HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/01/1980 :iS2 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 1, 1980 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL I Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager F10dstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk-Caso. M. Cleland, D. Frizzell, R. Orton, P. Carr, A. Rose, R. Rego. Public Present: R. Britton, K. Sweeney, P. Brady, J. Sobieck, Z. Johnson, C. Bennett. III MINUTES Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the March 18 and 25, 1980 meetings. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. IV ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. V LEGISLATION A. Street Vacation: Anderson I 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department outlining the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve Mr. Anderson's request to vacate a portion of the west half of the peabody Street right-of-way north of Vashon street, and opened the public hearing. There were no comments or questions from the audience and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk then gave the Real Estate Committee's report, and moved that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate the established compensa- tion price of 96~ per square foot with Mr. Anderson, with the requirement that the property owner is to provide a seven foot sidewalk along that property for safety reasons. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. B. Rezone: School District No. 121 I. ,( ~ : Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department outlining the Planning commission's recommendation to deny School District No. 121's request to rezone approximately 35,000 square feet at the southwest corner of Second and Vine Streets from PBP to CAD, with the following findings of fact: (ll the proposed rezone would weaken the intent of Commercial Policies NO. 2 and No. 7 by spreading the zone and introducing commercial uses that should be oriented toward First and Front Streets onto the I south side'of Second Street. This would be the first introduction of the CAD Zone that does not cover pre-existing commercial uses and does not abut upon an arterial: (2) commercial activity south of the Post Office would not complement and strengthen the CAD zone to the north: (3) commercial uses would be introduced into a residential area; and (4) there is sufficient commercial land available in the existing CAD com- mercial zone to accommodate growth. Mayor Haguewood then opened the public hearing and requested comments or questions from the audience. During--the discussion which followed, Mr. Roy Britton, 508 East 3rd Street, voiced his objections to the proposed rezone, and Mrs. Z. Johnson, [ 1551 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ,1hal th. PorI Angeles Cily FounclI will hold a public !hearing on April 1. 1980, at [7:30 p.m" 0. ao ooon I 'hereafter ao possible, in the 'counCil Chambers, 134 West' Front Street, to consider at request to rezone op- \ proximateiy 35.000 square I 216 South Vine questioned what type of uses arEfe~t, from PBP (Public I the , , . ' . ,BUildings and Parks), to CAD area ~f ~t ~s rezoned to CAD. Mr. B~ll SerrettqCammercial Arterial E School District NO. 121, advised the Council OfjDilstrict): L ' Lon oCQhon: Soutnw.$t corner f with the subject property and the attempts to s of Second and VineS I.e. IS. or the school-building program. There were no furt e public hearing was closed. Councilman' Buck thel legol Description: l.olS I-~. con- ~l Block 57, C_C _ LeIghton. cur with the recommendation of the Planning Com/! Subdivision of Suburban Lol,E! ap- plication of School District No. 121 to rezone. J~~ge~~" Townsite of Port ~onded by Councilman Duncan. During discussion on the Applicont: ~I ~ Buck stated that a piece of property should not be r, NOpr~~lerty Owner: Same nce the "se11abi,li ty" of that property, especially { All interested parlies may S as a buffer for a residential area as in this Sitl appear ot ~he ~"aring and , ~ express their opinion on this; District should also obtain residential- approval proposal. _, ;led for this area as well as the Planning Commissit Dale: MarGb~I:;:-1980 , :all , . MOrlan C. Parrish for the question, the motion was passed by the ( CHyClerk I LPub,: March 21, 1980 _ Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 9-80 entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 9-80 A RESOLUTION 01 ,he City 0' Pori Angeles setting a he'ar;ng date for a petition to YO cafe Cente r Street between Craig and Campbell Avenues. - WHEREAS. .he owner of interests in reol estate I abutting upon Center Street between Block. 3 and 4, Illinois Addition to ,he I Townsite of Port Angeles, have filed a petilion with Ihe City Clerk to make vocation of said street, excluding the alley portion thereo!; and WHE REAS. said petition appears to have been signed "by the owners 01 more than Iwo-thirds 01 the property abutting upon the parI 01 said street sought to be-vacated; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follOW$: Sec'i on 1. The petilion to make such vacalion shall be heard and determined by Ihis Council on Ihe 61h day of May, 1980. which is nof'"more than .ixty (60) days nor less i ATTEST; Morian C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Croig l_ MHler. ' City Attorney ,~ 1\ A~ p~b~~pril6, 13. 