HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/01/1954 I I I I "'. ~, Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 383 April 1, 19_54 ,.,,, . "m,_, ..mo, .m".,", ,"'",,'. "'" .... )The City COWlcil met in regular S'ession at 7:30 P.M., and was called to order by ~or Smith. Rdlll call of officers showed the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilman Brawn, Neer, Sandison, .t'Ol{ell, Wolfe, 'ani. Mcfadden, City Manager Vergeer, Attomey Severyns ani. Clerk Law. ! ,It was. moved by Councilman Powell that minutes -of. the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded Iby COWlcilman Sandison. All 'wted Aye. ~lotion carried. Under the head of unfinished business, bids were opened ani considered for construction of curbs, gut-ters and storm sewers for Eighth ani. C Streets, L.I.D. No. 165 as follows: I' Geroge Madsen Co., $14,646..20 - !ilson alii Simj:lson, 15,929.14 arsen Construction Co., $15,76~.19 , Del Guz2d Bros. Const. Co., $15,983,65 I Kendall Construction Co" $18,521.95 , Albino V. Casilio, $16,439.99 I Pieler Construction Co., $16,175.49 i Miller arxl Rutter Construction Co., $16,541.44 I All bids. were referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and checking after which it was moved by CounCilman Mcfadden that the bid by George Madsen Comp~ for $14,646.20 be accepted and contract awarded. Motion secorrled by Councilman Brown. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. I B1ds to furnish fire trucks for the City And COWlty Fire Protection District were submitted as follows. '~or the Ci~ of Port Angeles: '. - NEI{>ON.~ CO., Seagraye Clalls.A. Model 500 B~, $17,892.80 less $2,500.00 for trade-in Diamond T. N~t, $15,3'2.80 f.o.b. Port Angeles, plus ttate sales tax. THE [;ENERAL FIRE TRUCK CO., Four Star General Model 75-0, 230 H;P., $l6,55.0.61 Lo.b. factory. $16,950.61 f.o.b. Port Angeles plus sales tax. . HOWE FIRE APPARATUS ro., One HO>le Defender Mode11000-A, 230 H.P. delivered at Port Angeles, $17,069.00 Factory delivery, $16,369.00. For 245 H.P. Engj.ne, add $250.00. Will all"", $1,000.00 for Diamond T and sell back to the City for $1.00. Net price $16,069 plus sales tax. . I I HOWARD COOPER CORP., One HO>lard-Cooper K. W. f.o.b. Portlarxl, Oregon, $18,441.48, sales tax to apply. ILess trade-in, 1941llamond T - $2,000.00. Net price $16,441.48 plus sales tax. I . , ' . : L. N. CURTIS & SONS, One Model CX-75, f. o. b. Port Angeles, $18,027.00. -Model CX-75 mounted on I~!C 635-50 chassis, 200 H.P. Engine, $~,771.00. Applicable taxes not included. I WILeO FIRE EQUIPMENT CO., Mack Model Ba5, 225 H.P. $20,110.53, plus sales tax, f.o.b. Port Angeles. ,Same t.o.b. facotry, $19,610~53 less trade-in of $750.00, plus sales tax. Net, $19,360.53 and $18,8'60.53. I AMERICAN-LAFRANCE-FOAMITE CORP., flne American LaFrance "Il1Vader" model Class il, 215 H. P., $19,150.00, 'f.o.b. Port Angeles. Trade-in for 1941 Diamond T, $2,350.00, tax not included. Net, $16,800.00 and ,$16,300.00 f .o.b. factory, $18,650.00, less $2,350.00 trade-in. - I . FEENAU[;HTY HACHINEffi' CO., Mode~ F-750-TFWD Engine, 240 H. P., delivered, $22,795.00 less trade-in 191.1 Diamond T, $2,450.00. If f.o.b. factory, deduct $922.00. Net, $20,345.00 and $19,423.00. i' ' For joint purchase by C1allam County Fire Protection District an~ the City of Port Angeles: . NELSON EQUIPMENT CO., One Seagrave, $18,270.00 less trade-in' of 1943 Ford, $2,000.00. Net F.O.a. Port Angeles, $16,270.00 plus state sales tax. r THE [;ENERAL FIRE TmlCK CO., One Four Star General, Model 75-C, 230 H.P., $16,210.50, add $621.00 for bronze pump. F .O.B. Port Angeles, $17 ~1.50. Applicable taxes not included. I HOWE FIRE APPARATUS CO., One Howe Defender Model 19QO-A, 230 H.P., F.O.B. cars, Port Angeles, $16,929.(1]) Trade-in for 1943 Ford Truck, $l,ooo.OOto sell back to City for ~h.oo. For factory delivery deduct $700.00. ror 245 H. P . Engine , add $250.00. All taxes are applicable. i HOWARD - COOPER CORPORATION, ONE Howard-Cooper Iiiv, $18,720.48, f. o. b. Portlalli, Oregon, or Port flnge1es. Trade-in of 1943 Ford, $2,OQO.00. State tax to apply. I L. N. CURTIS AND SONS, One Model CX-75, $18,193.00, f.o.b. Port Angeles. Same with 200 H.P. engine $14,937.00. Plus taxes applicable. ~ WILeO FIRE EQUIPMENT CO., One Mack Mode1B85, $20,003.26 less trade-in of $400.~, net f.o.b. Port Angeles, $19,603.26 plus sales tax. Same Unit, f.o.b. facotry, $19,103.26 plus sales tax. I AMERICAN LAFRANCE FOAMITE CORP., One American LaFrance "Invader" ~del Class A, 11\19,500.00 F.O.B. rort Angeles. Trade-in allO>lance for 1943 Ford, 112,250.00. Applicable taxes not included. ~ FEENAUGHTY MACHINERY CO., One ~lodel F-750-T, FloJD Fire Engine, 240 H.P., $22,795.00. Trad....in 1943 Ford, $2150.00. Net, $20,645.00. For factory delivery, deduct $922.00. 3% State tax to apply. It was moved by Councilman WoUe that all bids be tabled Wltilthe nm session, when the City and Fire District officials willlhll1le tablated and checked the same. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. 