HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/02/1947 I I I I ,I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 331 ", !lnril 2. I9~ "'''~''''ij_'...'TU.''A'_.IlINT''''' 1.l77e ~ II The Commission met in regular session at 10 :00 A .1'L, and was called to order by t:aJ'or Epperson. Roll call ..1 . of officers showed the following present: l~yor Epperson, Con~issioners Johnson and Steele, Attorney ~Wilson, and Clerk Law. iNinutes of the previous session were read and approved. i Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: ,I -&l o() I' Building Permits: /~ 5"(')0 L.,H. White . Remodel Building; Lot 18, Blk. 22, N. R. Smith Add. Fred J. Harnish Repair Front Porcll & Foundation; Lot 17, Elk. 551, Tovmsite "Rul;>en O. Ide Remodel--Put on Porch & Repair Garage; Lot 1, }31k. 252, Townsite I' J ..Del Guzzi Build Re"idence; Lot 2, Blk. 225, Townsite ,Harry Cohen Build Drive-way into Lot; Lot 18, Blk. 14, Tormsite Rol;>ert J. Ylilbur ouild 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 5, 3lk. 504, T01ffisite Trgy Hurry !Juild Garage; Lot 14, Blk. 102, Tovmsite Bertram V. Pierce Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 5, Blk. 204, Townsite Fred PennoJrer Finish up Room in Second Storyj Lots 3-4J Blk. 418, Tmmsite Lipenses: .s 7 _()tJ Elite Beauty Shoppe One Beauty Chair I Port Angeles Beauty Salon Three Beauty Chairs, Two Years 550.00 I 250.00. . 550.00 I: 6,000.00 200 .00 900.00 1 250.00 6,000.00 200.00 1.00 6.00 'I Unqer the head of unfinished business J the City Zoning Ordinance was discussed. Er. Reiners) representing the Planning Cornnission, requested that final reading be postponed. Letters from the Planning COITc':lissicn anq R. D. ~ailey opposing immediate adoption of Ordinance were read and ordered filed. The City Commission ag,eed to meet with Planning CO:ll~ission April 8th, before final reading of Zoning Ordinance, which may be I at next session. Letters fram tne Planning Commission and Library Board reccuesting the .City to buy Lot 6, in,Block 55, .bewg lot east of Library, "rere read and ordered filed. Er. Fanning requested in writ.ing, permission to remove t.rees in street next to his property. Request filed I IWi~h City Engineer. , Pursuant to bids published to furnish pipe for the riater Department, one bid was submitted by Johns-Eanville' . Co,p. for ";5,895.00. It was noved by COE:missioner Johnson that the bid be accepted. Seconded by ~ia;y"or I 'I' Epperson. All members voted Aye. l:otion carried. I: 1 r ":"'I'HI': '1'(1 lIIuin;u!'i . "l)l~ot~~rl1l}lt)~,et~:~"'~~If.:,~;enh~~h~L<:~Cljie Under the head of new business, COITL-:tissioner Steele requested that bids be ~t~~e O['i::Olil~~II~~;~~~".]:~:~!'1~lilW';.t;l~; published to fu.rnish the Light Department a four-door sedan equipped with standard; ~'~i~~~~\~1~;: ~l:~-IIII)I~~l;]\i.II~~~~'t;l':!ld~~~d accessory group and spars tire and tube, heater and defrosters. Bids to be opened I ~~~(~,~~.o~{~'lcfl~?elf]t~;,~~~~!~~ ~}h~ ,~~~lllltl~lY;~ April 16th. It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the call for bids be published. ~~~~d'eb{Js~.e~ the rJght to reject any Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All members voted Aye. ~:he motion carried. I fit;:' C~'e-~.1~~' ! ~/\Jlrll 4, 11. 1947,.__ .,A. . Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following OrdinaGce was jpaqsed third and final reading and finally adopted: I OPlJINAN CE NO. 1180 I AN' ORDIl!A1,CE Relating to and regulating traffic and travel and their incidents upon the streets, avenues, al],eys and public highv/ays of the City of Port Angeles; providing for vehicle equipment and devices and the inspection thereof; limiting and restricting certain uses of the public highway of the City; prescribing roles of the road for vehicular and other traffic on the public highways of the City; providing for the conduct in the event of '-8hio1e accident and for making reports thereof; prescribing the powers and duties of peace officers and other persons in relation thereto; defining offenses; providing penalties; repealing certain ordinances relating to the subject of this ordinance; saving certain acts performed; providing far the adoption by ordinance of the Washington totor Vehicle Act and amendments and additions thereto, being ChBpter 189 of the Session Laws of 1957, and amendments and additions thereto; and declaring an emergency. It was mOved by llayer Epperson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final readi.ng and adopted. I Se~onded by COlfJnissioner Johnson. On roll call, all members voted Aye. The motion carried. 