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". 626
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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The Port Angeles City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P,M, and was called to order by Mayor 1
Richardson. other officers present were Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne, Randall and Caldwell,
Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. I
It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written.
Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, four bids were received for the codification of city ordinances as
MICHIE CITY PUBLICA1:"IONS CO. OF LOS ANGELES, 425 pages, 50 copies, $6,000.00. Additional cost over
425 pages, $7.50 per. page. Additional copies over SO, $7.50 per copy.
BOOK PUBLISHING CO. OF SEATTLE, 450 pages, SO copies, $6,300.00. Additional cost over 450 pages,
$9,00 per page. Saving if less than 450 pages, $9.00 p~r page. Annual supplement service, SO copies,
45 pages, for year, $630.00. Added cost over 45 pages, $9.00 per page.
STERLING CODIPIERS, WEISER, IDAHO, 60 copies by offset method, $4,900.97. Supplement, $408.31.
CODIFIERS, INC., WEISER, IDAHO, SO copies, $5,330.00. Supplement service for 2 years as desired,
Attorney Moffett reviewed each offer, citing advantages and disadvantages, finally recommending the bid
by Michie City Publishing Co. for 50 copies of printed code as the best offer. It was moved by Council-
man Caldwell that the bid be accepted as recommended in printed form as per specifications of the City
Attorney. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried.
The Manager read a lengthy and detailed report concerning a request for water service in the Fairroont
District and West to Laird Road, stating estimated cost and feasibility of such project. Also the
impossibility of the City to issue bonds for improvements entirely outside the City. Mrs. Scherneck and
others appeared and requested that service be discontinued to eighty-three consumers in the Fairmont Area
now being served, thereby relinquishing in favor of a water district now being established. Attorney
Moffett assured that the services could not just be cut off without proper procedure. The Manager pointed
out that if the services were discontinued, there is no assurance the district would be established, and
cited his recommendation that the matter be tabled until adequate supply is provided and an eight inch
line installed that could serve the Fairmont Area if 'the Council so desired. It was moved by Councilman
Maxfield that the report be accepted and request tabled until a later date. Seconded by Councilman
I S"andison and carried..
Councilman Randall as chairman of the committee informed of meetings pursuant to request for salary
increase of certain light department employees, citing State Statutes permitting such negotiations and I
stated that employment as extra hazardous. Mr. Randall then moved that request be approved and electrical I'
linemen's wage scale be increased to $3.22 per hour, the line foreman 112%, groundman 78%, line truck
operator 82.5%, two servicemen 96.45% of the $3.22 per hour rate, the increase to be effective April 3
I and paid on an hourly basis instead of the present monthly salary, and any future adjustments would be
effective April 1 of each year instead of the present January I budget date. Motion seconded by
I Councilman Sandison and carried.
The Manager reported on investigation of Oak Street zig-zag. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that
the Manager be authorized to publish call for bids to construct a wood ramp on concrete base. Seconded
by Counei lman Smith and carried.
Under the head of new business, it was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the report of the Police Judge
and the light department be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
Claims were approved for payment in amounts as follows: General Funds, $6,696.40; Water Fund, $61.01;
Light Fund, $20,145.88. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that claims be approved and paid. Seconded
by Councilman Caldwell md carried.
It was moved by Councilman Smitb that payrolls for March be approved in amounts of: General Funds,
$33,825.82; Water Fund, $7,536.02; Light Fund, $10,084.12. Motion seconded ~ Councilman Thorne and
The Manager read report concerning contempl ated additions to the street lighting system. Proposed to be
added are: Front Street, 47; Marine Drive, 12; Fifth Street, 25; Cedar Street, 6; C Street, 6; Tumwater
Street. 6, It was moved by Councilman Randall that action be postponed for further study by the Council.
Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. The Mayor informed that in the meantime a traffic check will
be made.
I Ed Tucker having requested purchL~e price set on Lots II and 12. Block 357, it was moved by Councilman
I Maxfield that the property be appraised and minimum fixed. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried.
I The Mayor appointed Councilmen Maxfield and Sandison and the Manager to appraise and recommend minimum
f price.
Councilman Caldwell cited the need for classification of employees when the 1960 budget is being considered,
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the City start a program of investigation and study in standard- i
ization of suCh system. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. i
Under the head of introduction of Resolutions. the following was introduced and read:
Resolution 4-59
A RESOLUTION transferring unexpended items in Local Improvement District Construction Funds to Local
Improvement District Funds.
It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the foregoing Resolution be approved.
Sand\Son and carried.
Seconded by Councilman
Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, tpe following was introduced and read in full:
AN ORDINANCE transfe'rring within the 1959 Budget appropriation the sum of $2,200.00 from the Budget
item General Administrative - New Auto and the sum of $500.00 from the Budget item General Administrative - I
One Radio for Auto to the Budget item General Administrative - Unforseen Emergency.
