HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/01/1942 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~ 393 April 1, 1942 19_ The "'ommission met in regular session at 10 IA.M. and was called to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Beetle, Commissioners Beam and Lind, Attorney Conniff and Cierk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. and Licenses Under the head of Applications for Building PeITllits/the following were granted: I R. Sorenson, build garage, Lot 11, Block 291, Townsite S. A. Oman, build house, Lot 11, Block 387, 10wnsite T. Callahan, Peddler's License, 2 days Harrington & Giles, 5 Card "ables 350.00 3000.00 20.00 25.00 W. F. Phillips, Police Judge, reported 65 cases tried and $636.50 collected in fines for the month of March, 1942. Report ordered filed. Under the head if Reading and Passage of Ordinances the following ordinance passed its third reading and was finally adopted: I AN ORDINANCE setting forth an emergency affecting the public health and safety; requ~r~ng expenditures unforeseen; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants; declaring an emergency making the ordinance immediately effective. It was moved by Commissioner Lind that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of New fusiness, the following Petition for Vacation of certain Alleys was presented: PETITION TO VACATE TO THE HONORABLE CITY COA~ISSION of Port Angeles, Washington: I The undersigned owners of the real estate abuttIng a portion of the alley betYleen Thirteenth and Four- teenth Streets and between Cherry Street and Valley Street in Block 389 of the Government townsite of Port Angeles, respectfully petition that. the portion of said alley from the East line of Lot Fifteen (15) in s aid block West to yPlley Street be vacated and show: That commencing at approximately the East line of said Lot 15 the surface of the g round breaks aYlay into a deep gully and the remaining portion of the alley runs through said gully many feet below grade and it is not feasible to open and improve the same as a thoroughfare. That the undersigned John M. Wilson is the owner of Lots 11, 12 and 13 abutting the South side of the I alley and also lots 8 and 9 abutting the North side of said alley; That Roy S. Jensen is the owner of Lots' 14 and 15 in said Block which abut the South side of the portion of the alley asked to be vacated and also' owns Lots 6 and 7 abutting the North side of said alley, that Lot 10 in said block is owned by Clallam County, having been taken for taxes in 1926 and said lots is of no commercial value. WHEREFORE, your petitioners ask that a time be fixed for the hearing en this petition and that the portion of the alley described be vacated. After duly considering the foregoing Petition the following resolution was introduced: RES 0 L UTI 0 N FIXING TIME FOR HEARING PETITION TO VACATE PORTION OF ALLEY WHEREAS, John M. Wilson end Roy S. Jensen have msde and filed their petition with the City Commission requesting the vacation of the following portion of an alley within the City, to-wit: That portion of the alley between Thirteenth and Fourteenth Streets and Cherry and Valley Streets, which abuts the following the fallowing described lots, to-Ylit: Lots Six (6) to Ten (10), inclusive, and Lots Eleven (11) to Fifteen (15), inclusive, Block Three Hundred Eighty-nine (389) of the Tovmsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and I WHEREAS, mare than two-thirds of the private property owners, to-wit: All of the private property o'mers of the property abutting the portion of alley which is sought to be vacated, have signed the petiti.on except Clallam .county the owner of Lot 10 of said Block 389. