HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/01/1936 ,.. 372 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 1, 1936 193_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and Vias called to order by !.lay or Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor ~avis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff and 01erk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session Vlere read and ap?roved. Police Judge, Thos. Geisness, reported 14 cases tried and $127.50 collected in fines for the month of March, 1936. Report ordered filed. Under the head of NeVI Business,- RESOLUTION NO. 'iiHERSAS, the "ashington Pulp and Paper ~orporation is the holder by assignment of a sublease from the ~ity of Port Angeles 9riginally executed in favor of George F. "halen, Trus'tee, the 10th day of "'eptember, 1919, covering certain premises on Ediz Hook; and V,HER~AS, the said "ashington Pulp and Paper Corporation has entered into a memoran- dum of agreement with E. n. Gehrke, Jr., and Louis A. Johnson, co-partners doing business under the firm name and style of Gehrke and Johnson, wh ich said agre emeri t provides for a right or license in the said co-purtnel'ship to erect and maintain as toragc tank on the premises demised in the said lease of lOth September, 1919, at or near the presen t ex- isting storage tanks of said "ashington Pulp and Paper Corporation; and VlliEREAS, there are certain provisions contained and set forth in the said lease of lOth September, 1919, reg,uiring the c6nsent of the City of Port 'Ingeles to any subletting of the said premises; am WHEREAS, a copy of said memorandum of agreement has been exhibi ted to the Commission-, ers of the City of Port .Ingeles and the City "ttorney, and although the said memorandum does not actually create a sub-lease interest in the said Gehrke Bnd Johnson but merely confers upon them a right or privile,ge to maintain their said tank at the sufferanoe of I the said '/ashington Pulp and Paper "orpora tion, yet nevertheless the said lIashington Pulp and Paper Q6rporation out of an abundance of precaution and in order to satisfy any reqUirements of the City of Port "ngeles in connection ;'Iith the gruntin" of s1l-id privi- lege and the maintenance of said tank, desires to oonform to the terms of the' said sub- lease and particularly any requirement thereilJ imposed upon it as assignee, and M,s re- Cluested the ~ity of Port "ngeles to give its consent to the said rie-hts as conferred upon the said Gehrke and Johnson; NOW, THER:'~FORE, BE I'l' RESOLV;i;n that the aotion of the ':hshington Pulp and Paper Corporation in entering into the said memurandum and in c~nferrin5 upon the said Gehrke and Johnspn the right to maintain its said storage tank on the premises desor'ibed in the said sublease of lOth September, ,1919, made VJith George F, rlhalen, Trustee, of which sub- lease Ylashington Pulp and Paper "orporation is n$1 the assignee, be and the same is in all respects approved and the ~i ty of Port "ngeles hereby consen ts thereto. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by c.;ommissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the mmtion carried. A peti tion si611ecl by Ray Bartholomew et als, asking ths. t 8 fire hydrant be placed at 14th and "A" Streets was read and referred to the Superintendent of Utilities and the Chief of the Fire Department. A petition sii'\ned by Ray BartholomeN et als, relJ.ues~in~,; that "B" Street be extenned from 13th to 14th "treet and extend 14th Street to "1." Street, was read and referred to the City Engineer. The ~ommission examined and allovled the following elaims and ordered warrants dra"m for same: CURRENT E:xPENSE FUNll. D. A. Masters Street Department Fred Harnish Duncan & Hanley City Trea\J.urer Miles G. Good"id Albert B. 'Chambers Fire Department L. Howard Seevers R. G. Jose Vick's Body & Fender Shop R. E. Dc.vis S. J. Lutz D. A. !.lasters Wm. J. Conniff Street Department Car Hire Pay roll Haulin~ Lab orers Cedar "ribbing \"Ia ter La bor Typewriting Pay Roll pyrene Speeial Poliee Repairs Expense Account 11 II 25.00 54.rO 3.75 34.56 420.0C 11.70 2.00 102.00 5.60 6.00 23.75 4.25 16.85 9.25 4.25 1095.38 Pay roll S-<l- ) 2' '1-) WATER FUI'J2 Water Department . Al McKnight ILIGHT FUND ~Light Departme nt L. T. Guy Chas Beam Ernie O'Brien S. H. White Pay Roll Garage Rent 860.00 3.00 go" Pay 1:(011 Jani tor Service Garage Ren t Wood Car Hire I j~ 'l ~ 10.'';0.00 5.00 3.00 5.61 35.00 ... I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 1, 1936 193_ 373~ I I I I I 8th St. Bridge Construotion fllnd -r. 8th $t. Bridge Pay Roll There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. 71 ?7J1~ , b~- ~~( .I~~ '\. ' ~ 450.00 ....