HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/02/1953
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
317 ..,
April 2
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I The City Council met in regular session (l-t 7:30 P.M., and was called to !>rder by }wor Smith. Roll cail
of officers showed the following preserrt.: Mayor Smith, CouncilJnen Brown, Neer, S.andiso!l, Powell,
Wolfe and McFadden) Manager Vergeer, Attorney ~everyns and Clerk Law. _
I It was moved 'by CouncilJnan Brown that minutes ~f the previous meeting be approved as ;wended. Seconded
by Councilman McFadden. All voted Aye! Motion carried. , .
Under the head of unfinished business, bids for timber in the ~!orse Creek watershed were received as follows
Harvey E. Hartman: Peeler logs, $25.00 per M. Saw logs, $ll!OO per M. Pulp wood, $2.55 per cord.
Don Garlipg: Pulp wood, $2.30 per cord. Saw logs, $15.25.per,M. Peeler,logs, $36.50 per M.
Vern Hart: Old.growth fir eNer 24", $27.00 per M. Old growth fir under 24", $12.00 per M. 2d
growth fir, $10.00 per M. Pulp wood, $2.20 per cord. Hemlock "!nd white fir, $3.50, per cord. .
John O. ,Hill: Price lj,sted onJErcentage of mill price payable on mill scale: Pulp wood,~. Saw
logs, 27%. Peeler logs, 45%.
Robert Hooker, 30% stumpage for all timber removed. ,
Joe Cecil Lumber Co: Logs at $12.00 per M. board feet. Pulp wood, $1..50 p~r corq., Copy of scale
ticket submitted. to City weekly and paid weekly. .
I H. Frank Hambley: 40% of sale price of ail merchantable timber (logs). ~p wood, $3.00 per cord., '
~ger Vergeer recommended that bids be tabled .until the next matipg, permitting time to, check and determine
;the best offer. It was move~ by CouncilJnan HaIfe that the recommendation be accepted and bids tabled. .
Seconded by CouncilJnan Powell. All voted Aye.. Motion carried.
I . ,
Bids for purchase of Lot 6, Block 50, Townsite >lere received from: Norman E. Brooks, $3S5.oo; Van Brocklin
:'& Brown, $310.00. It- was moved b,y" CouncilJnan McFadden that the offer by }'.r. Brooks be, acceptl'd. Seconded
!by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Hotion carl:ied.
'Bids for p~chase of General Ob1ie;ation Bonds of the City of Port Angeles, in aJroUnt of $400,000.00, and
bonds and warrants for L.LD. No. 163, in amount. of $JOP,OOO.CO, were received as follo.,s:
I Seattle-Fir~t National.Bank, G. O. Bonds, par, plus premium of $1>9.00, interest 2 3!lff, and 3%. ,
First National Bank, Port Angeles, G. O. Bonds, $349,000.00, Int. 3%. $51,000.00, 3~.
'Interest cost $143,277.50 El'llective rate 3.053%
$300,000.00 L.I.D. Bonds and \varrants, Par, Irrt.erest 4!tl. City to purcha~e .last 10% of bonds immediately
'after delivery. ,This bid submitted in conjunction with. Bramhill & Stein, Pacific Northwest Co. and
1'Wm' P~;:::s :n:::;r:::d' L.I.D. Bonds and Harrants. Bonds, $100.17, interest, 4J$, rlarrants, 100 (par),
interest, 4%.
I State Finance Commiit~e, by EmIest Minor, Secretary
IG. O. Bonds, $400,000~CO, par, with interest semi-annually at 2.75%.
Grande & Co., Inc., L.I.D. Bonds and -.,arrants: j'larrants, par, interest 4%. Bonds, par, Interest 4.40%
I Metcalf alid'Tliompson, Bonds and vlarrants, $300',000.00 !"arr.ants, Par at lff,. Bonds $1004, Int. 4~.
WID. H. Fix of Hughbarum, Inc. spoke on beh~f of his bid, citing advantages of the same if bonds were issued
:by certain date, and purchase by the City of the last 20% of bonds with L.I. Guaranty Funds. Terry Thompson
'also pointed out merits of bid submitted by J.letcalf and Thompson. It was the opinion of Mr. Thompson that
his bid was the b est offer, also that the City should protect all guaranteed bonds rather than invest apy
of the Guaranty FIm!. . Attorney SEver,yns was questioned r~garding legality" to which he rep.lied that in his
opinion the Guaranty Fund was established only for protection of guaranteed bonds. The Attorney preferred
to consult statutes before rendering legal opinion. After further discussion, Manager Vergeer recommended
that the bid by State Finance Committee for G. O. Bonds in amount of $400,000.00 be accepted, and that the
bid by Metcalf and Thompson for L.I.D. bonds and .rarrants in amount of $3oo,000.1l0 also be accepted. It
was then moved by Councilman McFadden that recommendati'on be approved and bids be awarded accordingly..
