICT PROJECT PROVIDING JiDR THE IMPROVEMENT OF L~UREL STREET FROM SECOND TO EICHTH STREET, OAK STREET FROM SECO~~ TO EIGHTH STREET, SECO~~ STREET FlOM LINCOLN TO OftX STREET, THIRD STREET FEOM LINCOLN TO CHERRY STREET, FOURTH STREET FRO!.: LINCOLl'l STREET TO VALLEY GULCH, FIFTH STREET Ji1:t01~ LINCOLN TO VALJEY GULCH, SIXTH STREET FROM LUlCOLN TO VALLEY GULCH, SEVENTH STREET FROU LINCOLN TO vALLEY GULCH. RESOLVED, That the City of Port Angeles pave Laurel Street from Second to Eighth Street, Oak Street from Second to Eighth Street, Second Street from Lincoln to Oak Street, Third Street from Lincoln. to Cherry Street, Fourth Street from Lincoln St.reet to Valley Gulch, Fifth Street from Lincoln to Valley Gulch, Sixth Street from Lincoln to Valley GulCh, Seventh Street from Lincoln to Valley Gulch, with a Light .Bituminous surface treatment, according to the Stendard S-pecifications of the State of Washington, .... I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City o[ Port Angeles, Washington 37 ____l,!"!c;h_25,_ ~9~9 _ _ 19_ Department of Highvrays, for Secondary HiGhways adopted by the State of Wash'ngton, d d by United States Bureau of fublic Roads.' - an approve the BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The cost of said pa~ing be paid out of the City Street Fund as provided for in Chapt3r 187 of the Laws of 1937 and out ~f any other fund or funds that may be available for that purpose. It w~s ~oved by conur,issioner !.iasters that the for~gbing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Cornmlssloner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOlllTION FOR SDUTH CHERRY HILL DISTRICT PROJECT PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVE1mNT OF LAUREL STREET FROM EIGHTH STREET TO BDULEV~RD, OAK STREET FROM EIGHTH STREET TO BOULEVARD, CHERRY StREET FaOM EIC~TH STREET TO BOULEVARD NINTH STREET FWM Ln;COJ,N STREET TO VELLEY GULCH, TENTH STREET nOM ~INOOLN TO VALLEY' GULCH, ELEVENTH STREET FRmi LINCOLN TO '1ALLEY GULCH, TWELFTH smEET mOM LINCOLI, STREET TO VALLEY GULCH, THIRTEJo,'NTH STREET FllOM LINCOLN TO VALLEY GULCH FOURTEENTH STRE&T FRell LINCOLIJ TO VALLEY GULCH AND FIFTEENTH STREET FEOM OAK STREET TO' VAllEY GULCH, RESOLVED, That the City of Port ~ngeles pave Laurel Street from Eighth Street to Boulevard nak Street frcm Ei;hth Street to Boulevard, Cherry Street from "'ighth street to Boulevard Ninth Stre;t from Lincoln street to. 'alley Gulch, Tenth Street from Li:lcoln to Valley Gulch, Eleventh St;eet from Lincoln to Valley ~lch, TWelfth Street from Lincoln to Valley Gulch, 1hirteenth Street from Lincoln to Valley Gulch, 'ourteenth Street from Lincoln to Valley Gulch and Fifteenth Street from Oak to Valley Gulch with a Light Bituminous surface treatment, according to Standard ~pecifications of the State of Weshington, Department of Highways, for Secondary Highways, adopted "'J the State of Washington, and approved by the United States Bureau of Public Roads. A!ID BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The cost of said paving be paid out of the Cit,y Street Fund as provided in (;hapter 187 of the L'aifs of 1937 and out of any other fund or funds that may be available for that purpose. It was moved by Commissioner I,~asters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION FOR PINE HILL PROJECT PROVIDING FOR THEIllPROVEMENT OF PINE STREET FFOH THIRD STREET TO EIGHTH STREET, CEDAR STREET FROM EIGHTH STREET TO FOURTE~NTH STREET, CEDP~ STREET FROM FOURTH STREET TO SIXTH STREET, FOURTH STREET FROM CEDAR STREET TO VALLEY GULCH, FIFTH STREET Fl~M CEDAR STREET TO VALLEY GULCH, SIXTH STREET FR011 CEDAR STREET TO VALLEY GULCH, SEVENTH STREET FRDI! CEDAR TO PINE STREET, NINTH STREET FReY. PINE STREET