HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/03/1950 Page 64~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 5. 19~ The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trwnblill, and Clerk Law. 1.1 Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. . Under the head of applications for wildine permits, the followine were granted: .30, 500 ~GI , James R. Willis Addition to Motel-lO Units; Lot 18, Blk. 20, Townsite I' W. G. Bissell Build 5-Room Dwelling and Garage; Lot 5, Elk. 269, Townsite Sig Larson Construct 8xl2 addition to Existing Dwelling; Lot 4, Blk. 285, Townsite James D. Maulin Remodel House by Adding 2 Rooms; Lot 24, Blk. 65, P.S.C.C. Addition Oscar J. Brager Add Bedroom & Hall to Existing Dwelling; Lot 6, Elk. 9, P.S.C.C. Addition 25,000.00 4,000.00 400.00 600 .00 500 .00 , Under the head of unfinislled business, Ed Gakin appeared regarding application for e Wildine III rmit at I ,Cherry Street and Boulevard. Mr. Gakin requested per:nission to build s Ilouse on un-used part of Boulevard, I and after completion, move to his property. Commissioner Taylor will consult t~ Attorney, and if permissible according to Ordinance, the parmit will be approved at tile next session. . Under the head of new business Melvin Michal and others appeared on behalf of all opposed to day-light- saving time. It was the opinion of those present that changing time causes much confusion, farmers lose two hours labor in the fields, school children must arise too early, and curing and storage of hay is an important factor. .Also that no saving of power is accomplished, and if cities wish to save an hour, those so desiring may start working an hour early and leave the clocks alone. 'Commissioner Robinson admitted that it made no difference to him and Comissioner Taylor is personally opposed until it is ascertainsd what the majority desire. Also that complications to transportation schedules caused by setting clocks up should be considered. It was suggested that the Evening News nali;e poll of City and County. Mayor Feeley informed that the poll would be up to the Evening News and requested more information as to desires of all concerned. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that a~ action be postponed until more information is I' forthcoming from the people and thereby ascertain what the majority wsnt. Motion seconded by Commissioner , Taylor. All voted Aye. .Motion carried. Ray Scheildt, of the Evening News, advised that the News would be glad to co-operate regardine ballots for I poll, tut doubted if desired results would be accomplished before contacting industries, unions, et\!. Mr. ScheIdt requested information regarding parking meter sdvertising. If in view of the opinion by the Attorney General, the City will cancel the contract with Meter Advertising Corporation. Attorney Trumbull advissd that if the City should cancel contract and the Corporation wishes to make an issue of the same, the City could be bliying themselves a lawsuit. Mr. Trumoo11 cited from a copy of the Attorney's report that another question of fact iayet to be resolved, end that noboCly is in a position to say wbathe.. or not streets can be used for advertising. Also, whether or not the contract is definitely illegal, is still : undetermined. , Don Morrison, of the Health Department, introduced Mr. Neal, Field Engineer for the POlution Control Commission. Mr. Neal informed regarding sewage disposal, treatment, and polution. Also cited polution control systems most satisfectory in different areas and how financed, and recommended an analysis survey as the first step. Commissioner Taylor infoI'll2d that the City employs two licensed Engineers, and it was his opinion that preliminary survey should be made by the City. 1.1 A petition was presented to the Commission, requesting vacation of that portion of Alder Street between , First .and Second Streets. Stanley Taylor also presented a resolution fixing date of hearing for the said 'vacation wnich will be considered at the next session. . J. R. Wray, as property owner, also filed a petition requesting vacation of that portion of B Street North I of the alley between 4th and 5th Streets. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the petitions for : vacation be referred to tile Engineer. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson . All voted Aye . Motion carried. , The Commission discussed contemplated improvement of Eighth Street East of Lincoln Street and width to be determined for said improvements. After due consideration, the Commission decided to plan a fifty foot width to conform with the width of Eighth Street West of Lincoln. :1 Recommendations by the Planning Commission for improvement to certain streets by paving and financing of i the same, was referred without action to the next session. claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: The Commission examinad and approved the i'ol1ewing CURRENT EXPENSE lUND: S55 '!..>f Robt. B.Owens 'Olympic Stationers I Hazel's Cafe 'Schreiner Chevrolet Co. I Samuelson lIotor Co. ,Woodie's Harley Davidson Head:ti:l.ck's Repair Service Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Wheeler Ildwe. & furniture Co. Mine Safety Appliances Co. Homelite Corp. Howard-Cooper Corp. , Parking Meter & Traffic Cont. Dept. . . 9? I CITY STREET RIND: .3111 ~ 'Todd Cycle Co. Butt I S Texaco Service Automotive Parts Service Nailor Lumber Co. II Western Asphalt Co. _ &'1 WATER RIND: 1(,5; - Olympic Sta tione rs City Light Dept. Remington Rand, Inc. II H. E. Dodge . Harris & Schuller Nailor Lumber Co. James Hardware Co. Expense Supplies Meals for Prisoners Parts & Repair Steam Cycle Parts Car Repe irs Parts 1 Oily Waste Can Parts Parts Hose Gaskets, Expansion Rings Cost of Remote Control All-red Relays 18.52. 51.581 187.46 , 57.10, 5.09 51.05 115.61 5.24 11.56 59.50 19.76 10.57 I 25.12 , I 5.40 i 2.06 I 17.28 22.42 5,769.80 Tire, Tube 4 Tubes Stop Leak Parts Lumber Asphaltic Concrete Plant Mix, pe r bid 4.11 ' 6.02 2.00 26.18 2.85 12.05 1.77 Supplies Lights at Reservoirs Date Keys Expense (lal v. Iron Lumber Powder I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 5rd, continued, 19~ Page 645 I I .1 I I ~WATERFUND. continued: 'Willson IIardware Co. IPacific Water Works Supply Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. ,Western Utilities Supply Co. jHarniShfeger Corpn. ,Puget Sound Navigation co. I ..:IS" LIGHT RIND: /6"15 - Olympic Stationers ISchreiner Chevrolet Co. ,Pt. AngelesFUrn.& Upholstery Co. ITri-County Typewriter Co. ',Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. : Eugene E. Williams Peninsula FUel Co. liG Iii W Fire Service 'IWillson Hardware Co. IGraibar Electric Co. ',Gen'l Elactric Supply Corp. . .. I$ANITATION RIND: ~ - ',Earl Davidson B' . JLIBIlARY FUND: .J.{;5': 'City Treasurer Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. l'OlymPic Stationers Gaylord Bros., Inc. Goss Stationery IWoodie I s Harley Davidson Smith Ins. Servic e iNew Method Book Bindery, Inc. Puget Sound News Co. IThe PerSll>nal Book Shop, Inc. :A. G. McClurg & Go. :Doubleday & Co., Inc. Seattle Post-Intelligencer I 4-1 .,PARK FUND: ~:4 - IPacific Telephone & TelegraphlCo. ,Smith Ins. Service [PARKING METER .Iii TRAFFIC .CONTROL FuND: M. H. Rhodes, Inc. 'Goss Stationery 'Hense's Brake Service Tools Valves Pipe Clamps Parts Frt. Chgs. Supplies Repairs Repairs to Leather Upholstered Seats on Service Truck Repairs Parts Car Expense Thrnace Oil Renew 'Fire Ext. Supplies Wire Pot Heads Car Mileage for Marc h Light, water, Garbage Service 7244 Supplies Supplie s Supplies Repair Front Door Lock Ins. Premium E6ol/i, Birxling Books Books Books Books Subscription Services 5288-3851 Additional Premium 55 i'f Pipe Supplies Parts & La bor 0" .FIRE!.lEN'S PENSION FUNDI 33- I'Clallam County Medical Servo Corp. April lied. Fees-jfiremen I . '.There being no further business, the session was .adjourned. 1 2.08 420.55 155.57 , 29.45 , 119.95 i 5.57 1.24 4.68 I 25.76 , 20.88 ' 9.80 25.90 45.55 4.89 4.52 1,094.15 278.10 42.00 I' 9.94 9.01 6.56 21.22 7.66 4.12 14.64 15.81 9.96 223.61 5.75 9.40 17.90 11.28 11.15 49.95 1.95 5.96 55.00 {J. c. ~Q.vJ- . 11 City Clerk ;,IJd~ d ~~,