HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/24/1955 4~36 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 24 19~ I e oune me specl. P.M. and was called to order by or Smith. Officera I jpresent were: Ma;y~r Smith, Coumilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell.and.Wolf'e, City Manager Verge~r,.Attome,y ;.,. Severyns andC1erk Law. . I .' I . < ,- . I ,Pursuant to publi~tions and notices posted) tbe Ma,yor annoUIlCed public Hearing open on petition ~ll9-u~stiD8 I I yacation of portio~ of Eigllth Street, L Street and portions of alleys in Blocks 248, 249 and 250~ . , I . 'Mrs. Radke, member of school board, outlined procedure in selecting sites for elementary schools citiD8 five I categories considered in choosing location. First was general location best to serve ehildren in the area. '346 homes concentrated in this area to be served. Location whould. accomodate children \'oho walk to school. I~ighth' ar;td ~ ~treets appear to be center o~ ar'Iia to. be served. Cost of property~er in populated areas. Secom: Service interest provil!ed by schools to accomodate all branches including library, labl'atory, etc. '~o p+Bi1grounds. The State Board of E:iucation recommen:ls eight to ten acres and the local school board is :~esirous 'of bompJ,ying, ~hereby beiD8 e+1gible. to partieipate..in .State,Building Construction Fund~. I - IThird: Safety and well'are. Location not adjacent to busy street-s. Fourth: -Choosing a location suit:ab1e for developing' adequate Jiwgrounds. Buildings constructed on slab 'more sll-tisfacot:ry tban foundation walls. Topograplv of area eliminates drainage problem. I .Fifth: Availability at reasonable coot. No homes on area acquired to be purchased am removed, therefore ,tinanc;iaJ.4 advantageous to the School District. I . . In conclusion, Mrs. Radke considered it Ulitort.unate the Board had selected a sit.e where vacations are nec- essary but tlie ;Location chosen appears to '" beet serve and meet needs for good of school ehildren. I' ' Mlv'or Smitb read resolution by Lincoln School P.T.A. favoring the vacation, also tWo petitions having forty-I .~::e::::e::P:::' ~lained ~ontour of land and' demonstrated from map ahowing location of ~ class ro~' I: building, all on one level, citing the same as economical. development with onl,y inconvenience to public' 'as going arown block. . I . Councilman Woll'e 'questioned Chairman Strange of the Planning Commission concerning tbe consideration of 5th Street. as a..through arterial. Mr. 6trahge replied that tbe Planning Commission has considered 5th St. as a I ,lJ.atural to develop, also loth St. ~ St. or M. St. could be considered for North, South arterial. ~t was proposed to fill 5th at Peabody and .bridge V~W an:! Tumw-ater. Mr. Strange recommended that ~ imprOVe1nellt be concentrated on other. than !lth St. West qf t'St. if. petition for vacation is approved. When questioned i as to advisability of more than on!, arterial, Mr. Strange .cited Fifth, Tenth an:! EighthhStreets as three levels . I , Dr. Harr,y Lydiard asked Mr. Glann if it:ls possible to acquire desirablil site in the area South or West of present location. He informed of checking west of M. Street and appareIItJg onl,y one depression ofllbout 15 feet requires filling. Mr. Glenn replied that otlEr locations have been checked an:! are too close to , ,airport, swamp or uphill, tl1ereby inconveniencing hwnre<:B of children in the future. Also that architect ! has checked and foun:! other areas too expensive to develop, requiring heavy cuts and fOun:!ation walls. When' questioned regarding feasabillty of un:Ierpass, Mr. Glann considered the same not feallable as it wuld IlQt ~wqs be used, especiall1' on weekends and during summer vacation. ~on lfurrison, Sanitarian, pointed out sewage disposal problems if the school is located farther to the South. I 1" _ _ _ t Councillnan Neer inquired as to number of pupils now in the area and approximate nUlllber of families to be considered within the next fifteen years. It was the opinion of Mr. Glann tbat five hun:lred forty children Would be served now and two arterials would.be sufficient in the future. I J. C. Romick of 1702 W. !lth St. advised that he moved to present address in 1937 at which time there was no street, onl,y a trail. That within the last year three homes have been built, another pendill& in that block. Lack of d~elopmeIIt is due to inadeq1.late water supply. ! !paul Logan cited difficulties encountered during negotiations for purchase of proplrty as others were also 1nt erested and it was his opinion that board lIIIIIIIbers should be commended for acquiring so economically. , Dr. ~ard requested a report on survey. l<lanager Vergeer replied that Floyd }!. Jennings, Planning I.Consultant for the Association of Washington Cities, has. filed detailed.report on survey ~entJg con::lucted~ Mr. Vergeer then rea4 conclusion of .report recollllllending that Eighth St. BOt be vacated and offering recomm- ' '.endat.ions toward a solution. Dr. ~ard then suggested that a factual survey by Engineers be made on property adjacent to site acquired, thereby assisting the Council in proper disposition of tbe requested Ivscation. lIt was lIlO'Ied by COUIlCilman Neer that tbe School Architect, Floyd Jennings, Fred Strange, Manager Vergeer, I ,an:! the City Engineer, ~lore the situation in question aid submit report with ]:"Scommemations at a speciallIleetillg to be held April 5 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber. Motion secomed by Councilman Brown I 'and unanimously carried.. . '. I I ' Mrs. Radke expressed appreciation of the School Board to the Council for consideration extended regarding I requested vacation. I There being no other business, the hearing was continued until April 5th. I, I I . e. :LQ.AN- .VA j)~ ~:Jf. Mayor . .. . City . Clerk . . ~ f. ..~~ LEGAL PUBLICATION CALL FOR BiDS Bids will be received up to 5 p.m.. Aprll. 21st. 1955, at lhe office of the Clty Clerk, 14Cl WE>sl Front St., Port Angeles, Wash, fo one, outdoor, melaJ-cta.d, 3150 ;;r: ~hl~e~: ~~~~~t:J~o tr~~~fo~~:: door, Illelal dad, 1200 Amp., 151} MV A feeder bres.kers. ., rr~~~C~~ll~~, ~'rVhcbeCif~r~~~~, reI'. G. S. V~rgeer. CI~y Maliai"er Pub: A~rn 4., 11 1955 ~_._ I I I I