HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/23/1949 I I I I .1 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 531~ March 23. 19~ The City Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. present were:. Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. Officers II Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: ,'!,. Building Permits: ~ 000 I'L. O. Bond Build l-Car Garage; Lot 2, alk. 3, Cain's Sub. 36 D. J. MacFayden, Build Bathroom Addition; S~'tot 10, Blk. 151, Townsite Todd Hallet Remodel, Put in Partitions, Doors; Lot 14, Blk. 15, Townsite Frank B. Knoph Build 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 16, Blk. 6, P.S.C.O. Addition Paul W. Meinke Build Lean-to onto Present Garage; Lot 14, Blk. 272, Tormsite I Eskel Seastrom Build Garage; Lot 19, Blk. 322, Townsite Wallace B. Smith Build Store Bldg., One Room; Lot 14, lllk. 22, N.R.Smith Add. 6" Licenses: If- i Peoples Store-Beauty Shop. Beauty Operator 2.00 I i Russell May Journeyman Plumber 2.50 ! I Under the head of unfinished business, E. R. Gehrke, Jr., informed the COlmnission that the City had I previously agreed to furnish labor to lay concrete slab at First and Oak Streets, if he fUrnished the material, which he agreed to do. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the request be granted according , to previous agreement and concrete be laid as soon as possible. Motion seconded by Com:nissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 300.00 i, 400.00 I 1,000.00 ' 4,000.00 ' 200.00 I 300 .00 , 1,000.00 , Attorney Trumbull submitted report regarding changing of lets to acre tracts or replotting, which is legal if done according to statutes governing. Report accepted. The Commission again discussed the sale of real property by the City, and it was property moved and seconded that the Oity Treasurer be instructed to advertise for sale, Lots 13 and 15, in Block 303, Townsite of Port Angeles. ! Under the head of new msiness, Mr. Bcunn and Bob Scanlon appeared before the Commission regarding the 'j Spring Festival, requesting co-operation of the Ci1;y Departments. The Mayor was also requested to proclaim ,I the week of April 3rd to 9th, National V .F.W. Golden Jubilee Week. The request was granted, proclamation I signed, and the Police and Fire Departments instructsd to co-operate during the coming festivities. , Correspondence and recommendations of the Planning Commission regarding leasing of the City fuilding on 'Lincoln Street was read before the Commission. The findings of the Planning CoIIll!lission were as follows: (1) that should the l:llilding be vacated qy the Fire and Police Departments it would still be needed bw the I City Commission; (2) that the leasing of the building to a private concern is legally questionable; (3) that the leasing is in disagreement with plans for Ci t;y Building. Therefore. the Planning Conunission I could not recommend or sanction leasing the building for a long or indefinite period of time. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the letter be filed, and that the Commission express appreciation for recommendations of the Planning Commission. Also that the Planning Commission be authorized to continue their study 'I regarding a Youth Center for the Y.M.C.A. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion " carried. Francis Pearson informed the Commission that State funds are availabLe for purchase of bonds to finance construction of the Agate Pass bridge. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Taylor that the Commission communicate with Cliff Yelle and Tom Martin, requesting that the bonds be purchased from State funds available. Motion carried. ,I IIO'nClll '1"0 BmDlIM . i :t Notice Is hereby gl\.en that b!d~ iWIll be. r~el!lved h~' tbe City Clerk of !'~~~~:~{Yt~; ~~'; A~fJelg:' s~~<;'gr;;,. not later than 10 A. M., April 6, "~:~~m~~t,f~~:tt~. ~r ~J~eMLtg~~ ;?t~:j, ,g,ll! I'onductor, vRrnlshed eamhflCj' leal! covered cable, 15,01)0 Voll in. Rulatlon, for grounded neutral cir- eult. . 1450 ft. of N(l. 2ft) varnished Mm-. brlc lead covered, Illngle conductor'j 15,000 Volt InNulatlon cable, Cor grounded neutrnJ. circuIt. 2(1O(l It. or 250 M C M, synthetic ;~~~~)d500\'~I:~~UI~~'d '~~r.rg,l 'J~~1;' ooIlducwr. For earllest possible de- J1;~~. Commlssiml reRerves the right to reject any or all bld!". J. E. Law, Clty Clerk. Publlshed March :::t, 31. 194f}. Petitions presented requesting vscation of alleys were as followSI the alley running North and South in Block 3 of Cain Subdivision of Sumrbsn Lot 36; that certain alley running from the Northerly margin of First Street to the alley running in an East-West direction through Block 125 of D. W. Morse's Subdivision of Sumrban Lot 8. Both pe ti tions were referred to the Engineering Department. Supt. McLean rey'uested that bids be published for 600 feet of 250 MCM cable; 1,450 feet of #2/6 15,000 volt cable; 2,000 feet of 250 MCM, 5,000 volt cable. Bids to be opened April 6th. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Mayor Feeley, that the call for bids be published. Motion carried. Commissioner Taylor informed that the Water Department is buying a ,truck for which bids should be published. It was moved bw Commissioner Robinson that the call for bids be published, to be opened April 15th. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. ,Motion carried. I . .000ClI TO amDJJJIS N'otlc.e is hereby given tl1a.t bids I. i\'1ll be reeeh'ed by the City Clerk 01.:. ,the City of Port Angeles, Wash., at the Clt}" Hn.l1 of !!.aId Clt}., until 10 o'clock, A. M., April 6, 1949, and not latc.r, to furnish for the Light De- partment, ol?i0 ft. M .... conduit wUh couplings. The c:...'i.t), CommiSsIon reserves the right to reject any or all bIds. , J. E. Law, City Clerk. ,~~.M_~r~1!,~2'.!.._~1, lU,~._ I This agreement made and entered of the State of Washington, and I city of the State of Washington the City; Witnesseth: The Commission entered into an agreement between Clallam County and the Ci ty of Port Angeles .for transfer, maintenance, and operation of ,fire fighting equipment at the County Air Port. ' AGREEMENT into this 21st day of MarCh, 1949, by and between Clallam County, a county hereinafter termed the County, and the City of Port Angeles, a third class operating under a commission form of government, and hersinafter termed , ,That Wherees the County owns a certain vehicle and equipment described as: One fire truck Ford-Six 300 gallon capacity USN #218961 I! ton with misc. hose, axes, fire extinguishers, etc. I the same being presently located at the Clallam County Airport, Port AngelesJ Washington; and I Whe~reas it is the desire of the County to transfer ownership and control of said vehicle to the City and the City is desirous of and willing to accept said vehicle in return for the agreement of the City to provide fire protection to sa id airport; and I I I ~ ,...-- 532 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 23rd. continued, 194f1- 'Whereas these parties are governmental agencies and the County is permitted by the laws of the State of Washington, as set forth in Remington's Revised Statutes sections 4014-1 and 4014-12 (1945) to dispose of county property to another governmental agency without notice or hearing thereof and by private negotiation upon such terms as may be agreed upon and for such consideration as may be deemed by the Board of County Commissioners to be adequate; and !jWhereas the City is authorized by law to enter into this agreement and to make and fulfill its duties and obligations hereunder; and Now, Therefore, Whereas the said Board of County Commissioners deems the promise of the City to provide fire protection for said airport to be adequate consideration for the transfer and disposal of said vehicle to the City; 1- It is hereby agreed by and between the County and City that the County shall transfer unto the City all the right, title and interest of the County in said vehicle and equipment and shall do all things necessary to effectuate legal transfer of same; and the City shall from this day provide all necessary and proper fire "protection for said Clallam County Airport and all buildings and property thereon. Rob't O'brien, Chairman Fred G. Evans Walter Roberge Board of County Commissioners, Clallam County. Wa shington Frank A. Feeley, Mayor Vernon J. Hobinson Ed. B. Taylor Commissionar of the City of Port Ange les I I'ATTEST (County Auditor and ex-officio Clerk of the Board) Fred P. Henson ATTEST (Clerk) IIJ. E. Law Approved as to law: Howard V. Doherty Deputy Prosecuting Attorney John T. Trumbull City Attorney Mayor Feeley submitted the name of John Gort for eppointment to the Planning Commission. The Commission confirmed said appointment. I Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced: WHEREAS: RESOLUTION I The Washington State legislature has seen fit to provide for the appropriation of funds, to be used for advertizing the Stete of Washington, to attract tourists and industries, and, WHEREAS: liThe Olympic National Park Olympic peninsula area is is one of the most attractive areas in the State of Washington and, the north suitable for the establishing of new industries, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ci1;y Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, does hereby respectfully petition the Director of Conservation and Development, of the Stats of Washington, to allocate the sum of $50,000.00, from funds appropriated by the State Legislature, to be used for advertizing the Olympic National Park and the north Olympic peninsula area. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted, and that the County Commissioners be requested to concur with the resolution. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ;1 The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of eame: 3'1 CURRENT EXPENSE FlIND: II, I - Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. Park & Shop Bates Mfg. Co. Lannoye & Davidson Motor co. '!LJnited Janitor SUpply Co. Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Smith Ice & Bottling Works C. A. Wolverton American Red Cross Howard-Goopar Corp. " ~ Iff - IICITY STREET l'UND: Herbert Woods Samuelson Motor Co. Janish Motor Co. James W. Caven Plbg. & Heating Fruehauf Trailer Co. Star Machinery Co. 0 ( i;WATER FUND. 19 f - Hooker Electro-ohemical Co. ,J. M. Bruch ISeattle Plumbing Supply 00. Homelite Corp. If!" LIGHT FUND: q.t.,i - United Janitors Supply Co. Maydwell & Hartzell ...... Film Soap, .Glass Wax, etc. Index Strips Parts & Repairs Paper Towels, Mops, Handles, etc. Laundry Paper Towels Cash Paid for Office Supplies, etc. First Aid Books Supplies 11.54 ' 2.63 1.55 5.56 44.30 15.55 5.15 16.70 I 12.00 46.56 1 Sacks for Sand: Grader Tire Cap, Dra in Plug, Wire Steam Valve Hose p,ssy. Parts 5.00 69.27 .96 7.23 14.75 21.42 1 Flood Control etc. Assy. Chlorine Bulldozer Work Charts Pump 55.95 582.80 29.95 251.51 I Su pplie s Fuse Links 26.16 42.25 ' Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 533 ~ March 23rd, continued. 19~ ...-...-.......'........n. ~.,,_..m _ LIGHT FUND. continued: Line Material Co. Line HardWE\re 350 .07 Port of Port Angeles Handling Transformers 50.00 I PARK FUND: Sfl I Peninsula Plywood Corp. 5 Barrels 1.29 Samuelson ~[otor Co. Wire Set 3.90 I I PARKING METER & TRAFFIC COtirROt. FUND: 53f i .1 City Treasurer Pos tags .53 i I , There being no further business,. the session was then adjourned. I fi-/ 4 ~7 I " a. r L"v-. I 'I {J City Clerk Mayor I II I , , , i I I I , I I I I I , , I I: II :1 Ii , I I I 1 I I I' I , I I,' , I I I I , ~ I