TO TUWIA TER GuLCH, TENTH STREET FROB PINE TO Tm.rIlATE}( GULCH, ELEVENTH STRlCllT FRGM PINE TO TUl.fNATER GULCH, TWELFTH STREET FROM PINE STREET TO Till,~ATER GULCH, THIRTEENTH STREET FROli PINE STREET TO Till.mATER GULCH AND FOURTEENTH STREET FROM PIl\'E STREET TO TUMWATEll. GULCH. RESOLVED, That the C:ity of Port ~geles pave Pine Street from Third Street to Eighth Street, Cedar Street from Eighth Street to Fourteenth Street, Cedar Street from fourth Street to Sixth Street, Fourth Street from Cedar Street to Valley l>uJ.ch, l'ifth Slreet from Cedar Street to Valley Clllch, Sixth Street from Cedar Street to Valley Gulch, Seventh Street from Cedar to Pine Street, Ninth Street from Pine Street to 1\umvater Gulch, Tenth Street from Pine to Turnwater Gulch, Eleventh Street fror., Pine Street to Twrrwater Gulch, Twelfth Street from Pine Street to 'Jumwate:c Gulch, Thirteenth Street from Pine Street to Tumwater Gulch, and Fourteenth Street from Pine Street to Tumwater Gulch, with a Light Bituminous surface treatment, according to the Standard Specifications of 'che Stat.e of Washington, Department of Highways, for Secondary Highways, adopted Qy the State of Washington, and approved by the Unite~ States Bureau of Public Roads. AND BE IT FURTHEH RESOLVED, The cost of said paving be paid out of the City Street Fund as provided for in Chapter 187 of the Laws of 1957 and out of any other fund or funds that may be available for that purpose. It was moved Qy Commissioner Masters thal the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOlUTION FOR LINCOLN HEIGHTS PROJECT PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVE1lENT OF FIFTH STREET FROM TUllIIATEll. STREET TO "M" STREET, EIGHTH STREET FROM "C" STREET TO "I" AND "1" STREET FROll SIXTE:ENTH TO MMINE DRIVE. RESOLVED, That the City of Port Angeles pave Fifth Street from Tumwater Street to "I,;" Street, Eieht Street from "c" Street to "I" Street and "I" Street from Sixteenth Street to Iv'ari.ne Drive with a Light Bituminous surface treatment, according to the standard Specifications of the State of Washington, and approved 'cJy the United States Thlreau of Public Roads. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The cost of said paving be paid out of the City Street 'und as provided for in Chapter 187 of the Laws of 1937, and out of any other fund or funds that :nay be available for that purpose. It wa& moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded b,y Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. 'l'he Mayor declared thc motion carried. RESOLUTION FOR EASTSIDE NON-SKID SEAL TREATME1IT PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF RACE STHEET FlW]{. FROl;T STREET TO THE BOULEVARD, FRANCIS STREET TO THE BOULEVARD, FJANCIS STREET FROM FIRST STREET TO EIGHTH STREET, PEAOODY STREET FRO],' Fc.ONT STREET TO EIGHTH STREET, FRONT STREET FJ:OU ENNIS STREET TO LINCOLN STREET, RAILltOAD AVE. FROM OAK TO LINCOLN STREET, OAK STREET nOli FlWNT STREET TO RnmOAD AVE., LINCOLN STREET Fi OM FWNT TO RAILROAD AVE., FOURTH STREET FROll PEABODY TO LINCOLN STREET A:m EIGHTH STREET FROM LINGO!.N TO RACE STREET. RESOLVED, That the City of Port P.ngeles pave Race Street from Front Street to the Boulevard, Francis Street from First Street to Eighth Street, Peabody Street from Front Street to Eighth Street, Front Street from Er~s Street to Lincoln Street, Railroad Ave. from Oak Street to Lincoln Street, Oak %treet rrorn Front Street to Railroad Ave., Lincoln Street from Front Street to Railroad M,-~., Fourth Street from Peabody ,to Lincoln StI'€et and Eighth Street from Lincoln to Race Street, with a Non-Skid Seal Treatment, according to the Standard Specifications of the State of Washington, Department of Highvrays, adopted by the State of Washington and approved by the United States Bureau of Public Roads, and . BE IT FURTHCR RESOLVED, The cost of said paving be paid out of the Gity Street Fund as provided for in Chapter 187 of the Lsws of 1957 and out of my other fuui or funds that IIl8Y be available for tha.t purpose. It wss moved b,y CoMmissioner !.lasters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by . Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Ma.yor doclared the motion carried. . ..... ,.. 38 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 22, 1939 19_ RESOLUTIOll FOR WESTSIDE NON-SKID SEAL TREATMENT PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF CtlEllIlY STRE~,T l'TO!.! SECOND STHEET 1'0 EIGHTH STREET, PINE STREET FROM EIGHTH STREET TO BOULEVARD, CEDAR STREET FROM EIGHTH STREET TO MJlRIKE DRIVE, .C" STREET FRot! FIFTH STREET 1'0 THE BOULEVARD, BOULEVARD FROM "C" STREET TO "1.1" STREET. EIGHTH STREET FROM TUMVIATER TO "C" STREET Alm THE EDIZ HOOK ROAD FROl} THE END OF' CONCRETE PAVEl!ENT TO THE CITY LIl\'ITS. RESOLVED, That the City of Port Angeles pave Cherry Street from Second Street to Eighth Street, Pine Street from Eighth Street to 3oulevard, Cedar Street from Eighth Street to Marine Drive, nc. Street from Fifth Street to the Boulevard, Boulevard from "C" Street to "M" Street, Eighth Street from Tumwater to nc" Street and the Ediz Hook Road from the end of concrete pavemffi t to the city limits, with a Non-5kid Seal Treatment, according to the Standard Specifications of the State of Washington, Departnent of Highways, adopted by the State of Washington and approved by the United States Bureau of Public Roads, and BE IT FUR.THEa RESOLVED, The cost of said paving be paid out of the City Street Fund as provided for in Chapter 187 of the Laws of 1937 and out of any other fund or funds that may be available for that purpose. I It was moved by Commissioner If.asters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles, Clallam "ounty, i'ashington, is the OYmer of all the lots and private property abutting on "hird Street between Race and YlSshington Streets, and the owner of all ,the lots and private property abutting on the alley betvrecn Race and Washington Streets and Third and Fourth Streets, all in the City of Port ~ngeles, clallarn "ounty, Washington, which said lots and private property are more particularly described as follows: Lots 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 55, 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40, in . Block 2; and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ll, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, IB, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 55, 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40, in Block 3, all in Doyle'S Subdivision of Suburban Lot 20, of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington; AND WHEREAS:; .undeI,'. a,Works Progress Administration project the said City of Port Angeles has under construction a municipal playground and park on said lots and private property, which said project also plans to use said street and alley in said playground and park; and, WHEREAS, said street and alley have not been vacated in the manner provided by law; and, WHEREP,S, it is in the interest of the public health and safety of said City of Port Angeles that said street and alley be vacated in order to permit the completion of said project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMHSSIOlJ OF THE CITY CF PORT ANm:I,ES that WedneSday, the 19th day of April, 1939, at ten o'clock A.M., of said day, at the Commissioners' Room of the Fire Department building in Port Angeles, WaShington, at the