11otion carried. The Council discussed approval of sub-lease between the City and Fibreboard Products, Inc. for Tract No. 6 of Ediz Hook Lighthouse Reservation, fOl'llerly sub-leased by Port Angeles Western Rai.lrGad. Messrs. Hopkins, Erickson and other representatives of PenPly Corporation appeared before the Council and requested that consideration be given their letter of request for application. IYhen asked if they had contacted the Fibreboard regarding mutual agreement for use of the tract, they considered it best to let the Council decide merits of the two applications. Also considered the area sufficient for both to use without difficulties and ~ construction they make would not interfere with Fibreboard installations. Attorney Chamberlin, Counsel for penPly, stated that Fibreboard had enough Ediz Hook and Tideland area. That the City should reconsider an;yformer action taken and lease to PenPly. City Manager Vergeer cited possibility of jeopardizing use of Tidelands by Fibreboard and Crown Zellerbach if Ediz Hook Tract is leased to PenPly. Also that the City will take all precaution necessary to prevent injury to ~ individual or corporation. Councilman Brown did not favor reconsidering I\I\Y former Council action and Councilman Neer inquired as to where PenPly was when negotiations and application were first discussed with Fibreboard. After further dis cussion, it was moved by Councilman Neer that entering into an;y agreement be postponed until the next meeting when the interested parties will have been contacted and (4 I I I~I / /-...... I ,... 384 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington -~ ApriJ , 19.54- r>nn+jnll.r1 ,.<< . .....> ....M. .....,.". ."'"...., ..... ..... a satisfactory .agreement amanged. Motion seconded by C,ou,ncilman Sandison. All Jl1l!Il1bers except CoWlcilman Wolf,e voted Aye. Motion carried. Hanager Vergeer cited cost of maintenance required on the Ediz Hook roS\i and suggested that an adjustment be made in sub-lease rentals recomnending no major increase. .Also infonned that the Bonds for L.I.D. No. 164 have been delivered :.ro project entirely comp).eted, progress t,erm ended. Fuz:ther advised that a culvert is being installed across Marine Drive and urrler the Railroad w.i th co-operation of the Port Comm- ission. That the fill is practically completed and w.ill be open to traffic. Mr. Vergeer explained method suggested by Attorney Tho~gri~o'" ~ereby the City may ~ money from General City Funds to pay part of the cost for purchase of right-of-waor for street improvement. Attorney Severyns assured that no unsunn011tltdlle problems are in evidence. Mr. Vergeer, also stated quotations received for moving buildings from" contenplated right-of-w~ and considered the same sas rllasonable. , , Under the head of W1!inished business, claims paid March 113, in total amount. of $4,407.06 were, presented for approval. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that claims be approved, as paid. Secorxled by Council- man Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Transfer of beverage license was requested as follows: From Port Angeles Salmon Club to Clifford G. S>lain. It was moved by Councilman McFadden, secorxlee by Councilman Brown that the transfer be ap proved. Motion carried. " Claims against Construction Furrls were filed for approval as follows: L.I.D. No. 164 Construction Furrl, to City. Treasurer, Interest on,L.I.D. No. 164 warrants, $1,105.62. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the claim be approved arxl warrant issued in, payment of the ssme, Seconded by COWlcilman. Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 119~3 Street, Improvement Construction Fun<i, Peninsula Herald, ~ublication, $4.00., It was moved by Council- man McFadden that the c:j.aim.be approved and .>larrant issued in pa.vlIIsnt of the same. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted JA"e. Motion carrie4. . . Manager Vergeer announced .that he has received appll<;ai;i,!n :t;rolI! Crown Zellerbach Corporation for purchase of '10,000 Kilowatt energy fr~m the City, this ~eing culmination of .se~eral months negotiation with company Officials. Mr. Vergeer also advised that he is now negotiating with Bonneville Power Administrat- ion for delivery of the po>ler, The ll!pOrt of the Police Department for March was filed for app':ova1. It was mo~eci by Councilman McFadden that the report be approved and placed on file. SecoJ1d~d by Councilman Brown. .All voted Aye. Motion carrfed. . . . . Manager Vergeer. explained a prop.sed agreement between the City and Generlll Engineering Co. of .Seattle wherein the Comp~ would conduct survey of pollution and sewage clisposal with reconnnendations for correction'of any detrimental' cOrxlitions. Survey Would ,have approval of the State Pollution Control . . . Board but the City would not be obligated to commence actual construction~ Cost of the survey is $3~500.00. A seclorxl proposal was furnished by Harstad and Associates at a maximum cost of $4590.00. Cost of survey is provided in the 1954' Budget. It >las movea bY Counci1Jnan Wolfe that the City initiate pollution study 'by the General' Engineering Co. Seconded by Couhcilman Brown and unanimousl;v' carrieil. ' Request by Robert Cahill for refund of $300.00, purchase price for Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, Block 404 Townsite, was referred to the City Attorney. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Q &. ::t:.a<<r. (j City Cletk. Jh~~ MaJror L I I I I