HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/04/1934 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 4,1934 193_ ""IIIl 197 I I I I I The Commission met in regular sesClion at 10 a.m.and '-IaS called to urder by Hayor Davis.: Roll call showed the fol101.7ing officers present. Hayor Davis,Commissioners Lutz and Hastens Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. _The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of building permits and l~censes the following were granted,- C.A.ITolverton, Addition to residense, Lot 3. Block 126_T~wn~ite J.B.I,!athens, Altering store front, Lot 18,Block 16,N.R.;'mlth s Subd. F.J.Ba](er, 1 Barber Chair at 218 \7 - 8th. St. L.E.Stark, Dance at I.O.O.F.Hall,Harch 31,1934 100.00 500.00 1.00 .5.00 Police Judge Thos.Geisness reported 25 cases tried and (~2;J2.00 collected in fines for the month of I:!arch,1934. Report ordered filed. Under the head of ]'few Business,- It vias moved by Commissioner Masters that the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign all resolutions on projects to be handled by the \'Iashington ":mergcncy >~eleif Administration. Seconded by Ccmmissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The J;layor declared the motion carried. It was moved by Commis~ioner Masters that the Hayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign as of the date of the instrument the Agreement with the state Highway Department for the use of the Rock Crusher owned by the State Highway Dcpartmcnt and now located in or near the City of Port Angeles. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz.On roll call all membe s voted aye. The Hayor declared the motion earried. Under the head of reports from Ci t;y Officers the follovling was read,- OF7IC:<: OF CITY ~,FaN":'CR April 4th.1934 To the Honorahle ~ayor and City Commission, Port An8elest~ashington. Gentlemen,- I here\-li th submi t the third and final estimate (l:Inr) of material furnished by the Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. ,on Local I~proveQent District No.117. I There being no unco~pleted or defective Vlork, I thcrefore recommend that the Vlork be , accepter]. 1022~ Lin.ft.of Gin. sewer pipe 1200 8" " 21- 6x6 ':Iyes 31- 8x6 " 4 Cu. Yd s . sand 40 Sack Cement 3625 Common brick 24 Manhole ste1)s 3 Cu.Yds. Class C Concrete 5 Standard Manhole rings & Cover 150 Ibs spikes 4118 F.B.II.Lunber .239 per Lin.ft.--- 0 .33 II If If 1.00 each --------- 1.40 --------- 2.50 uer Cu.Yd.---- .919 each --------- 18.00 Per M -------- .30 each --------- 7.95 Per Cu.Yd.---- 12.50 each --------- 04A uer Lb.------- 27:20. ~er M.-------- $ (~ @ e a a G rr: @ G G C ~ 235.18 396 . 00 21. 00 43.40 10.00 36.40 65.25 7.20 23.85 62.50 6.37 112.00 1019.15 152.87 ~ 386.73 479.55 50.00 5;;;9.55 Less 15% retained :j Less previous Estimates Amount due Contractor Plus Fixed Estimate Total Anount due Contractor I' if I' i( Previous 3stimates Jan. ~ 225.50 Feb. 161.~3 :3tJG.73 Yours very truly, H.E.Doage, Ci ty Sngineer. It Yias moved by Commissioner Hasters that the Engineer's third and final estimate On' Local Improvenent District '10.147 be accel,ted a!ld the City Clerk be instructed to dravl a warrant on L.I.D.Ho.147 for :)5<::9.55 in favor of the Port ,\ngcles Concrete Products Co., Contractors on said district in accordance Vii th the said estimate. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted ai7e. The Hayor declared the motion carried. The City Sngineer having reported that there Vias no unfinished or defective Vlork on L.I.D.No.147 and recommendcd that the work be accepted,- It Vias ,"oved by Commissioner Masters that the Vlor'e on L. I.D.lIo.147 be accepted. Seconded by Hayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Hayor declared the notion carried. I' The assess~ent roll of L.I.D.No.147 being now on file in the City Clerk's Office,- It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the of hearing the assessment roll of L.I.D. No.147 be fixed for Hay 2nd.1934,at 10 a.m.,and that the City Clerk and City Engineer be instructed to prepare and issue all necessary notices of said hearing. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Hayor declared the motion carried. Und'er the head of new bus ines s ,- It appearing that on Nov.19,1932,L.M.Lucky entered into a contract with the City of . Por t An,seles for the purchase of Lots 9 & 10, Block 157, ToV/nsi te of Port r\ngeles for the sum of ':)366.69,on the follo\7ing terms, $50.00 in cash on the execl:.tion of the contract, and ~40.00 every 6C days thereafter together with interest on all deferrcd payments at I the rate of 71> per annum. The contract further provides among other things that in event of the failure of the vendee to make payments at the time and in the manner re~uired, then in such event the contract may be fOl'fieted and terninated at the option of the 'lend or and at 30 daYEl notice to the Vendee; 4 \, ~ ,... 198 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 4,1934 193_ .... :.nd it further appeadng that the said L.rr.::'uc:':y he,s only paid the sum of ~80.00 on his contract, the last payment bein,' made February <:nd.1933. It was therefore moved by Comr,issioner JIasters, that the City Clerk and City Treasurer be instructed to notify the said L.H.Luc:ky that he is in default for failure to make pa~7-, ments on his centract and that unless the full amount ef principal and interest due to date is paid within :,0 days to the Cit;! Treasurer,the City will declare the contract forfieted and terminated ,as provided therein. Seconded b;/ Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members v'Jted aye. The ;:ayor declared tile motion carried. The Commission exarnined and alloc';ed the folloning claims and ordered warrants drawn for Same,- Current :Expense Fund,- Fire Department City Treasurer street department J. R.l'.lcDonald Pav roll \70. ter Pay roll Killing and disposing dogs :~ 90.00 360.00 42.00 1 0 ~ 25.00 ~\ - Light Fund,- City Treasurer Ci ty '['reasurer S .R. "ihi te O.E.Eddy Larry Judd Thos.R.Guptlll 4, ~ ~ 2 1.95 8.03 25.00 3.00 5.00 20.00 \7ater Federal Tax Car hire Rent Hood Lettering office windows Light Investment Fund,- City Treasurer Harrants purchased 716.44 The Commission instructed the City Clerk to issue a call for bids to furnish the city with 3500 feet of 4" wood pipe,8500 feet of 6" wood pipe and 4500 feet of 8" wood pipe. All bids to be on forms furnished by the Superintendent of utilities and to be open d at 10 a.m. April 18,1934. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ~~~~ , ~ ~~ I' City Clerk Mayor I I I I I