HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/30/1949 534 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 50, 19~ 'The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor and Clerk Law. ,Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. 'Under the head of applications for building permits, the following were granted: " .. N" /&0 .::. 'I H. J. Anderson ' Construct 2-Car Garage; Lot 18, Blk. 528, Townsite 500.00 I ' Jack DelGuzzi Build 2-Story Concrete Block Bldg.; Lots 21-26, Inc., Blk. 125, D.W.Morse 40,000.00. , Jack DelGuzzi Build l-Story Concrete Eloc!f: Bldg.; Let 5, Blk. 4, Wm. & Cramer Add. 15,000.00 Jack DelGuzzi BUild 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 15, Elk. 208, Townsite 7,000.00..\ Jack DelGuzzi Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 5, Blk. 286, Townsite 7,000.00 Jack DelGuzzi Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 17, Blk. 555, Townsite B,OOO.OO/ W. H. Florence Construct 6-Room Dwelling; Lots 11-12, Blk. 571, Townsite 5,000.00. ,. Gust Lund Construct 2-Car Garage; Lot 19, Blk. 265, Townsite 600.00 Victor Thomason Addition to Existing Dwelling; Lot 6, Blk. 74, Townsite 100.00', T. T. Carlson Construct Addition to Existing Courts; Lot 7, Blk. 1, Westpha~s Add. 10,000.00. Petersen & Craver Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 5, ~lk. 59, N.R.Smith Add. 6,000.00' , A. Minks Build 2-Gar Garage; Lot 12, Blk. 227, Townsite 400.0011 Frank Pollow Repair Foundation; Lot 4, Blk. 55, N.R.Smith Add. 700.00, .Under the head of unfinished business, the hearing was opened for vacation of CharI')<' and Valley Streets from I the North line of Front Street to the Inner Harbor line, excepting the portion covered by franchise of the , 'C.M.St.P. & P. Railroad Co. There having been no objections made or filed, it was moved by Ma)'Or Feeley that ,the said vacation be approved and an Ordinance introduced vacating the same. Motion seconded by Commissioner ,I'obineon. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I 'Petitions previously filed requesting vacation of alleys were discussed by the Commission. Commissioner I Taylor informed that vacation of the alley running North and South in Block 5 of Cain Subdivision of 'I 'Suburban Lot 56, could be approved when proper procedure is taken. Vacation of the alley from the Northerly I .margin of First Street to the alley running in en East-West direction through Block 125 of D.W. Morse's Subdivision of Suburban Eot 8 could not be decided until all property owners are contacted. .Mr. Thornton again appeared before the Commissi.on regarding control of Peabody Creek. It was his op:uaon that it is the City's responsibility to keep culvert and creek bed open for protection of business and private property. He was also opposed to removing slide. Commissioner Taylor informed that it is the 'opinion of the City Attorney that the City has no authority to prooeed without approval of both property ,.owner and Mortgagee. 'Under the head of new business, Mrs. Angelo Gallacci, filed a,petition requesting tbat the Street Department 'grade and install sidewalks on 12th Street between Lincoln and Chase Streets, which was referred to the ,Engineer's Department. 'Another petition signed by nine property owners was filed. Request was for permission to open 15th Street ,between A and B Streets, owners to pay cost of opening, if City will grade, gravel, and maintain. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the City agree to maintain the said street if the property owners grade 'and gravel. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. " "Lou Kiszak informed the Commission that he would not operate new busses until streets are in better condition. Commissioner Taylor advised that the Engineer will check ws route and repair all streets as "soon as pos sible. A letter from Ignatius K. Werwinski of South Bend, Indiana, was read before the Commission, requesting that a resolution providing for the President of United States of America to proclaim October 11th each .year as "General Pulaski's Memorial Day" be approved. The request was tabled without action. '].