It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the fcregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by
COline ilman Caldwell and unamiously carr ied.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
lpdl 2
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1 There bei.ng no further business, the
Cl. ~
C.ll.LL E'o:a BIDS
1'otl,..", ,.., her"by !riven that :'i~a!ed
I'id!l: will he r['f'l'lvl'd h)' the Gin: of
~~~:t ,;~nt~~e~'I(~'~~:::I~~~~:~ ~~ttr'1f~~;
.t, 1~5\1 In &:00 o'cJm~k 1'.M., fOf Ole
cons;trtlctlrm of 0. llu't11k rest room
JOl] J';lllz Hook.
BI<lcl(1r~ rnay secure tll(' pktl)s am!
s]Hlclficatlons at thp ofrke "'of' thl"
~ ~{r b~~II;;;'i p~;;~~l~~i!"~lJ~~~II~~
of the iJj(l mwn accomp:m31 eal-.h bit!.
. Allerr'lll.te- bid,' for Itkt! matel"lfLl.'l nol
!,}i';~c~~n~"~~J~ll:~d. th,_, !-pt!clflcallonCi wjll
i" All lillii'< ",hall he open('(! by r.1H'
J;~~j;.n 1~1I::~;r ('j~1~GO~~I~:WU~~d rf':~~
hr 8""",,1011 to h{. held on :M::lY 7, 1959
Thl' Citv Cou~cll or the CI,y or
Port Angelet! reserves the r:gl1t tll
;1ccept or "e.1"'~t, !lny o!' all t'j(].., (I"
any part thereof and r:on-<truct ..aid
rest roorn h)' ,Ql'l.\' Jub()r 0'" l:my Oltl
W<JY thcy ceem is jn the hpst \nter...
e:<;t5 of the City of Port Angeles.
111. "'v. <..:l,A....'KARD
City Ma.nager
Publl:;hcd: AlJrll 9 and 16. 1959.
. :\'ctlce Is nerelJy given tlUlt F:r,aled I
.~~~s ~~'~~l i;icl~~~~~et11~'ltd~? ~~~\~el~(~;
. ,Ycst Front Street, Port Angcl(>f>. t
~~U9~~j~~~t~~;~.u~J~\:~~~ a~~l~~~ ]~}1r: I
,and will be opened on tltat date o~, ~
~thc City .Manager, f01" the proposc-<l I
ill1prov('.mcnt of Oak Street between <
I bt ltnrl 2nd StrMtF: by the construc- I
I'tion af a ramlJ-t:rpe treated timber
walkwllY with the a.pproximate p:t)'
qual1tj(':'1 llstetl bC'low: j
;t~~e~~~bo~~ei.~mb'e~1.51a~i .::~ .
, Detailed plans and specifications,
I may be obhtined (rom the offlce (>f
the City Clerk upon aeIJos1t of'
ItwentY-f1vc- dollars ($25.00) whlr:h'
depo.'1lt wlll be rehlrned to all pros.
r~~i~.I~nl~[d::~S !<~~jd~lci~ro::.turn or I
i Prelluallflcatlon or bIdders Is re-
I Ql\ired and the City reserves the <
TIght to reCuse to QuallCy any bid- I
1'I1'T ]Irlor to the tlPell[ng ot bIds, ,m:lIi l'
. thl" CI1.y reserves the right to nc-
Cl:'pt or rejecL lIny or all bIds.
! A five percent (5o/r,) of tout! bill,
dl'poslt check must accompany all
proposals, or blcl bont:l of equ3l h--
mount wlH be aCc~fited. .
~PUblI~h(!d: AprIl SO amf"lira;\~~~
meeting was declared adjourned.
City Clerk
N~~.rr~i~=::e~g~~l~ t~~~al-I
ed bids will Ill) received at the Cit;r=
W~~~hfnfgt~~~ ;~~h ~~ooPbr~lo~ng;;:~~::1
Ma;r 5, Hill', and not later, to fUrIJ-t
jsh for the Street Department, One'
Ncw 'l'n~clt 'j'ype Tractor, equipp",d
with 1 % Cu. rd. Hydra.ulic Controll-
ed Bucl{et Loadcr. Motor: l<'ull Dic~!
sel-powel'ed with hOUl' m()tcr. H.. P. ~
not less than 70 ratea. Bidder roquir-'
~e~~ ~~~~Sl;S:i~h~~nd6 o;cr~C:~~fi~~l
amount bJd. S!lecificati6ns may be:
obt::uned at the City llall. The City I
Council re:ser...es the right to reject
any or all bids.
:M. w. sr...ANKAl~D.,
City Manager
ayor '