HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/29/1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ""IIIIl 287 March 29. 193.5. 193_ I I I I I l'he Commission met pursuant to adjillUrnment at :3 p.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following offioers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and ~lerk Hawkins. Under the head of Unfinished Business the following Resolution was introduced:, EIGHTH STREET BRIDGES RESOLUTION ACCEPTING CERTAIN BIDS. WHEREAS, representatives of the i1ashington Emergency Relief Administration have recommended acceptanoe of certain of the bids relatin~ to the oonstruotion of the Eighth Street Bridges; and a speoial meeting of the City Commission was held jointly wi th the Clallam County Welfare Board in which the bids were carefully discussed and con- sidered; and, " , ' WHEREAS, the "lallam "oun ty (lelfare Board approved and recomne nded the accep tanoe of bids hereinafter designated: ' THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES Tha t the bids of the following named firms on the following specifioations be and said bids are hereby aocepted, subjeot to the reservatio,ns hereinafter set forth, to wit: Specificatio.ri N07"l: Form Lumber, eto., Olympic Fo res t Produots. SpecifiCla tion No ./2: Hardware, Bolts, Conre Cltor Rings, etCl., PaClifiCl Coast Forge Co. SpsClifiClation No. 3A: Timber for StruClture. Ne ttle ton Lumbe r Co. Specification NO.J3B: Preservative Treatment of Timber. The West Coa st Wood Preserving Co. SpecifiClation No.i3C: Towing of the treated timber. Johnson Tug '& Barge Co. Specification No. 3D: Combined wi th 3E: Rental of Fabricating Yard and Transportation from yard to Clreosoting plant, modi- fied as per letter. \ Nettleton Lumber Co. ~ SpeClifiClation No.<4: Pre-mixed Conorete. ~,~, ~\ Angeles Gravel&.::;uPJlEly.~ompany {3'jJv"Y SpeClifiCla tion No. 15: He inforo ing "teel. ' ,/ 3...1, Northwes t Ste'S'l & Roll ing Mill s InCl. " SpeClification No.,6B: EleCltriClal Matetill.l., ?"A' The OlympiCl Utilities Supply ~o. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the'said bids be aocepted subjeClt to the fbilowin~ reserva tions: , (11. That in the event the Itity is unable to make the neoessary provisions for lahor wi th the ilashington EmergenClY he lief Admlnis tra tion and/or its legal SUClClessor for the ClommenClerpent of the work on said bridges, and therefore, no material is ordered, no yard rental, preservative treatment, or transportation is furnished; then in such event, the ClontraClts based upon said bids, may be oanClelled without any obligation to the City or any damage whatever aooruing to or Cllai~ed by the contractor. (2). That if at any time during Clonstruotion, the City is unable to seoure a suit- able supply of labor from the Washington En-ergency Relief idministration, and/or its legal SUClCl~ssor, thereby making the terminaticn of the pro)jeClt necessary, then in sUClh event the (;i ty shall be reSpon!!i ble for paymen t only on s uoh mater ials as shall ha ve been ordered in detail by the "ity "ngineer and manufaotured by the oontractors; or sUClh yard rental., servioe, preservative treatment or transportation as shall have been actually ordered in detail by the City Engineer and furnished by Ibhe oontraCltor. BE: IT FUR'lHER RESOLVED, That this provision shall be inClluded and made a speClial clause in each Clontraot for material!l or service above acoepted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Iii ty qlerk shall notify 8aClh of the said bidders of the aCloeptanCle of the bid with suoh reservations and that appropriate contraots shall be prepared and mailed to the bidders. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the fbregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. SeClonded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll oall all man be rs voted aye. The Mayor deCllared the motion carried. Under the head of New Business, the Commission granted the Amerioan Legion all street ClonClessions for the Fourth of July Celebrati@n, and the privilege of closing Front Street to traffic from Laurel to Oak Street from 8 a. m. to 1 p.m. on the 4th for the use of small sports. There being no further illlutillWm bu'Sinesa the Commission then adjourned. J)~~ . . /~~ Ci ty Clerk. Mayor. ~