~re Chief Wolverton infomed that an alarm system from the water reservoir to the fire station was being I 'considered, cost to be approxiJtiately $500.00. The matter was referred to the Engineer. " , Commissioner Robinson cited charges in the State Examiner's report of illegal purchase of a diesel generator'l ~plant in late 194B, also that investigation is still pending. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that , the Commission communicate with the Attorney General, and a copy of communication sent to the State Auditor, requesting that the matter be settled at the earliest possible date. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor, ,All voted Aye. Motion carried. " Commissioner Taylor requested that bids be published for filling of Laurel Street from Railroad Avenue South to the alley between Railroad Avenue and Front Street. It was DIOved by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by ,Mayor Feeley, that the said bids be published. Motion carried. No ciate of bid opening was set, until further inspection. . " ,Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and placed on first :and second reading' ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE vacating portions of Valley Street and Cherry Street in the City of Port Angeles, Washington, such portions extending from the North Line of Front Street to the Inner Harbor Line, excepting the portions :,thereof covered by a franchise of the Chioago, Milwaukee, St.Paul & Pacific Railroad. It was moved by Mayor Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. :The Commission examined and approved the following calims, and ordered warranta issued in P"l'Qi.ent of same: l'f~ ~5 CURRENT EXPENSE FuND: City Treasurer iP~get Sound Stamp Works City Light Dept. Angeles ;3uilding Center Luvaas ~~restone Servioe ,'l'he Texas Co. Harris & Schuller Janish Motor Co. I 15.38 ! 7.55 ' 50.00 " 1.77 " 21. 65 .! 25.96j 7.06 13.50 : , Stamped Envelopes Repa ir Seal Office Rent Supplies FLaehlights and Batteries Havoline, Motor Oil Parts Parts I I I I I I I I I , Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19..&9- . 0 'f "LIGHT FUND: J' /0 _ IMcMahan FUel Co. 'I Standard Oil ~o. 0 f Ca lif. ICity Water Dept. iHarris & Schuller ILine Material Co. I August Contesti :3 l' '1 jSANITATIllN 'FUND: '7 - {.Luvaas Firestone Service 3S ; LIBRARY 'FUND I , " 0 jPeninSula FUel Co. Ci ty Treasurer IPacific Telephone & Telegrapn Co. "Sturgis Printing Co. ,Olympio Stationer a Librarian of Congress IGaylOrd Bros., Inc. A. A. Young . 'IWillson HardT/are ,Co. James If{. Gaven 'Hobert A. 3ernhard 'INew Method Book Bindery, Inc. IA. C. McClurg & CO. IJ. K. Gill Co. of Wash., Inc. I'DOUbleday & Co., Inc. The l;Ilarrie Corp. i,Regent Book Co. IJean Karr & Co. I'Seattle Post-Intelligencer ! " !PARK FUND: :;z 0_ ,Larry /linters J,.i' ILIBRARY ME2.l0RIAL FUND: II <f - Puget Sound NeViS CO. :IPARKING METER & TRAFFIC IHarris & Schuller 'IFmEMENIS PENSION 'FUND: 33 ICallam Co. Medical Servo Corp. April Med. Fees--Firemen (,C " ~~- ICITY m' FORT ANGELES FlRE & POLICE STN.. STATE DEVELOPMWr 'FUND: 3 ~ ,Brazier Construction Co. 5rd Est., Fire Hall Construction I IThere being no further business, the session was then adjourned. " I """_",_,~no__,p...m ......... 1, CITY STREET RIND: 3 S; 7..1 Howard-Goopar Corp. , .2/ IWATER I<UND: Iff'- Loop Auto Wrecking Co. City Light Dept. Epperson & Sons City Treasurer March 59th, continued, Bracket, Track Spring Ret. Parts Rent and Lights Lumber Express Chgs. Fuel Oil Gasoline Water Repairs Line Hardware Conc rete '/Iork Parts & Repair fuel Oil Light, Water, Garbage Service 7244 Office Supplies Supplies Catalog Cards Book Cards Pruning Shrubbery, etc. Milorganite Repair Steam Leak Bindry-Aid, Applicator Rebinding Books Books Book Annual Supplement Book s Books SubscriptiDn Trailer Rental Books 11- CONTROL 'FUND: If - Repair Lead Melting Burner ~ t. ;t~. (j 00 Ci ty Clerk . tL-<Ld ~r '535--' 55. 7l~ :1 5.8611 28.25,: 12.85 5.25 , ,I 41.lS 5.55,: 87.80' 65.55 117.5S" 495.00 'I i 7.75'1 ,I I 150.75" 10.55 7.21;' 47.00 20.50, 4.20 5.75' 40.00 4.79 16.241 2.15' 205.92" B2.29' 59.85,1 1.40' 1.05' l1.47: 11. 57" 17.90 , I 2.00: 114.28 ' ! I 4.12 I , I 55.00' I 55,912.68 I I: Mayor ~