'I , Under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City, the following two resolutions were introduced: Donald J. and Ivor Smith Lots 6 and 7, Elk. 54, Townsite iDavid A. and eayjne S. Clark Lots 1 and 2, Elk. 2, Evans SuM. of Sub. Lotp~~t J[~~hg~/'\fa~fi. 2,500.00 175.00 It was moved by Conmissioner Steele that the foregoing resolutions be Rpproved and th~ property sold. Seconded by !.iayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. l'.otion carried. , I The Conunission examined and approved the i'ollmving claims and ordered Ylarrants is sued in pa;yment of ,CURRENT SXPENSE FUND: 3.f''l/1 Thos. Geianess Puget S011Dd llavigation Co. I Bill Galla cei James W. Caven Pl~~bing & Heating Southern Jobbing House, Inc. 1 Tide Water Associated Oil Co. ,City Light Dept. 'Hazel's Cafe the 5 ~JI: ~:~~ Ii 9.52 , 2.50 ' 141.41 I so.oo I 175.40 ~ 13.22 ), 187.51 ,I 2.55 ' 5.15" 30.581 'I 59.94 I 8.06 , .86 Police Judge Pro Tern Frei5ht Art Work on ~JChODl Sign,'3 One Basin Faucet and Labor Rubberized Sateen Hed Cover Gasoline Office Rent Eeals for Prisoners CITY STREET FUND: ...<.3?, t' / James W. Caven PlUmbing & Heating Tide Water Associated Oil Co. City Treasurer I, Hankins Len Store Automotive Parts Service One 2" Gate Valve Gasoline Express Charges :0 Rubber Coats Parts VlA1'ER FUND: ..(.z 3 .f' / Light Dept. ' Hersey tfg. Co. (J.:ass.) Puget Sound IJavigation Co. J. c. Penne~l Co. Rent and Lights l~eter Parts Prepaid Freight lJoots 69.17 ..... ,.. 332 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ April 2, continued, PARKH:G J'ETER & TRAFFIC CONTP.GL HiND: .:(?~ .;>'3 Felix Ciallacci - Car :.:ileage for Larch i:Westinghot1se l::lcctric Supplr Co. Controller and Push :luttons 'I CEt,'ETERY FU!JD: .3 , 7 f' City Street Dept. II'L.I.D. EEVOLVli:G FWD: 7/,17. J-'<- I City Treasurer 'I 'WATER FUND, continued: I Ilillson Hardware Co. Automotive Parts Service Hersey Jefg. Co. (Oregon) LIGlIT FUND: /?,? 71': f'7 Clallam County P.lI.D. III hAutomotive Parts Service ". Tide Water Associated Oil Co. I, lInited Janitors Supply Co. Citr Water Dept. James 1'1. Caven Earl's Wood Specialty Shop City Treasurer Line Jeaterial Co. !,Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. " SAIUTA Troll FUND: ,f -< ,'I- r CitJ' street Dept. City Light uept. "LIBRARY FU:m: 5/?: 5(; Betty L. Avallone I Catherine TIichard , City Treasurer Pacific Telephone << ~elegraph Co. Jermilu Harris Angeles Electric Co. Library of Congress, Card Division Remington Rand, Inc. Zellerbach Paper Co. i,United Janitor Supply 00. :, Ol,llnpic Stationers I H. H. Van 13rocldin Thos. T. A1dwell I< Co. ;.)evl tethod Book Binder:/, Inc. Hert.zberg's 7fashington Bindery American Library Assn. Doubleday 6: Co., Inc. I' Superior Publishing Co. A. C. McClurg & Co. '!Northwest Gardens, Inc. I LIBRARY 1,'EI.:ORIAL FUKD: , Pllget Sound News Co. 7, .:U PP,RK FUND: t>~y. ~I 'SChOO~Di8trict #7 Port Angeles Sign Shop Pacific Telephone I.. Telegraph Bentlc;y--Eilorgar.i te Co. ,~:arshall-~'lells Co. Co. , II . S. INCOME TAX liIT~1iOWING FJND: Ci ty Treasurer Datteries Bolts ),Ieters 2.22 .68 82.56 tarch Power Parts Gasoline Janitor Supplies ",la ter Vent Change Cros s Arms EO<press St. Lite Parts l:eter ::lockets 17,597.00 ' 4.97 38.61 , 48.00 I 1.90 5.15 119.40 3.67 I 93.45 66.84 i Gasoline and Oil Collection of Garbage bills 75.441 7.05 Extra Labor Extra La bor LightJ Water, Garbage Phone Service Petty Cash Tubes, Starter Cstalog Cards Library Supplies Service Towels 5 GaL ),:opping Compound Office Supplios Insurance Premiurr. Insurance PremiUln Binding BindinG 1947 Institutional Dues Book Book Books Magazine Renewal 18.00 24.00 i 10.36 , 4.25 I 2.93 16.44 15.45 16.07 5.25 9.53 ' 1.34 27.57 98.51 1.56.,,7 ~ 9.07: 5.00 1. 75 2.87 93.19 1.03 Books 7.21 Saturd8Y Recreation Program T"V'fO Siens P~Dne '::ervice Sj.x Tons tilorg2ni te Four 50 I Length Hoses 130.00 I 1.05 5.34 323. as 86.21 18.62 264.31 Gasoline 5.78 Taxes Paid 780.52 I .;z 3'f5. 70 IncDr.l8 Tax for l'~arch 2,595.901 ,There being no further business, the session was declared ad.journed. ()" C. ;;{a-LtF. (j ~ Clerk J7:. \-'~ _LW...LtL:l,:~,jC,,'k'--'''-<.r>_ _~ Mayor I I I. 1 I