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That Wednesday, the 29th day of April, 1942, at 10 A.M. of said day, at the Commissioners' room of the Fire Department Building at Port iAngeles, Washington, at the regular meeting of said Commissioners be and the same is hereby fixed for the hearing, and determination of said petition, at which time all persons having any interest therein may appear or make and file any object- ions thereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to give twenty days notice of the time and place of hearing on said petition by posting as is required by the Laws of the State of Washington, including Sec. 9297 of Remington's Code. It was moved by Commissioner Lind that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Ordinanoes the following Ordinance was introduced, read in full and placed on its first reading: AN ORDINANCE defining "milk" and certain "milk products," "milk producer," "pasteurization," etc., pro- hibiting the sale of edulterated and misbranded milk and milk products, requiring permits for the sale of milk and milk products, regulating the inspection of dairy farms and milk plants, the examination, I grading, labeling, placarding, pasteurization, regrading, distribution, and sale of milk and milk products, providing for the publishing of milk grades, the construction of future dairies and milk plants, the ' enforcement of this ordinance, the fixing of penalties, and declaring an emergency to make the ordinance immediately effective. ~ r- 394 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 1, 1942 19_ - -.. - -- T"'C. ~ IOU""", II!""T\.~ ,TUlOM""" ..'Nt~"._ ~UOO Under the head of New Business: Walter Christensen having assigned his interest in Lots 11 and 12, Block 291, Townsite of Port Angeles,to Rasmus Sorenson, requested in writing that when the contract of sale is completed the deed will be issued to said Rasmus Sorenson. The sale of the above described property was authorized qy resolution dated June 4, 1941, and recorded in VoL 20, Page 306 of Commissioners I Proceedings. There being no objections the City Cleri<: was instructed to issue the deed to said property to Rasmus Sorenson when all the t~rm~ of the sale are completed. Walter Christensen having assigned his interest in Lot 11, Block B67, Iownsite of Port Angeles, to Sivert Oman, requested in writing that when the contract of sale is completed the deed be issued to said Sivert Oman. The sale of the above described property was authorized by resolution dated June 4, 1941, and recorded in Vol. 20, page B05 of Commissioners' Proceedings. There being no objections the City Clerk was instructed to issue the deed to said property to Sivert Oman when all the terms of the sale. are completed. Walter Christensen having assigned his interest in Lot 12, Block 387, Townsite of Port Angeles, to Fred Peterson, requested in writing that when the contract of sale is completed, the deed be issued to said Fred Peterson. The sale of the above described property was aUohorized by resolution dated Jube 4, 1941, and recorded in Vol. 20, page 306 of Commissioners' Proceedings. There being no objections the City Clerk was instructed to issue the deed to property to Fred Peterson, when all the terms cf the sale are completed. George". Palmer and Lena Mae Palmer having assigned their interest in Lots 15 and 16, Block 101, Townsite of Port Angeles to W. H. Bogue, requested in writing that when the contract of sale is completed the deed be issued to said W. H. Bogue. The sale of the above described property was authorized b,y resolution dated January 22, 1941, and recorded in VoL 20, page 240, of Commissioners' Proceedings. There being no further objections the City CIeri<: was instructed to issue the deed to said property to W. H. Bogue when all the terms of the sale are com- pleted. Under the head of Unfinished Business: The City Engineer hsving checked the bids for the purchase of pipe, fittings, etc. opened February ll, 1942, and entered in Vol. 20, page B79 of Commissioners' Proceedings, reported as follows: _1 BIDDER Bids O;>ened February 11, 1 \)t.!.l _ FED&'1iJ. PIPE .iJlD TIll,!: CO. .TOliNS-l!i.llS'lILLE II. G. PURCELL, CRiJlE CO. !':AKE GF PTPE '.l'RllHSITE P"CIFIC srATE.,c; ~i"(JOD I Us. PIPE C: I. i .J.3RICAl C. I. :;. .'12..;.