20680 I Section 2_ The CIty Clerk is I hereby directed to give . twenty (20) days notice 01 'he Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on f~ pendency 01 said pelition mission minutes of March 26, 1980. The motion was secon according to Ihe provision. of RCW 35.79.020_ Boardman and carried. PASSED by the Council of 1 IIIe City of Port Angeles this , , hI day 01 April. ''180. Samuel J. Haguewood Mayor CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 1, 1980 v LEGISLATION 1. Cont. I 2. RESOLUTION: VACATION OF CENTER STREET: HANSEN-~- Resolution No. 9-80 I A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate Center I Street between Craig and Campbell Avenue. I Councilman Duncan moved the Council adopt the foregoing by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing de for consideration of this petition, and refer the matterl Commission for a recommendation. The motion was second~ Buck and carried. I 3. RESOLUTION: ALLEY VACATION, DONAHUE Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution Resolution No. 10-80 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate the alley in Block 20, Pennsylvania Park Addition. I 4. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Re by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing da for consideration of this petition, and refer the matte I Commission for-a recommendation. The motion was secondJ Boardman and carried. I I PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Haguewood read the Planning commission minutes of the following action being taken by the Council: A. Shoreline Management Permit: Port of Port Angeles I ~ayor Haguewood scheduled a public hearing date of consideration of this application. 5. SHANE PARK LIGHTING During the March 18, 1980 regular Council meeting, Manag Parks Director Frizzell agreed to meet with residents of C) c: 3 ,),), than .wenty (20) day. nereoft~r. Section 2, T~e City Clerk is "ereby directed to give twenty (20) days notice of the pendency o' said petition according to the provisions of' RCW 35_79.020. PASSED by the Council of the City of PorI Angeles this ht day of April. 1980, Samuel J. Hoguewood Mayor 'I ATTEST ,Marian C. Parrish. , City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craigl_ Miller. City Attorney Pub.: April 13, 21. May ..11, , ''1BO CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 1, 1980 V LEGISLATION I I I 1. Cant. 9IE8-11. om-m 6E/O-m 1691-m (881-m 969(-m (m-m IOOi'llt J>\OJ! SU!IIO:l,(uu3d ! uJnq~SEM !W!W JPimanb!uow 1 .tJJ3d lJl!J~ qq'M u~or SU!'lIleM1naQ-eZ!13 '~p'~ "I'H 353 216 South Vine, questioned what type of uses are being planned for the area if it is rezoned to CAD. Mr. Bill Serrette, Superintendent of School District No. 121, advised the Council of the present situation with the subject property and the attempts to sell it to help pay for the school" building program. There were no further conunents and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Buck then moved the Council con- cur with the reconunendation of the Planning Commission and deny the ap- plication of School District No. 121 to rezone. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Buck stated that a piece of property should not be rezoned' just .,to enhance the "sellability" of that property, especially if the property acts as a buffer for a residential area, as in this 'situation. The School District should also obtain residential-approval of the uses intended for this area, as well as the Planning Conunission's approval. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 2. RESOLUTION: VACATION OF CENTER STREET: HANSEN Resolution No. 9-80 Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 9-80 entitled, thon twe~ty (20) days hli!reafter. Section 2. rl1e City Clerk is hereby directed to give tweflty (20) days notice of the pendency of said petitioll according to tne provisions of' RCW 35.79.020_ PASSED by the Council of the City of Port Angeles this I lstdoyof April. 1980. Samuel J. Haguewood Mayor ~:~~;~c. Porrish, ' I City CI erk I ~:~:~.V~~I:~ TO FORM: " City Attorney e Pub.: April 6, 13,20, " 80 ~~yor Haguewood scheduled a public hearing date of d~ consideration of this application. i ---S~ii~n 2. The CitY Clerk i. ~ ~::~~ {~id:c;:c:,oti~: ofg;;;: Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on fi pendency of said petition mission minutes of March 26, 1980. The motion was secon: occordihg to the provisions of RCW 35.79.020_ Boardman and carried. PASSED by the Council of the City of Port Angeles this 1st doy of April. 1980. Samuel J, Haguewood Mayor A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate Center Street between Craig and Campbell Avenue. 3. Councilman Duncan moved the Council adopt the foregoing by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing do for consideration of this petition, and refer the matte~ Commission for a" recommendation. The motion' was secondJ Buck and carried. I RESOLUTION: ALLEY VACATION: DONAHUE Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution I Resolution No. 10-80 , A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting I a hearing date for a petition to vacate the alley in Block 20, pennsylvania Park Addition. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing R by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a,public hearing d for consideration of this petition,' and refer the matte>! Commission fora recommendation. The motion was secondJ Boardman and carried. I 4. PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Haguewood read ,the Planning Commission minutes of the following action being taken by the Council: A. Shoreline Management Permit: Port of Port Angeles 5. SHANE PARK LIGHTING During the March 18, 1980 regular Council meeting, Manag Parks Director Frizzell agreed to meet with residents of RESOLUTION NO. 9-80 A RESOLUTION 01 the City of Port Angeles setting 0 'he'Or'ing dote for 0 petition. to vacate Center Street between Craig and Campbell Avenues. " WHEREAS, the owner of inte,.ests in rea I estate I abutti.ng upon Cenfer Street between Blocks 3 and 4, ~~;~~~te A~di~~~ ~~gel~s~ f have filed Q petition with the ~:t~a~e;~::t,me:kciud~nc;t;h~ I olley portion the,.eof; and \' WHEREAS, said petition ~ppe~rs, to hove been sig'led by the owners of more than two.thirds of the property abutting upon the part of said 8t,.ee' sought to be vacated; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CI TV OF PORT ANGELES as 'ollows: Sectiofl 1. The petition to make such ~acation shall be heard and dete,.mined by this Council on the 6th day of May, 1980, which is nof'mo,.e then sixty (60) days nor less ATTEST Ma,.ian C. Parrish. City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig L. Mille,., City Attorney Pub.: Ap,.i113, 27, May 4,11, 1980 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 1, 1980 v I I I ,th Co I iihi~ lcD, A'fMHOIH NOJ,SIM Fro AvaNns I"'~ 0 216 South Vine, questioned what type of uses ar~,E~ N_!ld area if it is rezoned to CAD. Mr. Bill SerrettE{Cd School District No. 121, advised the Council oflDi~: with the subject property and the attempts to S~f~ the school- building program. There were no fU~ ~ public hearing was closed. Councilman Buck the-81~ cur with the recommendation of the Planning Co su~ plication of School District No. 121 to rezone. ~o_' by Councilman Duncan. During discussion on the ni' stated that a piece of property should not be r(Np the "sellability" of that property, especially; A a buffer for a residential area, as in this' sitlapp District should also obtain residential-approva~:~6p for this area, as well as the Planning Commissi< 0 for the question, the motion was passed by the ( -Pub__ .............---<; LEGISLATION 1. Cont. 2. RESOLUTTON: VACATION OF CENTER STREET: HANSEN Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title ReSOlution Resolution No. 9-80 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate Center Street between Craig and Campbell Avenue. 1353 . LSL8'~S~ .IlUlu"^,, '0 lnd "WWllnt ,noA 'ADpal r I Anq 01 Afloa, 8'0 8,doed. II J.8UOW 86011IJOW II! op 01 'i..no... ,noJ. 118' al UOld no). .5u,u8^a .tttt-~S~ ,au,n! ~ ,;)Dj~UC:J AI.. DJ 111M. J:eUMQ i el:Jqnop 'WOOJ JliU 'WOOJpeq UI 'IM"I'IJI Illnq.wOI.n, '!1 ..IlUIUa^" WIlO .'D^lJd 0 JOJ J8)jDWpJOMS I -UQ) 81'1' luJD:J Ill'''' JeUMO ~ -WI 01 P"U!DIU,OW ""'1 II,!, ~ 'AlIwOt ,noA Iln. 01 puo J -wo, D 'S8")DldeJH l'; ''S6u!I "1HM I1_IJnoA. punOJJ"' PUDJ -~S~ '0 tttt-~S~ I MOU POO^ BU!lsn M"U '1"'1 SSIW I,uoa . AJols puo,as puo do.... 'II! ~9_--"~~! _.~~ ~.~~~O :1., ~l, Councilman Duncan moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of May 6, 1980 for consideration of this petition, and refer the matter to the Planning Commission for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 10-80 entitled, RESOlUTlON- NO:IO~ A RESOLUTION of tho Ci Iy - :of Pori AJ'gele50 se1fing a I, hearing dale for 0 pe1ition to ..acct" tha allay In Block 20, P.nn5y~..,oniQ Pork Addition. WHEREAS, t~e owners "I interasts in reol es.tote abulling upon the "lIey in Block 20" Penn.ylvoni" Pork Addition, hov. filed 0 petition wit~ th" City Clerk 10 make _..ocation of sold aUey: and - WHEREAS. said pelilion oppears to ha..e been signed by fh. owners of more than !wo-Ihlrds of the property obulling upon ,he alley sought 10 be ..acoted: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'l'HE COUNCIL I ,OF THE CITY OF PORT MANGElES a. follows: ~ Section 1. rf'1e petition to lmOke ,uth vocation sholl be I heord and determined by .hls Council on t~e 2Ot~ day of May. 1980, which is not more. J Ihon II.,y (60) daYI nor les'/ A Ihan twenly (20) day' , hereaftar, r Seclian 2. Th8 City Clerk I, hereby dlr.cled to g;.... twenty (20) doy, nolice of lh.. pend.nq- of laid petition . Dccordil'g to the provl,lons of RCW 35.79.020_ PASSED by t~8 Council 01 Ihe City of Port Angele. this 1st day of April. 1980, Samuel J. Hoguewood Mayor 3. RESOLUTION: ALLEY VACATION: DONAHUE Resolution No. 10-80 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate the alley in Block 20, Pennsylvania Park Addition. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Re by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing da for consideration of this petition, and refer the matter Commission fora recommendation. The motion was seconde Boardman and carried. 4. PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Haguewood read the Planning Commission minutes of the following action being taken by the Council: A. Shoreline Management Permit: Port of Port Angeles ~yor Haguewood scheduled a public hearing date of consideration of this application. