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Port Angeles, Washington
April 3, 2001
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett
(arrived at 6:35 p.m.), McKeown, and Williams.
Members Absent: Councilman Wiggins.
Staff Present: Attorney / Acting Manager Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y.
Ziomkowski, A. Broussard, E. Kovach, K. Miller, S. Coyle,
L. Haehnlen, S. Martin, L. Washke, D. Dickson, G.
Roggenbuck, J. Hordyk, J. Lowell, D. Barnes, R. Dyker,
and T. Smith.
Public Present: P. Schaefer, L. Sunny, and L. Lee.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Sam Martin.
CEREMONIAL 1. Police Department Promotions
PROCLAMATIONS: Police Chief Riepe introduced Officers Steven Coyle and Kevin Miller, both of whom
were recently promoted by the Police Department. Mayor Doyle administered the Oath
Police Department of Office to Sergeant Coyle and Corporal Miller, after which their wives affixed the
Promotions official pin to the husband's uniform as tradition dictates. Both officers introduced their
family members to the audience.
International Building 2. Proclamation for International Building Safety Week
Safety Week
Mayor Doyle read a proclamation declaring the week of April 8 - 14, 2001, as
International Building Safety. Week. The proclamation was accepted by Building
Official Haehnlen.
Board and Commission 3. Board and Commission Recognition
On behalf of the City Council, Mayor Doyle lauded the contributions of the many
members of various City Boards and Commissions. He reviewed the various
established Boards and Commissions, naming the members of each. Certain members
who had fulfilled their terms of office received framed certificates of appreciation, as
follows: Julie Bondy, Gina Lowman, Carole Boardman, Clint Hulse, Lynda Minor,
Clay Oakes, John McCullough, David Morris, Bill Minor, Pat McDonagh, Robert King,
Dean Reed, Dick Goodman and Charles Hudson. Mayor Doyle thanked the volunteers
for their commitment to the City and for being such a great asset to the community.
April 3, 2001
Break Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting to a reception in honor of the Board and
Commission members at 6:35 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Mayor Doyle reminded those present about the gift of organ donation, and the
PLACED ON THIS OR difference it makes in another's life. He cited the situation of the young man killed
FUTURE AGENDAS: during the Mardi Gras riots in Seattle who was an organ donor. The Mayor felt it timely
to remind those intending to be donors to have their affairs in order.
OTHER 5. Hotel/Motel Tax Funding for Valley Creek Estuary Project - Soroptimist
Hotel/Motel Tax Funding Mayor Doyle summarized the memorandum submitted by Economic Development
for Valley Creek Estuary - Director Smith on the matter of a Lodging Tax funding allocation to the Soroptimist
Soroptimist International International of Port Angeles Foundation for the Valley Creek Estuary Project. Mr.
Smith explained how this funding had been recommended by the Lodging Tax
Advisory Committee in the interest of seeing the Estuary Project completed as quickly
as possible. Mr. Smith noted that several Soroptimist members were present in the
audience, and he invited them to address the Council on the status of the project.
Ms. Linda deBord provided the Council with a progress report on the Valley Creek
Estuary Project, noting that many volunteers have been planting, more bricks will soon
be placed, and the bridge project will be continued once the permit has been issued.
After further brief discussion, Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the
Mayor to sign the contract with Soroptimist International of Port Angeles
Foundation for the Valley Creek Estuary Project. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hulett and carried unanimously.
FINANCE: 1. Southwood Underground Rebuild Bid Award
Southwood Underground Mayor Doyle summarized the memorandum submitted by Public Works & Utilities
Rebuild Bid Award Director Cutler in regard to the Southwood Underground Rebuild contract. Director
Cutler stated this is a continuation of the rebuild for those properties that are landlocked.
Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the $75,428.98
contract with Potelco, Inc., of Sumner, Washington, for the construction of the
Southwood Underground Rebuild. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Williams and carried unanimously.
