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,.. 244'
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
March 24
jThe Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M. and was called to order qy Mayor Feeley. Officers
preseot were: ~la;yor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull. and Clerk Law.
,Minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of applications for building permits the following were granted:
BUILDING PERl-lITS: ~(" .fa.!. 0'-
.Dick ,lray
IIrvin Gagnon
IEdwin Greenbrook
,Elmer O. Rappe
[J. K. Francisco
,C. J. Hopkins
jChas. W. Thompson
F. E, Lanning
:Under the head of unfinished business, bids for construction of a Folice Station and City jail were submit-
Ited as follows:
Del Guzli Bros., Fort Angeles, $133.900.00
I Eiford Construction Co., Bellingham. 157,487.00
J. G. Watts Construction Co., Seattle, 143,836.79
,After reading bids Architect Field suggested that certain items be considered and recommendations submitted
lat 1:00 P. M. It was moved qy Commissioner Robinson that any decision be postponed until 1:00 P.M. Second-
led by Hayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Hotion carried.
[Sheila Astley, Chairman for the t1unicipal League, requested postponement of awarding bid until after the I
'recently elected Councilmen take office as there is not sufficient money on hand to warrant the construction.
'Also with the amount of City funds, bonds budgeted, and street bonds recently approved. there is not much I
'left to go on, and this might be factor in obtaining a competent Manager. Miss Astley further requested I
'that if the Commission finds the Council is not in favor of jail construction, the awarding of bids be
,Councilmen. Sandison and Brown expressed opinion that the concensus of the Council should first be detel'lilinedJ
ibefore bid is awarded. Frank P. Fisher, Jr., advised that a County-City building to house both departments
,should be considered. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Commission respectfully consider the
!request of the Hunicipal League and make no final deci.sion until after the meeting of the Council and
iCOmmiSSiOn at 8 P. H. Hotion seconded by Commisoioner Taylor. All voted .;,ye. 110tion carried.
One bid \~as received from Alex H. Fraser for purehase of Lot 7, Block 423, TO\<l1site in amount of $70.00.
'Earl Davidson recommended that bid be accepted. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the recommendat-
'ion be approved and property sold. Seconded Oy Commis,;ioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Walt Madsen again appeared on beho.lf of the Firemen and introduced Earl Brower, represent.::tivG of Firemen I s
[Union. 111'. Brower discussed wage scale as exists not only here but over all of United States and Canada.
Cited first five years as ',xperir.lontal stage, after which employees become good firemen. Also that emerg-
!ency must exist before salary raise is permitted by budget laws and he has no knowledge of the Division of
Municipal Corpora.tions qU3stioning such emergencies. That a basic so.lary of ~350.00 per month is not out of
'line for Firemen. Mayor Feeley advised that the matter "ill be discussed with the Council at the evening
Attorney Trumbull discussed severance charge which the Public Utility District is trying to collect from the
<:;ity, It w as the opinion of the icttorney that the claim is not legal a.,"ld the City can refuse to pay. That I
if the City refuses to pay and the P.U,D. discontinues aerv':e, the City is at liberty to negotiacd \fith the
Bonneville Power Administration. It was moved by Commissi0ner Robinson ,that the Councilmen be consulted and
'if thejare of the opinion the same as the Connr.ission, the City should proceed..ith ,,"0;)31' deductions. Motion
jseconded and curried. I
Superintendent i'IcLennan questioiled regarding bill collection, Attorney Tr-urr.bull aJvised that the City has no
'r-ight to employ collection agency. The Attorr~ey """'8.5 insti~ucted to consult the Division of Municipal Corpor-
rations rcgarc.i11g the matter.
Commissioner Taylor informed of 0ccupational Tax unpaid a,d requested that the Port Argelea Transit System
'be instructed to file report past due since January 1.
,The Conunission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of S5.lIle:
'City Treasurer
'Stuart Filion
'Schreiner Chevrolet Co.
,Olympic Laund". and Cleaners
.b7Y JTREZT FUND: -'lff".S'~
'Howard Cooper Corporation
'Overall Cleaning and SIlPPly Co.
Ulin If",intenance
:'Gas Tax Refund Division)
Departmont of Licenses )
Westinghouse Electric SuppJ.,y Co.
I 11
.L:LGHT EUND: .t 7, 1153.
Clallam Co. PUD No. 1
IZellerbach Paper Co.
City Troasurer
United Seal Co.
