HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/03/1979 I I I 159 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 3, 1979 I CALL TO ORDER 'The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Hordyk, wray.' Members Absent: Councilman Duncan. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Caso. P. Carr, M. Cleland, S. Pazan, J. Honnold, K. Rodocker, D. Frizzell, H. Hutchison. Guests Present: L. Sunny, G. Stallings, D. McKiernan, H. Berglund, S. Fahnestock, R. Cockrill, D. Rudolph. III MINUTES Councilman wray moved the Council accept and place the minutes of the March 20 and 27, 1979 meetings. seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. on file as received The motion was IV LEGISLATION 1. REVISION TO SHORELINE PERMIT, MUNICIPAL PIER Councilman Buck moved the Council approve the reV1S1on to Shoreline Permit SMA-42 for construction changes for the Municipal pier, because the revision does not involve additional over-water construction and the use'is not changeu from that authorized by the original permit. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 2. TRANSACTION BILL PAYER SYSTEM: SEATTLE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Mayor Haguewood introduced Mr. Dick Long, representing Seattle-First National Bank, who gave a brief presentation on the new consumer service, TransAction Bill Payer System. Mr. Long explained that this program is available to all consumers even though they may have their checking accounts in banks other than Seattle-First. . TransAction will allow users to make purchases from merchants by presenting a plastic "debit" card at participating retailers I the money for the purchase will be transferred from the card-holder's checking account just as it would be if the customer had written a check. Another service would be paying bill by telephone. Following Mr. Long's presentation, the Council and Manager Whorton questioned Mr. Long in regard to cost to the City and local merchants, bill-paying by phone, and liability for bank operator error. Council- man Buck then moved the Council authorize the City to participate in Seattle-First's TransAction Bill PayerSystem. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 3. CONTRACT WITH LOGERWELL, COHEN AND ANDREWS During the March 27, 1979 special joint City/County meeting, the Council approved language for a draft contract with Logerwell, Cohen and Andrews for joint representation at the EFSEC contested case hearings. At this meeting, Councilman Buck stated he had recently spent several hours in the downtown area speaking to people on the street in regard to the 160 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 3, 1979 IV LEGISLATION 3. Cont. joint representation; the clear majority of those people interviewed were not in favor of the City's position in this matter. Councilman Buck then moved the Council postpone the decision on this question until after the Council has received the final reports from the Oilport Task Force. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, the Council discussed the advantages and disadvantages of delaying the I contract, with Councilman Boardman speaking strongly against the delay. . Attorney Miller also discussed postponement vs cancellation of the con- tract with Councilman Anderson. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council with Councilman Boardman voting "NO." 4. REVISED PARKING ORDINANCE Councilman Buck moved the Council take this agenda item from the table. The motion was. seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2016 entitled, Ordinance No. 2016 AN ORDINANCE relating to the parking of vehicles in the City of Port Angeles, pro- viding that violation of the ordinance is a criminal act, establishing penalties there- for, providng for enforcement procedures, and repealing conflicting ordinances. Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Buck reiterated that the 1- proposed Ordinance is primarily for traffic control rather than re- coupement of lost revenue due to removal of the on-street parking meters. Councilman Hordyk and Chief Cleland also briefly discussed enforcement procedures for parking fines. On call for the question, the motion was passed unanimously by the Council. ' 5. CAMPING FEES, LINCOLN PARK RENTAL FEES, SOFTBALL/BASEBALL POLICY Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendations of the Park commission and increase camping fees from $2.00 per night to $4.00 per night; Lincoln Park Clubhouse and Longhouse rental rates from $5.00 per group meeting to $7.00 per group meeting; and a Softball/Baseball policy as follows: (1) all local tournaments must be sponsor~d and/or sanctioned by a City tax supported league; (2) any non-tax supporting group shall gain facility schedule clearance from all local tax supporting leagues and pay a user fee of $150 based upon the direct City expenses as related to the prevailing labor rate,' materials and supplies as re- quired to maintain the facility; and (3) any tournament being conducted either by a local tax supporting league sponsorship or sanction or by a non-tax supporting group shall pay a cleanup damage deposit of $100 for tax supporting groups and $200 for non-tax supporting groups. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 6. WOLVERTON PARK PLAYFIELD During the March 20, 1979 regular Council meeting, a request was made by several young people for continued baseball activities at wolverton Playfield. At this meeting, Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell recommending the following: (1) a softball would be the only type of ball which could be used as a hardball could be hit into the surrounding homes and cars on 11th Street; (2) the field would I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 3, 1979 161 IV LEGISLATION 6. Cont. be from the southeast corner to the northwest corner; (3) a backstop would have to be installed in the southeast corner; (4) 195 feet of fencing would be installed along 11th Street to prevent the ball from rolling into the street and also prevent a child from running in front of a passing car; (5) an additional 155 feet of fencing would have to be installed on the east boundary of the park to prevent interference with the property owner to the east; (6) the tot lot play equipment area, in the northeast corner, would have to be fenced 8 feet high on the two sides which would prevent any softballs from hitting a small child.playing on the equipment; and (7) the youth agreed to pay for any property damage which would result from a ball being hit outside the park area. Mr. Frizzell's memorandum also contained a special allo- cation request of $1,954.00 to install the backstop and fencing as required. Councilman Buck then moved the Council adopt the recommendations proposed by Parks Director Frizzell and draw $1,954.00 from the Contingency Reserve Fund to cover the special allocation request. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 7. PETITION FOR REINSTATEMENT OF DANCE LICNESE: NEW HONG KONG Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Police Chief Cleland regarding reinstatement of the dance license for the New Hong Kong Hotel and Restaurant. Chief Cleland's main concerns for reinstatement of this license are as follows: (1) that competent personnel be on hand to attend the front door and check ID of all persons entering the lounge when the same is in operation; (2) that there be on the premises a manager or assistant manager who speaks English and can translate for Man"Yeung Tse and his other managers and carry out instructions; and (3) that Man Yeung Tse and his other manager obey all laws of the State of Washington, City of Port Angeles and Liquor Board Authority. Chief Cleland advised the Council that peninsula Security will have a uniformed employee on-the front door of the bar when it is in operation and a Ms. Lisa Clemons will act as Assistant Manager when the cocktail lounge is in operation. During discussion on Chief Cleland's memorandum, Attorney Miller pointed out that no action need be taken on this petition; reinstatement of the dance license effective April 13, 1979 was included in Resolution No. 10-79 which was adopted at the March 6, 1979 Council meeting. At this time Councilman Hordyk spoke against the reinstatement and moved the Council permanently suspend the New Hong Kong's dance license. The motion died for lack of a second. The discussion concluded with Chief Cleland restating his position on this matter, and Councilman Boardman commenting on vandalism done to neighboring merchants during the early morning weekend hours. There was no further council action taken on this agenda item, 8. PETITION: RECLASSIFICATION OF FIRE ZONE Mayor Haguewood read a petition sign by four property owners requesting the Council consider a fire zone reclassification on the following de- scribed property: that area between the south margin of east Front and the north margin of the alley between First and second Streets; from a line 150 feet east of the east margin of Lincoln Street to the west margin of Peabody Street. During discussion on thi5req~est!Manager whorton informed the Council that the present fire zones have been in effect for many years and do need updating; he recommended that ataff be instructed to do a compre- hensive study of the entire City and bring a report back to the Council. ~tr. steve Daniels then addressed the Council to point out some of the 162 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 3, 1979 IV LEGISLATION 8. Cont. inequities of the present fire zone for the above-mentioned property, and stated that a two week delay in the reclassification would be extremly costly to the current construction of an apartment complex in that area. Counilman Buck then moved the Council reclassify the above mentioned area to Fire Zone 2 and direct staff to investigate the necessity of rezoning other areas within the City. The motion 1- was seconded by Councilman Wray. During discussion on the motion, Attorney Miller pointed out that his must be done by Ordinance and a draft Ordinance will be submitted for consideration at the next regular Council meeting. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 9. COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT GRANT APPLICATION Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize the Planning Department to resubmit its annual Coastal Zone Management Grant Application to the Department of Ecology for administration funds, and an application for a National Interest Project. The motion was seconded by Council- Anderson ',and carried. 10. CLOSURE OF STREET: BOAT AND RV SHOW Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the closure of Laurel Street between First Street and Railroad Avenue, except for the alleys, for a Boat'and Recreational Vehicle Show to be sponsored by the Downtown Merchants Association and scheduled for April 22-23, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. 11. BOARD APPOINTMENTS A. Park Board I Councilman Boardman moved the Council appoint Russell Hesselman to the Park Board effective March 1, 1979 for a three-year term. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. B. Senior Citizen Advisory Board Councilman Anderson moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Senior Center Board of Directors and reappoint Margaret Pohl to the Advisory Board effective March 1, 1979 for a three year term. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Ms. Hattie Berglund addressed the Council to express her disappointment of the Council's decision on the Logerwell, et al contract, and discussed the procedures for public comment during the meetings with Mayor Haguewood. Mr. Leo Sunny also commented briefly on public comment during the Council meetings. VI FINANCE 1. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS A. Burial Liners I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for purchase of 40 burial liners to the sole bidder, American Olympic Vault Company, with a bid of $67,50 per unit for a total bid of $2,700. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 3, 1979 163 VI 32m"A NOTICE OF CALL FORBIDS Notice is hereby given thot sealed bids will be received. 1 by Ihe City Manager of the City of Port Angel... at 140 . We.t Fronl St,eel 01 said Cily unlil2:00 P.M. Monday, April 2, 1'979 for furnishing the following equ;pment and.or moterial: lOne (II 1979 % Ion cab and ~C:haSSiS equipped with service box and ~ydraullc hoist. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award One (I) slake bed and / ,. I hyd,aulic lift to be inslolled of a 3 4 ton cab and chass1s for the L1ghionnewcab&chossislhalwill bidderr Highway Equipment Co., Seattle, wibe delivered to succe.sl~1 . .' vendor by whomever IS The mot1on was seconded by Counc~lman Buclowordedcontractforsome, bidder was Anderson Ford with a'bid. 'of $11 One (I) new go.oline. powered .ell'propelledstreel , I sweeper. C. Stake Bed '& Hydraulic Lift . One III new and lote.tf model engine analyzer (1979) (Calif.) certified for the, Councilman Buck moved the Council award t Equipment Renlal Division, .! of . . Bid sheets. specifications l . a stake bed and hydrau11c 11ft to the low and in.lruc.tion. are,ovailable W1 th a low bid of $3,495.00. The motion was s from Maflan Pam.h. Per- an sonne I Dlrecofr, P.O. Box Hordyk and carried. 711, Port Angeles, Washington 98362 (206) 457, 0411 Ex!, 117, Sealed bids should be . moiled to Kennelh Whorlon, [ City Manager, P,O. Box 711, Councilman Anderson moved the Council awa 140 We.t Fran' SIreet, Port hase of a self-propelled street sweeper to thE I A~gel.e~, V!A.Y8362. Cooper .AII b,d. .holl;be opened ' low bid of $39,207. 75. ~ ond lobuloted for the City ded by and carried. The other I Council. with a recam- k mendellon attached lor a bid of $40,643,29. con.iderotionby,.oidCauncil in .essianApril3, 1979, A certified check or bid bond for 5 percenl of Ihe amoun\ bid 5\'0\\ occompany eoch bid. All bid. to include Councilman Buck moved the Council reject delivery F,O,8 Pori Angele., Tools Seattle because they did not meet Washlnglon. , . ' . I . The Clfy CounCil reserves reb1d the eng1ne analyzer. The mot1on wa Ihe righl to con.ider delivery Hordyk and carried. \time ond to occept 0' reject any or 011 bids or ony port thereof, Kenneth 5, Whorlon ~onager 'Pub, Morch 21&5.28,30, Councilman wray moved the Council approve Vouchen!n9':'1_~~_-~~-''''_~v,. 