HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/31/1952 .~I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 247 March 31 192- "., . ."~" "m" ".,,~,.. ~,.m... ..... ..... The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M. and was called to order by MaYor Feeley. Officers present were: ~'ayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbu'lYani Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications BUILDING PERMITS: t5 3(JtJ. ...0 Peninsula Iron and Metal Co. F. A. Otis for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: Build office on part fill, Townsite Put a cement t~undation under existing dwelling, Lot W 38' of 16, Blk. 70, Townsite $ 500.00 500.00 300.00 3.00 3.00 1.25 L. J. Dare Build garage, Lot 8, Blk. 299, Townsite LICEIlSES: '1 1/-'>- The Villa The. Villa The Villa Restaurant. Music Machine Soft Drink Under the head "f unfinished business, hor Smi. th infll1'llled that the O.uncil elect had met, and due te lack of information concerning construction ef police station, the Council made no definite decisien. Mr. Smith further advised that the Council.does not have a thorough un! erstanding regarding severance charge requested b.r the P.U.D., am it is their wishes that the matter be cleared up before tiling office. Waino Saari spoke regaI'llltJlg construction af pelice statian recommending th at the Commission postpone awarding bid for consideration b.r the Cauncil. Als. that the Governing Body consider remodeling the old building far police station, yauth cent er, and juvenile detention, thereby releasing the property at First and Oak S~reets fer business or industrial use. Commissiener Taylor thought bid award should be postponed another week due to lack of infarmation to the Council. AlSG there should be further discussion with the Council and the Architect should be present when bids are awarded as certain alternates should not be eliminated. Mr. Taylor also questioned the sale Gf bonds if the street improvement bonds are sold prior to jail bonds. AtterneT Trumbull informed that ne legal difficulties appear and cited statutes regarding improvement bonds as permissive and not mandator.r. That the vote was to permit bom issue, and if the Council does not want to issue the bonds, it is their priviledge. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the bid b.r Del Guzzi Brothers for construction of police station and city jail be accepted, with alternates aa recommend- ed by Architect Field. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. Commissioner Taylor advised that he cannot vote under these conditions. On roll call Mayor Feeley and Commissioner Robinson voted Aye. Motion carried. BID TABULATION: $130,000.00 1.600.00 $128,400.00 6.115.00 $1?,a., 285.00 3,668. 55 $125,953.55 Forrest Ott and George T"dd inquired regarding proposed log truck route and complained about terrific noise caused by said trucks onCCherr.r Street. Commissioner Taylor advised that t he Engineering Dept. is getting estimates of construction cost and property necessary to acquire. Chief Ide was instructed te check concerning undue disturpance am safety regulations. Bid Less installation of jail equipment Less alternates 1,3,4,6,9, and 10 Sales tax Joe Hoare spoke regarding bids for replacement .r stairway at First and Laurel Streets suggesting that a survey be considered for cutting dOlm and opening Laurel Street to traffic, and urging that invest- igatian be made before steps are put in permanently. Cemmissisner Taylor informed that the Engineer is figuring. estim. tea ..for cost of both wood and concrete, and if a cut is made, it would not be geod business to inst9.;Ll concrete. Als" that there are possibilities of financing the grade. The Conmisst<>n will consider.'the matter before replacment is made. The fellowing claims were examined, am warrants authorized for p~ent of the SllJ!le: CURRENT EXPENSE: 3;,,/.7( Carpenter's Hall Rental, polling place Larr.r Winters Garage Car service-palice Willson Hardware Car bo;Lt, light globes-police City. Treasurer Postoffice box rent-police Samuelsen Motor Co. Steam cycle-pelice Schreiner Chevrolet Rings and wheel-pellc e Nailer Lumber Co. Lunber and cement-fire Little-Kolm Tire Co. Tires and tubes-Epsy Giles Unit Vannausdle 2d Hand Store Lawn mower and basket-fi re Pacific Tel. and Tel. Phone service, 27.70 police, 44.31 fire 10 .00 4.12 1.27 1.50 4.12 14.23 48.71 164.64 19.18 72.01 /6,/./7 1/500 # Steameff, 3/5 gal. Mulslrex Parts CITY STREET F\lIID: Turco Products Co. Schreiner Chevrolet LIGHr FUND: /~.J. j(, Pacific Tel and Tel. Olympic Tribune J Lyle Beam, Inc. Robert Bamford 130.96 33.21 Phone servic.e Adv. Insurance premium Expense claims 83.16 6.57 4.80 8.63 PARK FUIID: Patterson-Williams Mfg. Co. Merr.r-go-Round 201.96 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Gity Clerk Mayor