L. ? liilber
Westinghouse Electric Sup,J.,y Co.
Earl Javidson
I"" w.e.. ,.,.".,..
Residence, Lots 8 & 9, Blk. 270, Townsite
Add 1 room to residence, Lot 3, Blk. 380, Townsite
Garage, Lots 11 and 12, Blk. 257, Townsite
Remodel garage into residence, Lot 11, Blk. 115, Townsite
Build garage, Lot 15, Blk. 21, Norman R. Smith Addition
Repair back porch, Lot 14, E. 10' of 1.3, Elk. 326, Townsite
Put new foundation under building and paint interior, Lot
15. Blk. 17. Thompson-Goodwin Addition
Build fireplace, repair porch, Lot 12, Blk. 195. Townsite
stamped envelopes-clerk
2 brooms-police
auto repair-police
laundlJ' and dry cleoning-fire
ring, disc, bearing
50 shop towels
chain, shuts, hooks
enc. for motor ball bearing
February power
Cash for postage
Fole n.:ils
61. 60
February c~r mileage
1:nsto hand cleaner
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
245 "
l{,;rch 24 CONTINUED
...._ . "~"'''' ...,...... ...,""",... ~."..,... ~..8. .....
~AR]( FUND: 17,?7
Ci ty Treasurer
~ellerbach Paper Co.
Atlas l1ineral Products Co. tegul
railor Lumber Co. washer, bolts, stancil
t~estinghouse Elec. Supply motor flashing switch
City Treasurer pospage
express charges,lite, water and garbage
b~lETERY FUND: 1.],,_ 0-6
E. A. Jensen
City Treasurer
City Tr"asurerj
Clallam County Med. Service
City Trc~J')r8'"
Daily Journul of Commerce Publication-jail bid
There bcillG no further business, the meeting was declared recessed.
2 tan ply truck tires
TaA'., lots 6 II 7, Elk. 143, Tmmsite
premium on 11 firemen
P~seS5me~t~ on paid up contracts
jMarch 24, 1952 l:CO P.M.
j The Commission met pursuant to recess declared w:. th all officers present.
I Joe Janish appeared in behalf of the Cha.triDer of Commerce and informed that the organization at their
noon meeting went on record as in favor of not doing anything at this.time regarding construction ffi
, Police Station and jail, Commissioner Robinson advis0d that the Commission ~espects. the interest of the
Ch"".,.,b~r and all concerned and that all are entitled to express their opinions.
1 Architect Field reported that after considering bids lor construction of City J,dl,the bid by Del GlOzzi
Brothers is low bid. Also cited altcrnate", which if eliminated \~ould make basic bid of $121,lM.00.
Comrrassioner Robinson stated that as a matter of courtesy, the bids should be discussed with the Council.
It was then moved by Commissioner Taylor that the meeting be recessed for further discussion and
consideration at 8:00 P. H. Seconded by l1ayor Feeley and carried.
There being no further business, the meeting was recessed.
March 24. 1952
8:00 p.l-!.
The Commission met a 8:00 P.M., all offiicers being present.
Brown, Sandison, Wolfe, Powell and McFadden.
Councilmen elect appearing were: Smith,
Hayor Feeley opened the meeting with discussion of wage adjustments. Earl Brower again appeared for the
Firemen and informed that financing and emergencies rest ,nth Commission itself. Cited justification for
adjustment as responsibilities increase with training and experience which adds value to co~~unity, and
immediate problem is top salary adjustment to forestall employees seeking other employment as many are
leaving service for higher salaries.
Neil Pendley also spoke regarding employees who did not get salary raise due to unintentional budget error,
informing that Emergency vrdinance is requested to equalize with other salaries. "ayor Feeley also explain-
ed why seven employees I salaries were reduced instead of increased due to error and informed that increases
were limited to 10% over January 1950 salaries.
Commissioner Taylor informed of water employees affiliation with the Union to which he agreed and which
should be of interest to the City. Also that the business agent has been instructed to prepare agreement.
Park Superintendent Adams advised that employees in hia department had not recei ved w~ge raise as others
and recommended that Ordinance be passed third reading.
Commissioner Robinson informed that not all employees are union members and in his opinion unorganized
labor should not be overlooked. Also it was the understanding of the Commission that Cities were governed
by the Wage Stablization Board to which other Cities are apparently not adhering.
