HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/30/1932 ,... If 1 ~ ~ ~ / '\:--' ) , , ~ ~ ' \ ..: ~ ~ \~ S' ~~( Q..>\ \ ~ 24 Proceedings of the, City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 30 193~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the following officers present, Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for permits and licenses the following were granted. Theo.Hostman 4 Room dwelling on Lot 18 Bloak 19 L.B.Stratton's Subd. Felix Gallacai Addition to residene~ on Lot 10 Block 419 Townsite Puget Sound Seed Co. 1 Truck Carl Weidner 1 Truck Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 3 Trucks $1,500.QO 100.00 2.50 2.50 7.50 Under the head of New Business,- The following Resolution was intr~duced,- RESOLUTION DESIGNATING TAXI STANDS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT AllGELES AS FOLLOWS: . Whereas, the owner and oacupant of the Merchants' Hotel property has consented in wr. iting to the setting apart of certain portions of the street area abutting his propertYI as taxi stands, BE IT RESOLVED That the following areas be and are hereby fixed as taxi stands for the companies Bet forth herein, to-wit: For Tennessee Taxi Company, the space oommencing at a point 30 feet north from the northwest oorner of,Front and Laurel Streets,measuring along the ourb line; thenae for a distance of 35 feet along said curb line, said space being provided for two cars. For the Yellow Taxicab Company, the space commencing at a point 120 feet north of the northwest corn~r of Front and Laurel Streets,measured along the ourb line; thenoe for a distance of 30 feet along said aurb, said space being provided for two aars. The stands previously oacupied by the cars of said companies are hereby abolished and the area thrown open to general use. This resolution is adopted in conformity with the authority and provisions of Se?tion 15, Ordinance No. 960, of the City of Port Angeles. Passed by the City Commission and signed by the Mayor this 30 day of Marah,1932. R.E.Davis Mayor '\ Attest: N.M.Hawkins City Clerk Approved as to form: Frank L.Plummer Ci ty Attorney It was moved by Mayor Davis that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Filion. On roll call all member voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion Carried. The Commission examined and allow6d the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- Howard Cooper Corporation Paciffc Tel & Tel Co. Paaker-Scott Company Zellerbaoh Paper Co. Paaific Tel & Tel Co. J.W.Hooker Pacifio Tel & Tel Co Madge H.Nailor,City Treasurer Washington Municipal League Paoific Tel & Tel Co. Washington State Bank F.L.Plummer D.A.Masters Standard Oil Co., Wm Schrader VI.C.Sahroeder Street Department Street Department J.W.Robertson Current Expense Fund SUllplies Servioe Supplies Janitor Supplies Servioe Insuranae Service p.O.Box for Polioe Department Membership fee Servioe Rent Expense Insuranae Oil Filing saw Insurance Pay roll Pay rOll Sanitary Inspeator ,'a ter Fund ,p ;L '2. <j 1 . $ 23.87 6.95 25.03 12.10 4.25 26.40 7.90 .75 10.00 2.75 50.00 30.00 8.80 42.08 .50 312.80 270.00 1,414.75 40.50 V.A.Samuelson & Co. Lumber Supply Company Washington Pulp & Paper Co. Rensselaer Valve Company Federal Pipe & Tank Co., Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Water Department ' Repairs Lumber Labor Hydrants Pipe Pipe,hYdrants,etc. Pay roll 8.12 12.91 11.29 166.35 99.41 374.29 1,089 38 (76/~~- 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ..'.~ ~ UL~.". ",nv. "UTlO~"'e. ."'~,...._ .,.,. Pacifio Tel & Tel Co., Pacifia Tel & Tel Co., Paaifia Tel & Tel Co" Washington Pulp & Paper Co. Washington state Bank V.A.Samuelson & Co., M.H.Perry Chas.Eaton Ed Smith Wm.Phillips Clifford Cowling Clifford COWling Fobes Supply Company Line Material Company Westinghouse Eleotrio & Mfg.Co. W.C.Schroeder City Treasurer Puget Sound Junk Co. Chamber of Commerae C.R.Stewart Pegram Electric Co., Walker-Pratt Mfg.Co., Westingh~use Electric & Mfg.Co. Palmer Eleatric Co., General Eleatric Supply Corp. Fobes Supply Comapny Light Department Light Department Herron's Variety Store Engineer Department Madge H.Nailor ,City Treasurer Water-Department Water'Department Maroh 30 193L Light Fund Service Serviae Service Conduit ,eta Rent Repairs Labor Labor Wood Wood Expenses Expenses Lamp Material Meters Insuranoe Filing fees Supplies Advertising Connecting hot water Wiring for range Range, etc Range SWitohes,aovers,eto Switah Ranges,etc Pay roll Pay roll Park Fund heaters ,...6 2.. J- b)..- - Supplies L.r,D.General Fund Pay roll Li~t Investment Fund Muniaipal Water Works Warrants No.298 to 324 Inc. purahased Munioipal Water Works Repair Fund Pay'roll Pay roll 25 ., $ 4.25 5.00 B.25 0.02 ~ 50.00 7.65 4.00 8.00 3.00 6.00 17.25 35.00 1.42 74.00 80.08 26.55 4.50 .50 2.00 15.25 35.00 111.80 106.85 98.03 1.90 262.87 984.61 242.50 1.25 433 50 499.50 252.00 '-f--9 )..-- 240. 00 . There being no further business the Commission then 71, '0, --;JL~ City Clerk adjouned. 1f(J~ Mayor ......l1IIl