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on fi mission minutes of March 26, 1980. The motion was secon Boardman and carried. 5. SHANE PARK LIGHTING During the March 18, 1980 regular Council meeting, Manag ~~~:~ C. Parrish, Parks Director Frizzell agreed to meet with residents of, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: i Craig l. Miller, : City Aflarn"y Pub.: April 13. 27. May ~,11, 1980 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 1, 1980 353 v 1557 , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN j Ithot the Port Ang.I.. CitV f tour>eU will hold a public Ih.aring On Ap,jl I, 1980, at ,7:30 p.m., Or as soon, jln.MOlter a. "",s,I,,,; In'lne , Icouncil C~omt>ers. 134 West 'Front Stre-et. 10 consider 0' request 10 rezone op. I proximate IV 3S,OOO squo....! 216 South Vine, questioned what type of uses arEfe!t from PBP {Public' the ,Buddlngs and Parks) 10 CAD area if it is rezoned to CAD. Mr. Bill SerrettE(Commerclal Arlerlol f School District No. 121, advised the Council Of},Disl'rict\. S h .ion ooo'lon; out waf -corner r~ with the subject property and the attempts to s "'fS.condandVln.Slr..... ,for the school-building program. There 'were no fU~' te Public hearing was closed Councilman 'Buck the legal D...rlptian: lots 1-~, con- . Block 57, C,C, l.igh1on. cur with the recommendation of the Planning Co 'Subdivi.ion of Suburban Lot _ ap- Plication of School District No 121 to rezone. No.2., Townsil.. of Par' '::onded . Angeles. by Councilman Duncan. During discussion on the Applicant; ~I ~ Buck stated that a piece of property should not be r' NOpr~~~rtv Own..r: Sam.. nce the "sellability" of that property, especially; All int..rested parties may S as ~i:~~~~~ ~~~U~d r:~~~e:~~~n a~::id:~t~:l ~:~;~:~=!, :~;: at the ~,:aring an_d '1,'1\ for this area, as well as the Planning Commissii Dote I for the question, the motion was passed'by the ( ~ Pub_: LEGISLATION 1. Cont. I 2. RESOLUTION: VACATION OF CENTER STREET: Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 9-80 'a~ow liMa II!M ^I!WOj 4 alII aq Plnoo awoll ijOJO wOlsno 'POOllJoq IMO Si! a~ow IIJM SllOOI 50105 9111 WOJj asnOll Hd OM! puo 'Aeuw!lIo I ~sOlllOajq pa!UOoloq VI sallonol ao!u ^IID!~ pUO 'WOOJ AlIl!ln.pnw W04 woolpaq aaJ41 0 'JaUO ~I 'seW04 J96JOI ! OIU! palj~od i.J!lIQD^!1 ) 'ij 'bs 0091 S!41 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate Center Street between Craig and Campbell Avenue. I Councilman Duncan moved the Council adopt the foregoing by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing d for consideration of this petition, and refer the matte Commission for a recommendation. The motion was second Buck and carried. 3. RESOLUTION: ALLEY VACATION, DONAHUE Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution N Resolution No. 10-80 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate the alley in Block 20, pennsylvania Park Addition. '" .... Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of May 20, 1980 for consideration of this petition,' and refer the matter to the Planning Commission for'a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 4. PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Haguewood read the Planning Commission minutes of March 26, 1980 with the following action being taken by the Council: A. Shoreline Management Permit: Port of Port Angeles I ~aYQr Haguewood scheduled a public hearing date of April 15, 1980 for consideration of this application. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file ~he Planning Com- mission minutes of March 26, 1980. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 5. SHANE PARK LIGHTING During the March 18, 1980 regular Council meeting, Manager Flodstrom and Parks Director Frizzell agreed to meet with residents of the Shane Park area 354CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 1, 1980 V LEGISLATION 5. Cont. to discuss the proposed Shane Park lighting project and general park problems. During this meeting, Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell advising the Council of the issues discussed with the Shane Park residents and possible solution to these issues. Mr. Frizzell also suggested an additional meeting with the residents and representatives from the various softball groups. One of the main issues to be discussed, Mr. Frizzell informed the Council, was the parking problem on both "G" Street and 6th Street, which may be in- tensified by the lighting. The Council, Manager Flodstrom and Parks Director Frizzell discussed this matter at length, as well as the solutions offered: (1) the existing parking lot will be expanded and improved by the City: (2) total street parking restrictions; (3) some street parking restrictions with temporary time restrictions: and (4) time restrictions only. The Council also briefly discussed the pos- sibility of a special parking permit for residents. The discussion concluded with Mr. Frizzell informing the Council that a recommenda- tionwill be made to the Council following additional meetings with the Shane Park residents and softball groups. I 6. DOWNTOWN L. 1. D. PROJECT Mr. Ken Sweeney and Mr. Bob Leach, representing Clark and