84.97 and Payroll of $135,280.18. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk ~nd carried. FINANCE 1. Cont. B. 3/4 Ton Cab & Chassis se low ,364.05. other <~ ... l.'t D. street Sweeper seattle, with a Councilman Buck Industries with E. Engine Analyzer p-on , and ilman VII CONSENT AGENDA VIII LATE ITEMS 1. AGREEMENT: MUNICIPAL PIER SCULPTURE In June, 1978, Mr.. Duncan McKiernan submitted a proposal to the Council for a bronze sculpture of two cormorants for the Municipal Pier. At this meeting, Manager Whorton presented a draft agreement with Mr. McKiernan to the Council for consideration. Following a brief dis- cussion, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the agreement with Duncan McKiernan for a bronze sculpture for the Municipal Pier, The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 2. STREET SWEEPER BID Manager Whorton informed the Council that an error had been made on the street sweeper bid approval (VI-D) and requested a motion rejecting the bid. Councilman wray then moved the Council reject the bid of Howard Cooper for the self-propelled street sweeper, and rebid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. VIX STAFF REPORTS 1. Councilman Buck: Discussed his "man-on-the-street" interviews on the oilport matter. 2. Councilman Wray: Requested the special meeting of April 11, 1979 be rescheduled since it conflicts with another meeting. The special meeting was rescheduled to April 10, 1979. Wished everyone a Happy Easter. ""Y'..-,.-..".- 0\ sgnJp gum.s jO e.ld A ',pJeltJ!lI .gpnr P!llS! );'},..",,~l)Jn.\.Ii, UO~!Jd.U! ~J+~a~ ~ 'llI,'S...."., SJ!Q.l!/"IO toot.1t lU~Jds OMl UOM a4 Ja1j SJ31!lMSjJods se - " s,PpoM .q.1.. pue " '5;)!lo;:)Jeu .sneJ.q Ae."e shep lsn S!1t Itl!^' '9~ le uelll u. pUR ^ne~;)ueUH e 51 'eJ leU01SS.jOld pue m.le le .JUO 'S.AeH qog - ( 6ulo6 . 14~O do~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 3, 1979 I AI.leq 'qgnOltl ".v..v :1 uoseas;;ud xoS pall e JO; ~ u.AeH J.1UlM PIo .q\ g ~ 10 pMOJ:J ~ulddottM e 51 ~ ' I I J3lUaJ U! 53JU3J ;;nn pu ~ .-" no saa~~~~!~.a:.~ 163 VI FINANCE 1. Cont. B. 3/4 Ton Cab & Chassis I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for purchase of a 3/4 ton cab and chassis for the Light Department to the low bidder, Highway Equipment Co., Seattle, with a'low bid of $9,364.05. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. The other bidder was Anderson Ford with a'bid 'of $10,086.13. ,;~ C. Stake Bed & Hydraulic Lift Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bid for purchase of a stake bed and hydraulic lift to the low bidder, Truckweld, with a low bid of $3,495.00. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. D. Street Sweeper Councilman Anderson moved the Council award the bid for purchase of a self-propelled street sweeper to the low bidder, Howard Cooper, Seattle, with a low bid of $39,207.75. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. The other bidder was South Park Industries with a bid of $40,643.29. E. Engine Analyzer Councilman Buck moved the Council reject the sole bid of Snap-On Tools, Seattle, because they did not meet bid specifications, and rebid the engine analyzer. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. I VII CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Wray moved the Council approve Vouchers Payable of $116,484.97 and Payroll of $135,280.18. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. VIII LATE ITEMS 1. AGREEMENT: MUNICIPAL PIER SCULPTURE In June, 1978, Mr. Duncan McKiernan submitted a proposal to the Council for a bronze sculpture of two cormorants for the Municipal Pier. At this meeting, Manager Whorton presented a draft agreement with Mr. McKiernan to the Council for consideration. Following a brief dis- cussion, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the agreement with Duncan McKiernan for a bronze sculpture for the Municipal Pier, The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 2, STREET SWEEPER BID I Manager Whorton informed the Council that an error had been made on the street sweeper bid approval (VI-D) and requested a motion rejecting the bid. Councilman wray then moved the Council reject the bid of Howard Cooper for the self-propelled street sweeper, and rebid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. VIX STAFF REPORTS 1. Councilman Buck: Discussed his IJrnan-on-the-street" interviews on the oilport matter. 2. Councilman Wray, Requested the special meeting of April 11, ~979 be rescheduled since it conflicts with another meeting. The special meeting was rescheduled to April 10, 1979. Wished everyone a Happy Easter. 164 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 3, 1979 V ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. to an Executive Session. ~~~ City Clerk ' ~9r~ I I I