--1 6. 08 _ 2.84U' 3.4!l 1.96. 2.1'1 1.~9 1.60 qO 20 inch ~tPCI> 11 inch ~c,t'D ~O inch ....~ .," 8 inch 1j{6 8 inch .,. ~ () 6 inch .,. (; u 4 inch ;>er lin. ft. ')er lin. ft. ,ar lin. ft. ,er lint ft. ,,-r lin. ft. :,er !in. ft . "ar Un. n. 3.0m5 1.663 .S97 .829 .7765 .59'/5 .448 :5.73? :UZ\ 1'825. 1.319. ~87? .553 .97 .64 1.07 .'10 &,.10 inch cIa's 250 2.20 ,l1 tt ings I i4xlOx20"a Cross, n:)B13 3 HxHxllx8 Cl:<lss. MIlE I 1~l47~4 Tee. BP~ I l4:xl0 Reducer, B14,SlO I 14xB Raducer, 814,138 ~ lOxl07;8x8 Cross. BOOB I lOx6xl~~6 Cross. BDBB 'lO:xlOl<~~ Cross. IlEBD I lOxlOxlO Toe. BBB ..> lOxl0x8 Tee, Bi3II :z. 10:r10x6 To.... BBB , lClt8 Roducer 910.B8 '1. 8 inch ,lues ~ 1 inch Air \I-c1 vas S3.60 42:50 44.00 22.'15 22.'75 25.26 23.60 21. 55 20.65 18.85 18.45 18.20 1.25 31.80 157.:;0 59.50 65.00 42.50 38. '15 43.90 4l.r,o 37.50 31.85 30.60 50.60 17.00 1.95 1'15.00. . 57.CO 57.00 24.75 22.00 28.65 55.76 24.30 2'7~50 25.00 22.00 14.50 1.75 175.00 57.00 57.00 24.76 ~2.00 "a.65 35.n; 24.30 27.50 25.00 22.80 14.50 1.76 Vo.lvca I 20 ineh 3 14 inel1 ~ 10 inch /'1, 8 inch 4- 6 inch -z. 4 inch \ - ----I I 356.20: ; l.54.64 I 81. ?7) I 50.49, 32.67 \ 19.60 "-- 16.00 15.00 16.80 390.64 169.48 8S.68 54.60 41.80 25.08 List 12 305.02 15<' .4,6 ~: '70~ 09 42.08 2?23 16 . 51. List 13 556 . 20 154.54 81.78 50.50 52.3? 19.60 I I , 10 in. 4 Lug 22-"" Benda I ., 10 in. 4 LU{l 455 Bends , ~ 10 tn. 4 Lug U~o Benda I .... 10 in. Univereal to Bell I Mo:pter I ~ 6 in. 4 Lug 450 Esnds 12.65 8.20 .... ~ ~ 1.97 2.07 i 1.46 1. 54 I I .97 1.03 i .63 .67 I I I I I 20t95 36.00 22.70 24.15 22.50 21. 35 11. 55 2.10 63.72 38.25 211.75 14.~ I I I I I April 1, 1942 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ ..... 395 I I I I I d.i.US upe.ueu l.eoruary 11, 1 S42 BIDD1i!i Pacific ~Jd8r Works Sunoly t/arc\Y'F::n C" ~:'LlllCl"'..:3' Univ~r~~_ ! 7.06 I S.'?? i I I I I Rensslaer Valve co. H. D. ~ler l:in: OF PIPE , , i I I I I I I I I ! '7?8:.; 1ou3 VO}Vp.s 20 inch ]leI' lin. ft. 14 inch ]leI' lin. ft_ '10 inch .:>er 1 in. ft. :::; :i.n.:;L. ')8l' j,.il1. 1. t;. 6 inch ,er lin. ft. 4 inch ,or linf. ft. .La incl, ch.es ;;50 2.30 .1..65 1.09 .72 2. ?J. Fit'~ings 14zL~~gC~~ao~ LD3D 14x.l~:d~ Too, EBB .L4~7J n F?~d;'~r'I't'. p' -'! .::1 Ii 14x8 Reducer S1?'-, BB-- lOxlQx8x8 Cross 7 BEER lO:::e;:l~=:5 ::'~OGGt :;::.:.JI:. lOx107.~;:::4 Grec:;, ~nB lOxlC:xlC T\3G I BBB lOxl..):x:-; Tee, BHo l';~':.Laxo Tee) 3DB 263. 00 '78.85 .,n t:'~ ..... . <..Iv i I , i I I I I I I 19.00 I ti~t 12 List 13 Transi tB I i 290. (10 :;AO.OO 307.00 I ii26.00 147.00 134.30 I 56.50 72.20 II M,.ne -:'O.CO i 8~.O() 2(';,.CO l 15.50 15.50 I I I 25..45 (1:4.;.,;q '(8.u;..> ;;'..':.2.0 3::-.0:) 3~.r,;'!) 3c..20 lu.?O 4.95 _.,",..~...... .~!;.a.i.tn.:t:-'-'l ::-.l.;~', ..x.; 8 inch plut~s 1 i~ch Air valves I i I I , I I I i ~ ~~: : ~~~~ ~;~ 0 n;~~~S i 10 in. t1 Lug 11-}0 Bends j 10 in. U:JiV~!"BQi to p:rl.ll ~aantcr I 6 in. 1 L;g 430 tenus . i r~ns j I I 1 I I I i Vtil yes Ust 12 List 13 30b.30 lJ4. L13 'lv.l0 42.10 27.25 16.35 "'i'.... ( L'.'.8t 12IL~'- . 305 _ 32 3:>5.20 ..- 132..46 154.54- 70.09 81.77..... ~';L.Oa 50.49- 2~23 \ 32.67 ~ 15.34 'l.9.60....- "- I;oU lllC!.!. 111 i~:..:. 10 inch 8 inch 6 inch 4 inch 17..15 1~.25 16.~v .Lo.t50 8.10 List 12 :355.00 152.00 75.15 45.10 27.15 15.90 1 by ~mmissioner Lind that the bids to furnish pipe, fittings, etc. for the Water Department as ' be awarded as follows: It was moved shown above, I To Hugh G. PIPE Purcell Co. 90 ft. 3000 . 6400 " 950 " 200. " 200 " 600 " 20. Cast Iron Pipe 14" II tI << 10" S" 61' . 