Associates, were present at this meeting to submit the Downtown LID plans and estimates. Following a brief update by Manager Flodstrom on the EDA funding for the project, Mr. Sweeney reviewed the engineering designs for the proposed improvements, and-answered questions from the'Counci1. One subject which was discussed at length was the maintenance costs for the proposed planters. The Council and Parks Director Frizzell discussed the minimum six year "life" of the planters and the cost to maintain and possibly replace them, and the possibility of the formation of a downtown development association, similar I to the Downtown Parking Association, which would budget funds to the City for beautification and maintenance in the downtown area. Other subjects discussed included location and number of 'planters, what percentage of the total project cost will be spent for the planters (approximately 10%), the need to stimulate use of the downtown area, and the expense involved in watering the planters. The discussion concluded with Manager Flodstrom stating that bids will not be awarded until figures are obtained on the cost to maintain the planters, and assurance is received on the EDA grant. 7. COUNTY JAIL FACILITY Mayor Haguewood read two letters regarding the County and City jail facilities. The first letter was from the Board of Clallam County Commissioners requesting that the County's contract with the City to house County prisoners be termina- ted effective September 1, 1980 - hopefully the County's new jail facility will be ready for occupancy by that date. The second letter was from Manager Flodstrom and concerned the State Jail Commission's 1980 jail inspection re- port on the City jail. Briefly, the report requires that the City meet thirty-three separate conditions prior to May 19, 1980 if the City continues in the jail business for any extended period of time. Manager Flodstrom stated in his memo that termination of the City-County Jail Contract would lessen the City's liability by removing the county's prisoners (a majority of the inmates) from the City jail. County Commissioner Harry Lydiard was present at this meeting to answer any I questions from the Council in regard to the opening of the County detention facility. Commissioner Lydiard briefly explained the present situation with ' the facility, and pointed out that all phases of construction will be com- pleted by June 1, 1980. Additionally, Sheriff Kernes plans to appoint a Jail Administrator by July 1, 1980. Mr. LydiaI'd also outlined the State's standards and requirements which the County is attempting to meet in order to obtain funding for the facility. Manager Flodstrom then suggested that the County's letter be sent to the State-Jail Commission, indicating the situation which exists and the speed at which the County is proceeding, and possibly gain relief for the City as well as some additional support for the County in terms of the commitment of state funding. The Council and Com- missioner Lydiard concurred with Manager Flodstrom's suggestion. CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 1, 1980 '355 V LEGISLATION 8. MEETING DATE: NORTHERN TIER NEGOTIATIONS Mayor Haguewood scheduled the next negotiation session with Northern Tier on Tuesday, April 8, 1980 at 7:00 P.M. 9. RESOLUTION: EDA GRANT FOR DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT I Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 11-80 entitled, Resolution No. 11-80 A RESOLUTI0N of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing and directing the City Manager to sign and submit a final grant appli- cation to the Economic Development Administration. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried with Councilman Duncan abstaining. lO. REQUEST TO CLOSE LAUREL STREET Councilman Polhamus moved the Council authorize except for the alley, for a Boat and RV show on Loggers Appreciation Day on September 27, 1980. Councilman Duncan and carried. the closure of Laurel Street, April 12 and 13, 1980, and The motion was seconded by 11. APPOINTMENT: CHAIRMAN OF CENSUS PROGRAM Mayor Haguewood appointed Councilman Buck as Chairman of the 1980 Census Program in Port Angeles. I 031411 NOTICE OF CAll FOR IIIDS City of Port Angeles, , light Deportment. i NOTICE is hereby given i thaI sealed bids will be I received by the City Clerk'l City 01 Port Angeles, 140 West Front Street, P ,0. Bo)( I \ \50, Port Angeles, Washington 98362, until 2:00 , P.M. March 76, 1980, ond that the City will reje<:t all bids I 1, received after the scheduled , c105~n9 time and date. The bids will be opened publicly Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bj at that time lor lurnishinglhe urplus transformers to the h' h b'dd R E1 t' ~Iollowing equipmenl and/or h' h l.g l. er, oss ec rl.