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Minutes 03/28/1923
150 ~ I '. 'jl ;~ " ~t: l" " i' f' I' , " ..." . _. '" e: '. "',, . l:OlIlIlSSI8I I .' ...,' ,>.- , " PrOCeedings 'of the' Citj - J1fof the CitY" of. Port Angeles, Washington 2?7~..,-., ::l,f~192~ '-~-~,~.~~.~~_.~-_.- ~__~_-:c_~_-t'.,_~~,_~~--_Cfo-U..~_" -.---- ~~~-~-~-.~~~~-~ -~-~"~~-~--~-,~-- _~__~_u~____~_~ ~ :...."-~~.~~.~ '_m ~'1-'~'~'-~-~-~"~"---'- ---'------ ----------_._~.~-~_._-~._--_.- ~~~-~-~-~r~.---.-,-.u ~ _~_~-~,~-/.t.,~./,4,~Jw--.z. _z:::.~_~_1'd7J, ~orft~. L;.~ ~,n,_~._<>(;?ri--0-~-07~7-~ - . .. ~ ~ ~_~-th,-~-::t:;;; ~_~_.~~ --.---- 'G~~@~;~~~ ~,~~~~r~&',-.~~~!-./Jtrb- ~,Od) .'/10.,.. .,';L__..eJ....:..... ~_"V~_~ .,~~_~_v---,c:-w~,-- ---------' " , n-. '.4 ~~ ' ,~..Lrl-:.'eC~..rI-V~- ' -~-~- '~'''- --- )) P?;' !" .' . ., ,''''c;--.. . ~ '. ~,__..C!?_~-,J2,LL::tz,~.,,~.~~..~~ ~..y J~~..{~, '7i~ '~"~--~-.~--~-1;J~-~ ku-;,.... ~_f.. _~. .0-::'f-::._V ~_.z;;:_. ct.-o--.-. ~ ~ __..i!._:2~~, ---,.., ,~ ." ,., ~ .' " ,~ ," ~._~'I' -?I7:- --,~ ~-~~~~r~-e< ro------;:-v----- .tnr_'_ _/,_~__':>_=~._c/'~____.4__~_~__~ .(~~.--- -----_.~_.~--,--_._._---~_._-------_.- ---_.~-------------,-------_._---~-. YL /24..A...P_ ~- ~ ~_ ,'~ fl-r /, .~: .-+--',..p... ./ 'Of) ~~ . ;" -:-'tTr------=-=-- -.. -- '1- /r.., Q. J('.! a;~ ' ~- ~ - c:t -=- ~ -:71> - "1r<-~.....p.I.. I '.' ,'. ..' .0- ' ~_v.~. .__~ "~_ /.-'f:.~_I-f:._(/~ . ..z;_~_~,_~..rfhro. ~" ~':;r- ~.- ~, ,'.---,..,---..----,--------.--- . --'- _._----,._------~------_.._- -~----~----_._-_._-_._----_.~-----_..._----~ !j'~_~d(~-~-~, ..--...-- I_$~.C;Z:_~ :...-~/--~-~~r'~~'--.. h_.---- .~ .- "~. . ~,~~-~, ,_o(~. ,.,__~".. '.'------------' r-~- --,~;7 . -, . .'~ t '~ ,.' ,;' ~ '. ;'" "" !},_C!. ._~.<J~-t/~-5Z~--~-___~-.--' . Wf:... / ~ tY..3 __ 6-~,~, ....___________________._________.' -!/~. ' ' '" '~----.---_.--:----_._---_._-_._-------- ___~. ~ I.v--zL<r.. ~ .~ .. ~,--..-----..,...- o - . - 0. I': SECOND-That ~ th~ ....dlstrlct ~ herein Dlt PROVlll)lE~ nE80LUTI.O~ NO. PJ r~~l~~:d a:nndea:::C:~b~dll./8b~n~1r~~ t~Q _ DE_IT RESOL"ViIDbY ih~ Clt~"C~;'. f:r~~~r~e~:: ':8)' bea lIe~ered by M.lle .-----~~_. ~'M~~~: Ifft{. ~~QP~~~e~n~:'e:i ~g -.::natructed. ~I~er:lr_t~:o~~~p~r:? ______ ~~~l c:IZg~~:'~~~~O~erOf tt~:e~o~~~u~: Th~e~: 0 pay the co~~~:rt~ ._______u__~___ r't:~:;I~~~:w~~ok ~~~In~ d:~n?~: al Bj; 't 17~tre~t tgPPo.lte --tho to .ald. e,. and IItreat. to a r3ra'::.~~: ~tla,t:.!i~ "\':t~~u~ ~'ri~O runn~n:Oih~~~: a=r(:'~ ::ela~rg~~I,n!~,_ ther~~!. __________n.. ley; In eald < bl~k 114 along _~d al-1 d T.HIR _ That all peraona who. may ~-:tJ'~~rlfR:( an:" n.lo~~ro~e ~~:g;1 p:t'ot t:._ld~{:~~-~~~~:~~ '-~- .~tU-~&{. Anlfelea. 'or aero.. thAlb~~rn~t~~etf porJ ~grfl~d ta- appear and' pre.eat auch ~~'~k .r'l~ a,J~n~: .}!:~ of the "~~yj~CO~lon. at-- atb:e_~~~In[a;I~eR~~% _______ c::~e~~kht~~ ~kaB~~~:.P~~~d:J 19l:n.t~"n.~~18lhPl:t ..."ewer to connect wrthaa~~dla~lr~_, t the,hour.of t6n (lO{ .~Va I~W~e~~oirunk. .ewer- In. a~d!' r:i~r:::[e o~r:al~e:"\}~: enary. manhol ~ 1 t Or ear ng all mattertl relating. ::::'~~a:r.:nlg, e. trOD:a:~e~n:g.rOav:r~~; d:r~r:tI~.n~bJ~; 'JJcrlbed,. an", re n dtt- rnllthod ot payment tor the dJDe" via.." nectlon therewith' whleh may ~~ ~~:, :hd"'~he~ bYf ~ay~ent by InataUmenta r=P..Ir::~D~~m::\_:b~T:.r an~, creattJ ." S:ym::~ 0 o~ So: 0.-:.' by ~ Immedl_a.!~ The eewer.plpe,'for ..Idlet therefor. FOURTH-That - the Clty"Englneer be ftrat cl... vitrified c).wer .hall ehalI lIubml! to the City, CQ111mlll.lllon etlJ ,and :r. .o:f :'~d :hfrhPrl,r to we _Id date flud tor ~=~~ ~~.m~3 ~f~eJ::~l~ ~y: r:~ ~;~te ~:~or.,:~: bel~e4 ,b,. "'the FlFTH~nat tho co~t ".-nd ;-....... , " I'lltile: ,;: 813: gt ::~d Improvllmllnt. IIh,all be. b~~:: - . ') I~Ja -rtherefor propert I ~ I 'In" "'-~ _er