Motion seconded by Councilman Brown. On rollcall, all members voted Aye. The Y,ayor declared the, motion
I ,
The Council considered minimum price for Lots 13 and 14, Block 24!3, Townsite, as previously re'l.ues,ted. The
lots having been inspected for appraisal, it was moved by Councilman ]veer that the minimwn be fixed at
$150.00 for the two lots. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
!'renager Vergeer informed that, as requested by. the CounCil, he has completed traffic and parking survey.
ra t his part of the job is done, and filllij:ngs have b~en rererred to the Planning )3oard forroeommendations.
Final payments, or 15% retained on construction of Police Station and architect's fees were submitted for
~onsideration by the" Council. It was moved by Coun.cilJnan Brown that, the building be formalJ,y accepted as
completed, and that the balance, due contractor in amount of $21,937.50 and the balance due architect in
'amount of $438.75 be approved and warrants issued in pa,yment. of the same. Motion seconded by Oouncilman
Sandison. . All voted A;fe. Motion unanimously carried.
J ,
Reports of the City Treasurer and Police Chief for the month of February were preserrt.ed for approval
b,- the Council. It. was moved by CpuncilmanBr01'o'll that the reports be approved and filed. Seconded by
Councilman Powell. and carried.
i' ,
l'urchase of a transit for the Engineering Department was considered, bids having been opened at the previous
ineeting. The City Epgineer havipg recomm~nded the bid by American Ranken Ciilpy Companp, it was moved by
CouncilJnan.lvoIfe that the Berger Transit No. ~ R. Buzka with tripod, for $700.00, less trade-in of
$150.00 be accepted. Motion secom ed by CouncilJnan Brown and unanimously carried.
Manager Vergeer informed that Attorney Thorgrimson has advised that the Council set interest rate for bonds
Imd warrants in L.I.D. No. 163. Mr. Vergeer recommended that the rate be set at 4 3!lff,. It was then moved
):>y CouncilJnan Brown that the rate. be set as recommended. Seconded by CouncilJnan McFadden. . All voted Aye.
J.lotion carried.
j ~\
The Council again discussed appcintmont of a member to the Park Board replacing Arnold Carlson, reSigned. l~
llouncilJnan Sandison proposed .,illiam S. Johnson to serve as. Park Board member and so moved that the
!<ppointment be confinned. Motion seconded by Councilman Brown and unanimously carried.
Under the head of new business, the annual report waw presented for approval, also monthly budget compara-
tive reports of the city departments. It was moved by 60uncilJnan Neer that the reports be approved and
hIed. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Ay.e. Motion carried. Also submitted were statemelL s
~f claims paid March 2), 24, 26 and 30, in amount of $17,340.51. It was moved by CouncilJnan Mcfadden that
I "- " .....
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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
April 2 continued 19~
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that the claims be approved as paid. Seconded b;r CouneilJnan Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Manager Vergeer reported that a critical condition exists in the Sanitation Department due to the
Kiwanis Club discontinuing cardbeard pickup, thereby requiripg employment. of . another helper in the
Sanitation Department.. Although the City receives payment for the pickup, the amount received does not
compensate for extra salary. The matter was referred to the Manager.
Councilman Neer cited lack of animal control and damage to gardens and flowers during the spripg ard
SWDJUer months. ,It was the opinion of Mr: Neer that some " action should be taken against animals running
at large ciuring this season of the year. It was moved by CouncilJnan 1o10lfe'that the matter be referred
to Manager Yergeer to contact the Humane Society and .fromulate restricting regulations. Motion seconded
by Councilman Brown and unanimously carried.
A petition signed by practically ail property owners on East Front Street was submitted for action
by the Council. Request was for blacktop shoulders ,to be included on the Front Street project as on
other streets in L.I.D. No. 163. Manager Vergeer advised .that the 'question of legality is involved
and recommended that the request be tabled for investigation 'to ascertain if project may be added after
L.I.D. has been'established. The recommendation was accepted and petition tabled.
