HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/26/1986504
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present:
Port Angeles, Washington
Continued Meeting of March 18, 1986
March 26, 1986
Mayor Whidden called the meeting to order at approximately 7:03 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Whidden, Councilmen Hallett, Hesla, McPhee, Quast,
Schermer, Stamon.
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Acting Clerk
Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, G. Booth, S. Brodhun,
L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, L. Danks, D. Wolfe.
Public Present: L. Sunny, D. Quast, K. V. Sledd.
1. Consideration of Letter of Support and Congratulations to Vancouver,
Councilman Quast moved to authorize Mayor Whidden to sign the letter of
support and congratulations to Vancouver, B.C. for EXPO '86. Councilman
Stamon seconded and the motion carried.
2. Summer Water Rates Program Continued
Tony Masi, 206 East Ninth, supported continuance of summer rates and
suggested a flat rate of $7 per month for three months.
Following discussion, Councilman Quast moved to continue in 1986 the plan
for summer water rates developed by the Utility Advisory Committee in 1985
and to be aware that it will cost the City approximately $20,000 to
$35,000. Councilman Stamon seconded. Following some discussion, on call
for the question, the motion carried.
3. Coast Guard Appreciation Week Proclamation
Mayor Whidden proclaimed the week of April 5 12, 1986, Coast Guard
Appreciation Week in Port Angeles.
4. Consideration of BPA Non -Firm Brokering Agreement
Councilman Hallett moved to authorize Mayor Whidden to execute the one -year
non -firm brokering agreement with Bonneville Power Administration.
Councilman Schermer seconded. Following a brief discussion, on call for
the question, the motion carried.
5. Consideration of Contract with Caretaker of the Webster Fine Art
Councilman Stamon moved to authorize City Manager Flodstrom to execute the
caretaker agreement between the City and Janis Burger for maintenance and
upkeep of the grounds surrounding the Esther Webster Fine Arts Center, and
approve the Receipt for Partial Distribution of Property from P. Cameron
DeVore, personal representative of the Estate of Esther B. Webster. Coun-
cilman Schermer seconded. During discussion, Councilman Quast expressed
his concerns with asbestos panels. He felt that before the City entered
into the agreement, it should be made certain the-asbestos panels are
exterior only. Councilmembers then discussed Agenda Item No. 18, Schedul-
ing a trip for City Council and staff to tour the Esther Webster property.
The tour was scheduled for Wednesday, April 9, 1986, at 4:30 P.M. On call
for the question, the motion carried.
6. Report on and Discussion of City's Public Information Program
Mayor Whidden referred to a memo from Finance Director Orton regarding the
proposed implementation of a City Public Information Program, which would
increase public awareness about programs, activities h and issues. of cur ent, tc
interest within the municipal government/ F ow brief c`�iscu r
Councilman Schermer moved to accept staff's recommendations and receive a 7' nh'
preliminary report on contracting with an outside professional consultant
to implement this program, following the general budget outlined by Finance r
Director Orton. Councilman Stamon seconded the motion. Councilman McPhee
stated he did not feel comfortable with the City implementing this program.
Councilmen Hallett and Stamon spoke in support of the program. Following
discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried, with Councilman
McPhee voting "No
7. Lease Agreement With Hewlett Packard for Computer Equipment and
Interlocal Agreement with Washington State to Purchase Equipment off
State Contract Authorized
Councilman Hallett moved to authorize Mayor Whidden to execute the Inter
local Cooperative Lease and Purchase Agreement with the State of Washing-
ton, Data Processing Authority. Councilman Schermer seconded. In discus-
sion, Councilman McPhee asked why Hewlett- Packard was giving the City a
better deal as opposed to September, 1982. Finance Director Orton attrib-
uted it to a different market. Councilman Hallett thanked Director Orton
for providing information, and on call for the question, the motion
carried, with Councilman McPhee voting "No
Councilman Hallett moved to authorize Mayor Whidden to sign the lease
documents with Hewlett Packard. Councilman Schermer seconded and the
motion carried.
8. Preliminary Assessment Roll for Sidewalk Reconstruction in 200 Block
of West Fourth
Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington,
declaring the necessity for reconstruc-
tion of sidewalks for the public
convenience and safety.
Councilman Stamon moved to pass
amendments of two dates: April
Section 4; and the passage date
1986, to the 26th day of March,
call for the question, the motion
9. Consideration of Amendment to Cemetery Fee Resolution
Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
establishing fees and rates for services
provided at Ocean View Cemetery and
repealing Resolution No. 7 -83.
March 26, 1986
the Resolution as read by title, with
1, 1986, changed to April 15, 1986, in
be changed from the 18th day of March,
1986. Councilman Schermer seconded. On
Councilman Schermer moved to pass the Resolution as read by title with
amendment of the passage date from the 18th day of March to the 26th day of
March. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried.