After futher discussion, the following Ordinance was placed on third and final reading:
, AN ORDINANCE fixing the monthly salaries, compensation and wagew of certain officers and employees of the
Ij Department of Parks and Playfields and the \'later Department of the City of Port Angeles, providing for the
issuance of emergency "Warrants, a.rr.ending Ordinance No. 1271 and declaring an emergency.
I It was moved qy Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and
I adopted. Seconded by Conrnissioner Robinson. All voted ~e. Motion carried. Mr. Adams conveyed aPjlrecia~
tion from the Park employees for consideration on their behalf.
Hr. Pendley advised that in his opinion the employees affiliated with the Teamsters Union will not come in
I for salary increa~e ~ust on ac~ount o~ others, and requested that due to future appointment of aCHy
Manager, the COl11llUsd10n enter 1nto wntten contract and agreernen:t. JI"'JI'or Feeley replied that as certain
~ J, _ .,
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
March 24 continued
employees have bad union affiliation all these years. a written agreement can .rai t for approval by the
Counfil and /I'.<anager.
Louis Howser spoke for the firemen informing that this city ranl{s among highest in the State as to "age
scale although some are higher. Also informed that an increase of $30.00 in the 1952 budget had been 1
requested. this amount being reduced as instructed. It was moved qy Commissioner Robinson that the matter
be l~ft for the Manager to thrash out. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All votedllye. H?tion carried.
Mayor Feeley informed regarding sug,;estions for closing the City Hall Saturdays due to banks and other
offices being closed. It was decided to make no changes and refer the matter to the Council and Manager.
Fred Stranee, Planning Board Chairman, appeared regarding Arterial Street improvement and bonds recently
vote~. It is the opinion of the Board that the Engineering Department should be instructed to proceed
, with preliminary work necessary, and funds provided for the same. thereby enabling the Council and
Manager to proceed with improvements and eliminate delay in construction. Mr, Strange recommended tha~
the two groups consider preliminary details at an early date.
Mayor Feeley felt that the Commissi on is unwilling to go ahead without instructions from the Council as
the propostion was set up and made possible only for their responsibility. Commissioner Taylor advised
that he is willing to do all possible, but there is now too much to finish in two months !,nd this project
is s9 big the Manager will want to use his own judgment.
Mayor Feeley agreed 100% with Hr. Strange and advised that the Planning Board might be granted funds for
oper~tion if the work is started. Commissioner Robinson suggested that Mr. Strange and the Planning
Board being farr.iliar with the work, the Commission should be willing to appropriate money if sanctioned
by the Council. It was therefore moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Commission be willing to co-
operat-e with the Council and Planning Commission at their request. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All
voted Aye. Motion carried.
The Commission again discussed severance ;harge which the P.U.D. is trying to collect from the City. The
Attorney e.xplained in detail and advi'5ed as to ways and means of starting action. The Attorney also
advised that he has numerous records in his office which are available and the Council is welcome to use
the same. Also that he is willing toinform on. matters pertaining to the City.
l'la;yor Feeley referred to bids for construction of a city jail as previously opened, informing that after
tabulation and checking, the low bid is approximately $134,000.00 including one alternate. Also informed
of cells available in Seattle and t-hat steel can be purchased in Banada. The Mayor ['ead a letter from
14r. Field regarciing remodeling of the old firehall which estimated cost at $75,000.00. This being 18
months previous, the cost is now increased. ~~. Feeley cited need of the old building for County-City
Youth Genter and juvenile delinquents.
I M~s. Tinkham, also HI'S. Larson spoke in favor of new jail and \~ere pleased that County and City juveniles
w~ll ,b~ taken care of. ?ommi!lsioner Robinson informed that Eighth Street Bridge bonds Ilave all been paid
and J a~l bonds can be paJ.d in the same manner.
Ja.ll?S Morse, County ~heriff, spoke tegarding County-City building,advising that County funds are not
~va11~ble. ~ob Fleffi1ng appeared for the ~llerican Legion as ~avoring facilities to care for women and
Juvemle dehnquents. Also cited State Statutes regarding care of City and County prisoners.
!,olice Chief. Id? informed of conditions aM accomodations of the present jail ana invited inspection
oy both COllIllll.SHOn an~ ?ouncil. After further discussion and consideration it was moved by Commissioner
Robinson that any dec~s~ on be postponed until next 110nday when definite action may be taken. 110tion
seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
There being no further 'business, the meeting was adjourned.
9. C. ;f~.
[J City Clerk