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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
March 24. 1943
The Commission met i.n regular session at 10 A .\'. and was called to ord2r by Mayor Robwson. Roll call
showed the following officers present: Mayor Hobinson, vowmissioners Beam and ~asters and Clerk Hawkins.
under the head of Introdl'-cticn of Resolutions the following reso:j.utions were introduced:
WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described property in the City of Port
Angele 5 , to-wit:
Lots Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18),
Bleck Fifty-eight (58) of Puget ~o~~d to-o~erative Colony's Subdivision of Suburban
Lot 23 of the Townsite of Port ~.ngeles, Washington,
which said property has been acquired by the City of Port Angeles on foreclosure of delinque:;t local
improvement assessments under Chapter 205 of the Session Laws of 1907, and
WHEREAS, the above described ?roperty was formerly owned and assessed to !1argaret ~fcInnes, who la:er died
and the said property thrcugh her estate was acquired by Rex McInnes, her son, and
WHEREAS, the said Rex McInnes now offers to ~ay the sum of ~3 .31, the full amount of the delinquent
local imp~ovement aS3essr.ents, pl~s interest and other charges against ths same, for the purchase of said
property, and
WHEREAS, The City 00mmission, after due consideration is of the opinion that the offer is fair and should
be accepted.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESCEVED that tho said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the
said property at. private sale to the said Rex McInnes for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to a~
valid liens against the same; th2t the Cit:{ Attorne~f be instructed to prepare a deed conveying said prop- I
erty to the purchaser, and that the City Treasurer of the City of Port Angeles be authorized to execute
the srid deed in ac~ordance with the provisions of this resolution.
It was moved by COl"lmissioner Beam thE t tho foregoing resnlution be approved and adopted. Seoonded by
Com~issioner Masters. On roll call all IT.ew.bers voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion ca~risd.
WHEREAS, The Gi ty of Port Angeles is the onwer of the following described real property, having acquired
the seme Qy Treasurer's deed dated ~arch 23, 1943, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 ~.
I. of Renington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Lal'ls of 1929, page 365, to-wit:
Lot Seven (7), Block Three Hundred (300), Townsi:e of Port Angeles, Washington, and
WHEREAS, George S. Carter and Georgi5 E. Carter, husband and wife, have offered to purchase the above
described real property from the City of Port Angems for the sum cf $105.76, and
WHEREAS, The City Cor.rr.ission has viewed the said property and is cf the opinion that the of'er is fair
value and sufficient to cover the amount ?aid by the City for said property, plus all L.I.D. Assessments,
including interest and other charges against the SBr::e.
NOW, THEREFORE, :9E IT mSOLVED, that the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the j
said ~ropertj-' at privat.e s~le to the said George 5. Carter and GeDrgia E. Carter J husband and wife) for th~
sum hereinabcve set forti" subject to any valid liens against the same; that t'oe City Htorney be in-
structed to prE;pal'e a quit clain:d'=ed conveying said property to the p'J.rchaser, an:i that the cit,y vlerk of
the Cj.tyof Port An.reles be" and he is hereby instructed to ex~cute said q1~it claim deed, and that the
Vayor of the City of Port Angeles be, and he is hereby instr~cted to countersign said q~it claim deed
whe~ the purchase price and all accF~ed inter~st ther30n has bsen paid in full.
It was ~oved by vo~~issioner Deam that thc foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Commissioner !!.asters. Or: roll call all members voted aye. 'he 1~ayor declared the motion carried.
WHEREAS, The City of Port Jrngele.o is the owner of the follovring described real property, having acquired
the same by Treasurer's deed dated March 20, +943, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393
of Reminfton' s Revised Statutes, "ha pter 143 of the Laws 0," 1929, page 365, to-wit:
Lot Seven (7), "lock Ninety-five (95) of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam
County, S+ate of Washio?+or.., and
'NHEREAS. Ivan Bishop has offered to purchase from the City of Port Angeles the above described real
pro~erty cor the sun; of $225.00, r,yable as follo.vs: $15.00 as a dovr.1 payment and $15.00 or. or before
the 22nd day of April, 1943, and ..15.00 on or befo~e the 22Ld day of each and every month therreafter
until paid lJ: full. Interest to be computed at the rate of 7% per annum on the balance due and paid
w;.th the nonthly instalhents, and
WHEREAS, The City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the op~mon that the offer is fair
value and is in excess of the amount paid by the City for the said property, pll'-s all L.I.D. ascess"ents,
includi~g interest and other charges against the same,
NO'/! , THEREFORE, BE IT RE,SOll.VED that the said offer be accepted and -:Chat the City of Port Angeles sell the
said property at private sale to the s~id Ivan Bishop for the Sw~ hereinabove set forth, subject to alY
other valid lier.s against the se.me; that th~ 'City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed COl.-
veying said property to the Durchaser, and tr.at the City Clerk of the City of Porf Angeles be and he is
hereby inst~ucted to execute said quit claim deed, end tnat the Aiayor of the City of Po"t Angeles be and
he is hereby instructed to countersign said "uit claim deed when the purchase price and all accrued
interest thereon has b:::!En paid in full.
It was moved ~y Comr.~issioner Beam that the foregoing ~esolution be approved and adopted. Seconded bJ
COnlJTlissioner Ma.sters. :)n roll call all members voted aye. '1'he Mqy or declared the motion carried.
March 24, 1945
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
T1'hC< .. ............., .....1'1.1I:, .....",""...... "."'f..to ~g..OO
. .
The Commission exami.ned and allowed the following claims and ordered Warrant~ drawn for same:
C. A. rlol vert on
City Trea su re r
. "
Expense Account
1~o:lt6omery Ward & Co 4
City Treas"Jrer
Express Uharges
/Intone Smith
The Texas Company
Federal Pipe & 'lank Co.
Hooker ~lectroehemical Co.
Wood Pipe
Pacific Tel & Tel Co.
Smith Ie e & Bottling Co.
City Treasurer
Westinghouse Electric Supply va.
General Electric Supply Corp.
L.LD. GUAR~I'TY-B!t:j:l
t:i ty Xrea surer
" "
!o..): .J!.J'~V~LVINQ.XU~m
tity Treasurer
. "
A. H. l:r2Ser
Refund on ;'idewa1k
There being no further busines5 the Gonunission then adjourned.
Ci ty Clerk
"(,, 5.00
-v~ / 9.21
.-d. f..70
J-1 38.04
0' 118 .10
.)-\\ 29.96
'/,~ 30.00
l' 7.81
.\',.- 82.03
"VI 39.42
(., 145.27
7IoD-"'./ 114.99