reguler meeting of said COlID1lission, be and the same is hereby fixed for the hearing and determination of said petition, at which time all persons having any interest therein may appear or make and file any objections thereto. BElT FURTHER RESOL\~D thet the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to give twenty (20) days notice of the time and place of the hearing on said petition by posting as is required by the laws of the State of Washington, including Section 9297 of Remington's Revised Statutes. It was moved by Bornmissioner Y.asters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seoonded by "ommissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. Under the head of unfinished business,- Pursuant to the call for bids for the sale of the house and out-buildin[ on Lots 56, 57 and 38 and the house on Lot 40, all in Block 3 of Doyle's Subdivision cf Suburban Lot No. 20 of the Tovmsite of Port Angeles, the Clerl, reported the following bids on file, which were opened and read: (.\1.1, FUll 0111." Bid Depo sit ~hlk(l ',j.b ,', ill I,... r.'{"',"!',] l.r I h,. ,'j.. ~ 'I..d, "I' 'I,i' ('ll ~ ,.r I'",'r. ;\:::'>;~'t ~):>':"i!~~ :~~:: I~'~!:I ~::::)>~_:~~:~~: ';~( ;:~l~. "'1.1 I... ..: 1:1.,,;,: ::, 1,,,/,'" Stlh.1l ,,- .'." .r ~ul' ,~." ,:/1 'fr, T(''''LL"JI~' .>1 :'l:::ill':" '.'i:;':\"" JIl;;.'lt"nl;',J;~I~jlJ,'d '"I rl,(' ('jl \ <"i"I'I,',- urn,.,. In till' C.l\" l"'ll \:. .\T. 1[\"''''-1'-:': l',n r'I~."I, l'II~':}.)~,..~_._ Harry \1. Barnes Carl Konopaski H. Y. Berg H. Danser P. Masi D. J. Smith Warren McDonald Mrs. Brad Fox Seb ]c'ayer $500.00 455.00 151. 00 300 .00 410.00 500.00 311. 55 201. 99 215.00 $25.00 22 .78 10.00 22.50 I 20.50 , 15.00 I 15.58 I 10.15 I No deposit, Bid not conside:t"ed. The I I J bids for the house on Lot 40, Block 3, Doyle' s Subdivision being: Harry W. Barnes H. Y. Berg II. Danser Mrs. Brad Fox Seb Mayer 500.00 102.00 300.00 76.45 50.00 25.00 10.00 22.50 3.82 Bid No deposit. considered. not After due cons:ideration it was moved by Commissioner Masters that the bid of Harry W. Barnes, $500.00 for each of the above described houses be accepted ~~d that the City of Port Angeles sell the said houses to the said Harry W. Barnes for the sum above set forth, and that the City Clerk be instructed to return the deposits of all other bidders on said houses to the persons making the bids. Seconded by Commissioner \ Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The l~yor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants dravm for same: CUR!tENT EXPENSE FUND llo.. I I I I I IrJarch 22. 1~39 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ """III 39 I I I I I Olympic Stationers D. A. Masters Uni ted Janitors Supply ~ o. Olympic Stationers - Uni ted Janitors :'upply Co. Suppli e s ' Expense Ulccount Supplies n CITY STREET FUND James 'If. Caven WATER FUND Palmer ~pply Co. Graham Ralston Federal Pipe & Tank "0. Hersey Mfg.Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. James Yr. Caven Olympic Stationers Materials .ii ttings Insurance Wood Pipe Meters & Parts Paper Towels Chlorine fittings Supplies LIG HT FUND Filion Lumber Co. Osta T. Eddy General Electric Supply Corp. S. H. White Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Go. Mulholland" Melody Shop fI It II Cross Arms Garage Rent Wire Expense !Account Repair Meter Batterie s " Westinghouse "'lectric Supply Co. Cable L.I.D, GUARANT'Y FUND City 'l'reasurer Assessment.s There being no furthcr business the Commission then adjourned. 7? In:j~ City Clerk 'l~ ." ,/ I" 101 1<J-~ ./ iff' ~. Mayor 18.55 36.23 27.45 8.70 18.03 " 1- loll ".... 3~{ ,. 71.88 23.95 82.93 168.93 5.95 14.96 .82 5.80 133.42 4.50 476.63 6.81 24.71 5.08 5.18 5.98 88.30 57.92 ~