HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/26/1941
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
~~arch 26.J lD~l
The Commission T.et in rO;,ular session at 10 A.I,'. and was called to order by le.a;ior Heetle. Roll C,11]
showed :.h~ follo',vi'lu of[icBr~ procent: t:aJ'o:, Beetle, Commissioners Bc~;;, an::: Lind, ...ttorney Conniff ~n:l
Clerk Haw.;bs,
The minutes of tr~ ~reviouG seesion were read a~3 approved.
Under the head of Applic.:3tions for E-J.ildii~b Per:nit.s ths follovrin~ \18re granted:
H. EdTiston, Addition to Hause, IDt 15-, Block 112, To~~site
IL. C. .!. r:anleYJ 23Il:odel Hcuse) lot 4, Block 471J Townsite
!l?t Brou;h~on, A""gioJl to House, Lot 7, Block 207, 'l'orrnsite
Wilfred b. &nver, Build ~Jew hvuse J lot 19, Block 545 J Tovmsi te
30C .00
Unior the head of ReaJiDo a~d Pa8s~Ge of Ordinances the fcl:owin, ordinance pas Red its thiri reeding and
wes adopted:
AN ORDIN~NCE providing for the estClblishment of a tlSCHOJL PATHOI}'; prOV1.('l!"~ for schaol crossings, aGe
regulating said crossings; m3~in~ it ~~awful for the operator of any vehicle bcin~ ope~ated ~~thin the
cit~r limits of the Cit:r of Port A.ngeles to disre~ard an~r reasonable directions 0': ~~LY rr..e:nber of said
schoo1.pa~ro1 acting in the performance of his duties e~ such and when w€2ring or ~isplayins appropriate
insi[.nia; providing for the viol8.tion thereof; and. declaring an emercenc~l.
Under the head of Introduc~ion of Resolutions the folJrnvi~, resol~tions were introduced:
WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles hthe Ol'mer of the following described real property, having 2cquired
the s~m~ by TreBsurerls deed~ dated tareD 21J 1941, ~~der 2nd by virtu~ of the authority of Sjction 939~
of ReMington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of th0 l~ws of 1929, page 365, to-~it:
The East half of Lot Fourteen (14) and all of lot Fifteen (15),
Block One H~~dred ~venty-o~e (121) of Tho~as TI. Carter's Subdivisicn
of Suburban Lots" 11 and 16, Port Anc;clcs, Washill[;ton, and
WHEREAS, E. C. l~cGlen.": has offered to pur~hfl=e fraT.!. the City of Port 'nceles the above described real
property for the sum of $225.00, p8y.b2.e as fo2.10ws: $22.50 as a do'nn pa;yment and $lC.oo on or before
the 15th day of April, 1941, and ;,'10.00 on or before the 15th day of ,'ach anJ every ".Qn~h thereafter
antil paid. in full, ~o~ethe:' 'wi th inter8E:t on mor..thl;r balances at the rate 0:' 7% pe:- an..'LL'TI, and
WHEREAS, The Cit;y Cor.rr.issioners have viewed the said property am are of the opinion that the offer is fair"
velue ~nd is in exceGS of the amount p~id by the City for said property~ plus a~l I.I.D. ~s~c~~~ents)
including interest and o~h8r charges against the sa~e.
NO:", TH::JC" ORE , BE IT :t3S01"iED, that said offer be accepted and thet the Cit.y of Port An.;eles sell tho
said property at private sale to the said E. C. }.'cJlenn for tho "un hereinabove 3et forth, subject to" an.-
oth.r valid liens against tho, same; that tho City Attorney be ins! rueted to preapre a quit claim deed co~-
vc;yi.ng. said propert,y to :hc purchas~r) And that the Cit,y Clerk of the City oi' Port Angeles be ;lnd he is
hereby instructed to execute s~id quit claim deed, and th~t the ;',02yor of the City of Port An..eles be and
he is h'3reby instructed to countersi"n said quit clBim deed when tho purch~s8 price and all accrued
inter~st tl':.erc::m has been paid in.full.
It was.r.\oved by {;ommissioner Beam that the forc;cing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Co=issioner Lind. On roll cell all lJ"em"bers voted aye, The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Vr.-!EREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of th~ fcllcvling described reel property, havin; acquired
the sarr.e by Treasurer's deed, dated ;',:arch 21, BU, unier anO: by virtue of ths a uthority of Section 9393
0:' IU~mingtonls Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365J to-wit:
The West half of Lot Fourteen (14), Block One Hundred Twenty-one (121)
of Thor.\as W; Carter's Subdivision of Suburban Lots 11 a~d 16, Port
~ngeles, Washineton, and
WHEREAS, :>arl F. 1:clane has offered to purchase from the City of Port AIl/;"eles the above described real
property for the 8Ur1 of $75.::0, payable as .follows: J7.50 as ~ down paJ'T.lent and tIO .00 on or before the
21st d3Y of April, 1941, and ;10.00 on or before the ~lst dey of each ani eveIJ' month thereafter until
paid in full, to ge Lhor ,'ritn :'nterost on r.lOllthly b3lences at the rete of 7% per sn"urn, and
f\1iEREASJ U:e City Chrnmissioners havA viewed t..s said propert;' 'and are of the opinion tt.at the offer is fau
volue aoo is in excess of the amount peid "oy the City for said propert~', plus ell L.l.D. assessments, 'j'
inclu~ing inteleet and other charges e~ainst the sa~e.