Bid Award for Parks 2. Bid Award for Parks Mowers
Mayor Doyle summarized the memorandum submitted by Public Works & Utilities
regarding the purchase of mowers. Director Cutler noted this was normal replacement
of equipment, the cost of which had been included in the 2001 budget. Councilman
Williams moved to' authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Jennings
Equipment, Inc., Puyallup, Washington, in the sum of $25,292.84 to purchase: 1)
a Kubota Mower and 2) a Grasshopper Mower Model 721D. Councilmember
McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Rejection of Bids for 3. Rejection of Bids for Replacement of Patch Truck
Replacement Patch Truck
Mayor Doyle summarized the memorandum from Public Works & Utilities
recommending the rejection of bids for the patch truck replacement. Director Cutler
indicated there were many flaws in the equipment bid that would not enable the work
crew to perform efficiently. Staff will further study the procurement strategy.
Councilmember MeKeown moved to reject the bids for an asphalt patch truck for
April 3, 2001
Rejection of Bids for not meeting the specifications in specific areas that are critical to the operation of
Replacement Patch Track the equipment. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried
(Cont'd) unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include the
City Council minutes of the March 20, 2001, regular meeting. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilmembers Hulett and Erickson did not have reports.
REPORTS: Councilmember McKeown reported that, at the Gateway Committee meeting, there was
discussion of a possible location and means of operation for a downtown parking
garage. Convention Center plans were also discussed.
Councilmember Campbell advised the Council that the Department of Ecology plans
to conduct a public meeting on April 17, 2001, at the Library for the purpose of
addressing the Rayonier site clean-up. There will be presentations and issues related
specifically to clean-up efforts.
/3 (t Councilman Williams was unable to attend the railroad grade walking tour from Crown
~"OgkJP,.. nE to Dry Creek; however, he asked Parks Director Connelly for an update in that he
attended in Councilman Williams' place. Director Connelly noted the group that
conducted the walk considered possible options available for crossing Dry Creek.
Mayor Doyle received a letter of recognition and certificate from the U.S. Census
Bureau for the City's contribution to the Census 2000. Mayor Doyle presented the
certificate to Director Collins for his department's involvement. On March 21,2001,
Mayor Doyle and other Councilmembers attended the OPS lunch that was hosted by
Public Works & Utilities. Mayor Doyle hosted thirty-one Japanese students from
Tokyo at which time he declared the week, Japanese Appreciation Week. The Port
Angeles Fine Arts Center hosted the Clallam County Commissioners and the City
Council to explain projects that were underway. Fifty-one third graders from Franklin
Elementary School met with the Mayor and took a tour of City Hall as part of a class
on citizenship.
ORDINANCES NOT 1. Cemetery Ordinance Revision
HEARINGS: Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by Parks & Recreation Director
Connelly concerning the proposed changes relative to burial markers and the number
Ocean View Cemetery - of remains permitted in a burial plot. Director Connelly advised the Council that the
Ordinance No. 3077 changes being implemented were generated from a customer service perspective. In the
Cemetery's history, there had been a trend toward the use of only markers that were
flush with the ground in an effort to reduce maintenance. There has not been a
substantial decrease in maintenance because of the flush markers and, by allowing
upright and flush markers, the customer has alternative choices.
The second recommended change establishes that up to two sets of cremated remains
would be allowed per grave site together with a regular burial. In the past, only one set
of remains in a burial site was the common practice.
Mayor Doyle indicated this was the first the Council had been informed of any needed
changes. He recalled that, during the budget meetings, discussion had been held on the
need for a status report on the Cemetery operation. It was his understanding that the
Cemetery was being subsidized to some extent by the General Fund. The Mayor felt
it would be timely for the Councit to receive a status report on the finances of the
Cemetery, as well as its history.
4414 April 3, 2001
ORDINANCES NOT In the ensuing discussion, consideration was given to the possibility of increasing the
REQUIRING PUBLIC number of cremated remains allowed in one burial site, particularly since the cost to the
HEARINGS: City would be the same. The Council agreed by consensus that up to four cremated
remains should be allowed in a single grave, after which the Mayor read the amended
Ocean View Cemetery - Ordinance by title, entitled,
Ordinance No. 3077
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the
City's Cemetery Ordinance regarding the number of remains and
cremated remains allowed in a single grave and the requirements for
headstone markers and amending Ordinance 1864 as amended and
Chapter 2.48 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Campbell moved to adopt the Ordinance as amended and as read by
title. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson, which carried
unanimously. Mayor Doyle reiterated the request for a report on the Cemetery
operations, and Acting Manager Knutson indicated that Parks Director Connelly has
already started working on such a report.
