HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/24/1937 I I I I I "'I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 475 March ~4, 1937 193_ The Ilommission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, ..ttorney "'onniff and Clel'k Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following were granted: Frank Isaacson, Remodel House, Nt Lot 16, Blk. 14, Townsite Pe ter Gallacci, Build Addi tion to House, Lot 14, Blk. 3~~0, Townsi te !Iinnie Henderson, Remodel House, Lot 3, Blk. 102, Carter's ~ubd. L. E. McGlenn, Build Garage, Blk. 265, ~ownsite ~400.00 200.00 700.00 50.00 Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances, the following ordinances were introduced, read in full, and passed their first and second readings: AN ORDINANCB declaring the practice of going in and upon private residences in the City of Port tngeles, Rashington, by solicitors, peddlers ,hawkers , itinerant merchants and transient vendors of merchandise, not having been requested or invited to do s~ by the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of said private residences, for the purpose of soliciting orders for the sailie of goods, wares and merchandise, and/or for the purpose of disposing of and/or peddling or hawking the same, to be a nuisance and puhishoole as such as a misdemeanor; providing penalties and declaring an emergency making the Ordinance immediately effective. AN ORDINANCE s ta ting facts constituting an emergency, re quiring expenditures which could not re~sonably have been foreseen at the time of making the budget; declaring an emergency and providing for the issuance of emergency warrants. The "'ommission examined and allowed the following bills and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FLnf.D Byron "inter Epperson & ';ons Olympia Glass Co. Willson Hardware Co. Wiring and Material Lumber Glass for desk top Hardware 4.65 2::.00 7.00 ~~ ~.OO 1'\' 40.00 1. 65 14..3<:: ) - b3 3.06 1, 40.00 1,93 7.14 4.90 / 14.75 lfi.20 16.51 43.34 1- 8.95 5",,1 I " 132.29 ]1 185.09 ~ 17, WATER FUN D I. Purma id JJairy Willson Hardware Co. Hooker Electrochemical ~o. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Store Rent Materials Chlorine Ma terials LIGHT FUND Gakin & I/ickersham McHugh & Peterson City Trans fer Co. Willson Hardware "'0. j' Zellerbach Paper Jo. Westinghouse Eleotric & Mfg. Co. Line Material Co. A. S. Knight Co. Atlas Packing & Aubber "'0. Fuel \lood Antifreeze Coal Materials Paper "'owels Repairs to Meter Material Meter Boxes Tape GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer City Treasurer Taxes II ~ 476 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 24, 19:37 193_ ~A"" ... ..u..... ....Tn.~. .....'0....... ..''''D.. ....'