HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/24/1926 ~.~ ' I , tsqb,.. ~t~ ' t, J I ,'\ I j i I ! I ~ I ! -f i i Yl Uj t I y'.s~ ~:I ___'fl..!. , '-Jl { LV'~~f L I L "I -<fU! ,"1 -b~~ I ! -f ~l I , 'l I ~-/L:~ IV I ;') I ~,l I i [ 1 L .J II ~ j j I I ,I Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington <='J):\ c0--,.J!.J.A+t 192.k '( I ~E()~"y...m...":s".5',';"Y' "n-LLl-,.;" JW1....'\.J,~.J .;)~..-~s..<..~ .~"'" .\,^""-.., I \e..u..-tL....J\ -r;: _~....._~L.."L- ...f"1 .'llR.,.~. 'J{<--L...~e.IC l\rU <!-aD: ..o.L,.--r,,<--\ i rU,.. ]-,-LL~~u ~rl-L~-I"'"L.<-~<."i-..) rn'dJr~- 'J{_L,t..LA..:. ('\, ! l(}.,.cr:.",n,. ,s.'>..<:tn.~, ',~o c.JL(L-U_u..l,~, .........~~ -~ L.'t.,~'J.-(t...'L. ~;:, ~<....,f,,-~,-r POL-S c,~Cc:".L,^-,-'1' 7\\<..~1.~) t\..LC't., ......"...R .fo ('<..,~l<" f, "-..n..s,< G. )"'L..........:J.,ry,, "'I,' -~. J) P . J._ _Lrl.1. L~,-(~ ~ ..- .r-iJ'" - j I-u..... ^ t......~.~'rnut-\'1 . L.v' 'i:/t " (L-;~1~-.....1T1f'"Ld....... "'--'" ,.. 7'L'+~Q...._,,.~.<~.J4'''_C'_L:'''\'-(\. .<)c~ ~'ff'zJ ",f{fLLl ~ Lj', '1"(', 0.... j~"'--J~...JC>.L-H' Ln-:t;( .Ii j S,!; ~n"..u.;L I~or LL.. C' \...1., "1.L'J.. LU"I' ~ -~,.h o-v-uL-X .' t,~l....~t.I.CDA.J<~~~._. ~.~}~~.j;O~c. cuL,~L,~ 71Lo-VL~L 2>, I (17-~, ~~"'L. e<'~f I, ",3 ^'" ,\>-<"1.,,-,r:'Vn/l ~Vv. L SJ (. cl t'L~ c,L.) 10. , \ 0 l\-, -~ '," &..<> _'u_~_ ~~ -+1) Llj~..L ,^--J ! ,~c--,_j\JOC.L,,_,...A..C."\.. ,J';) ._:-1, ,Lv"L s."L-)\~. .~;p LLtL",J.,-~ "-C'.e..'''''L.L~,] 'u L,-<~.l if ! u._j, 11~~h~=~~i:jT ';=iI:w- "~ j ,fL; H,., ',_ i h~ 1~ - i,,,Ac\.cP.J _ . . r~~~.~ L__. liO:r:lC=~ '''--1 jJO~'ICE 19Ii:?"::~3YGlv..::rr that' th"CfCharles Irelson Co. 0. carro ~a tion I' unO. .the Pu!'c:ffinc Conpnnics, ';" IncO:rrOl.:~ ted, , hus ~iled.ui~h the City"Clcr~ and presented"to ,the City .:Cor.:mission of thc...;Cit:i..of r:ol~t,,;~ngelcn. its petition .p!":J..yi:i3' for thG'7oc~:ion'of .ccrtoin:por~ions of R~ilroad Avenue and H.i!'" c-nd uG" -'St~'eets in the s!lid Oi t~l,: ";Jhich !Jo:.tion~ ~rl? (le8- cribcd in said petition us.follo~s, to-~it: I . '-i :.,-,-1 I ,...1 , ~ .-- - ~ That: porti~n ~l Hn11ro~d Ayenllc c:.:tcnd.inrr \'!estc~l:." fl'Or::1 the rlcst line or'Lot '6 Elocl: 117 of' 'the Tor!nsi to 0; ;rort .L~,3'elest. und the \'iCOt line of Lot.6::'~loc::":: 1:': of tide- lends west ol.',Lr;.urcl-St~~ect, tot~c \'/cst line oi' Tra~t "G" of ,tho S/;.;.!Fson I!on~tion "Ln..nd Cl[:.i::-~, c.ml, be.i.l1g that. po~tian oLs!lid Euilroad :.ycnuo .lyinS no~.th .!In'l:fo~~inG tho, n0rtherl;1 boundl:'..l.'Y of Tl"z::.~tG "1..." to3'1 end "e" o::i.' SD.id SaI:lp~o~ I'onc.tion Land Cle.im. i :-. ,j +-~ ! 1 ! I ..._1 I I ,~lso th!lt'Fortion of ~F~ Stroet lyin~ betnoen Bloets 1:; and 13 of tho tidela:1ds ,",'ost of Lo.uc'ol ::;treet und e:,:t<:mdin:; frc!::1 the nor the::..'l.] bonn(lc.::.'./ 'oi:, T:l"~ct "L1I of :Jain Sa:~~:.3on DonL:.~ion Lc.1d Cllli:: to tho in'le,' Hurbol" ::ino. . '-1 ,,";;.- . ;"; 1l..1so'-'thut ~o1.:tion of,:nG"-~t=oct l:'ling uctr:ocn Bloc~::: 13 und 11,0:': ,tho tirlelunds Vlest of L'lUrel Street uni o::tending L'oM the north.line of,Tr!lct "C" of the Su::mson 1lon!l',;ion J.s.nd ClaiM to ~ho innorHBrbo~ Line, . a~(l that the Ci ty .CO'U::lisSioll by resol~tion duly'r.IC.,le und udopto,l has fixerl Vlodnosday the :::1th day o:f J.Iu",:h, 1~:::6, as the tiMe when said 'petition sha~l bo heard. By virtuo of suid 3esolution Uotice is hereby given, ,Thut ':Iodnosday the 24th day oi' IJ~~h;19:::6"ut the hour of 10 o'olooi: of suid date, ir.tho Council;,ch=berof tho"City II'lll, in the City of,'!?ort.Angeles",Clallun County"Washinston. ,hus boen fixed as. tho.,time and,place v/ho!1:the'potition of the Charlos .1Ielson' Co.. and thefaruffine 'Co::lpunies, Incorporuted, pruyInG 'for thevueation of suid'portions: of1Railroud Avenue und ,,~.,: llnd ,"G',',;'Streets shull behollrd llnd detormined und all'rw,rtienin- 'tereste(lin suid'yacation muy appour;beforosuid,,cl.ty CO::!::lission and "shovl cause, 'if uny,there be, vlhe, tho ,prayer of said' peti tion .. shull' not be granted, and file their' objections to the vucution of suid streots hereinbefore doscribed. ; "\ ';"'-1 Lnnl '....1 I r ! < I-- I I r ~--!.. ! "'I _.1 i I ! I *"____-2 ,~ I :~.-nl ,t-'.l ',>., '~(:~I Datod this :::4th duy of Fobruary 19[6. Eloise C. !lorison, .. -'i Ci ty Cler]: 'f,.. . _J~'-'.'~~~kci,-,:,~;i~~~,,;,~~~,_;'~~~~~';Aii.fi~>>:"'~l"i:~~,4":,~~':o'~.,!.fl'_;~~., ''$)..~~.~.~~-~,. ~~. ~