Salary Increase for 2. Salary Increase for IBEW Local #997 .
IBEW Local g997 -
Ordinance No. 3078 Mayor Doyle summarized the memorandum from the Human Resources Department
with regard to a salary increase of 3.96% for employees represented by IBEW, effective
APril 1, 2001. Acting Manager Knutson advised the Council that this increase was
established by the labor contract with IBEW. After brief discussion, Mayor Doyle read
the Ordinance by title, entitled:
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington establishing a pay
plan for the employees represented by IBEW #997 for the period of
April 1, 2001 through March 31, 2002, and providing for the
payment thereof.
Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
OTHER 1. Appointment to Law Enforcement Advisory Board
Mayor Doyle summarized the memorandum from Clerk Upton on the recommendation
Appointment to Law to appoint Mr. C. Joseph Girard to the Law Enforcement Advisory Board.
Enforcement Advisory Couneilmember MeKeown moved to appoint Mr. C. Joseph Girard to the
Board membership of the Law Enforcement Advisory Board for the term ending
February 28, 2005. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams, which
carried unanimously.
Appointment to Parks, 2. Appointment to Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission
Recreation &
Beautification Commission Mayor Doyle reviewed the information submitted by the Parks & Recreation
Department recommending the appointment of Ms. Damaris Rodriguez to the Parks,
Recreation & Beautification Commission. Councilmember Erickson moved to
appoint Damaris Rodriquez to the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission
for the unexpired term of Bill Minor which ends February 28, 2002. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously.
April 3, 2001
OTHER 3. Carnegie Library Value Engineering Contract
(Cont'd) Mayor Doyle summarized information provided by Public Works & Utilities Director
Cutler on the matter of the proposed contract with Swenson Say Faget, Inc., for value
Carnegie Library Value engineering for the Carnegie Library. Although the contract amount did not require
Engineering Contract Council approval, Director Cutler had previously indicated he would report back to the
Council on the final contract amount. Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the
Mayor to sign an agreement for professional services with Swenson Say Faget, Inc.,
in the not to exceed amount of $11,000 to provide structural value engineering
services for the Carnegie Library Building. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hulett and carried unanimously.
Marine Life Center 4. Marine Life Center Contract with Peninsula College
Contract with Peninsula
College Mayor Doyle reviewed the memorandum provided by Parks & Recreation Director
Connelly concerning the contract for the Marine Life Center with Peninsula College.
Director Connelly indicated this contract was merely a form of renewal of this past
year's agreement. Councilmember McKeown inquired as to the nature of items to be
sold in the girl shop, and Director Connelly provided assurances that he would monitor
every facet of the contract in order to maintain the desired image for the Center.
Couneilmember McKeown moved to authorize the Parks & Recreation Director
to sign the agreement with the Peninsula College for the year 2001 operation of the
Marine Life Center. Councilmember Eriekson seconded the motion, which carried
INFORMATION: City Manager's Report: Acting Manager Knutson briefly reviewed the calendar of
meetings included in the packet, as well as the update of projects. Brief discussion was
held on the matter of jail costs, and Acting Manager Knutson indicated Police Chief
Riepe has been meeting with the Sheriff on the matter. A report will be forthcoming.
Mayor Doyle suggested that the City give consideration to a partial electric rate increase
as a means of avoiding one large increase in October. The suggestion was further
endorsed by Councilman Williams. Director Cutler suggested the matter initially be
taken to the Utility Advisory Committee for review, which was acceptable to the
Break Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 8:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 8:13 p.m.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:13 p.m. to discuss potential litigation
for less than 15 minutes.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Open Session at 8:50 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was ad' ed at 8:5 .m.
~a'rry D°y~, Mayor ~'~// B;cky J. Upt~m~-~it~ler-k-- ] -