HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/27/1940 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ..... 147 March 27, 1940 19_ :,.~,,;~~ .....,;IIl';1O.., .....,,1.L ....1tom~.. ........<... 8.400 The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Beetle, Conunissioners Beam and Lind, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following were granted: Carlton Bee, Build House, Lot 12, Block 425, townsite Mrs. Roy ,pparks, Build House, Lot 6, Block 226, 'i'ovmsite R. H. Elneff, Remodel Home, Lot 12, Block 91, Townsite J. W. Avery, Re~odel House, Lot 17, Block 262, Townsite Lawrence Earl, Remodel Dwelling, Lot 13, Block 63, Lewis & Mastick Sub. 800.00 800.00 300 .00 300.00 800.00 Under the head of Unfinished Business: I It appearing that certain electrical supplies were needed immediately in order to prevent delay in com- pleting the construction of the buildings at the Athletic Playfield, it was moved by Commissioner Lind that the Supt.. of Utilities be instructed to order the said supplies at once. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. 0'0 roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried, There being no further business the Commission adjourned to meet at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 30, 1940. 7J11rJ~ ) City Clerk Mayor MARCH 30. 1940 The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 a .m. and was celled to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor beetle, Commissioners BeaJl'. a nd Lind and Clerk Hawkins. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENl' EXPENSE FUND Kerman Ahl vel'S Salary Street Department Pay Roll J. h. McDonald Services as dog Catcher City Treasurer Fire Hydrants I " II Flush 1 anks Tom O'Neill Labor Charles Goodwin Extra Fireman City Treasurer Firemen I s Pension Fund CITY STREET FUND Street Department Pay Hall WATER FUND Water Department Pay Roll Dan Hurley La bor LIGHT FUND Light Department Pay Roll Byron Winter Salary 175.00 245.00 25.00 360.00 100.00 62.20 23.52 .48 ~ 191 1652.66 /)-(;7f:- 1142.40 125.00 1.(-3 ~ ~ 1551.00 104 .83 There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 71~ (ld7c11J~ City Clerk Mayor I I ~