~ 1 Under the head of Unfinished Business,- I , I The vity ~ngineer returned the bids after checking on the utreet Flusher and the Tractor ~~/~713i;::;d;r~The bids on~~S~tro~t "''r~USher ~ei~ng as f010l~"IS: ~; 0)"---. S;l 0/>1 ti;-C:- ~'J .....~ '1 h~ S "b (,~ ~ "..0' '" '"' \l'. v Il . @,V f X' 0' I}v A, .. "' Q ''I'' l Items ~~;L ~\J" V ~@,() ~ tr- r,l'/ bf!,Oi..),'\ '1.:/' f \. ~c -l:'. ~/I} v'l..-p.,'.r"'~>(i'f 0 V:~$~>-O~o' -;y~.L_,,-L 7rvc; 1<;. --~507,.~'~ ~-7'4i~~ t. 13 o~ !"4 Go 2'6 !C' r<"4 70S,Sop$"4<fS 4-'1 ~ Q4'i'4S '-~r;"fCl %' .! ~-oo 0 ~ 11701(<- (JI' 71'1/c./<. 001;/07': 3O:-cI'C Fec/~,..",./ f"fe;-"o!"" DOc/lie 5.;~:~~ r;;./"; C.l~<Ih,.le G,M. C. rvlo-;;;'-/ /1114/3 3//"/5. 25 C- 40..., ,Jzs-80 TZ3-H'C 704 F2~H.O. ~n9~e ~ I ~5@~(I~o _~ooo _ 2b~,,(' (. _ ~8CJ(J 34u;........ 2. '"(;~ . .- z/;;"q; 2.,"011 ::;8"<.1 '1q-L.I!J? (? 1i~.E{(L_~.!?::_~jjL:3.!.!::'.:l-:=,,=-Rc'1J. 7~-B..f.M'~ 8S.-~,,/'" 815-''.!'-.!:l83-R.p.'''1.81.S-fU':!. 12CiO((r1'/"1 _~.. _ 8C10 _ lallO eo,,1 ~~ lOOt' I B"ll i !too 8~'" '!"';t, $"rl1. 10/''7-'''''' __c..!...]._~___ I"~~ 1'!..::..':-IfS!'..!... ~~__~~ - l1'.r,v11/'tO - 1f'.,?"t./~;- ,U''' !'it.- (U:~1 11/0. Cl;lm/l~rs .6_ b (" . G !"'::-._:::~..-J_<? b I '" ~ _LI f 2"/ ~GV. 2~~ Ce). 8 cu,.. c~:l"" l.J) I ..., cu. 5 \ (tJ, 2L~.I:tif#(,~/nt'"n . -,.;) '-~~.'" ;.....2 2 IJ' 22-Z..7/~'':'''--A._-1~~tJ i..:. ,Zs..,~ -270 JI? eS1.g-._ Va. B(?qY'rl'ls4 7 7 '. Lt-.l:~ 7 4- __' 7 -4_ r,-/ufch fIll 11'/'." /I" /6}'8" '-'t.. '. 120_~" ill" 12" -'--v J....e 5'-f7~ :s,-~ r >,_,Ir Slu,lr 1-1j\-\~-S-;"'-;')~' v-v I S'H,/< 0""7[" I~ - 1 '_{~ D/"t.-Or" pI",,"t: Pt",>:~.E(22::L-l..:.::-.__i.- pt,,,<. -pl. 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J..~vt:V W;~b~ ~'1;;t:"t J./. <11'0/" ;.(. ,;".;, , 1-1-"1,,./, 'c ",",0 V~ , 7... ~~ ~ '" #1'/"'/' i .;'eYVIl:" B~"'/rf:'S 1-1-1<1"",/,.< I-/'I'/YO/', ;.1..,'/".1" J#e 11~<;':'''~ .!.o""hmJ J~YI?O/Tf':"" On~ct. 37-1.'61,33&tr 344'. 3~'l !::3 '" 0 s f e v V f',$ J Y <'"..5 \1 .. ~ r-" '8 ~j~ ~ ~/3V) Jf~ Xj 0 f,il1. }(1.YI'._.~)(' 11';:1 X ~:: r Y~PHe .x';~_"l.?;JT.~ X'/' " J{ 71\1 }, - <: /~ ~ I J \ :) ~ . :;. - -= I I. <'l C- ~ ~_..... 1 <> 0 " ..!..:., _,~ e j h<', J c: I "') 1. " ~ ..... . - U\ - c I I 7 'if ro b. !. II'~. ~ i i I 1'1 be- IxU/,{nISI.... P:i~~:;; ,/.,,.,( clo,,,/ '" ".;. \: dos~c1 d.s"! ? " / ~ !C" ':. ~ I i ",r_~llat"Or - (~<'Ih"u/y. 4y4-'1~;!lqJ!t.tj..!zs9.fs /r,'//Hfs ~'-l... '''''1J~;!o:''Of1!. ISy"",,!'2ollfs n;, ry? -"'/ : ,! V) VI ~! : .../I~E!.!o'lu 15:' '17: 15' 'C I : 17 I /":- I /J> IS' j/o/f"'~", 7i"e,,,j,,foy ve,S' ,fes : ! ve-.5 '\I~S . \If'$, Vf".J> c.l-'oss.1i'ql-l',..," 135'<lt>:.1450o i/:"'.!:o-Oo i ~~ 135,00 '/7000 !17!;)O() --- J7"H __ ~__ __1_ i 1/4.50," , l _ t ___:u . After carefully consioering the bids, on the recommendation of the City ~ngineer, it was ,moved by Commissioner Masters that n. T. Swanson Motor Go.'s bi.d to furnish a Studebaker model J~5-80 for $4,849.00 be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call , all members voted aye. The Mayor declareo the motion carried. '-( j..uc" tUff J "'" Iv. 6- 5 'It. i.3 i< (. '-; 0 ~ 73 ~ '1 ",'\!