( material: l.g bid of $17,989.50. The -motion was seconded b'} SALE OF 7400/4160 . nd carried. :~~j;~Or 4411:gmgg 240f 480V USED POLE TYPE; DISTRIBUTIDN TRAN'I SFORMERS. , Bid specifications may be t , d h ' d" obtained Irom the light, Councl.l-man Hordyk move t e Councl.l awar bl.dsDeportment office at 240;0 the low bidder, with the exception of No. 3 which \West Front Street, Port for t' P I' D t ' t ,Angeles, Woshington, 9B367, d not mee l.ng 0 lee epartmen reqUl.remen s, an A certilied cheel, or bid an 16 to the next lowest bidders meeting bid specrbond lor 10 percent 01 the tion d ' 1 ,'amount of t~e bid shall oc. as seconde by Councl. man Buck and carrl.ed. Tlcompony each bid, All bids as follows: ,ore to include delivery F,O.8. IPort Angeles, Washington. . . _._~ ..0 8ids will be opened and a. 3/4 Ton Truck, Light Department: Award birtobulated for the City Council 11 , , '$5 :!or considerotion by said Plerre Ford, wl.th a net bl.d of ,838.25. touncil in session TUESDAY ~PRll1, 1980. ' Department: A' The Council reserves the lder, of $17,002.05. right to consider delivery I . 'ime and to accep' or to reject Department: Refh':recl.oll bids 0, ony pori : The unit price sl1ol1 pre....ail Award bid to lO"nd the City reserves the Ford, right to correct any ex~ tens.ions or improper sale$. Truck," Street Department::'" ''Award-'b~xb~~Morch 16A980. with net bid of $5,855.71. L..- - ----,~- ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA VI None. VII FINANCE 1. C0NSIDERATION OF BIDS A. Sale of Surplus Distribution Transformers B. Equipment 'I b. (3) Mid-Size Sedans, Police Murray Motors, with net bid c. (3) Compact Sedans, Police 1/2 Ton Van, Engineering: with net bid of $6,609.00 d. e. 1/2 Ton Motors, urray f. (2) 4-5 Cubic Yard Dump Trucks, Street Department: Award bid to low bidder, Anderson Ford, with net bid of $37,499.00 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 1, 1980 ()55 V LEGISLATION 8. MEETING DATE: NORTHERN TIER NEGOTIATIONS Mayor Haguewood scheduled the next negotiation session with Northern Tier on Tuesday, April 8, 1980 at 7:00 P.M. 9. RESOLUTION: EDA GRANT FOR DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT I Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title ResoJ-ut-eic'ln, N"'--l.l_-B!l~entit1ed, "'1011l!M JeIlO> IU!! "41 000'9,! Ilsn! 101 1001 OOlXOS 0 uo d04 I,no S1s!Aqqo4 JO ""'1,nJ! no) '4SDJ JOJ '''JnO:'l-i!P IW'-, A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the Ci tj "4' S! '\41 ''''U''!U''^UO> puo A~ Port Angeles authorizing and directing the i ,poJ5 0 pUO 'uope, 4\MOJ5-p. ,"ello A1J,,"oJd "41 UO!IIPpl Manager to sign and submit a final grant apl and 411M poo~ U"!J9,O "41 dn cation to the Economic Development AdministJ ' jPUO UJDq 601 'S&JJD 9^!f !:^E Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the fori Aqqo4 10"P! "41 uo 5u!, · U!eS read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was secoI 'OOO'olt. ,,,,015" 10"J IDPJSWUPolhamus and carried with Councilman Duncan abstaining, 'UOIID!,,,,ddo slc"peJ)u,! S41 ADI I 04 a:)uo4' JnoA S! S!41 jO pJoa ~ EU911M ~uawpcdo ~!un ~l.I6!&-~ . uo s~ol peu()t.AIID~::uawwo' Iii ~ o()Ol;'9h . JeMod pUD J&4DM 4'!~ tl uo 5u!,UO'1 SJ)D psAs^,os 0 l Street, AI 'oOO'ollo 'SI!O, and ""ow PUD 'W?"SIU! 's,O\d,"'hded by -JoB 0 'S"4loq snO!Jn-xnl II. t Dl,; J.9IJO PUD Joq JSM 14I!M WOOJ ::l e6uoJ Jrv.uuef 'Jo~'DdwoJo \j "l:6noJ\.fJ enuHuO' noJ. sv "jS S04 1"^SI'''lqnop 'II -bs ODS'. AJI\JS pe.JoJJ!W ,pal~D~UJ _&41. -~~ .,.-r4!1c sus ,. . ;<i.rt ~ \ L...:...J Resolution No. 11-80 10. REQUEST TO CLOSE LAUREL STREET Councilman Polhamus moved the Council authorize except for the alley, for a Boat and RV show on Loggers Appreciation Day on September 27, 1980. Councilman Duncan and carried. 11. APPOINTMENT: CHAIRMAN OF CENSUS PROGRAM Mayor Haguewood appointed Councilman Buck as program in Port Angeles. I VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. VII FINANCE 1. CON~tDER.ATiON OF BIDS A. Sale of Surplus Distribution Transformers Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bid for the sale of surplus transformers to the high bidder, Ross Electric, Chehalis, with a high bid of $l7,989.50. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and ca,rried. B. Equipment Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award bids No. 1 through 14 to the low bidder, with the exception of No. 3 which should be rejected for not meeting Police Department requirements, and award bids No. 15 and 16 to the next lowest bidders meeting bid specifications. The motion as seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. The bids awarded are as follows: I a. 3/4 Ton Truck, Light Department:-"'Aw"iritbid to low bidder, Bill pierre Ford, with a net bid of $5,838.25. b. (3) Mid-Size Sedans, Police Department: Award biq to low bidder, Murray M.otors, with net bid of $17,002.05. c. (3) Compact Sedans, Police Department: Rejec~ed. d. 1/2 Ton Van, Engineering: Award bid to low bidder, Anderson Ford. with net bid of $6,609.00 e. 1/2 Ton Truck,"' Street Department :+'''Award'''bid to low bidder, Murray Motors, with net bid of $5,855.71. f. (2) 4-5 Cubic Yard Dump Trucks, Street Department: Award bid to low bidder, Anderson Ford, with net bid of $37,499.00 356 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April I, 1980 0226C NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS Notice i:!'i hereby given ,hat ~ I sealed bids will be received h. by the City Manager 01 the I City of Port Angeles al J~O W. ! Front SIreel of said City untill 2:00 p_m. March 14, 1980 lor i. fur~ishing the following I equipment and/or material: ~ ; (ALL EQUIPMENT TO BE NEW AND LA TEST 1911!l MOEOLS) lOne (I) new 1980 ,(, Ian I pickup truck-Lioht ' One (1) new 1980 Cab k. and Chassis, 27.500 G,V.W._ I light One (I) new aerial I monlift with service bady- Lighl Two (2) new Cob and Chassis. 