10. Consideration of Work Study Employer Agreement for Summer Legal Intern
in City Attorney's Office
Councilman McPhee moved to authorize Mayor Whidden to execute the Work
Study Employer Agreement for a summer legal intern in the City Attorney's
Office. Councilman Stamon seconded. Following a brief discussion, on call
for the question, the motion carried.
March 26, 1986
11. Request for Utility Advisory Committee Meeting
A Utility Advisory Committee meeting was scheduled for March 27, 1986, at
8:30 A.M.
12. Authorization for City Manager to Execute Service Agreement for Survey
and Soils Work for New City Hall
Councilman Schermer moved to authorize City Manager Flodstrom to execute
the service agreements with Northwestern Territories, Inc., to provide
survey and soils investigation on the City Hall project. Councilman Quast
seconded. Following brief discussion, on call for the question, the motion
13. Discussion of Industrial Traffic on Hill Street
Following a brief discussion on the amount of industrial traffic on Hill
Street, Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
restricting Hill Street as a haul route
for heavy truck traffic and providing
Councilman Schermer moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Hesla seconded. Following a brief discussion, on call for the
question, the motion carried.
14. Repurchase Agreement Practices of the City Added by Councilman
Councilman McPhee moved that the City, bank, age:rt or established trust,
must take custody of the t City's collateral. Councilman Quast seconded for
�i i Fie, an n z ce Direct� r dr
discussion. 1 dAo n addressed the issue, and a lengthy
discussion followed. Councilman McPhee then further moved to modify the
City's Investment Policy by deleting "or broker" in Section III. Council-
man Quast concurred. On call for the question, the motion carried, with
Councilman Hallett voting "No
Councilman Quast then requested staff prepare and make available to the
public an explanation of the City's repurchase practices.
15. Discussion of Total Cost of New City Hall Added by Councilman McPhee
Following brief discussion, Councilman Stamon moved to direct staff to meet
with Councilman McPhee to discuss his concerns. Councilman Hallett
seconded and the motion carried.
Mayor Whidden announced a public meeting will be held on schematics of the
new City Hall on Monday, April 7, 1986, time and place to be announced at a
later date.
16. Consideration of Easement Agreement with John Tangedahl at Hickory
Dock Restaurant
Manager Flodstrom presented information on the business and property. Mr.
Tangedahl also addressed Council on the matter. Some discussion followed.
Councilman Quast moved to concur with the suggestions by Manager Flodstrom
and Mr. Tangedahl to refer -the matter to staff for resolution. Councilman
Schermer seconded and the motion carried.
17. Request for a Meeting of the Real Estate Committee
The Real Estate Committee scheduled a meeting directly after adjournment.
18. Schedule a Trip for City Council and Staff to Tour Esther Webster
(See Item No. 5.)
1. Information on Grant Application for CZM Money to Assist with
Development of Harbor Use Ordinance Oil Spill Contingency Planning
Manager Flodstrom presented information on a grant application for Coastal
Zone Management funds to assist with the development of a Harbor Use
Ordinance. He stated that a beachwalk scheduled March 28, 29 and 30 were
cancelled and will be rescheduled for the last week in April, dates to be
announced later. The purpose of a beachwalk is to determine if there are
any hot spots of oil on the beach. No Council action was required.
2. Brief Update on Recent Communications from DOE and EPA Regarding
Secondary Treatment
Manager Flodstrom gave a brief update on recent communications from the
Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection Agency regarding
secondary treatment. He stated the City did need to respond to the EPA and
requested Council review a letter drafted by City Attorney Knutson. Some
discussion followed.
Councilman Hallett moved to authorize Mayor Whidden to sign the letter to
Ralph Bauer and the EPA concerning secondary treatment for Port Angeles.
Councilman Stamon seconded. Following brief discussion, on call for the
question, the motion carried.
3. Information on "Oil Spill Response Public Forum" June 10, 1986
Manager Flodstrom distributed copies of a letter announcing an Oil Spill
Response Public Forum June 10, 1986, at 7 PM. He expressed interest in
putting together a monthly report for Council on oil spill related
4. Update Report on Current Activities
March 26, 1986
Manager Flodstrom provided Council with information on current Departmental
activities. He explained plans to provide regular reports of this nature.
5. Hand -Out Programs for Recognition Ceremony at Public Pier, March 28,
A ceremony to recognize volunteers who have participated in the oil spill
clean -up will be held on Friday, March 28, 1986, at 11:30 AM, at the Public
Pier, weather permitting. If weather does not permit, it will be moved to
the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center. Over 2,400 certificates are
planned to be distributed to volunteers.
Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting to executive session at 9:29 PM for the
purpose of discussing potential litigation and real estate.
The meeting returned to open session and adjourned at approximately 10:03
Acting Clerk Mayor