HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/29/1977 268 I CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 29, 1977 II ROLL CALL The Special Meeting of the Council was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Members Absent: Staff Present: III-V SUSPENDED VI LEGISLATION 1. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Olson, Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross. Councilman Wray. Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish. At 7:30 P.M. the City Council adjourned to Executive Session to discuss the litigation with the State on the Water Quality. VII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:37 P.M. City Clerk ~ rE.~ 32577 TREASURER'S NOTICE OF COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 198 CITY OF PORT ANGELES , WASHINGTON 1 Notic~ Is h~r~by given that I the assessment roll for Local I rnprovem~nt District No, 198, created by Ordinance No, 1849, as approved and confirmed by Ordinance No. 1908, Is In my 1 hands for collection, Any ( assessment thereon or any portion thereof may be paid without penalty. inlerest or npald balance of the costs at any time wilhln thirty. lassess enl Shall become due d~ys after March ~, 1977. Any and payable as provided by I ass~ssm~nl or portion th~reof law remaining unpaid at the end of I " Patriclll Rodman said thirty.day p~rlod mllY be II City Treasurerl paid in t~n equal installments. City of Port Angeles with Interest at the rat~ ot 7'1:1 ! r Prepaymenl period ends April I per annum. The flrsf 25. 1977, . installmenl logelher with j Pub.: March 25, Aprll 1. 1977, inter~sl shall be due and l ~ payable on April 25, 1978, and each year th~rea"er one 01 said installmenls with inleresl due Jon Ihe unpaid balance of the . assessment shall become due'j . . . 'and payable as provided by -{law. , od Patric,a R man City Treasurer City of Port Angeles . ,Prepayment period ends April ~ ~~b1~7~arch 25, April " 1977. " . ---' ...-..--..'""~~ , . 0:> , I I I I I I , I Port Aneleli ~~M/~ ~y ~ ~ 3Nl-' TREASURER'$ROTr OF COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT I DISTRICT NO, 198 ' CITY OF PORT ANGELE WASHINGTON I Nolice Is hereby given Ihal ,the assessmenl roll for Local 'I mprovemenl District No, 198, 'crealed by Ordinance No. 1849, as approved and confirmed by Ordinance No, 1908, Is In my hands lor COllection. Any assessmenl Ihereon or any I portion thereol may be paid I withoul pena Ity. interest or costs III any lime within Ihirty dayS after MarCh 25. 1977. Any assessment or portion Ihereof remaining unpaid allhe end Of said thirty.day period may be paid in len equal Installmenls. wlfh Inlerest al the rate of 7'1. per annum, The flrsl Installmenl togelher with inlerest shall be due and payable on April 25. 1978. and each year thereafter one Of said Jnstallments with Inlerest due I I I