27.500 G.V.W.L.N, . 7000 or equa !-SIreet Two (2) ~-5 yard dump beds-Slreel _ One (1) new and lotest 1980 molar groder-Streel One (1) new 1980 Campaction Raller-Streel One (1) new utility body wtth $uper-structure-Stree1 One (1) new ~. Ion cob ond chossis-Street 1 One (1) new Cab and Chassis, 35.000 G.V.W" C., 8.000 or equal.Solid Wasle One [I) new packer bady for refuse oolleclion-Solid. Waste One (1) new Van equc,1 10 Dodge 200 S.W.-' Engin..ring One (1) new 19c1O Cab and Chassis one-ton-Water One (1) new iranI end laader-Water I One (1) new 1111 troiler. Central Heating System: Police Department 18,000 pay lood-Water One (1) new Yt t-on pickup-side S1ep-Street Three (3) new compact co rs or three (3) new m fd-size cars-Police- Sid sheets. specifications and instructions. are available from Martan Parrish, Pe.... sonnel D~rector. P.O. 80x l' 50. Part Angeles, Was~lnglon 98362 (206.457. 0411. Ed. 117). Sealed bids should be I mailed 10 David Flodslrom 'I. D. NO. 204 City Manager. P.O. 80x 1150: 140 West Front Streel. Port Angeles. WA 98362, Ou !sIde 01 Envelope must be clearly marked: Vehicle Bld- Opening Dale: Morch 14, )980_ All bids shall be opened ond tabulated for the City CouncH with (J r.Com- mendalion attached for consideration by said Council in session March 18, 1980. A certllied check or 'bid band lar 5% of Ihe amount bid shall occompany each bid. All bids to include delivery F.O.8. PorI Angeles, Washlnglon. The City Cauncil reserves 100 right to consider delivery time and to occopl or reject any or' 011 bids or ony part thereof. IT AGENDA DAVID T. FlODSTROM I I CITY MANAG~ I;ub. Feb. 26, March 2. 6. '9. ..lman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent 112,1980. I including Vouchers Payable of $536,094.50, LID's of $51.25, and payroll of $149,815.85. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. Items listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows: VII FINANCE _'1. Coi1t. g. (2) Bids for Dump Trucks, Street Department: Award bid to low bidder, Truckweld Equipment Co., with net bid of $15,441.20. Motor Patrol Grader, Street Department: Award bid to low bidder, Smith Tractor & Equipment Co., ~ithnet bid of $55,431.25. Utility Body for pick-Up Truck, Street Department: Award bid to low bidder, Otelco Manufacturing, with net bid of $2,971.57. I j. Truck Cab & Chassis, Solid Waste Department: Award bid to low bidder, Anderson Ford, with net bid of $28,522.45. Packer Body for Garbage Truck, Solid Waste to low bidder, Cascade Compaction Systems, $23,491.64. Department: Award bid Inc., with net bid of 1. 1 Ton Cab & Chassis, Water Department: Award bid to low bidder, Gilchrist BMC, with net bid of $6,660.87. m. Service Body for 1 Ton Cab & Chassis, Water Department: Award bid _to low bidder, Utelco Equipment Co" with net bid of $3,069.50. n. Front End Loader, Water Department: Award bid to low bidder, Smith Tractor & Equipment Co., with net bid of $27,905.61. o. Tilt-Trailer for Front End Loader, Water Department: Award bid to lowest bidder meeting specifications,- Caldwell Machinery Co., with net bid of $7,046.94. p. Compaction Roller, Street Department: Award bid to lowest bidder meeting specifications, Sea-West Equipment Co., with net bid of $6,522.82. The total of the bid awards is $249,897.86 and this amount is within 1980 budget guidelines. I Councilman Quast moved the Council award the bid for conversion of the Police Department building heating system to the low bidder, Angeles Electric, with a bid of $12,461.00, on the condition that once the project is started it will continue without delay so that the jail section shall not suffer from lack of heat or hot water for an undue period of time. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. kncilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize payment of $14,839.03 to J.D. btwell Company, as the fifth, March estimate of work done and materials nished by said contractor on L.I.D. No. 204, 14th and "K" Streets, as tified by City Engineer Andrew Rose in his Certification letter dated ch 28, 1980. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. TENSION OF SEWER LINE: AHLVERS RD. I ~nci1man Quasb.move~~theCouncil concur~wi.th,~tpe.r~cornmendation of.the ;blicWorks'Department and reject all bids-for'~tension~of'the sewer- ne on Anlve~~since both,bids re~re -10% over the,preYi~inary \lmate, and '-rebid the project; -The motion-,wa-s.secorided by Councilman jlhamus and carried. I l. Authorize payment of $23,803.33 to Henkles & MCCoy, Inc. for the Marine Drive reconductoring. IIONII E8EI-1II ~LSO~lII (LI-ISI ldAl!J~~Jl!W awoJSuelB e!3Joa~ aUU~MRU!lS.tJ4:) auoH'JW~JJe, :11V8 S~NINJ^J g. (2) Bids for Dump Trucks, Street Department: Award bid to low bidder, Truckweld Equipment Co., with net bid of $15,441.20. h. Motor Patrol Grader, Street Department: Award bid to low bidder, "Smith Tractor & Equipment Co., with net bid of $55,431.25. i. utility Body for Pick-Up Truck, Street Department: Award bid to low bidder, Utelco Manufacturing, with net bid of $2,971.57. j. Truck Cab & Chassis, Solid Waste Department: Award bid to low bidder, Anderson Ford, with net bid of $28,522.45. k. Packer Body for Garbage Truck, Solid Waste Department: Award bid to low bidder, Cascade Compaction Systems, Inc., with net bid of $23,491.64. I Int. 