<"s ! VI?.5 'V~J Yt'$' ;; ''6'11/.~ ;'-;,1 '0)< 3;( i''9-,?;(t~r,.(;;~ ~'" 3" ~ 1 ~ ... J7!\~-0 I ('/(d#.t/ .'c/o.'>Q'l ! ~ I I I .1 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 24, 1937 193_ 477 ~ I I I I. I I The bid s on the Tractor and Dozer being as follows:.~ I !~/17/37Elclcl€Y5 #~{ '4../,A'A';;d,6~-:5A~"~~- ~ ~~n/~;~'i~L , A-'~ I 7: /!I " (, v" I\. II,. A 0 X,'::' (" \.. ~ '(",~ " . rq G ' lI- "v ,,-'<":q Q. . \,' :~' '-.:-' V. \ ,,~ ~1~ <1,. V t;' '\ : IleiYI c/o" :z -Q~~' 1', ~\Y r:-\'\./~t ,L~o<~~\//~'*~(!..\"t~,)' .:<' 4' 'vO' ~'i'-G~~\~f- x.",::r~Q"c,~Q:-/.t''<t~\~\l ,.. ;' '{, I ~",)(,.Go".:'{f.38.1'.-'':;:' il<.OSf OYCl~ 'nl' .;> ~. '7. e Me,/(( ~ {; TV&tClo" ~,';,./~'a5 C/~fyc<c I A1 (J ,./e / 1< CG. l1:je/f. /loYGt: Pow<<Y' "'.~;:98 r'~6~9; ip Yaw hn.. Pvll }'1" Y, L r- J .v.sf Secon<! r -T).)! ;,oj 'i F"o vyfh "FI .[.I.h . ;:;- Y" of I '",(: I L,;c/e 4 , Cvel (;"S I f/o. rv/mt:kVS 4 Roy&';r. <;fV(Jlfe _'i"~(.'/2-" .:'7;, f,., f);,J,I.. (.',~..~7' S 10 {,v,,;". .NA (,C. J-I. P 4- 0 'L ., hYd"!' ill" /:""0' ;:...J . (' V~n/llr SII(71 f . J.J" He" VI l3e" "I "'.. j ,T;. .}. "I -'1;'<"4 M.I3. T Vue ~ ,c-c ofT.vo.,KSo 48" 48" to .5(. A-ff" 4-8".:,CI 56. 'L....".TY<rI<:'.C,...v"J (.7" 743/.,." 70 /4 'h. 67'. 7~1/4 70 :74]/..., l""cRt:A 6vlJv"'/,'''''.f~ct,. 7..()J,_.rfl.j~ 1-#J"!.J-' 2.S20 _2312 ;t.oto 2.~~ .':::I.s':il..O _,__;Z~"'L 1~~~~I7~/~E/<:'-Irle;~..s -I [~:~O"':-t.'A;~ ./7 ~/'. 'jl~:-.b:~;' A0/ /:.- . /3.,. ~ I' .t' !'l.. '. ' tJ ' X<' . 0' , \ /I '\ , ~, f- .z ~~ l\: ',<;h(..~/Z ..9<,/;. o.() ,~\,,"~l'o, l"\Q\'~" \~:zl,. ~ v,I(..,J..,{/('U',/'\f/'!:-. ~\,-<c~ 1__(/~m ",.. ::.f:O'('>; 0 If.Lo~'I'-l00\\li:" (,";~Lo\O./..i<J~<i::'r <vVr~~.., L()"'~\). f'\~",\)~v.. ~\)~\)c {,oA~<i-r"t\T\o" rIA, "If II II f Tyc<C/<: I 5"" / (., " I'd I' I r" d 1 , 5 " 1 ~ .. 1 'if " / G .- W::,~/ddf&Yoose.... 2/' 7-14-" "2~~" "2" 1 ;>,." .._7'1'4..~ z-r.-G" :z1G-" ~nll..YJ OJ-bu,"':'.;.5"" .. (, 14 S' r ~S-' Co 14 5 I /""-.1,. ..... 1 I I p"')'"'' r4~'1 II;' pT<;.. "'I ~~YIJl'1"f /:" v (~rJ r-r,ory<-I C to r)l"~ rt.,I,lr.' T/h~ .. I /0"'(("-:;;,,1.."( !/1"'(lbl," M. 'Pit r I ~ - -'""-F=" 'I;; ,..v..f' H", ')/ r; 0. .s c. /-",.,... 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'1q( 7'1''19/ ~Yc::n~/rrQ.s'€" 1/I.qc,fSo 4-'1(,1 !or,ls 1-4.,,15 I /d.~/s 4<tql Tyq'?sl>uss"d/1 I+"/~ 137,,1c<; I'i!"o/q( ;l(;f(/s /4-,.