Mrs. Jack O'Connor, Florence and Pbilip W. Scheel, owners of Ruby Amusement Co., having sol~the business
to Max Plattner and Ii. W. Forsythe, requested' that the City License.for Amusement machine distributors
be transferred to the ne.w owners. It was moved by Councilman Brown that .the request be tabled until the
Police Ghief has been consulted' and. approved the transfer. Seconded by CouncilJnan Neer. All voted Aye.
Motion carried.
Manager Vergeer informed that the water department is in need of a tractor with loader and backfiller, also
a small trattor, type bydraulic back hoe. There being funds for the purchase provided in the current
water budget it lias moved by CouncilJnan BroWQ that the cail for bids be published' for purchase of the
equipment, bids to be opened April 16. Motion seconded by Councilman'110lfe. All voted Aye. Motion
, Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced:
A resolution authorizing the transfer of $9,070.49 from the "L.I.D. Revolving Speeial Fund" to
the Cit y Jail Building Fund and providing for its repayment. . .. .
, lfflEREAS by budget appropriation the City Jail Building Fu."d is entitled to receive the sum of
$9,78S.02 in tax receipts and these receipts have not ,been realized; and
WHEREAS authorized expenditures will require the disbursement of $9,O!jO.49 in excess of available
cash; and
lil1EREAS an available and unal'Prol'riated cash balance is available in the L;ID revolving special
fund in the treasury of the City;
Nail THEREFORE, BE it resolved by the City Council as follol1s:
THAT the treasurer be authorized to transfer the sum of $9,070.49 from the L.1.D. Revolvipg
Special ,Fundt", the City Jail Building Fund and, be :it further resolved that the treasurer is hereby
ahthorized and instrueted to repay said .amount of $9,070.49 into the L.I.D. Revolvipg Special Fund fran
the first and subsequent receipts due the City Jail Building Fund.
Adopted by uanimous volle of the City Council this 2d ay of April, 1953.
It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoi~ resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
CouncilJnan P0\1ell. All vo ted lWe. Motion carried.
Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following ",ere introduced and read in full
for consideration by the Council:
AN ORDINANCE establishing t he prOCedure to be followed in approving claim vouchers and signing
of warrants.
It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Council-
man Powell. All voted Aye., Motion carried.
AN ORDINANCE providing for the ereation of a Cemetery Fund, providing for the receipts and
disbursemnts of said cemetery fund and repealing Ordinance no. 1190 entitled "An Ordinance Relatipg
to the Cemetery Fund; etc.," adopted November 26, 1947. _.
I It was moved by CouncilJnan McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by
CouncilJnan Wolfe. All members voted lWe. Motion carried.
AN OrJ)INANCE of t he City of Port. Angeles. appropriating t he sum of Twenty--two Thousand On!:>
Hundred and Ninety Dollars and Fourteen Cents ($22,190.14) from available Light Department funds for the
payment of judgment .and expenses of litigation against the City am declaring an.emergency.
lIt was moved by Coun~ilJnan l'Tolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first reading. r-",tion seconded
by CouncilJnan Brown and unanimous},}- carried.
There being no further,business, the meeting was declared adjourned.
(j, G" ;to.ur.
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N'otlCf' Is ht'reby g[yen that fl{'Jlled
hlds will bll r<'!('!...t\,ed II)' thp City
Ch'rk of the CJt\" of P-ort Angeles
"Va<;hlngtoll, at th~ the City Hall QC
:said City, noT. ISlter tha.n ti:on P ~1
Alnlll!l, 195:L Notice Js t"llrllH;:r gj~eii
th.at the ell.:>? If.! off~rlnK fOl' flulfl 1'0
the 1112"hf'~t .allll tJe,l{t hJddrr, J"ljtll 13
and 14, m(}(:"k 2H:. TownsHl', of Port
Ang('!l..l', mlnllllllm prJce llS fJ:>;fod II}'
the UOllIlCIl. U5U,nO fo\' Ill". two l:.ottJ
Eaci\ bid mu~t \)" ul'{'l1mpl-lnl'ld hy
l{l% cf the ltmolll'lt of bid or the
s:l.me wUI nr)t be cOlulidered. 'rill' ell)'
;~~l~~I~ll/;I'HI~.';;~::-1 lhlo r1l{ht jn l'f'JPN
J... j.;. LAW, City Clerk.!
Pull.: April ~, H, l~h:>. N ~
Ci ty Clerk