'OOO'6S, 'ouo I!nq DJ~Xa UD JOIIO!)UaIOd 4. U! oJ,no}, a)j!l 19a* lnq 1. 1 Ton Cab & Chassis, Water Department: Award bid to low bidder, Gilchrist BMC, with net bid of $6,660.87. m. Service Body for 1 Ton Cab & Chassis, Water Department: Award bid to low bidder, Utelco Equipment Co" with net bid of $3,069.50. n. Front End Loader, Water Department: Award bid to low bidder, Smith Tractor & Equipment Co., with net bid of $27,905.61. o. Tilt-Trailer for Front End Loader, Water Department: Award bid to lowest bidder meeting specifications, Caldwell Machinery Co., with net bid of $7,046.94. p. Compaction Roller, Street Department: Award bid to lowest bidder meeting specifications, Sea-West Equipment Co., with net bid of $6,522.82. The total of the bid awards is $249,897.86 and this amount is within 1980 budget guidelines. I B. Central Heating System: Police Department Councilman Quast moved the Council award the bid for conversion of the Police Department building heating system to the low bidder, Angeles Electric, with a bid of $12,461.00, on the condition that once the project is started it will continue without delay so that the jail section shall not suffer from lack of heat or hot water for an undue period of time. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 2. L.I.D. NO. 204 Councilman Hordyk moved -the Council authorize payment of $14,839.03 to J.D. Shotwell Company, as the fifth, March estimate of work done and materials furnished by said contractor on L.I.D. No. 204, 14th and "K" Streets, as certified by City Engineer Andrew Rose in his Certification letter dated March 28, 1980. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 3. - EXTENSION OF SEWER LINE: AHLVERS RD. COlln~i1man Quasb.moved~Ehe Council conc~~wi:th~tpe_recommendatibn of~the Public Works'J;Jepartment' and reject all-bidsfo"...extensiori~of.the sewer line on Ahlve~R~since both bids re~re '10% over the preliminary - estlmate, and 'rebid the project. -The motion was-seconded by Councilman I Polhamus and carried. VIII CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $536,094.50, LID's of $51.25, and Payroll of $149,815.85. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. Items listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows: l. Authorize payment of $23,803.33 to Henkles & McCoy, Inc. for the Marine Drive reconductoring. CITY COu~CIL MEETING April 1, 1980 357 VIII CONSENT AGENDA 2. Authorize payment of $625.12 to Hart Crowser & Associates, Inc. for soil investigation on the Tumwater Bridge Project. 3. Authorize payment of $50,599.71 to General construction for the Municipal pier project. I 4. Authorize the Public Works Department to call for bids on the Downtown LID project (LID No. 203). 5. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of a transfer of license from Richard D. and Diane L. Cesario, dba First Street Haven, to Diane L. Nagler; a transfer of license from Mary G. Selrnes, dba Port Angeles Pub, to william A. Long, Richard L. Granum, and John A. Christensen: a transfer of license from Salt Chuck Fish Company, Inc. to William W. Smith, dba pier Inn Restaurant. VIX LATE ITEMS None. X STAFF REPORTS Mayor Haguewood: Read a letter from Barney McClure, Chairman of the Alliance of Mayors from Jefferson and Clallam Counties, to Fred Peil, Assistant Secretary for Marine Transportation, stating that the traffic service to this region is inadequate, and requesting a complete and comprehensive status report on the Hood Canal Bridge Project. Councilman Quast: Questioned Manager Flodstrom as to when the turn indicators are repainted on the streets. I Councilman Duncan: Called the Council's attention to a letter in the packet from Senator Magnuson regarding the EDA application for the Downtown Improve- ment Project. Manager Flodstrom: Announced that he will be representing the City at the American Public Works Conference from April 2 through 4th and Finance Director Orton will be Acting City Manager in his absence. XI ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. to an Executive Session. I ~ e.iZ~ City Clerk ' l- - ~c '---' Noffee i~ hereby given thot ; $eo~ bids will b. received by.the City Manager of the City of Port Angeles a1140W. Front Street of said City until 7,00 p.m, March 14, 1980 lor fur~ishillg the following equipment and/or moterial; Conversion of the Police Building Centra' HeaHng System From Q Dieset Fired :::~;iC 1:f~:~ to Q Modern l Bid sheets. specifications and I instructions are available 'rom Morian Parrish, Per- I sonnel Oi,ec,or, P.O. Box: 1150, Pori Angeles Washington 98367 (7~-457: 0411,E",_II71- , Seoled bids should be mo;led I to David Flods'trom, City: Manager, P_O. Box 1150. 140 I Wesf Front Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362, Outside' of Envelope must be c1eany marked: Police Heating System Bid - Openirl9 Dote: Morch 14. 1980_ . A certified check or bid bond for 5% of ,he omoul1t bid shall accompany each bid. All bid$ to include delivery F.O.B. Port Angeles. Washington. The City Council reserves the '!ght to consider delivery time and to accept or reject Ol"'ty or all bids or any port .hereof. David T. Flods.trom (t'\ty Manager Mor<~ 4,1.9,10,1980 ~N,,/Jt~ ....-!<ayor U