(, 13,/~/~ H....."'loYlve 10 ~ Lj k....l lo~s 10 y-/s __ __ ./ F.ueITan/<::: 3'1'1"/ 3r',,1 ""'2.,,,1 ,6-09QI..__.'3'lt".!., 30..$!al '-r;fc,./J..<,..>/~otl~Y 11'r~~" 132" 140" 11'7t'8"'11'l:Y'.' 137--" -r;,'i."'/<:."'.,'cftltt:H'..... 6~-;JIj;" 7 1 'If'" $;'0" (,,'3,1' I&S:;V~" 7/'/"," L<.,el9'll-f /053..5" 13(,00 12"1~-(J 142~3 11('12 113(.0'; $=S830'.~ #4105.~i~ 1"/"/I1.;';'~ CO/b.].:II"".. !?5 P.13,54..'jrt 6 "h2-A ~330'{)() ~4~f1 e $A490 ~ 'A'-S-t.5 ~ A/;,;'~'/"'eY c-1,,!YIJCo 1"1".,,,'/,..., CI7':../p,I;;,,,- KO 0.-8-. -4 CfSg S7. <t9 'R'D t- iA40 ":i~~H D D 7' D 4tJ {).~....,(t.". Q /?'1:-o:{'.~ $ 1='.1. .4-4., S SI. ....& 9~-(l0'* q(IIO 543.3 . ~ J 74 11-4-(,.0 1 /4-{' () 11710 7 ~~O 523<t 13 '7'1 74<;10 5.5 Co" 4 75? 7. (,,83 ')(,,29 1900 7'2. (/ () 5.3ob "74-50 720<> 7480 C57Z 4 I v 0 24 ";0 IO'iJ7Z '8573 b5"SI 57 () lJ 43/3 6""5 C~.5 &. b 4Y4 t( 4 'h. 3 f~ )( -4-'/.... 383 27$,7 43.3 3/.::54- Futl Fv1f PY('S-Sr)J"t': D,yf'-J,5UY~ 4. -4 ON'::; <! 1 O/~S e I DI es~ 1 .4- C. -4 5'/4 Xc.'1z 431"XS~ 4~ A',(;7't. 5 {, 3 -4 7.4 '""t-,o, 7 4- 4- "3~. 1 /'4ctl('..o { Po 1 eY ~~ CI_~d_.. J2~-f.!/I, 1.,/i1 It.-IN 6.Yrn/~ L, t'.. /lhc.1.:I'( (; yaele .i!!!,qI;I14'/f'i3oaJo"cl L-e.,.;if; 8 I". ,It Llb..t.~ll..t.!.J-1? t /V/"'S u,yr/ ~7C".J [ After carefully oonsidering the bids, on the recommendation of the City ~ngineer. it was moved by Commissioner Masters that Howard-~ooper.Corporation's bid to furnish a model TD-40 International Tractor and an Isaacson Dozer for J4,490.00 be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call al members voted aye. The Mayor declar..eGo) the motion loarried. )://, There being no fUrther business the Commission then adjourned. '~~~ 'I /Jw0~~ /',/ : Cit~ "'lerk Mayor .4 4. 4 4 &C<5 4 5'1. I( & '/~ (,18 4>>, .4- r::; :~~I .F'~':/.f!;,./ F" ;1 P;'#-.J.Ju,e 3 1 :3 1'20./ 7 .3 S'4.8' , ~o. I 16'2.,3 ISoo:u~~ /SwqCs(:L.\, I/S~~C5C"" /S4~_~~_~:~ !2....~~c.::.: II~.I.".I,; fA.s 1,13- D.,! 1-1 (Ivco./~~ /I",/~~.-;'; 14,1 I~_O I )~_u 1..,0 /~n 3:;2. 0 :3 ...,.. H I 3..,.'f 3 ~ " '3.2, n 3"'1 N 3 -4- ; I I 3 Go. " 3 .4 If 3 .If ,.. 7/3'1 /'3"- 9'1'1 Q'4n 7/3" 7/3"" 1 --I-'-"~-~-~__ 3"00 1440<:' 4100 137"<' I :,- '/2. _! 711'2.. .1 & !.L~JQM 7,45 1 s., 34 ., 3.4" /:",,<, I PY~j.su....-.t 7 ~- /03 Or.'vb ,. /,;)/.s C 13" #~:; 7... 13 c'~~~/~ 14'14/ ,1<... ,Is Iff "'..( bf/s 42~/, 140" &.0 " 134< C 15~(i(j"''''1 l"rJ~_~ I~" :> 4" 3'-" 7 'J "Lll' ~ ') tj / 4- /I 3 7" 0 '3'00 ::,.' '/,- ~- :;,- 1_4"9-& b I 7//... 10 75.3 7238 5230 3:Z (,1 4- D/tf.s~1 3 5~'x Ii''' 6"23 3 "I." 7 r;%; .; A- 10 g '/v'" ,_" P ,.. 01' l, S" :f:. I '3c;f;;"It- 1 (.,. 7'''" I 14 r;<ls :2 ~ ,,"I. 7.. Olf Is 4 ~-79.~, /; , '&'" h ., t.... I 3 " /'-/73 J.$~c,t Sc. ""1 /1",1;-",;1. ~ /4 N 3':''' 34 'I I 7' 3 '. -4/00 ~ ....