HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/31/1948 ,... 434 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington March 51, 19~ The Connnission met in rcgular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call of, officers showed the following present: Mayor Epperson, Conunissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson '1lland Cle rk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for wilding permits and licenses, the following were granted: - dD 'I~ ~5'o - Construct Service Station; Lot 18, Blk. 54, Townsite Build I-Car Garage; Lot 20, 8lk. 102, Townsite Remodel 5-Room House; Lot 6, 8lk. 59, N.R.Smith Add. Concrete Block uaragej Lots 5-4, 8lk. 69, Townsite Build 5-Room Dwellingj Lot 20, Blk. 152, Townsite Build I-Car Garage; Lot 15, 8lk. 1, Hartt & Cooke Add. Construct Toilets in Existing Bldg., Remodel Laminated Partitions; Lot 9, Blk. 16, N.R.Smith Add. Remodel and Level Up Buildings; Lot 8, 81k. 2, Tide Lands East 8uild l-Car Garage; Lot 15, 8lk. 181, TOWTIsi te I 20,000.001 150 .00 4,000.00: 8,000.00 [ 4,500.00" 1,000.00 500.001 3,000.00',1 500 .00 Building Permits: Owens Bros. Wm. Crawford Gill Condon Lou Kiszak 'Frank E. Webster A. Beutler Sig Larson XelUleth Owen A. Jldolphson 00 Licenses: .:(f: ~ ,Galley Cafe :,Annex Barber Shop Ann.ls emen t Ma chine 1 Barber Chair 24.001 1.00i I Under the head of unfinished business, pursuant to bids published to furnish for the light department potential inatrument and current transformers, the following one bid by the Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. was openedl Potential, @ $ll5.10; Outdoor Current, $107.88. It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the bid be accepted. Secomed by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. II I,Pursuant to notices posted, the hearing for vacation of a portion of the alley in Block 32 of N .R. Smith's Subdivision was opened. Objections to the said vacation were filed, and a committee of property owners also appeared to protest the vacation. Attorney Severyns spoke before the Commission in behalf of property owners requesting the vacation. At conclusion of the discussion, it was moved by Mayor Epperson that the request for vacation be denied. Seconded by Connnissioner JOMson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. LEGAL PUBLICATIONS Engineer IDodge presented a draft of the proposed Valley Street trunk sewer from Third Street to Thirteenth Street. The approximate cost would be $9,000.00, or about $5,500.00 more than property valuation permitting L.I.D. It was decided to request the Health Department to personally contact property owners on Valley Street, and ascertain if they will agree to pay cost of construction in exceSS of L.I.D. through property valuation. !','oll".. To "Idlll'rill NOT1CE II' h~reln' A'i\'ell that RN1.1- ~d bi[l~ wlll he.]'p.cei\'od b}' tlH' Cit~. Clerk of the Clt~. of Port Angelei'l. \\'n!!hill~t(\ll, fit 1(1 A.:\I., :\1n.reh 3l, 1948, and 111)1 later, for the following rnRterlnl~ "Ix current ane! six poten- tlnl Ilwtrl1menl rrnnR(<Jl'ml'fR (01' II"!; I [In 1!'i,llOO \'olt ~il'I'lIiL,,<. Slledfil'a- tiOI\~ 1ll11" Ill' Illitaillt-'d fnllll 1.111' [Jffke of the Lllt'ht Sup'l, The Com- ,'TT1i~~llln l'f'lWr\'e:> tbe rlghl to rL'j('ct all~' 0[" all}:irl.;,: T~.-\W, City Cll'rk. Under the head of new business, a petition signed by East ~~irst Street business Puhli;;Ill"l1 .\IIHe]) n, 26, l~JH. men was presented to the Commission. The petition requested one hour parking zone . NOTj('I~i~fh~:r~;~yn~r\~~~I~"that RC':l]- on north side of First Street from Chase to Peabody, and the south side of First 'ISt':~I~d~)\'~1~(,h~'I~~/:if'l'~'o~~i' ~~'k~~t~ Street to the end of business property. The ~olice Chief was instructed to make 1'~i'i~:.,il:l1b~t~~lt~,;~\t'~~1 ~~t~~:U~I'~I;r~~I~~' study of situation and report at next session. I : ln4S, tu fUI'llillh for tlH'l-,i!