HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/26/1947 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington 329J ! I'arch 26, 19~ ......t......fl.._"'..IIl!..I...77a~ I I I I I ,The City Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.l,'. and was called to order by I,:ayor Epperson. call of officers revealed the follovring present: Eayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Wilson, and Clerk law. Roll 1 Attor~eJ;1 }~inutes of the previous session 1,'lere read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: ,,0 J. ?15 ' Building Pemits: Elmer Kari Jack Gehrke Fred Bergquist I. A. Ranta Pete Sandness Kenneth Broden Garnet Taylor j'..J 0 Townsite 350.00: 375.00' 400.00 400.00 600 .00 6,500.00 250.00 Hepair Kitchen; Lot 9, 31k. 95, Townsite Renodel Existing Garage; Lot 9J 31k. 60; Leyris rastic Add. Build Garage; Lot 12, 81k. 70; Townsite llemodel Kitchen; Lot 2, Blk. 19, ,:.R. Smith's Slibd. Addition to Existing Dwelling; Lot 1, BIle. 114, Townsite Rl~ld 5-Hoom House & Garage; Lot 10) Blk. 275, 'l'ownsite llcmodel, Add One Room to Present Dwelling; Lot 7, ~lk. 450; Licenses: Smith Brothers 8.301' '!,!rs. Mix spolee before the Commission reg8rding the Dale Street Zig-Zag and suggested that painting and improvement vmuld help beautif-y one of the city's outstanding ViEn'1 locations. Corrunl:ssioner Johnson agreed to discuss with Parle .ooard and try to get action on said irr,provement. Advertising Poster ,Under the head of unfinished business, the bids for construction of dog po~~d were opened. ~ids submitted Ivrere as follows: Campbell and UcGlanahan, ~1,586.91; Petersen & \Xaver, $1,663.97; A. L. Grant, $1,800.00; Sig larson, ~~2,186.45. On conclusion of discussion, it v'as moved by J.:ayor Epperson that the bid submitted by Campbell & I.:cClanahan should be accepted, with provision that structure will be completed wi thin thirty jdays after ground is ready for construction to begin, but if this bidder does not Bgree to time limit, bid will be given to next lowest bidder. The state Excise Tax would also be included in the bid submitted. !Motion seconded by Commissioner Steele. One roll call, all members voted Aye. The motion carried. I lunder the head of ne"{ bU3iness, Attorne;r Wilson was instructed to contact the County COT:,missioners in writing, regarding repair of damaged sewer main at Eighth and Francis Streets. The report of Police Judge Taylor, for the month of February, shoVling eighty court cases tried and 'collected in fines was approved and ordered filed. I 'I $1,193.00 I i Ii Under the head of introduction and passage of Ordinances, the foll~Ning was introduced: ORDINAJlC3 NO. 1180 I'AN ORDIMNCE Relating to and regulating traffic and travel and their incidents upon the streets, avenues, alleys and public higwfays of the City of Port Anceles; providing for vehicle equipment and devices and the inspection thereof; limiting and restricting certain uses of the public higwrny of the City; prescribing Irules of the road for vehicular and other traffic on the public highways of the City; providing for the I conduct in the event of vehicle accident and for making reports thereof; prescribing the powers and duties of peace officers and other persons in relation thereto; defini.ng offenses; providing penalties; repealing Icertain ordinances relating to the subject of this ordinance; saving certain acts performed; providing for ,the adoption by ordinance of the rrashington leotor Vehicle Act and amendments and additions thereto, being 'Chapter 189 of the Session Laws or 1937, and amend~ents and additions ~~eretoj and declaring an emergency. 1~,It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded bylll ICommissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. _Attorney Hileon presented copies of revised draft of the City Zoning Ordinance. 110 action was taken at thisi [time, but copies will be on file at the City Hall for publio inspccti.on, and if there are no objections, ordinance will be passed third and final reading at next session. iUnder the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of' real propertJ. hy the City, the following vras fintroduced: Robert R. and Vera ~. P~gan Lot 11, West t Lot 12, Blk. 352, Townsite lilt was moved by Commissioner Steele the t the foregoing resolution be approved and the propertr sold. !!5econded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. J.:otion carried. 325.001 II ,The Commission eXBm.ned and approved I o~ !CURR!:":NT E7.P:>NSE FUt'ill: ..11'.3- "/m. S: Johnson :Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Ii City Treasurer Aiken l~otors ,.7lashington State Penitentiary !IHarold Thompson !IChas. L. Goodvnn IH. n. Van Broclelin ,The I;atural Gas Corp. the following claims and authorized warrants issued in payment of same: Expanse Trip Phone Services Postage, and Freight Equipment Installed 1946 Olds Sedan 10 Street End Signs Expenses Attending Vocational School Expenses Attending Vocational School Insurance Premium Gas 10.68 34.36 14.55 203 .02 8.00: 50.0411. 9.79 47.S0. 5.10j 1,015.72, 1.2811 .23 .zJ !CITY STREET Jowm: /0/7- "Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. <H.:::l:lonier} Inc. H. H. Van Brocklin . JC YlA TER FUND: ..J f? 7 . H. H. Van Brocklin )Hemington Rand, Inc. Hooker Electrochemical Co. leity Light Dept. ~ <j ,LIGHT FUND: .2. .3 ~ ' iPa cific Telephone &. Telegraph Co. (~YdWell & Hartzell, Inc. I Sand, and Spe cial Gravel Acct. Hi vets Insurance Premium Insurance PremilJJll Reprlirs Chlorine Wood, and Etc. II I 10.86 267. SO 'I 31. 72' 37.28, I Phone Service Insula tors 47.12 50.35' ~ 330 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of PQrt Angeles, Washington I~rch 26th, continued, 19-R LIGHT FUND. continued: Standard Oil Co. of Calif. Puget Sound Navigation Co. H. H. Van Broclelin Floor Oil Freight InSurance Premium : PARK FUIID: CO. 5"1 H. H. Van Broclelin Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Thermador Electrical !.ifg. Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. CEl,:ETERY FUND: /. () J'" Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Insurance Premiwn Phone Service Repairs Freight Cement 6~()."CJ ,~PARKING ~'ETER & TRAFFIC COllTllOL WIlD: :!H. II. Rhodes, Inc. :1 REVOLVING FeND: 1.3 ,01 '! City Treasurer CUEULA TI 'IE RESEllVE FUND-CURRENT EXPENSE: (; 000 Chiarelli & Kirle, A.I.~. GUARA NTY J<UNJJ: ~-< (" / I City Treasurer Taxes and assessments paid There being no fUrther business, the session was declared adjourned. Co. I s Share of I.'areh Collections , Taxes Paid dO Architectural ?ees o.~~ (/ Clerle 2.32 11.06 124.39 : I 15.83 I 5.00 12.80 I 26.96 ; , 1.08 560.60 l ! I I 13.01, 6,000.00 ! 626.18 ~-il\~>- 1:a yor ~ I I I I I