~,O'iI, THEREFORE, BE IT ItES01VE:J, that said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the sail
property at private sale to the said Earl F. Mcl.ane fer the su.", hereinabcve set forth, subject co any
othJr valid liens aG"linst :.ho sar;:.e; th~t thso City At+arne)T be instruct.c. to prepare a quit claim deed
conve;;rir(; said property to th~ pU!'chaser J and th~t th~ City Clerk of the City of Port f,ngeles be and he i~,
hereb;)T instruct8d to execute SAid quit clairr: deed" and th8t the ~,qyor of the City of Port Angeles be anj he
isher~by inst~cted to co~~tersign said Quit c~aim deed when the purcha~e price and all accrued interest
thereon has been pc'3id in full.
It was rr.oved by Com11issioner Beam that the fore:-;oin" resolution be approved and aiopted. Seco:Jded by
Comw.issioner Lind. On rcll call all ~embers voted aye. The ~eyor declared the motion carried.
Under the head of U~finishej Business:
Requests having been made for bids for the purchase of a truck wiLh pick-up body for the Light Department.,
the ulerk reported bids on file as follows:
Schrci~er-Kyle Chevrolet Co., Inc., Chevrolet, Pick-up TruckJ $724.20
Port Angeles Motors, International Truck, $765.00
i It was ll'Dved by Com~issioner Beam t~at the bid of the Port Aneelcs Motors for an International !.:odel K-I
Piok-up body trClck at ~76S,OO be acoepted. Secunded by Commissioner Lind. On roll cell all members
,rated aye. The fayor decla:::-ed the motion cC!:rri::d a
".. 264
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
1:arch 26, 1941
T'C': .. ';;~""~Y. ..~........ nAT'''''.... ~".....".. DP'O-O
The Commission examined anj 8110wed the ~cllowing claims and ordered warr2nts dravm :or S2rr.e:
Pacific 1'elephone ~ Te1e~raph
City Treasurer
Seattle Rllbbe:c Star.;p Co.
Pecific Tel & Tel [;0.
Epperson & So~R, Ine.
Pecifio Tel & Tel. Co.
11 II
Service 4.40
Stamped Envelopes 109.92
Suppli e" 4.28
Service 2.75
~. 4.90
lumber '0/ 2.19
Service 4"> 10.9:"
. ) 3.50
SerVice 4.25
Ca sh for Fee .GO
Pipe & Fittings '\:-- 241.13
ChIorir..e 29.71
t:eter ,'V 66.00
O. T. Soluticn '" 1.22
Rubber Carpet 11.30
Lumber ~.16
Service 24.50
Wood 12.00
Bushinl;s 5.24
Ueter Sockets 37.45
Wire &: Fittin;s 37.52
Wire 409.76
Hose &. Gloves 28.26
Tax on ll~ehine Service 1}. .62
Sprin;: rr'3 .58
Repair Ammeter 19.53
Code Eand-Book 3.05
Service 8,50
Plants 3.00
L<bor r'i> 36.00
~1 ./ 4?00
Wheel 3arr07! 6.58
Assessments ~ 99.413
T;:nes Ll 0 Or 302 .93
Paoifio Tel & Tel Co.
City Treesurer
Seattle Plu~binz Supply
Hocker Electrochemical Co.
Hersey !:fg. Co,
Wa1l9c~ & Tiernan
Kaufman-Mil Jer Co.
Ep~erson & So~s, Inc.
Peoifio 1'81 & Tel Co.
George Palmer
Westinghouse Electric Supply Co.
t! tl It"
Paoii"ie l;lrr.p & Supply Co,
line !.Tateri91 Co.
Burrou;hs Addin3 Machine Co.
Addressoj;raph Sales A:;ency
Ferranti Electrio Co.
~cGraw-Hill Bock Co.
Pc o1:ie Tel "- Tel Co.
Pf.RK F Uj,"D
l~rs. J-eo. S. Gertcr
Ira G-Dr~
E. C.. Tro;:,re!'
Peterscn 'Irnolesale Hardware Co.
L.r .D. GUMlA!f~Y j:"UND
Ci t~' Trea surer
" II
The CdmrnisRion the:1 a:ljourned to meet ;:It 10 ;\ .:.:. on Monca,y, l.:arch 31, 1941.
City Clerk