~'ht DI'part- llH'IH, 011<' 1'1l1H'1 J;o{l~' r)!' Sf'dnl1 'I ~~rt\ll\'~;~~t i~~I;l\i{':'I(] ll~'g,~'~rir. ;:li~~l~!~t~] Dick Owens, Jr. ~eque~ted. pennis5~on to m~ve hous~s o~ lots at West Fourth and C'o,mml:-llliofi l'l':<t'n"~:> lhe rll,:'hl tu "FU Streets. ThJ..s beJ..ng 111 the first Res1dence D1str1ct, the Commission could not I ~1'eJeCl an\" or Ill! Iud:;. . . "I ig i h" , ..J. E. '~A\V, Clt,. C'H'<. make dec~s~on unt~ invest at on and furt er cons~deration. Y>llh1i}~h('(\ ~!al'ch 10. 26, 1948:..-----""" ;pnder the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following were introduced and placed on first I;and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1195 I Se co nded !: i AN ORDINANCE amending Sec. 5 of Ordinance No. 1167, the same being an ordinance to regulate and restrict I,the location and use of wildings and land wi thin :the City of Port Angeles. lIt was moved by Mayor Epperson that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on first and second reading. 'by Connnissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1196 ,IAN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1192 of the City of Port Angeles, the same being an ordinance fixing 'lnonthly salaries, compensation and wages of officers and employees of the City for the year 1948, by adding thereto Sections 2A and 2B, defining overtime work and fixing the pay therefor, and declaring an emergency. It was moved 1:y Connnissioner JOMson that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on firet and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. .lotion carried. The Connnission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: ICURRENT EXPENSE FUND: 77! z.. Janish Motor Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. ,Harris & Schuller IINatural Gas Corp. of Wash. 5':;' 0 ?<I Auto Repairs Services 800, 872, Supplies, Repairs Gas 15.10: 49.49: ll.45 I 1.401 I 126, 1627, 1332, 561W CITY STREET FUND: Stanley E. Foster City Treasurer Unit Crane & Shovel Corp. Peninsula Plywood Corp. I:Star Machinery Co. tf WATER fllllD: J'(,t/-, Pacific Telephone & Telegraph iCe. Seattle Plumbing SUpply Co. Olympi c Found ry Co. Stanley E. Foster City Treasurer Todd Cycle Shop Shovel Hire Express Paid Linings One Load Core 50 Gaskets Blocks 459 .58 2.01 48.601' 8.241 2.71 I 1.251 754.551 62.65 20.001 1.01. 25.751 I I Phone 3 F 22 Pipe and Fittings C I Sleeves Backfilling Express Chgs. Parts ll.. I I I I 'I I I I II ii' Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington u... "~"'_~~'_'~"'''''' ~ LIGHT FUND: ./6" :i '" '2: / Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Zelleroo ch Paper Co. United Janitors Supply Co. ZeUeroo ch Paper Co. Maydwell & Hartzell westinghouse Electric Supply Co. IGensral Electric Supply Corp. , J 0,8 Cabrera . 73, IPARK FUND: I.<~_ Harris & Schuller ,School District No. 7 i Padfic Telephone & Telegraph ':Co. ,Athletic Supply Co. . City Treasurer March 51, continued , 19~ Phone Service, Pen cils Supplies Lamps FUses Transformers Meters Expense 1450, 260W, 260R Galv. Pipe, Flat Bar March Payroll, Sat. Recreation Program Service 1550M, 1051 Bases, Pitcher's Rubber Postage Y(. I' PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL :FUND: if , If'uget Sound Navigation Co. Frt. Bills 'Janish Motor Co. One Cap J ','There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. 0, (J G. ~~r. City Clerk 4351 98.1611 9.27' 26.42 199.12' 84.46 191.21 754.59 182.98 i I 16.22 65.00 10.571 55.12 .82 I 4.581 .28 5(.L>' \ W ~~~ ~or I ....