4" 10" @ $5.72 @ 2.84 @ 1.96 @ 1.49 @ .9'7 @ .64 @ 2.20(Class 24,656.BO 514.80 8520.00 12544.00 1415.50 194.00 128.00 250) IB20.00 PIPE FITTINGS J. 14xlOx20xE Cross BBBB 1'75.00 3 14xl4xex8 @ 57.00 171.00 1 14xl4xl4 Tee BBB 57.00 1 14xlO Reducer B14, SlO 24.75 1 14xE S14, BB 22.00 4 10xlOxEx8 Cross, BEBB @ 28.65 ll4.60 1 10x6xlOx6 " , BBBB B5.75 1 lOxlOx4x4 , " 24.BO 1 10xlOxlO Tee, BBB 27.50 5 10xlOx8 . @ 25.00 125.00 2 10xlOx6 , @ 22.00 44.00 1 10x8 Reducer SlOxBB 14.50 2 e Inch Plugs @ 1.'75 B.SO 5 10 " 4 Lug 22~"Bends @ 16.00 48.00 B 10 " 4 II 45- " @ 16.00 48.00 5 10 4 II utO @ 16.00 48.00 2 10 Universal to Sell Adapter @ 12.65 2B .30 2 6 " 4 Lugs 45" @ 8.20 16.40 1,022.60 25,659.90 To Rensselaer Valve Co. VALVES 1 20" Valve B 14" 8 10" 18 8" 4 6" 2 4" B56.20 46B.62 654 .16 908.82 130.68 ~ @ 154.54 @ 81. 77 @ 50.49 @ 32.67 @ 19.60 2.552.68 28 ,211. 58 ~ r" 396 April 1. 1942 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ ll... Motion seconded by Commis ioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants draVlll for same, H. E. Dodge Quick Print Olympic Printery a n Expense Account Supplies Ru bber Bands Receipt Book Premium on Bonds Offic e Rent Service n Nattinger - Levy Co. City Light De pt. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. " II n Appliance Wholeselers, Inc. Fire Department Pa cine Tel & Tel Co. Central Motor Parts Olympic Stationers Angeles Radiator 'hop J. R. McDonald Frank Lindsay 11 II Radio Supplies Volunteer Firemen Pay Roll Service Choke Typewriter Hose Services as dog catcher Salary Expense .Account Clerical Work , Sharrai Parr Marguerite Vane Western Union Telegraph The Stationers, Inc. Spokane Radio Co. Northern Radio Co. Frank Hardwi c k The Fehly Studio Epperson & Sons, Inc. Willson Hardware Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. J. C. Penney Co. King Art & Photo ?Shop James Hardware Co. Knudsons Store Seattle Radio Supply Co. n " " " Telegrams Stencils Radio Supplies If Parts Make Cabinet Supplies Lumber Rope Service Canvas & Thread Map Copies, etc. Brushes, etc. Whistles & elips Radio Supplies n a Leslie Belka Herman Ahl vers Street Department Fire Department " " Salary n Pay Roll It " Extra Men n CITY STREET FUND Thos. H. Guptill C. LeHoy Sarff Central Motor Parts Co. Angele s Gravel & Supply Co. Peninsula FUel Co. Western Tractor & Equipment Co. Peterson Wholesale Hardware Co. City Street Fund Lettering Traffic Standard Filing Saws Shop Work Cement & Lumber Diesel Fuel Parts Hardware Pay Roll WATER FUND City Light Dept. McClellan Hardware Co. C. L. McCarty Central Motors Palme r Supply Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Water Department Rent & Lights Supplies Scrap Bolts & Rods Repairs Fittings . & Tools Pay Roll LIGHT FUND City Water Dept. Homer Black A. W. Ward Chas. E. Beam Olympic Prin tery Westinghouse Electric Supply Light Department Water at Store Garage Rent Car Expllnse n n Supplie s Bushing s Pay Roll LIBRARY FUND Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Service PARK FUND McClellan Hardware & fur. Co. Automotive Parts Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. The De n O. II". Gault Table Air Hose Sand Base Ball Bags Labor CITYWIDE SID~ALK CONSTRUCTION FUND Angeles Gravel & SuPPly Co. Lumber, Cement, ate. 1.1.D. GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer Assessmente (091 47- fort I;).) v; I r 5.07 LOB 5.61 1.29 50.00 50.00 5.40 2.92 6.15 IB8.00 8.10 B.09 67.67 3.09 2S ;00 66.66 6.26 24.00 45.00 5.05 5.98 10.80 1.08 25.75 12.88 lB.SO B4.58 19.9B B7.79 8.24 1.B5 9.42 12.88 4.47 70.00 97.50 135.00 40.00 40.50 I I I 2.B2 2.58 .77 44.24 6.95 7.24 5.52 lOBI. 25 &~ 3&:').. 52.58 1.01 B.40 B7.24 20.94 16.84 270.79 1.90 5.00 10.25 17.00 52.74 .55 B9.78 I I 4.25 Got I~? / 1.55 1.25 9.27 41.57 50.00 17.74 104 .14 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington """Ill 397 April 1, 1942 19_ I There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ?}~ C~t; Clerk 7 </J.fr3 ~ May<:r I I I I I ~